User:Callin vandylx
From EVE University Wiki
Revision as of 22:09, 29 November 2010 by Callin vandylx (talk | contribs) (→My Role in Eve University)
My Role in Eve University
I am leaving Eve University on November 30, 2010, after almost a year. During my active time at E-U, my roles were as follows:
- I am Eve University's Mining Manager.
- Hence, I manage the University's mining and hauling loaner fleet.
- I am a Recruitment Officer for Eve University.
- I am an Assistant Hangar Manager (Freshman) under Turhan Bey.
- I am an Eve University Graduate.
- I am a (provisional) Teacher.
- I authored and run the Wiki 101 class.
- I am a (low ranking) member of the Ivy League Navy.
- I have performed Squad Commander role once under FC Flay Geo.
- I'm working toward official Squad Commander status.
- I am something of a carebear between wars: heavy into missions and mining.
- I tend to be active in the Industry.E-UNI channel as well as Loo Operations.
- I want to learn more about wormholes at some point.
Current Training Plan
Sorry, my skills and such are confidential. Feel free to convo me about my plans and skills.
Works of EVE Fiction
Mining My Way Out - Placed 3rd in Jen Loo's mining fiction competition. Thank you to Jen for encouraging authorship and for the surprising award. (For Uni forum members.)
Spectre Retires to EVE University
Classes Taught
- Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 23:30 EVE time (6:30PM NYC time): Wiki 101
- (Voice recording available at that link)
- Tuesday, March 24, 2010 at 02:30 EVE time (10:30PM NYC time)
- (Voice recording made; not available online yet)
Works of Authorship
- Creating an Alt Hauler who can move over 15,000 m^3 in a few days
- Creating an Alt Miner who can fly a Hulk in a month in a half
- Advanced Hauling - hauling beyond Industrials
- Mining Loaner Fleet which I manage
- Running a Mining Op
- Participating in a Mining Op
- List of Mining Resources, Links, etc.
- Overview Setup Summary PDF
- Hooking a Buddy on Eve
- Wiki 101 Syllabus
- Template for "Ships and Skills" guides
- File:Callin-Screenshot-2009. New Year's 2010 FFA event elimination