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{{Wormhole Links}}
{{Wormhole Links}}
'''Corporate Bookmarks'''<br/>
The Wormhole Community uses a set of rules and guidelines to generate logical names for the many [[wormhole space]] bookmarks it needs to keep. For a more in-depth explanation of bookmarks in general, please read [[Bookmarks]].
Always bookmark every probeable site within the Home System. Save the Bookmarks in the Wormhole Campus folder under Corporation Bookmarks. 
*When W-Space systems are removed from the [https://euni.evewspace.com/map/1/ Mapper], <u>'''it is your Job to clean up the OLD bookmarks!'''</u> The entire Corporation is limited to 500 Bookmarks.
<em>Bookmarks are vital.</em> Bookmarking correctly is a job that everyone participates in, but can be a matter of life and death that WHC members get these right.
Right click in space and look under Corporation bookmarks, The way back will be at the top, other WHs are listed below.
*Please add bookmarks in K-Space to contain the chain on the mapper. 
*Note that it is current campus policy to bookmark all holes, including k-space connections into Innuendo (i.e. *Eggs, *Z1H, etc.)
*DO NOT BOOKMARK Wormholes from Scanner Results. Only Bookmark Wormholes while On-Grid from the Overview or in space.
* Just keep in mind when bookmarking that * gets the ''current system name'' while . gets the ''destination system name'' and you're good to go (see below).
* This bookmark naming scheme explains how we NAME BOOKMARKS in wormhole space
* This [[WHC System Naming Scheme|system naming scheme]] explains how we NAME SYSTEMS in wormhole space
* The [[WHC What To Bookmark Guide|what to bookmark guide]] explains WHAT SHOULD BE BOOKMARKED in wormhole space
=====Holes leading '''away''' from Innuendo=====
== Bookmarking ==
Wormholes which take you further away from Innuendo are marked with a leading . (period), and to facilitate navigation and easy of removal we add the ''destination system name''.
Bookmarks are essential to navigation within J-space. Proper adherence to bookmarking guidelines reduces confusion, frustration, and excessive SRP requests.
Once a signature has been fully scanned down, its type, sig ID, and other information can be added to its bookmark. The image below shows how the probe scanner results can be extracted to create a data site bookmark.
* The standard format is "<sigtype> [sig id] <additional info>"
** <code>[sig id]</code> = [ABC], [BCD], [EFG], etc
* Please add all bookmarks created to the WHC Chain bookmarks folder as this is where all chain bookmarks are stored. The Cake bookmark folder is only for WHC structures.
* Set bookmarks to expire "In 2 Days" by default
=== Wormholes ===
[[File:WHCLocationsWindow.PNG|thumb|alt=A screenshot of the locations window showing bookmarks in Bravo following the WHC naming scheme|The location window showing bookmarks from Bravo]]
* When naming wormholes, refer to the [[WHC System Naming Scheme|system naming scheme]] for correct naming and organization of wormholes in the chain.
* DO NOT BOOKMARK Wormholes from Scanner Results. Only Bookmark Wormholes while On-Grid from the Overview or in space.
* Update the [[EVE UNI Mapper]] with all wormhole information after creating wormhole bookmarks.
==== Holes leading away from Cake====
Wormholes that take you further away from Cake are marked with a leading dot " . " (called DOT on comms). The <em>destination system name</em> is added to facilitate navigation and ease of removal.
Due to their importance as Cake's static wormholes, Alpha and Bravo have an extra space between the " . " (DOT) and the destination system name. This is to move them to the top of the bookmarks list.
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! style="text-align:left;" | Wormhole
! style="text-align:left;" | Wormhole
! Bookmark
! Bookmark
| ''Innuendo -> Bacon'' || .Bacon [XYZ]
| Cake-> Bravo || . Bravo [XYZ]
| ''Innuendo -> Eggs''  || .Eggs [XYZ]
| Cake-> Alpha || . Alpha [XYZ]
| ''Bacon -> B2L''          || .B2L [MNO]
| Cake -> 2 B2L || .2 B2L [MNO]
| ''B2 -> B/D1''            || .B/D1 [STU]
| 2 B2L -> 3 B1 || .3 B1 [STU]
=====Holes leading '''toward''' Innuendo=====
==== Holes leading toward Cake====
We mark the way home with a leading * (i.e. the star guides you home), and to facilitate ease of removal we add the ''current system name''. Note that except for certain very rare cases, the bookmark for a hole heading "home" is unique for a given system.
Holes leading towards Cake or home are marked with a leading asterisk " * " (called STAR on comms). The <em>current system name</em> is added to facilitate navigation and ease of removal. The " * " (STAR) bookmark will always show the name of the system it is in. Except for certain very rare cases, the bookmark for a hole heading "home" is unique for a given system.
Caution: if you use the destination system on * bookmarks they become confusing as we'll have all kinds of *Inn bookmarks for example which makes it hard to quickly see what can be deleted when chains collapse.  As a side-benefit, you can always tell what system you're in by looking at the * bookmark.
When first creating a " * " (STAR) bookmark on entering a new system, the sig ID can be left as an empty double bracket "[]" until the wormhole has been scanned down.
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! style="text-align:left;" | Wormhole
! style="text-align:left;" | Wormhole
! Bookmark
! Bookmark
| ''Bacon -> Innuendo'' || *Bacon [XYZ]
| 4 B2 -> 3 B5 || *4 B2 []
| ''B2L -> Bacon''          || *B2L [XYZ]
| 4 B2 -> 3 B5 || *4 B2 [MNO]
| ''B4->B3''                  || *B4 [MNO]
| 3 B5 -> 2 B2L || *3 B5 [STU]
| ''B/D1->B2''              || *B/D1 [STU]
=====End-of-life Wormholes (that are not mapped) =====
==== Life, Mass, and Restrictions ====
For end-of-life wormholes that the scanner doesn't want to jump into the format is .EOL {type of space is leads to} [Sig id]
[[Wormholes]] have finite lifespans and can have different properties limiting what can travel through them. The most important of these should be listed after the sig ID in the wormhole bookmark. The [[EVE UNI Mapper]] should always be updated with any changes to the status of a wormhole. If a wormhole shows "This wormhole has had its stability reduced by ships passing through it...", no addition to the bookmark is needed, but the Pathfinder connection should be updated.
If a wormhole has multiple of these effects at the same time, order them by <code>{size}</code>, then EOL, and then CRIT.
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
| .EOL Low [VVV]
! style="text-align:left;" | Status
! Bookmark
| Up to medium size ships can pass through this wormhole || *4 M2 [XYZ] MED
| Only the smallest ships can pass through this wormhole || *2 B2 [XYZ] FRIG
| .EOL C4-C5 [WWW]
| This wormhole is reaching the end of its natural lifetime || *4 B2 [MNO] EOL
| .EOL dangerous [XXX]
| This wormhole has had its stability critically disrupted... || .6 E1N [NOO] CRIT
=====Gate to gate connections =====
==== Gate to gate connections ====
Sometimes when we find a k-space connection, we jump through a gate into the next system to look for more connections, if we find a connection we Bookmark the gates for ease of travel.
Sometimes when a wormhole leads to a k-space connection, gates are jumped to look for more connections. If more wormholes are found, the gates are bookmarked for ease of travel.
This is done because the transition between using bookmarks in w-space for travel and using gates on the overview is jarring. When a WHC member jumps into Alpha looking for 2 E2H and can't find it due to its being a gate it is annoying and frustrates the purpose of the bookmarking scheme, which was created so we don't need to rely on the mapper tool for navigation exclusively.
Gate bookmarks cannot be added to the lootsheet.
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! style="text-align:left;" | Gate Connection
! style="text-align:left;" | Gate Connection
! Bookmark
! Bookmark
| ''Eggs -> E2H '' || .E2H [Gate]
| Alpha -> 2 E2H || .2 E2H Gate
| ''E2H -> Eggs''          || *E2H [Gate]
| ''Z1L -> Z2L ''              || .Z2L [Gate]
| ''Z2L -> Z1L''              || *Z2L [Gate]
| 2 E2H -> Alpha || *2 E2H Gate
| ''Y1N -> Y2N ''            || .Y2N [Gate]
| 1 Z1L -> 2 Z2L || .2 Z2L Gate
| ''Y2N -> Y1N''            || *Y2N [Gate]
| 4 Y3N -> 3 Y1N || *4 Y3N Gate
We do this purely because the transition between using bookmarks in w-space for travel and movement and using gates on the overview is jarring and when you jump into Eggs looking for E2 and you can't find it due to it being a gate is annoying and opposing to our mapping scheme which was created so we don't need to rely on the mapper tool.
===== Deleting bookmarks =====
==== Loops ====
When holes collapse, you need to delete any bookmarks that were related to that chain (unless someone is stuck in that chain and still needs them in which case that person should delete them once they're out). Assuming the bookmarks were named properly, if a connection collapses with a given system name (e.g. B/C1), you should be able to safely delete all bookmarks with the name of that chain in it (B/C-anything in this case).
It is not uncommon for different chains to connect to one another. In such cases multiple " * " (STAR) bookmarks can exist in the same system, one from each chain that connects. The system name in the EVE UNI Mapper should be changed to include all chain names.
After bookmarking holes in the B chain, wormhole ".4 B1 [INK]" is found to connect to system 3 A2. A new " * " (STAR) bookmark is made named "*4 B1 [LPU]". The existing " * " (STAR) bookmark, "*3 A2 [TYN], is not changed. System 3 A2 is renamed to 3 A2/4 B1 in Pathfinder.
* 3 A2/4 B1 will have the following * bookmarks
** *3 A2 [TYN]
** *4 B1 [LPU]
===== Split Paths =====
In a very rare case, a system can have multiple connections to the same chain at the same depth which leads to identically named " * " (STAR) bookmarks. EVE UNI Mapper can be referenced to find which bookmark to take in most cases. However, if down one of the paths back to Cake, there is a wormhole that would create problems (FRIG, CRIT, etc.) then this should be marked on the bookmark that leads down that path. Add to the end of the " * " (STAR) bookmark "-> <code>{status}</code>" to indicate problems could exist if a WHC member was to take that path home.
* 4 B1 is connected to 3 B5 and 3 B6
* 3 B5 is connected to 2 B2 by a FRIG hole
* 4 B1 will have the following " * " (STAR) bookmarks
** *4 B1 [NIF]
** *4 B1 [ION] -> FRIG
=== Sites ===
Site bookmarks allow WHC pilots to engage in content in the chains leading from Cake, both of the PvE and PvP variety. Proper bookmarks allow for speed and ease of running wormhole sites, but also allows engagement of targets that attempt to run sites that have been scanned down. Follow the [[WHC What To Bookmark Guide]] for how far from Cake different sites should be bookmarked. Remember that not all signatures are eligible for claiming on the WHC loot sheet.
Unlike wormholes, site bookmarks can be made from the scanning window without warping to the site.
==== (G) Gas Sites ====
[[Wormhole sites#Gas sites|Gas sites]] in wormholes spawn hostile Sleeper enemies that warp in approximately 20 minutes after a pilot first initiates warp to the site. Only the first word of the signature name is important to denote the type of gas site.
* "Barren Perimeter Reservoir" is shortened to "Barren"
** G [ABC] Barren
** G [YUI] Vital
Additional information can be added to the bookmark to indicate the status of the site. Add "Act" followed by the EVE time of the initiation of the warp to display the time the site was activated. Rats can be assumed to have spawned once 20 minutes have passed.
* Add "Act <em>{time}</em>" with time being the EVE time a warp was initiated to the site
** G [ABC] Barren Act 16:02
Once all waves of the site's sleepers have been killed, replace "Act" and the activation time with "Cleared" to show no NPC hostiles will show up.
* Add Cleared after the site name to indicate the site is safe to warp to
** G [ABC] Barren Cleared
==== (R/D) Relic and Data Sites ====
These wormhole sites are actually [[Relic and data sites#Sleeper sites|Sleeper combat sites]] with waves of sleepers and some hackable cans. Sleeper sites have "Forgotten" or "Unsecured" in the name indicating that sleepers are present. If the name does not have those key words, it is a Null Site (see below). The first 2 words of the signature name should be omitted.
* "Forgotten Frontier Recursive Depot" is shortened to "Recursive Depot" <!-- Originally this was formatted with a strikethrough. I switched to this format to make it more accessible to those with screen readers. -->
** R [GHT] Recursive Depot
** R [HJK] Quarantine Outpost
** R [ADH] Evacuation Center
* "Unsecured Frontier Database" is shortened to "Database"
** D [ADF] Database
** D [FHI] Digital Nexus
** D [FJO] Trinity Hub
==== (NR/ND) Null Sites ====
Wormholes spawn the same type of [[Relic and data sites]] as those that spawn in NullSec, hence the "N" in the prefix. These can also be referred to as "Pirate Sites". As NullSec exploration sites are safe to warp to, this prefix is also used for HighSec and LowSec Data and Relic sites. Pirate Relic and Data sites should be labeled with the relevant faction (IE: Angel) with other parts of the signature name removed.
* "Ruined Angel Crystal Quarry" is shortened to just "Angel"
** NR [ABC] Angel
** ND [GHI] Serpentis
==== GHOST Sites ====
[[Ghost Sites]] are a fairly rare type of Data signature with the format "<em>{size}</em> <em>{faction}</em> Covert Research Facility". Because of the Pirate name in the description, they can be confused with Null sites, however, they are dangerous if unprepared. Do not warp to them unless you know what you're getting into. In wormhole space, the <em>{size}</em> is always "Superior".
* Ghost sites should be labeled with GHOST
** GHOST [XAN] Superior Serpentis Covert Research Facility
** GHOST [EGK] Standard Guristas Covert Research Facility (low-sec)
==== (SC) Sleeper Caches ====
A fairly rare type of signature that can be quite difficult to scan down. These sites are puzzles with only one correct solution; all other solutions destroy your ship. Please read the [[Sleeper Cache]] page carefully before attempting one.
* Sleeper Caches should be labeled with SC
** SC [APP] Superior Sleeper Cache
** SC [ERY] Standard Sleeper Cache
==== (C) Combat Sites ====
When in k-space, Cosmic Signatures can be [[Combat sites#Cosmic Signatures|Combat sites]]. If they are to be bookmarked, use the initial C. If they are a [[Combat sites#DED rated complexes|DED]] site, they should be named by DED-rating and pirate faction.
* C [ISO] Radiance
* C [FOP] Gurista Outpost
* C [SVV] 6/10 Blood Raider
* C [OLK] 4/10 Angel
==== (E) Event Sites ====
During limited time events, special event sites appear in space that appear as combat, data, or relic sites. These event site bookmarks should preface the normal bookmark convention for that site type with an E. Data and Relic sites are referred to by in-game events as hacking sites, but should be bookmarked by what they appear as in space: Relic (ER) or Data (ED). If the event has multiple factions, name the site by the faction. Otherwise, use a shortened version of the site name.
* "Guri Malakim Survey Base" is shortened to "Guri Malakim"
** EC [ABC] Guri Malakim
* "SoCT Survey Outpost" is shortened to "SoCT"
** ED [DEF] SoCT Survey Outpost
==== SPECIAL ====
There is only one normal member of the SPECIAL class, an extremely rare site called [[Shattered wormhole systems#Silent Battleground|Silent Battleground]] that is only found in shattered wormholes. It is a no danger timed relic/data site with many cans and large m3.
* SPECIAL [ROI] Silent Battleground
=== Other Bookmarks ===
==== Perches ====
A perch on a site or wormhole allows pilots to warp without fear of landing directly on Sleepers or hostiles who may be at the site. Perches are made greater than 150km from where pilots would land if they warped to 0. Perches keep the signature type and sig ID of their parent's signature so they appear under their parent in the locations window. If additional perches are required, add the distance from the site's warp into all perches.
* Perches keep the type and sig ID of their parent signature but with "~perch" added
** *3 Z1 [TYH] ~perch
** ND [EEG] ~perch
* If multiple perches, add distance
** * Bravo [PKL] ~perch 150k
** * Bravo [PKL] ~perch 300k
Bookmarks would then look like this:
*3 Z1 [TYH]
*3 Z1 [TYH] ~perch
.4 Z1 [ABC]
.4 Z2 [DEF]
* Bravo [PKL]
* Bravo [PKL] ~perch 150k
* Bravo [PKL] ~perch 300k
ND [AAA] Serpentis
ND [AAA] ~Perch
An easy way to make these perches is to bookmark probes with a custom formation. See [[Bookmarking probes]]
==== Mobile Tractor Units ====
During group PvE content it is important to bookmark the [[MTU]]s so their loot can be collected. These bookmarks take the form of "W<code>{MTU number}</code> <code>{3 letter personal designator}</code>". Once loot has been collected, add an "X" to the bookmark. Once all the wrecks have been salvaged, the bookmark can be deleted.
* MTU first deployed
** W01 FNR
* MTU has been looted
** W01 FNR X
==== Not Jumped Wormholes ====
If a wormhole cannot be jumped at the time of bookmark creation, it should be marked as "not jumped". The EVE UNI Mapper should be updated to with the wormhole information to show that it was scanned down.
* Due to hostile activity .2 A2 was not jumped
** .2 A2 [PNG] not jumped
* A wormhole is found in both CRIT and EOL
** .3 B7L [TTR] EOL CRIT not jumped
This is why it is important that * bookmarks have the current system name rather than destination. Otherwise you could have lots of *Inn bookmarks which require you to start looking at actual J-system names to know what needs deleting. EOL wormholes that haven't been explored aren't labelled well in that regard; however, there are typically no issues deleting them as no one has been in there anyway.
==== Temporary Wormhole Bookmarks ====
During scanning it can be more expedient to assign system names after all wormholes in system have been scanned down. This also allows for fewer callouts in comms to reserve system names if multiple people are scanning the same chain. Wormholes can be temporarily bookmarked from the scanning window as "WH [ABC] not jumped". This bookmark can be warped to at 0 as it will be ~15km from the actual wormhole. On landing, a proper system name should be assigned.
'''IMPORTANT NOTE''': With the addition of Null sec data and relic sites, they spawn often and are run quickly. Remember to delete the bookmark and the mapper entry when you complete a site.
* By starting the bookmark with "W", it gets moved near the bottom of the locations window
** WH [HSW] not jumped
==== Temporary "z" Bookmarks ====
Due to the recent increase in corp bookmarks (250 -> 500), you can feel free to bookmark sites in systems in our chains as you would normally do in Bacon.
If a bookmark is required that does not fall into one of the defined categories above, it should be prefixed with a "z". This filters the bookmarks to the bottom of the bookmark list while still making it available to other WHC members. A short, unique descriptor must be included to allow the bookmark to distinct from other "z" bookmarks. As they are temporary, "z" bookmarks should be be used for content that is happening or will be in the immediate future. These bookmarks should be cleaned up after content has finished.
Here are some things to keep in mind though: for example, if a system, let's say a C4 which is 8 jumps down the chain, has 27 gas sites and they are not anything that we would care to huff, there is no need to bookmark them in corp.
* The prefix "z" should followed by a short, unique descriptor
** z gneiss
** z venture warp in
** z mobile depot
The basic idea is that having gas/data/relic bookmarks in many systems not too far down our chains not only provides us the opportunity to possibly run them but also (and this, in my opinion, is a bigger selling point) provides quick warp-in points on any gank-gable fleets running said sites - without having to drop combat probes and very likely spooking them.
== Deleting bookmarks ==
When a wormhole collapses, bookmarks in the system it leads to and any systems further down the now disconnected chain need to be cleaned up. By having the * bookmarks show the current system rather than the destination, the system that has been disconnected can be easily picked out of the Chain Bookmarks. Improper bookmark names increase the time and tedium of cleaning up bookmarks.
So again; feel free to bookmark sites in W-Space systems other than Bacon (and even in Low/Null if you find something that is likely to be run by locals). Just be mindful that we still don't have an unlimited number of corp bookmarks so don't go crazy if you see that we're closing in on 500.
The [[EVE UNI Mapper]] should be updated at the same time to reflect the removal of signatures, systems, and chains. Always check in comms to make sure someone is not stuck down the disconnected chain before deleting bookmarks.  
*Bookmarks can be made from the scanning results list
*Standard format is "<sigtype> [sig id] <additional info>"
**<code>[sig id]</code> = [ABC], [BCD], [EFG], etc
*There are 3 types.
<span style="color:#FFF">1. G(as Sites)</span>
*In C5 or C6 systems: if you choose not to bookmark anything else (besides WH connections, of course), please at least always bookmark the Instrumental or Vital Gas sites.
*Only the <u>''first''</u> word is important
**G [ABC] Barren
**G [DEF] Token
**G [DEF-2] Bountiful
**G [GHI] Vast
**G [NMD] Instrumental ''(Only found in C5, C6 class W-Space)''
**G [YUI] Vital ''(Only found in C5, C6 class W-Space)''
<span style="color:#FFF">2. R(elic Sites)</span>
*The <u>''first 2 words''</u> should be <u>''omitted.''</u>
*<strike>Forgotten Frontier</strike> Recursive Depot. 
**R [HJK] Quarantine Outpost
**R [GHT] Recursive Depot
**R [JHI] Conversion Module
**R [ADH] Evacuation Center
<span style="color:#FFF">3. D(ata Sites)</span>
*The <u>''first 2 words''</u> should be <u>''omitted.''</u>
*<strike>Unsecured Frontier</strike> Database.   
**D [ADF] Database
**D [DHI] Receiver
**D [FHI] Digital Nexus
**D [FJO] Trinity Hub
<span style="color:#FFF">4. N(ull Sites)</span>
*Pirate Faction sites can be labelled "Null" or the faction name (IE: Angel) as there are no RATS.
**NR [ABC] Angel
**ND [GHI] Serpentis
<span style="color:#FFF">5. C(ombat Sites)</span>
*When in k-space, Cosmic Signatures can be Combat sites. They should be bookmarked with the initial C. If they are a DED site, they should be named by DED-rating and pirate faction.
**C [ISO] Radiance
**C [FOP] Gurista Outpost
**C [SVV] 6/10 Blood
**C [SVV] 4/10 Angel

Revision as of 11:24, 19 April 2024

E-UNI Emblem.png This page is specific to EVE University. Other corporations or groups in the game may operate differently.
For a summary of EVE University's rules and code of conduct, see EVE University Rules.

The Wormhole Community uses a set of rules and guidelines to generate logical names for the many wormhole space bookmarks it needs to keep. For a more in-depth explanation of bookmarks in general, please read Bookmarks.

Bookmarks are vital. Bookmarking correctly is a job that everyone participates in, but can be a matter of life and death that WHC members get these right.

  • This bookmark naming scheme explains how we NAME BOOKMARKS in wormhole space
  • This system naming scheme explains how we NAME SYSTEMS in wormhole space
  • The what to bookmark guide explains WHAT SHOULD BE BOOKMARKED in wormhole space


Bookmarks are essential to navigation within J-space. Proper adherence to bookmarking guidelines reduces confusion, frustration, and excessive SRP requests.

Once a signature has been fully scanned down, its type, sig ID, and other information can be added to its bookmark. The image below shows how the probe scanner results can be extracted to create a data site bookmark.

  • The standard format is "<sigtype> [sig id] <additional info>"
    • [sig id] = [ABC], [BCD], [EFG], etc
  • Please add all bookmarks created to the WHC Chain bookmarks folder as this is where all chain bookmarks are stored. The Cake bookmark folder is only for WHC structures.
  • Set bookmarks to expire "In 2 Days" by default


A screenshot of the locations window showing bookmarks in Bravo following the WHC naming scheme
The location window showing bookmarks from Bravo
  • When naming wormholes, refer to the system naming scheme for correct naming and organization of wormholes in the chain.
  • DO NOT BOOKMARK Wormholes from Scanner Results. Only Bookmark Wormholes while On-Grid from the Overview or in space.
  • Update the EVE UNI Mapper with all wormhole information after creating wormhole bookmarks.

Holes leading away from Cake

Wormholes that take you further away from Cake are marked with a leading dot " . " (called DOT on comms). The destination system name is added to facilitate navigation and ease of removal.

Due to their importance as Cake's static wormholes, Alpha and Bravo have an extra space between the " . " (DOT) and the destination system name. This is to move them to the top of the bookmarks list.

Wormhole Bookmark
Cake-> Bravo . Bravo [XYZ]
Cake-> Alpha . Alpha [XYZ]
Cake -> 2 B2L .2 B2L [MNO]
2 B2L -> 3 B1 .3 B1 [STU]

Holes leading toward Cake

Holes leading towards Cake or home are marked with a leading asterisk " * " (called STAR on comms). The current system name is added to facilitate navigation and ease of removal. The " * " (STAR) bookmark will always show the name of the system it is in. Except for certain very rare cases, the bookmark for a hole heading "home" is unique for a given system.

When first creating a " * " (STAR) bookmark on entering a new system, the sig ID can be left as an empty double bracket "[]" until the wormhole has been scanned down.

Wormhole Bookmark
4 B2 -> 3 B5 *4 B2 []
4 B2 -> 3 B5 *4 B2 [MNO]
3 B5 -> 2 B2L *3 B5 [STU]

Life, Mass, and Restrictions

Wormholes have finite lifespans and can have different properties limiting what can travel through them. The most important of these should be listed after the sig ID in the wormhole bookmark. The EVE UNI Mapper should always be updated with any changes to the status of a wormhole. If a wormhole shows "This wormhole has had its stability reduced by ships passing through it...", no addition to the bookmark is needed, but the Pathfinder connection should be updated.

If a wormhole has multiple of these effects at the same time, order them by {size}, then EOL, and then CRIT.

Status Bookmark
Up to medium size ships can pass through this wormhole *4 M2 [XYZ] MED
Only the smallest ships can pass through this wormhole *2 B2 [XYZ] FRIG
This wormhole is reaching the end of its natural lifetime *4 B2 [MNO] EOL
This wormhole has had its stability critically disrupted... .6 E1N [NOO] CRIT

Gate to gate connections

Sometimes when a wormhole leads to a k-space connection, gates are jumped to look for more connections. If more wormholes are found, the gates are bookmarked for ease of travel.

This is done because the transition between using bookmarks in w-space for travel and using gates on the overview is jarring. When a WHC member jumps into Alpha looking for 2 E2H and can't find it due to its being a gate it is annoying and frustrates the purpose of the bookmarking scheme, which was created so we don't need to rely on the mapper tool for navigation exclusively.

Gate bookmarks cannot be added to the lootsheet.

Gate Connection Bookmark
Alpha -> 2 E2H .2 E2H Gate
2 E2H -> Alpha *2 E2H Gate
1 Z1L -> 2 Z2L .2 Z2L Gate
4 Y3N -> 3 Y1N *4 Y3N Gate


It is not uncommon for different chains to connect to one another. In such cases multiple " * " (STAR) bookmarks can exist in the same system, one from each chain that connects. The system name in the EVE UNI Mapper should be changed to include all chain names.

After bookmarking holes in the B chain, wormhole ".4 B1 [INK]" is found to connect to system 3 A2. A new " * " (STAR) bookmark is made named "*4 B1 [LPU]". The existing " * " (STAR) bookmark, "*3 A2 [TYN], is not changed. System 3 A2 is renamed to 3 A2/4 B1 in Pathfinder.

  • 3 A2/4 B1 will have the following * bookmarks
    • *3 A2 [TYN]
    • *4 B1 [LPU]
Split Paths

In a very rare case, a system can have multiple connections to the same chain at the same depth which leads to identically named " * " (STAR) bookmarks. EVE UNI Mapper can be referenced to find which bookmark to take in most cases. However, if down one of the paths back to Cake, there is a wormhole that would create problems (FRIG, CRIT, etc.) then this should be marked on the bookmark that leads down that path. Add to the end of the " * " (STAR) bookmark "-> {status}" to indicate problems could exist if a WHC member was to take that path home.

  • 4 B1 is connected to 3 B5 and 3 B6
  • 3 B5 is connected to 2 B2 by a FRIG hole
  • 4 B1 will have the following " * " (STAR) bookmarks
    • *4 B1 [NIF]
    • *4 B1 [ION] -> FRIG


Site bookmarks allow WHC pilots to engage in content in the chains leading from Cake, both of the PvE and PvP variety. Proper bookmarks allow for speed and ease of running wormhole sites, but also allows engagement of targets that attempt to run sites that have been scanned down. Follow the WHC What To Bookmark Guide for how far from Cake different sites should be bookmarked. Remember that not all signatures are eligible for claiming on the WHC loot sheet.

Unlike wormholes, site bookmarks can be made from the scanning window without warping to the site.

(G) Gas Sites

Gas sites in wormholes spawn hostile Sleeper enemies that warp in approximately 20 minutes after a pilot first initiates warp to the site. Only the first word of the signature name is important to denote the type of gas site.

  • "Barren Perimeter Reservoir" is shortened to "Barren"
    • G [ABC] Barren
    • G [YUI] Vital

Additional information can be added to the bookmark to indicate the status of the site. Add "Act" followed by the EVE time of the initiation of the warp to display the time the site was activated. Rats can be assumed to have spawned once 20 minutes have passed.

  • Add "Act {time}" with time being the EVE time a warp was initiated to the site
    • G [ABC] Barren Act 16:02

Once all waves of the site's sleepers have been killed, replace "Act" and the activation time with "Cleared" to show no NPC hostiles will show up.

  • Add Cleared after the site name to indicate the site is safe to warp to
    • G [ABC] Barren Cleared

(R/D) Relic and Data Sites

These wormhole sites are actually Sleeper combat sites with waves of sleepers and some hackable cans. Sleeper sites have "Forgotten" or "Unsecured" in the name indicating that sleepers are present. If the name does not have those key words, it is a Null Site (see below). The first 2 words of the signature name should be omitted.

  • "Forgotten Frontier Recursive Depot" is shortened to "Recursive Depot"
    • R [GHT] Recursive Depot
    • R [HJK] Quarantine Outpost
    • R [ADH] Evacuation Center
  • "Unsecured Frontier Database" is shortened to "Database"
    • D [ADF] Database
    • D [FHI] Digital Nexus
    • D [FJO] Trinity Hub

(NR/ND) Null Sites

Wormholes spawn the same type of Relic and data sites as those that spawn in NullSec, hence the "N" in the prefix. These can also be referred to as "Pirate Sites". As NullSec exploration sites are safe to warp to, this prefix is also used for HighSec and LowSec Data and Relic sites. Pirate Relic and Data sites should be labeled with the relevant faction (IE: Angel) with other parts of the signature name removed.

  • "Ruined Angel Crystal Quarry" is shortened to just "Angel"
    • NR [ABC] Angel
    • ND [GHI] Serpentis


Ghost Sites are a fairly rare type of Data signature with the format "{size} {faction} Covert Research Facility". Because of the Pirate name in the description, they can be confused with Null sites, however, they are dangerous if unprepared. Do not warp to them unless you know what you're getting into. In wormhole space, the {size} is always "Superior".

  • Ghost sites should be labeled with GHOST
    • GHOST [XAN] Superior Serpentis Covert Research Facility
    • GHOST [EGK] Standard Guristas Covert Research Facility (low-sec)

(SC) Sleeper Caches

A fairly rare type of signature that can be quite difficult to scan down. These sites are puzzles with only one correct solution; all other solutions destroy your ship. Please read the Sleeper Cache page carefully before attempting one.

  • Sleeper Caches should be labeled with SC
    • SC [APP] Superior Sleeper Cache
    • SC [ERY] Standard Sleeper Cache

(C) Combat Sites

When in k-space, Cosmic Signatures can be Combat sites. If they are to be bookmarked, use the initial C. If they are a DED site, they should be named by DED-rating and pirate faction.

  • C [ISO] Radiance
  • C [FOP] Gurista Outpost
  • C [SVV] 6/10 Blood Raider
  • C [OLK] 4/10 Angel

(E) Event Sites

During limited time events, special event sites appear in space that appear as combat, data, or relic sites. These event site bookmarks should preface the normal bookmark convention for that site type with an E. Data and Relic sites are referred to by in-game events as hacking sites, but should be bookmarked by what they appear as in space: Relic (ER) or Data (ED). If the event has multiple factions, name the site by the faction. Otherwise, use a shortened version of the site name.

  • "Guri Malakim Survey Base" is shortened to "Guri Malakim"
    • EC [ABC] Guri Malakim
  • "SoCT Survey Outpost" is shortened to "SoCT"
    • ED [DEF] SoCT Survey Outpost


There is only one normal member of the SPECIAL class, an extremely rare site called Silent Battleground that is only found in shattered wormholes. It is a no danger timed relic/data site with many cans and large m3.

  • SPECIAL [ROI] Silent Battleground

Other Bookmarks


A perch on a site or wormhole allows pilots to warp without fear of landing directly on Sleepers or hostiles who may be at the site. Perches are made greater than 150km from where pilots would land if they warped to 0. Perches keep the signature type and sig ID of their parent's signature so they appear under their parent in the locations window. If additional perches are required, add the distance from the site's warp into all perches.

  • Perches keep the type and sig ID of their parent signature but with "~perch" added
    • *3 Z1 [TYH] ~perch
    • ND [EEG] ~perch
  • If multiple perches, add distance
    • * Bravo [PKL] ~perch 150k
    • * Bravo [PKL] ~perch 300k

Bookmarks would then look like this:

*3 Z1 [TYH] 
*3 Z1 [TYH] ~perch
.4 Z1 [ABC]
.4 Z2 [DEF]
* Bravo [PKL]
* Bravo [PKL] ~perch 150k
* Bravo [PKL] ~perch 300k
ND [AAA] Serpentis
ND [AAA] ~Perch

An easy way to make these perches is to bookmark probes with a custom formation. See Bookmarking probes

Mobile Tractor Units

During group PvE content it is important to bookmark the MTUs so their loot can be collected. These bookmarks take the form of "W{MTU number} {3 letter personal designator}". Once loot has been collected, add an "X" to the bookmark. Once all the wrecks have been salvaged, the bookmark can be deleted.

  • MTU first deployed
    • W01 FNR
  • MTU has been looted
    • W01 FNR X

Not Jumped Wormholes

If a wormhole cannot be jumped at the time of bookmark creation, it should be marked as "not jumped". The EVE UNI Mapper should be updated to with the wormhole information to show that it was scanned down.

  • Due to hostile activity .2 A2 was not jumped
    • .2 A2 [PNG] not jumped
  • A wormhole is found in both CRIT and EOL
    • .3 B7L [TTR] EOL CRIT not jumped

Temporary Wormhole Bookmarks

During scanning it can be more expedient to assign system names after all wormholes in system have been scanned down. This also allows for fewer callouts in comms to reserve system names if multiple people are scanning the same chain. Wormholes can be temporarily bookmarked from the scanning window as "WH [ABC] not jumped". This bookmark can be warped to at 0 as it will be ~15km from the actual wormhole. On landing, a proper system name should be assigned.

  • By starting the bookmark with "W", it gets moved near the bottom of the locations window
    • WH [HSW] not jumped

Temporary "z" Bookmarks

If a bookmark is required that does not fall into one of the defined categories above, it should be prefixed with a "z". This filters the bookmarks to the bottom of the bookmark list while still making it available to other WHC members. A short, unique descriptor must be included to allow the bookmark to distinct from other "z" bookmarks. As they are temporary, "z" bookmarks should be be used for content that is happening or will be in the immediate future. These bookmarks should be cleaned up after content has finished.

  • The prefix "z" should followed by a short, unique descriptor
    • z gneiss
    • z venture warp in
    • z mobile depot

Deleting bookmarks

When a wormhole collapses, bookmarks in the system it leads to and any systems further down the now disconnected chain need to be cleaned up. By having the * bookmarks show the current system rather than the destination, the system that has been disconnected can be easily picked out of the Chain Bookmarks. Improper bookmark names increase the time and tedium of cleaning up bookmarks.

The EVE UNI Mapper should be updated at the same time to reflect the removal of signatures, systems, and chains. Always check in comms to make sure someone is not stuck down the disconnected chain before deleting bookmarks.