Ship Types |
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Capital ships |
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Ships by faction |
Shuttles are a cheap and fast way to travel between systems. They are cheap to construct and buy off the market and they move fast for their price, thus making them an excellent choice for travel. They have very limited cargo space and cannot fit any modules. Pilots can fly any race's shuttle.
Shuttles are the only ship class that are naturally immune to Interdiction Warp Distruption Probes, Warp Disruption Field Generators, and Mobile Warp Disruptors, allowing them to travel within nullsec without the risk of being caught in bubbles.
Compared to a Capsule, a shuttle has a faster sub-warp speed and warp speed, with their additional 10 m3 cargo hold they can bring small goods like blueprints and boosters. However, shuttles are extremely vulnerable to gate camps smartbombs, and it is advised to use other ship with better tanking to haul valuable goods.
While shuttles have been known to be used as scout or survey ships, their most common use is to travel to pick up other, more expensive ships. A repackaged shuttle is only 500 m3, allows you bring them with your battleship, without leaving them behind.
Standard Shuttles:
Rare and Unique Shuttles:
Apotheosis Has a multispectral sensor with higher sensor strength.
Boobook: Immune to cargo scanner. Was a possible drop for Capsuleer Day XIX hacking sites.
Goru's Shuttle: Has a slightly better tank than a normal shuttle.
Guristas Shuttle: Has the worst tank among all shuttles.
InterBus Shuttle: Has a 20 m3 cargo hold, twice larger than other shuttles. A rare shuttle awarded with every new account created via the retail release of EVE. Extremely expensive.
Leopard: Has the fastest warp speeds of any ship in the game. One presented to every active account, Christmas 2013.
Council Diplomatic Shuttle: Has a multispectral sensor with higher sensor strength, better tank than a normal shuttle, and omni natural resistances. 10 run BPC presented to every active account, February 2015, in honor of the 10th CSM.