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Introduction: Doing Damage

The two most widely used types of weapon systems are Turrets and Launchers. Turrets fire a stream of damage bundles (projectiles, charges, laser beams) that travels in a straight line out from the turret as the turret moves to track the target. Launchers fire self-propelled bundles of damage (rocket, missile, torpedo) that chase down the target. (There are exceptions, drones, for example, but most weapons follow one of these patterns.)

In each case, the actual damage done to the target depends on a number of factors. You can read the details in these two articles: Turret Damage / Missile Damage - but for now it is enough to recognize that the two weapons systems do damage in different ways. Given that the target is within range of the weapon, then the final damage to the target depends on:

  • Launcher: base damage amount, signature radius of target, velocity of target, explosion radius of missile, explosion velocity of missile, damage reduction factor
  • Turret: base damage amount, transversal speed, turret tracking, turret signature resolution, target signature radius, turret optimal range, turret range falloff

The difference, in simple terms, is that launchers will always "hit", but the damage done will vary depending on the size of the target and the speed of the explosion. On the other hand, turrets may miss the target, but a hit will always do a basic amount of damage.

It may seem that a 100% chance to hit any target within range is a significant advantage, however this is balanced by other factors, including especially the firing speed of the weapon and the travel time of the damage bundle. In general, launched weapons fire more slowly and take more time to strike their targets, thus leaving their ships more open to retaliation. In any case, you can rest assured that neither type of weapons system has an advantage over the other in and of itself. The advantages arise from the ship bonuses, ship fittings, and pilot skills and experience.

The remainder of this article will deal with the mechanics and characteristics of launcher based weapons systems. Damage done will be compared in basic, absolute terms. For a very detailed explanation of how the damage of an individual hit is created when a launcher fired weapon reaches its target, please refer to the article on Missile Damage.

Note that launcher based damage bundles are often called "missiles", and that this term can refer to any of rockets, missiles, torpedos and bombs (even though bombs are not fired from launchers).

Missile Range and Launcher Firing Rate

A missile does not so much hit a ship as explode near it. When a missile crosses the signature radius of its target, it blows up. The speed at which this explosion grows and the maximum size of the explosion determine the amount of damage done to the target.

File:Qsm missile sigrad.gif
Missile Explodes at Signature Radius

EVE uses a mathematical equation to compute the precise amount of damage that the explosion does to the ship. The details of what happens when a missile hits are somewhat complicated and are explained in Missile Damage.


When fired, a missile will leave the launcher, quickly accelerate, and then proceed at its best speed directly at the target until it runs out of fuel. If it encounters the target during that time, it will explode - otherwise it will vanish. The approximate maximum distance that a missile will travel can be found by multiplying the speed of the missile by the number of seconds that its fuel will last. (The approximation is due to the slightly slower speed as the missile accelerates at launch. Also, missile travel time is expressed in whole seconds - this can matter when targeting at extreme range.[1])

Maximum Distance ≈ Speed x Seconds of Fuel

For example:

  • A Light Missile has a flight time of 5 seconds at a speed of 3750 m/s. The maximum distance it can travel is 5 x 3750 ≈ 18,750 m.
  • A torpedo has a flight time of 6 seconds at a speed of 1500 m/s. The maximum distance it can travel is 6 x 1500 ≈ 9,000 m.

Although the terms "range" and "distance" are often used interchangeably, technically, the range answers the question of whether the missile can reach its target: is it "in" or "out" of range? If the target is stationary, then the maximum distance will be the missile's range. Normally, however, the target is moving, and the range depends on this motion.

missile catching a fleeing target
Missile Catches Fleeing Target
missile fails to catch a fleeing target
Missile Does Not Catch Fleeing Target

If the target is moving directly away from the missile, then it will take the missile longer to reach the target than it would a stationary one. In fact, if the target is moving fast enough, the missile may not be able to reach it at all - in this case, the target would be considered "out of range." Note that the target does not have to be moving faster than the missile ... just fast enough to stay ahead of the missile until it runs out of fuel.

If the target is moving directly at the missile, then the missile will reach it much faster than it would reach a stationary target. In this case, the target may be "in range" even when it seems to far away to hit.

missile hitting an orbiting target
Missile at Orbiting Target

In most cases, however, the target will be moving in a curve with regard to the missile ship - possibly in an orbit, possibly curving towards or away from the launch. It is hard to specify the range, exactly, in these cases, but as always, the missile will head directly for the target, and it will continue as long as it has fuel. It's path is likely to be some sort of a spiral.

There is no way to control the path of a missile once it has been launched. It will point itself at its target and follow the target until it hits or runs out of fuel.

Firing Rate

After a launcher fires its missile, it must rest for a time before it fires again - this is called the "rate of fire". Turrets also have a firing rate, but launchers are much slower.

Weapon Firing Rate (Seconds) Average Base Damage (HP)
Light Missile Launcher 16 83
Cruise Missile Launcher 20.6 375
Light Electron Blaster 2 9
350 mm Railgun (Large) 7.3 34
Large Dual Heavy Beam Laser 7.2 34
Note that values are approximate; for comparison only.

There is a correlation between firing rate and the base weapon damage. In general, launchers fire more slowly, but their missiles do more damage; while turrets depend on a stream of quickly fired, but individually less potent damage bundles.


In general launcher weapons do more damage per hit than turreted weapons, but launchers fire slowly compared to turrets, and missiles take much longer to reach their targets.[2] While damage, firing speed and travel time can be modified by means of skills and equipment, the relationships hold even with these improvements.

This has tactical implications. With a low ranged, fast firing turret ship, the pilot wants to get in close and keep the target locked. With a long ranged, slowly firing missile ship, the pilot wants to stay beyond the target's range and go for a slow kill.

Launcher and Missile Classes and Types

Warning: The data shown here are for general discussions of weapons systems. Some details have been omitted. If you are fitting a ship, it is highly recommended that you use the in-game Compare Tool to evaluate the relative merits of the various launchers and missiles that you are considering.

Each launcher class can launch missiles of that class. E.g., Light Missile Launchers launch Light Missiles, as do Rapid Light Missile Launchers. Heavy Assault Missile Launchers launch Heavy Assault Missiles. Torpedo Launchers launch torpedoes. And so on. Different types of launchers within the class vary the firing rate and other characteristics of the launchers. Typically the Tech I Arbalest, Limos and Malkuth launchers, as well as the Tech 2 launchers, use less CPU, have faster firing rates and are less prone to damage from overheating.

Similarly, there are multiple missile types within a class. Each variety of EVE damage is represented by a missile category. Inferno, Mjolnir, Nova and Scourge apply thermal, EM, explosive and kinetic damage, in that order. Unlike some turreted weapons, a given missile will apply only one variety of damage. Each missile does the same number of hit points of damage in its given variety. Other missile types vary the flight time, base damage (hit points), and other characteristics of the missile. Gurista, Caldari Navy and Dread Gurista missiles are little different from standard missiles except that they have higher base damage; Guristas least, and Dread Guristas most.

"Advanced" missiles come in sets:

  • Precision versus Fury: Precision missiles have a faster, smaller explosion and will do more damage to a small, fast target - while Fury missiles, with their larger, slower explosions do more damage against larger, slower targets.
  • Long Range versus Anti-ship: Javelin long range missiles travel considerably farther than their Rage counterparts; but the Rage missiles do considerably more damage.
The data here is from Rockets and Light Missiles, but the ratios hold for all the missile types.
Missile Flight Time Velocity Explosion Radius Explosion Velocity Base Damage
Standard Missile 5.0 3,750 40 170 83
Precision Missile 2.5 3,750 25 204 83
Fury Missile 3.75 3,750 69 143 116
Standard Rocket 2.0 2,250 20 150 33
Javelin Rocket 2.0 3,275 20 150 29.7
Rage Rocket 2.0 1,875 30 129 44.6

A launcher class and its associated missiles can be thought of as a weapons system, each of which fits best in a particular group of ships. Launchers require high power slots as well as launcher hardpoints. The power drain generally puts a lower bound on the ship size for each launcher class. Typically:

  • light and rocket launchers go in frigates and destroyers
  • rapid light, heavy and heavy assault launchers go in cruisers and battlecruisers
  • rapid heavy, torpedo and cruise launchers go in battleships
  • and citadel launchers go in capital ships
  • torpedo launchers also go in "stealth bombers", which have specialized attributes that accomodate them.

(Note that while bombs are fired from bomb launchers, they are unguided, area-of-effect weapons whose mechanics are not really comparable to missiles and turreted weapons.)

The following tables list launcher systems in terms of the ships into which they are usually fitted. Note that some details are missing - for a complete listing of the characteristics of a launcher or missile, use the in-game Show Info window. T1 ships with bonuses for launchers and/or missiles are also listed. For information on T2 and T3 ships, please read Missile Ships.

Frigate and Destroyer Based

T1 bonused ships

Based on T1, Level I equipment ... for comparison only. Use in-game data for fitting.
Launcher Power (MW) Firing Rate (s) Reload Time (s) Missile Type Flight Time (s) Velocity (m/s) Explosion Radius (m) Explosion Velocity (m/s) Base Damage (hp)
Rocket 4 5 10 Rocket 2 2,250 20 150 33
Light Missile 6 16 10 Light 5 3,750 40 150 83
Based on T1, Level I equipment ... for comparison only. Use in-game data for fitting.
Turret Power (MW) Firing Rate (s) Reload Time (s) Optimal Range (m) Falloff (m) Tracking Speed (rad/s) Damage Modifier Charge Base Damage (hp)
Ion Blaster 4 2 5 1,000 1,500 0.438 1.8 Lead 8

Cruiser and Battlecruiser Based

T1 Bonused Ships

Based on T1, Level I equipment ... for comparison only. Use in-game data for fitting.
Launcher Power (MW) Firing Rate (s) Reload Time (s) Missile Type Flight Time (s) Velocity (m/s) Explosion Radius (m) Explosion Velocity (m/s) Base Damage (hp)
Rapid Light Missile 73 7.8 35 Light 5 3,750 40 150 83
Heavy Missile 100 15 10 Heavy 6.5 4,300 140 81 142
Heavy Assault Missile 108 8 10 Heavy Assault 4 2,250 125 101 100

Rapid Light Launchers have an unusually long reload time.

Battleship Based

T1 Bonused Ships

Based on T1, Level I equipment ... for comparison only. Use in-game data for fitting.
Launcher Power (MW) Firing Rate (s) Reload Time (s) Missile Type Flight Time (s) Velocity (m/s) Explosion Radius (m) Explosion Velocity (m/s) Base Damage (hp)
Rapid Heavy Missile 73 xxxx xxxx Heavy xxxx v v xxxx xxxx
Cruise Missile xxxx xxxx xxxx Cruise xxxx v xxxx v xxxx
Torpedo xxxx xxxx xxxx Torpedo v xxxx aaaaaa dd xxxx

Capital Ship Based

Based on T1, Level I equipment ... for comparison only. Use in-game data for fitting.
Launcher Power (MW) Firing Rate (s) Reload Time (s) Missile Type Flight Time (s) Velocity (m/s) Explosion Radius (m) Explosion Velocity (m/s) Base Damage (hp)
Citadel 73 xxxx xxxx Citadel Cruise xxxx v v xxxx xxxx
Citadel xxxx xxxx xxxx Citadel Torpedo xxxx v xxxx v xxxx


Based on T1, Level I equipment ... for comparison only. Use in-game data for fitting.
Launcher Power (MW) Firing Rate (s) Reload Time (s) Missile Type Flight Time (s) Velocity (m/s) Explosion Radius (m) Explosion Velocity (m/s) Base Damage (hp)
Light, Heavy Missile 73 xxxx xxxx Defender xxxx v v xxxx xxxx
Light, Heavy, Cruise Missile xxxx xxxx xxxx Auto-Targeting xxxx v xxxx v xxxx

Related Skills and Equipment

As is usual in EVE, various skills and equipment can improve a pilot's use of launcher based weapons.



Tactics and Strategy

Footnotes and References

  1. ^ If the flight time is a fraction, EVE rounds it up or down. At times, this produces considerable departures from the computed range. See Interesting fact about missile mechanics for details.
  2. ^ For example, with a firing time of around 40 seconds, 1400 mm artillery is slower than any launcher. This is a rarity, though.