EVE University Out-of-Corp Student Hauling Program

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This article is deprecated and no longer in use.
Please visit [University Hauling] for current info. User: Jalxan (talk) 21:37, 11 August 2021 (UTC)

EVE University's Out-of-Corp Student Hauling Program

Full information on this program and the rules for using it can be found on this forum post. It is basically a mailing list people can subscribe to so they can be notified of courier contracts on their alt (non-EVE University) characters. The mailing list is Hauling.E-Uni and is open to the public for convenience and to allow people to join with their out-of-corp alts. However, only members of Ivy League can put up contracts through the mailing list.

Sending a mail to the mailing list

To do this:

  1. Open your mail window in-game with the mail icon on the Neocom: Evemail.png
  2. Click the "Add Mailing List" button in the bottom left of the mail window
  3. Type in Hauling.E-Uni in the pop up box and press "Join". You will receive a welcome mail with the rules of the program
  4. To send a mail to the mailing list hover over the name of the mailing list in the left sidebar of your mail window, right click it and press "Send Mail to Mailing List"
  5. In the mail you should link your courier contract. To do this drag the courier contract icon from the contract details window (which looks like this: Contractcourier.png) into the body of the new mail. If you have closed the contract you can find it again under the contracts button (Contractsicon.png), "My Contracts" tab, and search by outstanding contracts. Double click on the contract to bring up the contract details window
  6. If your contract is larger than 20,000 m3 in volume you should state in your mail that an Orca may be required. If it is larger than 60,000 m3 you should state that a freighter may be required
  7. If there are no possible high sec routes to complete your contract (so it will need to go through low sec or null sec space) you should state this in your mail
  8. You can also add in the actual volume of your contract, number of jumps, payment, expiration date and collateral required if you want to, but this is optional

Completing a courier contract through the OOC Student Hauling Program

Anyone can join the mailing list, so you can join the list using your hauler alt to accept contracts if you like.

Courier Contracting

To use the program you should do the following:

Setting up the courier contract

Before you start see the section on Preparing your items

  1. Click the Contracts icon on your Neocom, which looks like: Contractsicon.png
  2. Click the 'Create Contract' button at the bottom of the window
  3. Set the contract type to 'Courier'
  4. Set the Availability to 'Public' (this is not completely necessary but will give your contract a better chance of being fulfilled because people can then accept it on their alt characters)
  5. Click 'Next'
  6. From the drop-down list at the top, select which station your items are in at the moment
  7. Check the box next to all the items you want moved (you can also use 'Select All' at the bottom)
  8. Click 'Next'
  9. Select the station you would like your items shipped to - If you type in the first three letters of the system you can search for it by clicking 'Search'
  10. Set a reward, which is the amount of ISK the person moving your items will received for completing the contract. See below for a guide on how much is reasonable
  11. Set your collateral, which is how much you will receive if the contract fails. It is very important to ensure that the collateral covers the cost of all your items. See the section on Calculating Collateral for more information
  12. Set an Expiration, which is how long the contract will be up for. It is sensible to set it for as long as possible, unless you need your items moved urgently
  13. Set a Time to Complete, which is how long the person completing your contract has to actually complete it
  14. Click 'Next'
  15. Review to ensure all the information is correct and then press 'Finish'
  16. Keep the completed contract open for now as you will need to link it shortly

Calculating collateral

Collateral is incredibly important with courier contracts. The concept is that the person moving your items pays over an amount of ISK which you specify. If they successfully complete the contract and deliver the items to their destination then they receive the collateral back. If, however, the contract fails they forfeit the collateral and it is paid to you instead. There are many reasons why a contract may fail, for example the person moving your items may be ganked and the items destroyed.

For this reason it is very important to ensure that the collateral you are asking for covers the cost of your items. Otherwise if the contract fails you will have to bear the cost of replacing them personally.

To calculate the approximate value of your items you can use a valuing site such as Janice. To use it, go to your item hangar and make sure you are organising items in 'List' view in the top right. Then either select all of the items (Ctrl + A) or just the items you will be sending by contract (Ctrl + click the items you want to select) and copy them to your clipboard (Ctrl + C). Go to Janice and paste the items into the box (Ctrl + V) then press submit. It is normal to value items based on their price in Jita. This will list all the items and their value, and at the bottom will give you a 'Total Sell Value' which is how much your items would be worth if you sold them. Your collateral should be at least this value.

How much to set as a reward

It is up to you how much you wish to offer as a reward for completing the contract. EVE University advice is:

"Official E-UNI contracts will pay 400,000 isk per jump for up to Orca-sized contracts, and 800,000 isk per jump for freighter-sized contracts. Student contracts are free to pay whatever they wish, but are encouraged to provide a fair rate, if not the official rate. It is less than half of common commercial rates, but still enough to encourage haulers to accept the job. The payment should assume a fully hisec route if one is available. You may need to pay more to encourage people to haul through dangerous space, but it's up to you".

Getting ready to do courier contracts

Do not run courier contracts with your EVE University character.

Before you start accepting corporation courier contracts make sure you are well prepared. EVE University is at war almost all the time and while we are at war our war targets can shoot you anywhere in space without intervention from CONCORD. It is therefore just too dangerous to run courier contracts on your EVE University character.

Before you even consider doing corporation courier contracts you should create an alt character and train it up as a hauler. See the page on Creating an Alt Hauler for more information on how to do this, and what skills to train to be ready to haul.

You will also need some ISK spare to use as collateral when accepting the courier contract, so make sure you have some set aside.

Finding contracts

Finding contracts through the OOC Student Hauling Program is easy. You just need to join the mailing list:

  1. Open your mail window in-game with the mail icon on the Neocom: Evemail.png
  2. Click the "Add Mailing List" button in the bottom left of the mail window
  3. Type in Hauling.E-Uni in the pop up box and press "Join". You will receive a welcome mail with the rules of the program

When a mail comes through you can click on the contract to see the full details and accept it if it is still available.