Overview Settings: Adaptations for Color Vision Deficiencies

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Template:Work in Progress

I have some Color Vision Deficiencies which, as you can imagine, make certain aspects of gaming difficult. After experiementing with overview settings, I've reached a satisfactory adaptation. IMHO, it may also benefit those without color deficiencies as it aids in rapid recognition and minimal tranlation time.

The adaptations are Eve University overview compliant as the intended target recognition and order are still acheived because it is built upon E-Uni overview settings.

IMHO these settings will help color vision deficient players compensate effectively:

First step is to follow the Eve-Uni Overview Guide to the letter. Followed by these changes/assurances:

  Overview Settings/Appearance/Colortag:
click to enlarge
    Put an X in all boxes
    Right click and turn blink on for the following:
        Pilot is at war with your corporation/alliance
        Pilot is at war with your militia
        Pilot is in your alliance (to help distinguish between pilot is in your corp/alliance)
                                   (this will be clear with below color changes)
        Pilot is an outlaw (to help distinguish between outlaw/security status below 0/bounty)
        Pilot has a bounty on him (to help distinguish between outlaw/security status below 0/bounty)
        Pilot (agent) is interactable (personal preference).  I haven't seen any yet, and this blinky will 
          help increase the visibility and chance to locate an agent in space.) 
    Right click and make the following color changes to the associated icons:
        Pilot is in your fleet -    BLUE
        Pilot is in your corp  -    BLUE
        Pilot is in your alliance - BLUE
           Note: this makes all know friendly icons blue and makes alliance distinguishable from corp when
                 coupled with above blinky settings.
        Pilot has excellent standing - INDIGO
        Pilot has good standing      - PURPLE
        Pilot is in your militia     - PURPLE
           Note: this clearly distinguishes between allies/know friendlies and good standing catagories
                 while at the same time distinguishes between excellent and good standings.

  Overview Settings/Appearance/Background:
click to enlarge
     Right click and make the following blinky:
         Pilot is at war with your corporation/alliance
         Pilot is at war with your militia (to distinguish between militia wt/outlaw/bad standing/
                                            security status below 0)
     Put an X in the following boxes:
         Pilot is at war with your corporation/alliance
         Pilot is at war with your militia (to distinguish between militia wt/outlaw/bad standing/
                                            security status below 0)
         Pilot has bounty on him (to distinguish between outlaw/security status below 0/bounty)

Note: the suggested changes to bounty catagory on both Colortag and Background tabs are necessary
      to make the "bad" categories clearly distinguishable.  I have found that it doesn't clutter
      the overview excessively, and it is comforting to know who to keep a close eye on.

Respectfully submitted,

Hypertac Armer

    • Work in progress. TOC, example images, color to follow soon.