
From EVE University Wiki
Revision as of 14:54, 7 January 2010 by Celeste aserad (talk | contribs) (Added links in the "links" section. Only as a note for ourselves when writing this, where we can find already existing data.)
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This page is NOT LIVE and is under development, I'm getting it down while I have the thought in my head

This Section will be used to create an overview of Industry within Eve Online. Industry is an expansive topic within Eve and to newer players it can be overwhelming, as well as the possibility of being easily exploited by dubious players.

Seeing as entire books can be written on this subject, topics have been split into small chunks, so it can be easily absorbed, and to prevent an information overload.

Below is a catalogue of topics, that start from the easiest aspects of industry, and culminate in the more difficult, and cost heavy areas.

This list is under development and discussion

  • Tech 1 Production
    • Production Efficiency Skill (and how you can not survive without it)
    • Additional skills (and how some items can't be made with out additional skills)
    • Blueprint Originals
    • ME Research (decreasing materials needed)
    • PE Research (decreasing time needed)
    • Copy time Research
  • Tech 2 Production
    • Research Agents
    • Invention
  • Tech 3 Production
  • POS

NOTE: Following is only a suggestion for a setup. Feel free to add or change the titles. I personally don't know enough about industry to know all the topics we need to cover in this one. --Celeste aserad 22:53, 6 January 2010 (UTC)


Intro on the industry itself


Info and links regarding mining should go under here starting with basics and introduction and move to more advanced stuff

Overview info on mining

Before you start

Things to know before you start a career in mining / character creation

Maybe a skill plan we have already figured out so that they can start training skills before following the guides

Skill suggestions at least.

The Beginning

How to begin a mining career


Mining in ships "lower" than barges. i.ex. frigates & destroyers


Basic Mining in barges


Advanced mining in barges, Ice mining, fleet operations, low-sec, 0.0, math and so on


Info and links regarding refining should go under here starting with basics and introduction and move to more advanced stuff

Overview info on refining

How to refine

The basics

Achieving Perfection

Info on how to become the God of refining

POS Refining

Info about POS and refining


Info and links regarding manufacturing should go under here starting with basics and introduction and move to more advanced stuff

Overview info on manufacturing

Before you start

Things to know before you start a career in manufacturing / character creation

Maybe a skill plan we have already figured out so that they can start training skills before following the guides

Skill suggestions at least.


Info about manufacturing (The Art of Creating Things out of Blue Tings


Overview info about researching

Material Research

Info regarding material research

Time Efficiency Research

Info regarding time efficiency research


Info regarding copying


Info regarding inveniton

Reverse Engineering

Info regarding reverse engineering


Info and links regarding hauling should go under here starting with basics and introduction and move to more advanced stuff

Overview info on hauling

Before you start

Things to know before you start a career in hauling / character creation

Maybe a skill plan we have already figured out so that they can start training skills before following the guides

Skill suggestions at least.


The different methodes in hauling


Suggested shipsetups


Info and links regarding trading should go under here starting with basics and introduction and move to more advanced stuff

Overview info on trading

Before you start

Things to know before you start a career in trading / character creation

Maybe a skill plan we have already figured out so that they can start training skills before following the guides

Skill suggestions at least.

Station Hub Trading

Info about this consept

Haul Trading (or whatever it is called)

Info about that consept

Further Reading / Links & Stuff

Links to different guides. i.ex Haladas

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

Copyright Notice

Links / List of places and guides we have pulled information out of and rearranged. Who was their authors and so on.