Mentor Program

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This page is a work in progress.
Notes: Restructuring procedures, policies, and eligibility. Please DM me for any questions. - Jalxan (March 15th, 2022)

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E-UNI Emblem.png This page is specific to EVE University. Other corporations or groups in the game may operate differently.
For a summary of EVE University's rules and code of conduct, see EVE University Rules.

What is the Mentor Program?

The purpose of EVE University’s Mentor Program is to help budding capsuleers to accelerate their understanding of New Eden space to a point where EVE becomes a lifestyle play choice.

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the basic concepts of EVE
  • Find the right resources, from both E-UNI and other places, where appropriate
  • Learn how to have more fun in playing EVE

Mentors are volunteers who want to give back to EVE University by helping new players get off to a good start in EVE. They are experienced players who have been selected based on their qualifications and ability. Mentors assist their assigned capsuleers through EVE mail exchanges, Mumble discussions, Discord chats, and/or in-game exercises where appropriate.

Mentors are assigned procedurally to applicants based on:

  • Compatible times of play, to make it easier to connect in the game.
  • Similar areas of interest and experience in the game for the mentee and Mentor, respectively.
  • Availability of Mentors relative to the number of applicants.

Once started, mentorships last for a period of three months, unless extended by mutual agreement of both the Mentor and their mentee.

Request a Mentor - we can help!

What are the restrictions?

While we would love to give everyone a mentor there are only so many mentors to go around. Formal mentorships are, therefore, not usually intended for players already well-experienced with the game (e.g. more than 4 months active playtime) or experienced players wishing to specialise in a particular area of the game. If you feel you fit in this category, it is suggested that you join a campus that suits your particular interest and/or find someone who can mentor you on an informal basis. For those who do apply to have a Mentor, All applications will be reviewed to ensure efficient assignment of mentors so please do be thorough in your application. This will ensure the right mentor is assigned to you

The mentor program is restricted to EVE University members in good standing and you must be a full and participating member of the UNI when you apply for a Mentor. Please note that if you drop from the UNI later for wartime or other purposes, you may continue to interact with your mentor while you are out of corp (if you mutually decide to do so) but the official mentorship will end.

How do I request a Mentor?

If you think you fit in with the guidelines above, please fill in this web form. The Mentor Program staff will review your application and put you in touch with a suitable Mentor.

Ultimately all decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis, so if you feel like you could benefit from having a mentor, don't be afraid to apply!

Please be aware that current high demand means that you may wait 1-2 weeks for a good match. In the meantime, please get involved with one of the Uni campus groups, fleets, events so don't lose heart!

If you have any questions about the program or any issues with a current mentorship, please send an EVE mail to the Mentor Manager or one of the Mentor Officer/s and we'll do the best we can to help.

Jalxan.jpg Jalxan

The Mentor Manager administers the mentor program, pairing up new members with more experienced mentors to assist them.

Main article: Mentor Department

Mentor Officer/s: Currently Vacant

The E-UNI Mentor Program: helping new players in EVE

I want to help! How do I become a Mentor?

First, check these qualifications for becoming a Mentor:

  • E-UNI Graduate title, or E-UNI Sophomore title with comparable demonstrated prior experience in EVE and in the UNI.
  • Willingness to help - a genuine desire to coach and assist new players in EVE University - you may be assigned to up to three mentorship relationships, though we can adjust this maximum depending on your ability and availability
  • Availability: able to devote a few hours per week on mentoring others
  • Current UNI membership - rare exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis for some former UNIs, but will require more detailed review of your background
  • An understanding of the essential mechanics and fundamentals of EVE - you don't have to be an absolute expert, but we do expect Mentors to know about the basics of skill training, ship fitting, missioning, trading, mining, hauling, exploration, fleet operations, accessing UNI resources, and complying with UNI policies, as well as how to use essential EVE tools such as EveMon and Pyfa.

To apply to be a Mentor, please follow this link and fill out the web form. You should receive a response within a week.

Why would I want to be a Mentor?

Becoming an official UNI Mentor includes several benefits and advantages, including: Receiving the official UNI "Mentor" title.

  • Access to a dedicated Mentor Forum and Discord channel to discuss technique, game play styles and game mechanics with fellow mentors.
  • The opportunity to interact closely with and learn from other experienced EVE players.
  • A chance to use your role as mentor to count towards graduate title
  • The satisfaction from helping new EVE players to overcome the game's steep learning curve.
  • The opportunity to give back something highly valued and appreciated by the EVE University community.
  • Most importantly, working with other EVE players who are eager to learn from your experience is FUN!