Contested Amarr Sanguine Vaults

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Site Details
Contested Amarr Sanguine Vaults
Type COSMOS site
Rating Unrated
Found in High
Max ship size T2 Battlecruiser
Faction Blood Raiders
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Sig. strength Beacon

Contested Amarr Sanguine Vaults is a static COSMOS combat site in system of Aphi. It is visible as a warpable beacom.

All rats in the site are renamed normal deadspace rats so they will not drop anything special.

1st pocket - Southway

Database information
Southway was a thriving commercial station owned by the Ducia Foundry, until the day when it was overrun by Blood Raider forces. It proved to serve as an ideal starting point for what would eventually turn into Omagh Saragadzai's personal meccha.

The gate to next pocket is not locked and the room has nothing of value.


Frigate 5 x Frigate Corpii Mist Squire/Page
Destroyer 4 x Destroyer Corpum Mist Pikeman
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Corpum Gatekeeper
Elite Cruiser 3 x Elite Cruiser Corpum Gatekeeper
Sentry 10 x Sentry Blood Stinger/Raider Battery


Acceleration Gate 1 x Gate to Lord's Stronghold

2nd pocket - The Lord's Stronghold

Database information
Many a soul has met its end in this accursed place. Once the home of Omagh Saragadzai, that foulest of Blood Raider cardinals, and the place where he conducted bizarre rituals - deviant even by Blood Raider standards - and held unspeakable masses in long-dead languages.

The gate to next pocket and the container are not locked.


Frigate 15 x Frigate Corpii Lancer/Yeoman
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Corpii Grabber
Cruiser 5 x Cruiser Corpum Sentry/... Energy Neutralizer
Sentry 10 x Sentry Blood Watcher/...


Container 1 x Biomass Recycling Storage 6x Bug-Ridden Corpse
Acceleration Gate 1 x Gate to Omagh's Ascension

3rd pocket - Omagh's Ascension

Database information
Omagh's Ascension is viewed as a sacred site by Omagh Saragadzai's inner circle, those most loyal of his disciples who comprised his inner guard. This is the place where Saragadzai himself, after a fortnight of constant prayer and hundreds of screaming sacrifices, vanished without a trace. His followers still roam this place, waiting for some sign of their illumined master's return.

The silo drops assortment of T1 ammo. Other structures drop nothing. There is nothing of value in this room.


Frigate 15 x Frigate Omagh's Corpii Lancer/Corpii Charger
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Corpii Grabber
Battlecruiser 2 x Battlecruiser Omagh's Corpum Duke/Kinght
Sentry 12 x Sentry Corpus Blood Sentry