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EVE Online: Odyssey, scheduled to launch on the 4th of June 2013, is an upcoming expansion focusing on Exploration related aspects of EVE Online. This expansion will also include ship balancing updates, quality of life improvements and graphical upgrades.

Game Content


Not much is known about what CCP is intending to change in this area yet. The official expansion page has a single paragraph introduction about these changes. It is expected that more shall be revealed at Fanfest.

Ship Balancing

CCP Fozzie's Tiericide balancing effort has been going on for quite a while. So no surprise here. The ship balancing changes continue to move up the ladder and has taken on some extra steam with CCP Rise's(aka Kil2) joining CCP.

Some of the announced changes include;

New Ships

Along with the balancing updates, there have been a set of new Faction Navy Battlecruisers announced.

The Hurricane enthusiast will notice a slight oddity with the new Republic Fleet Hurricane.

Skill Requirements

To lay groundwork for future balancing efforts, making understanding skill progression easier and allowing players to cross-train easier, CCP has decided to re-iterate the current skill requirements for ships.

It is advised you consider editing your skill plan in light of this information. Detailed instructions and information can be found on the EVE University Forums, "Odyssey Skill Changes and You" thread.

Player Owned Starbase Updates

After much complaining from the playerbase, CCP has finally announced the first set of Player Owned Starbase(POS) iterations. Most are quality of life improvements, coming in different shapes and flavors.

New Capital Rigs

CCP Tallest announced a new set of rigs. There will be Tech 2 variants and each type of rig will require roughly five times the components compared to Large counterparts.

Tags for Security

You can kill certain NPC pirates in low-sec belts and collect special tags that can be traded in to improve security status. Described in detail in this video overview: http://youtu.be/Pv5BLQbyZ_E

EVE Fanfest Reveals

New System Scanner and Probing Improvements

CCP revealed a new visualized way of scanning and introduced standard probe formation deployments. [1] [2]

Moon Goo Redistribution

The moon goo requirements for production are being re-balanced. The main points include a reduction in Technetium requirements and an increase in certain R64 types. Part of the Resource Shakeup in Odyssey devblog has information on these changes.

Asteroid and Ice Mining

Gravimetric sites are being re-classified as anomalies and the high-end ores are getting some mineral output changes. There will new mining sites with named on that will spawn in lower security space. The ice supply is being lowered and market prices have already begun to fluctuate. Part of the Resource Shakeup in Odyssey devblog has information on these changes.

Outpost Upgrades

Outposts are getting significant buffs across the board to make them more viable for research, corporation offices, manufacturing and refining. Part of the Resource Shakeup in Odyssey devblog has information on these changes.

Nullsec Anomalies

A general increase in the warp scrambling rat counts, along with a few touch-ups to "Hubs" and "Sanctums". Part of the Resource Shakeup in Odyssey devblog has information on these changes.

New Jump Animation/Effect for Stargates

Just go watch it. No more loading bar.

New Radar and Magnetometric Sites

Renamed "Data" and "Relic" sites, these new versions will have different mechanics. Namely objects will require hacking through a "mini-game" of sorts and when succesful hacking will result in an "explosion of cans" which the player will have to catch.

Security Status Tags and Standing Decoupling

A new selection of tags will allow the player to pay isk and deliver said tags to CONCORD agents to earn security standings quickly. You will be able to sell and buy these tags off the market. Another change is the decoupling of CONCORD standing and security status, which will now be independent and all CONCORD standing will be reset to zero on patch day. You can view the Crimewatch Presentation for detailed information.


There are also minor UI updates, quality of life updates coming with this expansion. The UI updates include a new, useful radial menu.

Supercapitals will be getting the "V3" treatment and will have updated textures and shaders, bringing them visually in-line with smaller ship sizes.

Station interiors have been re-done. They are more detailed, have better shaders and some new effects are added to the undocking sequence.

New pod and death transitions have been added, making both events smoother.

The Apocalypse has been redesigned.

Nullsec and wormholes space will be getting more music.

Turret sound effects have been touched up.

Full EVE Keynote can be watched here: [3]



Cinematic Trailers
Eve Online: Origins in celebration of EVE's 10th Birthday.

Comedy Trailers
April Fools: In Development: EVE Online: Odyssey Further Features