Orbital Skyhook

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This page should be updated due to game changes.
Reason: See: Equinox Update: Enhanced Skyhooks
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The Orbital Skyhook is required to extract resources from planets in null security space. It retains the functionality of the customs office, allowing characters to continue using planets for Planetary Industry, while also opening up access to colony resources[note 1].

Skyhooks can be attached to all planetary types but only within player-owned sovereign null security space, and only one can be placed in the orbit of each planet.

A Skyhook has a single reinforcement cycle with similar hit points, resistances, and damage cap to existing Upwell Consortium medium structures such as the Raitaru or Athanor.

Orbital Skyhooks attract hostile pirate NPCs just like asteroid belts do. This can make the space around skyhooks dangerous to unprepared ships but also provide more PvE opportunities for clever players.

Skyhooks can be raided by other players, but only during specific, visible windows. These raiding windows are set by the structure owner, with a randomized offset.

Colony resources

Three distinct colony resources are gained from a planet once a Skyhook is attached to it, in varying amounts depending on the planet type.


Power is provided by gas, storm, and plasma planets through an Orbital Skyhook. It is used by the Sovereignty Hub to bring online the various upgrades available for the system. If a Skyhook that is producing power is destroyed, all power it was supplying is removed from the system' Sovereignty Hub.


Workforce is provided by barren, oceanic and temperate planets that have an Orbital Skyhook attached to them. Each planet gives a varying amount depending on the type of planet. As with Power, Workforce is required to bring online any Sovereignty Hub upgrades installed in the system. If a Skyhook that is providing workforce is attacked and killed, all workforce it supplied is removed from the systems' Sovereignty Hub.


Reagents are assets that are produced passively by lava and íce planets that have an Orbital Skyhook attached to them. Reagents start out in an immature state, but over time they will become mature and extractable. This maturation will ramp up in yield over time, effectively creating extractable resources faster.

  • Magmatic Gas - Is provided by lava planets, and is used to fuel the moon drill on the Metenox Moon Miner, as well as the Cynosural Navigation (Pharolux Cyno Beacon) and Cynosural Suppression (Tenebrex Cyno Jammer)
  • Superionic Ice - Is provided by ice planets, and is used fuel the Advanced Logistics Network (Ansiblex Jump Bridge) and the Supercapital Construction Facilities upgrades

Skyhook Bays

Reagents harvested are split equally between the Secure Bay and the Surplus Bay.

  • The Secure Bay is only accesible by owners and ACL-listed players, at all times. The Secure Bay is not affected by raids.
  • The Surplus Bay is vulnerable to theft, but only during certain windows. Once raided, all the contents of the Suplus Bay drop


Vulnerable Skyhooks can be identified from the world map, using the Vulnerable Skyhooks filter, or using the Colony Resources page in the Agency.

Reagents are the only colony resource that can be stolen. This can be done by linking to the Skyhook Reagent Silo which is present on Skyhooks that are harvesting reagents from ice and lava planets. The link becomes available once a Silo has been brought down to 10% Shield HP.

  • The linking ship must be a combat ship of cruiser size or larger, or one of the Upwell hauling ships, and the pilot linking to the Reagent Silo must be in the Omega clone state.
  • Ships that are linked to the Skyhook Reagent Silo are unable to warp, use micro jump drives, cloak or tether and their maximum velocity is capped at 1,000 m/s. This effect lasts for 2 minutes after breaking the link.
  • After a ship has begun to link to the Skyhook Reagent silo, completing the link will take 10 minutes.
  • Starting a theft on a Skyhook Silo will send a notification to all pilots in the solar system, and after 2 minutes, all pilots 1 jump away, and finally, after 5 minutes, an additional notification to all pilots within 2 jumps.
  • Only one ship can link to a Skyhook silo at a time when committing reagent theft.

If reagents are stolen from a Skyhook, the entirety of the Surplus Bay will drop into space to be collected.

Theft can only be attempted during a 1-hour period every 3-4 days, roughly based on a 6-hour exit window chosen by the Skyhook owner for their reinforcement timer. If the skyhook is not raided during this window, it will no longer be vulnerable; instead the contents of the Surplus Bay will roll over. When it becomes vulnerable again, it will have resources equivalent to 6-8 days. This process continues until the Skyhook is raided again.


  1. ^ Introduced in the Equinox expansion

See also