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Stargates (often just “gates”) in EVE are used to jump from one system to an adjacent system. For most pilots in New Eden, gates are by far the most common way to travel from system to system.

Stargate Type

Stargate types are:

  • System gate: destination system and current system belong to the same constellation.
  • Constellation gate: destination system and current system belong to different constellations but are in the same region.
  • Region gate: destination system and current system belong to a different region but are controlled by the same faction.
  • Border gate: destination system and current system are controlled by different factions.
  • Old Man Star to Villore gate: a Gallente stargate that was built inside an asteroid, also a famous landmark with a unique backstory about it.
  • Smuggler gate: stargates constructed by pirates, smuggler stargates offer extremely long range jumping between different null-sec regions.
  • Conduit gate: conduits constructed by Triglavion Collective, acts as a traditional stargate that offers permanent connections between systems in Pochven.

Jump proximity

When you command your ship to jump through a stargate, the jump will be immediate if you are 2500 m or less from the gate. If you are further away you will approach the gate and jump when you are less than 2500 m from it. If you are cloaked, you will approach the gate until it decloaks you (i.e. when you are less than 2000 m from it) and then jump.

Spawn distance

When you jump into a stargate you will land in the next system, 12 km away from the gate. As stargates have different sizes, the actual radius where someone lands can be huge. To know how far someone jumping into a stargate will land away from someone sitting on a gate at 0, you can just add the size below to the 12km drop-out range.

Stargate radii by region and type
Faction System Constellation Region Border
Amarr 4,946 m 4,646 m 14,126 m 26,108 m
Caldari 7,065 m 8,998 m 15,998 m 28,102 km
Gallente 6,754 m 9,412 m 10,444 m 38,820 m
Minmatar 4,995 m 25,830 m 24,274 m 42,068 m
Special stargate radii
Stargate Radii
Old Man Star to Villore 6,754 m
Smuggler route stargate 7,870 m
Pochven Conduit Gate 18,000 m

Jumping restrictions

If you have a weapon timer because you engaged in PvP combat within the last 60 seconds, you cannot jump through a gate. This means that if you attack someone on a gate and your target does not fire back or use offensive modules, but rather jumps through the gate, you cannot immediately follow.

If you have a criminal timer in high security space, you cannot jump through a gate unless you are flying a Capsule. This means you cannot use jumpping to avoid CONCORD after commit criminal actions.

Stagates to high security space can't be used by ships that can fit capital sized ship modules, this includes carriers, force auxiliaries, dreadnoughts, supercapitals, titans and Rorqual. Capital ships that cannot fit capital sized ship modules are allowed to jump to high security space, this includes freighters and jump freighters. Jumping from high security space is not restricted if the other side is not a high security space.

Most stargates allow anyone to use them, even if they are enemies to the owner faction of the stargate. The only exception is applied to stargates to one of three Triglavion Clade's Home systems (Archee, Kino and Niarja), which require 7.00 standing with Triglavian Collective. Jumping from their home systems is not restricted.

Gate cloak

Screenshot of Jump Cloak Timer

When you drop out of a stargate, you will be protected by a jump cloak which renders you invisible as well as invulnerable for 60 seconds. This is a game mechanic to make sure people jumping into a system have time to load the system without people waiting in that system being able to engage you right away. The time remaining on your jump cloak timer is shown, usually at the top-left of the screen.

If you jump into a system in low- or null-security space and find the gate camped by hostiles, don’t panic. Your gate cloak will give you precious time to assess where you are in relation to the enemy ships, and whether your chances are better returning to the gate or trying to warp out within system.

See also

Gates are sometimes camped by hostile players.

Advanced ships can move around New Eden using jump drives, and some ships can create a “jump bridge” which allows any ship to make a long-distance jump drive jump.

Players in sovereign nullsec space can create their own gates, Ansiblex Jump Gates, which work quite like normal gates but need to be fuelled and can have controlled access rights.

Filaments allow any ship to travel long distances, but only in one direction, and with a strong element of randomness.