Archive:Wartime Standard Operating Procedures
From EVE University Wiki
Revision as of 13:49, 28 January 2010 by Kelduum Revaan (talk | contribs)
Restrictions and Requirements
- If you are in space at any time, you must be connected to Teamspeak.
- Autopilot must not be used other than to highlight stargates for navigation.
- Missions, Ratting, Complexes, Exploration sites are prohibited in k-space.
- Hauling, Mining, and similar activities are prohibited in all locations.
- You must not go AFK while in space. Either log out or ensure you are docked before you leave.
- All combat must be while in a fleet of at least two pilots.
- Some Ships, Modules are Fittings are restricted without explicit written permission from the Fleet Admiral.
- Prohibited ship classes:
- Combat
- Mining
- Hauler
- Capital
- Fittings:
- All faction ships are prohibited, including pirate faction ships.
- All ships over cruiser size must have a fully Tech 2 tank, and should be rigged where possible.
- Rigs should not be fitted on frigates, destroyers or cruisers.
- Tech 2 rigs must not be used at any time.
- Ships must be properly fit with all module slots used.
- Prohibited ship classes:
Promoted Activities
- Fleet operations in LoSec and NullSec are encouraged at all times.
- Wormhole Operations are encouraged, but mining is still prohibited.
- Trading while docked in a station, however moving items is prohibited.
- Missions, Mining and Hauling, using an out-of-corp character.
- Dropping from E-UNI during the war - there are no penalties this.
During Relaxed SOP Only
- Missioning (agent missions) may be run in a fleet or at least 3 E-UNI members.
- All fleet members MUST be in the mission space and together at all times.
- Courier/mining/non-combat missions MUST be done using an out-of-corp alt.
- No ratting, exploration or complexes.
- All other rules as Default SOP
- Scouts must be flying a T2 CovOps Frigates with an appropriate cloak. a stealth bomber is not a scout.
- Scouts must be attached to a fleet - scouting on your own is not scouting.
- Scouts do not engage in combat. They stay invisible at all times.
- Because they should *never* be visible, scouts flying T2 CovOps ships may use a Faction probe launcher at their discrescion.
Lockdowns are typically called in a specific system or region, due to direct threat from hostiles. In extreme circumstances only (server instability) a full lockdown may be issued, in which case everyone should stay docked.
Not during lockdowns
- You can undock to test a ship loadout with the help of corp members, set bookmarks and similar, but any activity which means you must be stationary must be done at the POS. Watch local and dock up or otherwise make yourself safe if hostiles enter the system.
- Travelling (as in moving alone between systems) must be done in a newbie ship or tackler-class frigate, and you MUST ensure there are no wartargets in local at each system you enter -- everything else moves too slow
During Lockdowns
- You must be in an active fleet before you undock in the area, and the fleet must be hunting the hostiles.
- Traveling in the area specified is prohibited without an active fleet.
- We don't discuss the war anywhere other than official E-UNI channels.
- Directors, ILN Captains and above may talk to hostiles, but nobody else may do. Our guns do the talking.
- FCs are allowed to put GF (good fight) in local after combat, or to answer questions from neutrals that the fleet is because E-UNI is at War. That's it.
- Actions or behavior that damages the morale of the Uni will not be permitted. If you don't like the restrictions then leave for the duration. Repeated problems with this may end up with a director doing this for you.
ILN Personnel only are to do the below. If the targets 'wakes up' then they will be ordered to dock immediately. If they refuse, then skip to step 8.
- Try to convo, evemail and get their attention via alliance and corp Chat.
- Fire a single warning shot.
- Wait 30 seconds.
- Warp scram and web target, Fire second shot.
- Wait 30 seconds.
- Destroy ship.
- Collect loot, vaporize wreck and put loot on contract to the person destroyed.
- Repeat with Pod if needed.