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In New Eden there are compulsory contributions payable to either NPCs or other players. These are either added on to the cost of goods or transactions, or automatically deducted from players' income. Its impossible to avoid paying taxes all together, but there are some ways players can reduce the amount of tax they pay. There are various types of taxes.

Corporation tax

CorporationIcon.png A player corporation can set a corporation tax on its members. This is paid automatically from the member's earning to the corporation's master wallet. Player corporations can choose to set their own tax rate, but for NPC corporations the tax rate is always 11%.

Corporation tax is paid on all bounty and mission reward payouts over 100,000 ISK.

It is not paid on ISK in a member's wallet, sale orders or transactions, or on the time bonus for missions.

For information on setting corporation tax rates, see Forming a Corporation.

Equipment tax

Reprocess.png Equipment tax is paid when a player reprocesses items in an NPC station.

The level of the tax is based on the player's personal or corporation standings (whichever is the higher) with the NPC corporation that owns the station. The base tax rate, with no standings, is 5%. This can be reduced to 0% with the required standings (which are 6.67 standings). For this reason, it is normally beneficial for players to reprocess items in stations where they have good standings with the owner.

There are several skills which can assist in increasing standings with NPCs:

Icon skillbook2.png Connections

Skill at interacting with friendly NPCs. 4% Modifier to effective standing from friendly NPC Corporations and Factions per level. Not cumulative with Diplomacy or Criminal Connections.
Implants.png Attributes: Charisma.pngIntelligence.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 3x
Isk.png Price: 200k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: II
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Social III
Notes.png Notes: Your effective standing is calculated using the following formula:

Effective Standing = Unadjusted Standing + ((Maximum Possible Standing - Unadjusted Standing) * Connections Modifier * Connections Skill Level)
So if your current base standing was 0.9 and you had the connections skill at level two your effective standing out be:
0.9 +((10-0.9)*0.04*2)=1.628

Icon skillbook2.png Criminal Connections

Skill at interacting with friendly criminal NPCs. 4% Modifier per level to effective standing towards NPCs with low Concord standing. Not cumulative with Diplomacy or Connections.
Implants.png Attributes: Charisma.pngIntelligence.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 3x
Isk.png Price: 200k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: II
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Social III
Notes.png Notes: Namely Pirate factions:

Icon skillbook2.png Social

Skill at social interaction. 5% bonus per level to NPC agent, corporation and faction standing increase.
Implants.png Attributes: Charisma.pngIntelligence.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 1x
Isk.png Price: 30k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: III
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: none
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: Icon skillbook2.png Negotiation; Icon skillbook2.png Contracting
Icon skillbook2.png II required for: Icon skillbook2.png Diplomacy
Icon skillbook2.png III required for: Icon skillbook2.png Connections; Icon skillbook2.png Criminal Connections; Icon skillbook2.png Diplomatic Relations; Icon skillbook2.png Mining Connections; Icon skillbook2.png Distribution Connections; Icon skillbook2.png Security Connections
Icon skillbook2.png IV required for: Icon skillbook2.png Fast Talk
Notes.png Notes:

For more information on equipment tax, see: Equipment Tax

Maintenance tax

Icon fw.png Players taking part in Factional Warfare are able to donate the Loyalty Points (LP) they earn to upgrade the system their faction controls. However, when they do this maintenance tax is paid.

Maintenance tax starts at 0% but increases in accordance with the faction tier to a maximum of 75%

For more information on system upgrades and maintenance tax see: System Upgrades

Planetary export tax

Planets.png Players doing Planetary Interaction can choose to export the materials they process to a Player-Owned Customs Office (POCO), but in doing so they will incur a planetary export tax.

The planetary export tax is made up of two elements. The first is a base NPC tax rate. The base NPC rate in high security space is 10%, but it can be reduced with skills training (see Customs Code Expertise below). The second element is the additional tax levied by the player corporation which owns the POCO, which can be set based on the user's standings towards that corporation. At a maximum the total tax rate could be 100%, so players are advised to check the tax rate before exporting their materials to a POCO.

Icon skillbook2.png Customs Code Expertise

Expertise in cutting through the red tape of customs regulations. Reduces Import and Export empire tax in Customs Offices by 10% per level. This does not affect InterBus Customs Offices.
Implants.png Attributes: Charisma.pngMemory.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 2x
Isk.png Price: 3M ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: Alpha pilot can not train this skill.
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Trade IV
Notes.png Notes: Only affects NPC tax rate of planetary customs offices. The NPC tax rate is only charged for player-owned customs offices in high-security space; NPC-owned (Interbus) customs offices and customs offices outside of high-security space do not charge NPC taxes and are therefore not affected by this skill.

For more information on planetary export tax, see Colony Management - Tax Rates and Planetary Interaction - Base Costs

Sales tax

Market.png Sales tax is paid on market transactions. It becomes due once an item has been sold, and is paid by the seller. It is automatically deducted from the sale price before the ISK goes into the seller's wallet. It will be recorded in the player's wallet as "Transaction Tax". Sales tax is paid in addition to any brokers fees.

The base sales tax rate is currently 2% (as of the Citadel expansion in May 2016), but this can be reduced to 1% with skill training.

It is important for traders and haulers to bear sales tax in mind, because it will be taken automatically and therefore reduce their profits. If a trader is dealing with low-margin items they will need to take sales tax into account to avoid trading at a loss.

The Accounting skill allows players to reduce the amount of sales tax they pay:

Icon skillbook2.png Accounting

Proficiency at squaring away the odds and ends of business transactions, keeping the check books tight. Each level of skill reduces sales tax by 10%.
Implants.png Attributes: Charisma.pngMemory.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 3x
Isk.png Price: 5M ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: Alpha pilot can not train this skill.
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Trade IV
Icon skillbook2.png IV required for: Icon skillbook2.png [[Skills:Margin Trading]]
Notes.png Notes: At level 5, this skill will reduce the sales tax to 1%

For more information on sales tax, see Trading.

Alpha Clones

They pay an additional 2% tax on any industry job (e.g. manufacturing or research) (From: