Relic and data sites

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This page should be updated due to game changes.
Reason: Needs more accurate info for drone data sites

Relic and data sites are types of cosmic signatures that can be found with probing. Data and relic sites can be divided to 4 categories: Pirate data and relic sites, drone data sites, ghost sites, sleeper caches and sleeper sites.

Pirate sites

A Data Site container
A Relic Site container

Pirate relic and Data Sites are set up very simply. They are pockets of space populated with a variety of cosmetic structures (i.e., wrecked stations, abandoned machines) and several containers that need to be hacked before the contents can be accessed. The sites do not have any triggers or defenders.

Data Site containers look a bit like an gyroscope, and typically have names like [Faction] Info Shard or [Faction] Com Tower. Relic Site containers look like ancient shipwrecks and have names like [Faction] Debris or [Faction] Rubble. These containers hold all of the site’s valuables. You’ll have to hack into the containers first by playing the Hacking minigame. In order to attempt a hack, you’ll need to lock on to the container, fly within your hacking module range of it, and then use the correct module on it (Relic Analyzer in a Relic Site, Data Analyzer in a Data Site or integrated analyzer for both). This will pop open a new window containing the hacking minigame. Failing the hack on same container twice will destroy the container. The explosion will not deal any damage.

Pirate relic sites contain T1 and T2 salvage materials, skillbooks and blueprint copies. Pirate data sites contain decryptors, datacores, skillbooks, blueprint copies and manufacturing materials. The contents vary by faction, for example sansha relic sites contain intact armor plates for salvage.

Drone data sites

Drone data sites spawn in drone regions only. Drone data sites have two main differences from pirate data sites:

  • Failing the hack twice in drone data site will not destroy the container. Instead there is a chance that failure spawns hostile frigates.
  • Drone data sites can escalate into another drone data site.

Drone data sites contain drone components and blueprint copies for 'Integrated' and 'Augmented' drones.

Sleeper caches

Sleeper caches are data sites with various triggers and dangers. They are significantly more difficult than pirate data sites. Sleeper caches spawn in normal space and do not spawn in wormholes even though the sleeper connection would imply the opposite. The sleeper caches are from easiest to hardest Limited Sleeper Cache, Standard Sleeper Cache and Superior Sleeper Cache.

Sleeper caches are gated deadspace pockets with size limits for entry. Each sleeper cache has its own set of dangers. They contain mixture of containers with damaging explosions on failed hack, timed triggers, hazardous clouds, proximity explosions and sentry guns. For details see the page for individual sleeper cache.

Sleeper caches contain sleeper components, manufacaturing materials, skillbooks and blueprint copies for polarized weapons.

Ghost sites

Main article: Ghost Site

Ghost sites are data sites with limited time and riskier failures. They can be identified from "Covert Research Facility" on their name.

The sites have invisible time limit after which strong NPC force will arrive, blow up remaining containers and attack the pilot on site. The hacks are also riskier as single failure will cause the container to explode dealing 4000–6000 raw explosive damage to 10 km radius.

Ghost sites contain covert research Tools, villard wheels and bluepring copies for 'Packrat' and 'Magpie' mobile tractor units, ‘Wetu’ and ‘Yurt’ mobile depots and ascendancy implants, ,

Sleeper sites

In wormholes the sleeper data and relic sites are not empty. Instead they have strong sleepers defending the site that need to be defeated before hacking. For list of sleeper data and relic sites and details on individual sites see Wormhole Sites.

Tips and tricks

  • The contents of containers can be scanned with cargo scanners before hacking. This allows skipping containers that do not have valuable contents.
  • Emptied sites will despawn in few minutes. Sites that have been warped to or partially completed will despawn in few hours.