Faction warfare missions

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Note: this is a draft page for Factional Warfare missions

Factional Warfare missions

Pilots enlisted in Factional Warfare may run missions offered by agents of the four Factional Warfare NPC corporations ("militias"). These missions work similarly to the encounter missions offered by agents of Empire corporations, although there are a few notable differences (detailed below). Note that these missions do not contribute to the core Factional Warfare mechanics (capturing or defending star systems in the war zones, although they take place in the same regions of space.

Finding, accepting and rejecting missions

The in-game Agent Finder, showing available level 2 agents for the 24th Imperial Crusade.

Factional Warfare missions are only available to pilots enlisted in the respective militia and their allied militia (i.e. the Gallente Federal Defence Union corporation will only offer missions to pilots enlisted with either the Gallente or Minmatar militias). As with regular missions, you can find nearby agents by using the in-game Agent Finder tool, or third-party tools like E-UNI's Agent Rangefinder; make sure to filter by the correct corporation:

  • Amarr: 24th Imperial Crusade
  • Caldari: State Protectorate
  • Gallente: Federal Defence Union
  • Minmatar: Tribal Liberation Force

Just like with agents from other corporation, Factional Warfare agents have a level, which indicates the difficulty of the missions they offer, and how much they reward pilots for completing those missions. In addition to being enlisted in the correct militia, you also need to have sufficiently high standings with the agents or their corporation to access them (this works the same way as accessing agents of other corporations):

  • Level 1 agent: (no standings requirement)
  • Level 2 agent: standings of 1.0 or higher
  • Level 3 agent: standings of 3.0 or higher
  • Level 4 agent: standings of 5.0 or higher

Unlike other corporations, militia corporations only have agents in the "security" division, and no storyline agents; this means that you will only run encounter (militiary) missions for them (no mining or distribution missions), and you will not get a storyline mission every 16 missions. Additionally, just like for other other agents, there is a standings penalty for declining or failing missions.

Running missions

All Factional Warfare missions are "encounter" missions, which always involve flying somewhere and killing something (usually ships or a structure). These missions always take place in the low-sec Factional Warfare war zones, in the "enemy half" of the respective war zone (so a Gallente agent will send you to the Caldari end of the Caldari-Gallente war zone).

Most of these missions take place in deadspace pockets with acceleration gates, and these acceleration gates only allow certain classes of ship to enter. The difficulty of these missions is usually comparable to the missions of one level lower from other corporations (so a level 2 Factional Warfare mission is comparable in difficulty to a "regular" level 1 mission, but may be completed in the same ships (in this case, cruisers and below) as a "regular" level 2 mission).

One important aspect to note is that the destination (ie the deadspace pocket with the mission objective) of a Factional Warfare mission is marked by a beacon, and this beacon becomes visible to every other player in the system as soon as you warp to it. This is a mechanic meant to encourage PvP (as other players can warp to your mission deadspace pocket without needing to scan down your ship with combat probes first); in practice, it means you will need to be extra-vigilant when running these missions.

As with missions in Empire space, Eve Survival is an excellent resource for finding out ahead of time what a mission objective is, and what kind of NPC enemies to expect. Note that, unlike missions in Empire space, the NPC enemies you kill in Factional Warfare missions do not have bounties on them and drop very little loot (other than Navy tags, which can be sold or used to buy items in the LP store).

Ship restrictions

Frigate Destroyer Cruiser Battlecruiser Battleship
Mission level Tech I Tech II Tech I Tech II Tech I Tech II Tech III Tech I Tech II Tech I Tech II
1 Ship allowed Ship allowed
2 Ship allowed Ship allowed Ship allowed Ship allowed
3 Ship allowed Ship allowed Ship allowed Ship allowed Ship allowed Ship allowed Ship allowed
4 Ship allowed Ship allowed Ship allowed Ship allowed Ship allowed Ship allowed Ship allowed Ship allowed Ship allowed Ship allowed Ship allowed
Note: Tech I ships include Faction ships.

Completing missions

See also: Rewards from running FW missions

As these missions never require you to return an item to your agent, they can be completed remotely - to do so, dock up at any station once you have completed the mission objectives, start a conversation with the agent, and complete the mission to receive your rewards. This is handy as it can save you a long trip back through low-sec.

Just like "regular" missions, Factional Warfare missions pay both ISK and loyalty points (LP), as well as increasing your standings with the agent and their corporation (since there are no storyline mission, they do not increase your standings with the agent's faction). Completing missions is rewarded with ISK and loyalty points (LP); the latter scales with your faction tier.