Bag of Blood

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Sisters of EVE epic arc - The Blood-Stained Stars
Chapter 4 - Queens And Drones
Previous mission: Tracking or Scanning
Next mission: Planting the Body

Type Courier
Objective Transport Wolf Burgan's DNA
Rewards 150,000.00 ISK + 88,000.00 ISK (bonus)
Mission briefing
Before we get the mercenary's help, we need to get him out of a jam. This guy goes by the name “Wolf Burgan”. Yeah, it's stupid, but I'm willing to cut him slack because he's a damn good tracker. Wolf's been all over the universe and hunted damn near everything at some point. You don't get that good without making a few enemies. Right now the Serpentis want his head in a bad way. Wolf may be a great captain, but he's not a capsuleer. If he croaks, there's no resurrection. The Serpentis know it. We're going to use this to our advantage. Thanks to a previous indictment, the local law at a nearby station has a sample of Wolf's DNA. You should have no trouble getting access to it just by virtue of being a capsuleer. Bring me Wolf's DNA sample, and I can hatch my crazy scheme.

Pick up 1 x Wolf Burgan's DNA (1.0 m³) from Attyn V - Moon 13 - Poteque Pharmaceuticals Biotech Production station, and deliver it to Sister Alitura at Arnon IX - Moon 3 - Sisters of EVE Bureau station.

Simple courier mission. Set destination for Attyn - two high sec jumps away. Pick up the "Wolf Burgan's DNA", and deliver it to Sister Alitura in Arnon.