EDENCOM Covert Research Headquarters

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Site Details
EDENCOM Covert Research Headquarters
Type Expedition
Rating Unrated
Found in Low
Max ship size Unrestricted
Faction Rogue Drones
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Faction Triglavian Collective
Best damage to deal Explosive damage ExThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damageThermal damageKinetic damageExplosive damage Omni
Sig. strength Escalates from Upwell Covert Research Facilities

EDENCOM Covert Research Headquarters is a limited time Expedition that can escalate from Upwell Covert Research Facilities.


Rogue drones are the same type as in the Upwell Covert Research Facilities. The fifth and final spawn contains Triglavian rats.

The rats will sometimes warp in at 500 km then warp at 0 on you a few seconds later. Their behavior is very atypical compared to the normal rats in New Eden.


Ungated pocket. There are around 5-8 ships in each wave. Subsequent waves spawn several seconds after previous wave is destroyed.
The site will become a warpable beacon when it is warped to so anyone can come into the site.

Wave 1

Frigate 0-2 x Frigate Type-A/B/C/D Anomalous Alvi Warp Scrambler Stasis Webifier
Destroyer 0-2 x Destroyer Type-A/B/C/D Anomalous Alvior Warp Disruptor Energy Neutralizer
Cruiser 0-2 x Cruiser Type-A/B/C/D Anomalous Alvum Warp Disruptor Tracking Disruptor
Battlecruiser 0-2 x Battlecruiser Type-A/B/C/D Anomalous Alvatis Warp Disruptor

Wave 2

Frigate 0-2 x Frigate Type-A/B/C/D Anomalous Alvi Warp Scrambler Stasis Webifier
Destroyer 0-2 x Destroyer Type-A/B/C/D Anomalous Alvior Warp Disruptor Energy Neutralizer
Cruiser 0-2 x Cruiser Type-A/B/C/D Anomalous Alvum Warp Disruptor Tracking Disruptor
Battlecruiser 0-2 x Battlecruiser Type-A/B/C/D Anomalous Alvatis Warp Disruptor

Wave 3

Frigate 0-2 x Frigate Type-A/B/C/D Anomalous Alvi Warp Scrambler Stasis Webifier
Destroyer 0-2 x Destroyer Type-A/B/C/D Anomalous Alvior Warp Disruptor Energy Neutralizer
Cruiser 0-2 x Cruiser Type-A/B/C/D Anomalous Alvum Warp Disruptor Tracking Disruptor
Battlecruiser 0-2 x Battlecruiser Type-A/B/C/D Anomalous Alvatis Warp Disruptor

Wave 4

Frigate 0-2 x Frigate Type-A/B/C/D Anomalous Alvi Warp Scrambler Stasis Webifier
Destroyer 0-2 x Destroyer Type-A/B/C/D Anomalous Alvior Warp Disruptor Energy Neutralizer
Cruiser 0-2 x Cruiser Type-A/B/C/D Anomalous Alvum Warp Disruptor Tracking Disruptor
Battlecruiser 0-2 x Battlecruiser Type-A/B/C/D Anomalous Alvatis Warp Disruptor

Warning: The Voivode Jarognik Leshak has a strong armor tank and high structure hitpoints as well as EXTREME neuting.

Final spawn

Frigate 1 x Frigate Voivode Jarognik Damavik
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Voivode Jarognik Rodiva
Commander Battleship 1 x Commander Battleship Voivode Jarognik Leshak VERY heavy neuting Destruction decloakes Decloaked Infested Fluid Router Relay Warp Scrambler Energy Neutralizer EDENCOM ammo/ship BPCs, limited time boosters, abyssal filaments, survey databases, meta modules
In local (Leshak destroyed)
As the final Triglavian vessel explodes, your ship detects a small infested fluid router relay near the station wreckage.

The Decloaked Infested Fluid Router Relay spawns when the Voivode Jarognik Leshak is destroyed. It is approx. 50 km away.


Icon PersonalHangarArray.png 1 x Decloaked Infested Fluid Router Relay Spawns when the Voivode Jarognik Leshak is destroyed Destroying may trigger escalation EDENCOM ammo/ship BPCs, limited time boosters, abyssal filaments, survey databases, meta modules


Destroying the overseer structure can escalate the site further to Signal Source.

Escalation trigger
The explosion of the infested fluid router causes an encrypted signal burst directed at a specific set of coordinates in a nearby star system. Check the "Escalations" section within the "Exploration" tab of the Agency for details of that location.