Terrorist Plot! is an expedition that can escalate from Gurista Watch.
Escalation start message popup:
Escalation start
All through the battle, one of the Gurista cruisers was engaged in intense and thoroughly encrypted commmunications with some other ship in another system. Even though you didn't understand a thing of what was being said, your scanners successfully managed to locate the other party.
First Location
Warp In
NPCs at intial warp in.
Initial defenders
First Room
Approaching the stash will trigger a one time damage event (around 1000 damage) and the following text:
On approaching the stash
"Someone has approached the Viral Stash too closely, triggering an explosion from a hidden trap nearby!"
Opening the stash triggers the following message:
On opening the stash
"In this container you find stacks of barrels containing viral agent, as well as a list of ship ID's, barrel ID's and times. Most of the times have passed, but the very last one is only a couple of minutes from now, perhaps if you intercept this ship that is supposedly arriving, you may find out more."
After opening the stash, the Relay Officer will spawn after a few minutes.
In Local
Gurista's Relay Officer: Who are you !? I wasn't told of anyone guarding our Viral Stash. If you don't give me identification codes immediately, I'll have to assume you're a looter.
Single enemy
1 x Elite Cruiser Guristas Relay Officer
ExpandEscalation dead-end
Sadly, the datacore of this ship has taken a direct hit and any information stored there has gone up in smoke.
ExpandEscalation trigger
After a brief search of the ship's datacore, you find out that the Guristas, under contract from an unnamed third party, are supposed to disperse the viral agent in the atmosphere of two terrestrial planets in Caldari space. No information is given about which planets, but you do discover the coordinates of a rally point for the operation. It appears that a sizeable fleet was supposed to meet there.
Second Location
Single ungated pocket. Damage can be high if you trigger the extra waves before you have a chance to pair it down.
Warp In
Initial defenders
ExpandIn local:
The destruction of the Stasis Drone has alerted a nearby Pith patrol.
Stasis drone reinforcements
ExpandIn local:
The destruction of the Pith Relay Commander's personal elite drone has drawn his attention. He has arrived with an escort from a nearby area.
Elite stasis drone reinforcements
ExpandEscalation trigger
Scanning through the remains of the lead ship, you find no further information on which planets were supposed to be terrorized, but you do find a location where a meeting has been scheduled with whoever organized the operation.
Third Location
You land on an acceleration gate.
First Pocket
Simple warp-in can trigger escalation.
ExpandIn local:
A ship pops into view.
The ship has left almost immediately, probably as soon as it discovered your presence here. It left a nasty present for you, however.
Right before the ship left, it deployed a number of drones. Prepare for a fight.
ExpandEscalation dead-end
You are not sure, but it seemed like the ship that slipped away had the markings of the dreaded Federal Intelligence Organization, a Gallente covert-op branch. If this is true, it bodes no good for the Caldari state, nor does it for the Gallenteans come to think of it. Action like this viral terror attack would probably be taken as a war declaration, not that the peace has been so convincing lately between the two. Whatever is to be made of it, your options to affect this matter either way have run out. You have no idea where the agent went and if this was indeed a FIO agent, he is probably already docking in some FIO base in the neighborhood and those bases are not exactly made to be an easy find.
ExpandEscalation trigger
You are not sure, but it seemed like the ship that slipped away had the markings of the dreaded Federal Intelligence Organization, a Gallente covert-op branch. If this is true, it bodes no good for the Caldari state, nor does it for the Gallenteans come to think of it. Action like this viral terror attack would probably be taken as a full-scale war declaration, not that the peace has been so convincing lately between the two. Whatever is to be made of it, it seems like your instruments got a lock on the agents jump as he cleared local space and the approximate destination is already flashing on your navigation panel. You are not sure if it is a good idea to follow it though, crashing uninvited into a FIO base could be more than you can handle. Either way, you probably only have mere minutes to get there in time.
Fourth Location
You face mainly Gallente ships in this location. Pocket is ungated. If Gallente Tower Sentry attack does not trigger the reinforcement wave, attack the FIO Control Tower.
The warp-in is very close to the defenders. Elite cruisers will damp your ship very hard.
Initial defenders
ExpandIn local:
More FIO ships undock from nearby bunkers to defend their base, along with an envoy ship from the Guristas!
Reinforcement wave
ExpandExpedition end
Thankfully this was only a minor hideout and not fully manned either it seems. If the plot to corrupt the atmosphere of those Caldari planets and thereby escalating the hostilities in the region was hatched here, it has been effectively stopped. Which is of course very likely ...
Notable loot drops
[hide]Item Name
Est. Value
Dread Guristas frigate modules
From Dread Guristas commander frigates
Pithi A-Type modules
From Dread Guristas Envoy
Worm blueprint
From Dread Guristas Envoy
Exploration logs
Est. Value
September 2021
Worm BPC, Pithi A-Type Small Remote Shield Booster, Dread Guristas Small Graviton Smartbomb, Guristas Ammunition
250 Million ISK
January 2024
Pithi A-Type Small Remote Shield Booster, Dread Guristas Small Shield Booster, Guristas Ammunition
70 Million ISK
January 2025
Dread Guristas Ammunition, Dread Guristas Silver Tag
37 Thousand ISK