User:Adrien claremont

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E-UNI Emblem.png EVE University offers
a class on:

Campus goals

The goal of the EVE University NullSec Campus is to introduce new players to NullSec in an educational environment, giving students the experience of living in 0.0 space with all of the risks associated with it. We seek to do this by establishing and maintaining a supportive base within NPC NullSec space, allowing campus members to learn how to survive in this harsh environment through practical PVP and PVE activities.


Why the NSC?

The great benefit of the NullSec lifestyle is simplicity. It is this simplicity that makes the NSC a far easier PvP training ground than HiSec, LowSec or WH Space. Here at the NSC you do not need to worry about the many complex mechanics that can make PvP in other parts of the Eve Universe incredibly difficult. We fly Not Blue Shoot It (NBSI) which means that anyone and everyone is a target, provided they do not have a positive standing with Eve University, and because there are no gate guns, Concord or Standing losses within NullSec, we are also free to engage wherever we please. This, coupled with the fact that Syndicate, the region of space that the NSC is current based within, sees more low-value ships per fight than any other area of space, creates an amazing learning environment filled with opportunities.

Joining the Campus

Joining the NullSec Campus community is as simple as joining the ingame NSC.E-Uni chat channel. Here, you can ask any of the campus members questions about life in NullSec and how to get involved with the community. Similarly, join us on mumble and talk direct to our campus members. There are no official title requirements for joining the NSC, and you do not need to commit any specific amount of time to the campus. Just head over and enjoy the NullSec lifestyle as and when you feel like it. That said, we do ask that members have carried out the following actions prior to travelling to the NSC to make your life smoother, once there.


While we have no formal requirements or barriers to joining the campus, we do ask that members join the NSC standing fleet when they are at the NSC and that members set their overview up according to University standards. A willingness to have fun and learn is always welcomed. The only thing that we, as a campus, expect from our members is they are respectful, polite, and friendly to our many Syndicate neighbours and as always, members must follow the EVE University Rules.


We use the following EVE University services for communication:

  • Ingame chat channel NSC.E-Uni (need to be a current member of the Uni and have access the channel password thread).
  • Ingame mailing list NSC.E-UNI (current unistas can join freely, ex-unistas needs to ask the campus leaders for permission).
  • The Mumble channel NullSec Campus under Special Projects & Events (need to be registered on the forum).
  • NullSec Campus Slack (see this post for instructions on how to set it up).
  • The NullSec Campus section on the forum.

Further Reading

You should also read:

You should also attend or read the following classes:

Campus Leadership

Campus Manager: Raido Kudonen

Combat Officers: Lanik Solette (USTZ), Peter Rotineque (EUTZ)

Structure Team: Dune Barphsaq, Magic Anninen, Paleo Olduwan

Hangars Team: Magic Anninen (EUTZ), Dash Riggins (USTZ)

Import/Export Team: Captain Galen Wanderson, Dune Barphsaq, EBane Padecain, Stafro, Hofborn

Education Officer: Antei Thantonne

Manufacturing Officer: Mike Eventide

Reimbursement Officers: Dominic Altol (T1), Cat Evergreen (T2)