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 Has update description
Frontier in Flames#Fourth location is in need of information.
Gas cloud harvestingMajor re-write needed due to December 2021, Version 19.11 changes
Gaseous NebulaReview quantities in clouds due to December 2021, Version 19.11 changes
Glistening NebulaReview quantities in clouds due to December 2021, Version 19.11 changes
Glow roid grid.jpgResource Distribution changes made in December 2019, removed Veldspar and Spodumain from null security asteroid belts.
Guide to combat sites#Tips 'n' Tricks: WHC Mapper is no longer in use; rewrite so that the page makes sense without ShipFittings
Guristas DenInformation on a second variation of the site (with more frigates and Light Missile Batteries) needed.
Guristas Military Complex2nd pocket needs more info.
Guristas StrikePart 1 to 4 is similar for all factions. Part 5 to 10 may be different (confirm?).
Halt the Invasion (Amarr)This is just the beginning of the mission. The reporter has not completed it. Might be more waves of ships
Halt the Invasion (Minmatar Republic)Info on wave 2 is needed
Hardware Retrieval (2 of 4)Needs mission briefing
Hidden Enemy Base (Amarr)Cruisers, battlecruisers and different ships that use different types of EWAR are lumped together
Homefront operationNew operation sites. Version 22.01 release 2024-06-20.1 Patch notes
Changes to #Abyssal Artifact Recovery in Version 22.01 release 2024-08-27.1 Patch notes
Humble BeginningsWhere this comes from?
Ice harvestingReview for December 2021, Version 19.11 major changes to mining
Icy NebulaReview quantities in clouds due to December 2021, Version 19.11 changes (In progress)
Infrequent Core DepositReview quantities in asteroids due to December 2021, Version 19.11 changes
Installing EVE on LinuxRemove old references to solutions that are no longer relevant, update for new launcher, please add and improve, steam needs some love.
Interstellar Services DepartmentAge requirement. Dead link to CCL Navigator's dev blog (404). Team names.
Kill RightsHow can a player tell if they have a kill right available against themselves?
Large Dark Ochre and Gneiss DepositNeed ore amounts.
Lion NebulaReview quantities in clouds due to December 2021, Version 19.11 changes
List of data and relic sitesSome High-Sec exploration sites have pirate spawns and some don't. For new Bros, a column should be added that identifies which sites these are and the composition of the spawn if possible.
Living in Wormhole SpaceAggression timer does not exist anymore since Rubicon. Convert POS to Upwell structures.
Lord Finnbar/Wormhole Community Scouting GuideWHC Mapper is deprecated.
MackinawReview for December 2021, Version 19.11 changes.
Attributes updated. Summary and Skills needs to be looked at
Main CommunityHQ is now in Korsiki some references need to be adjusted
Map BetaThe map is no longer Beta'"`UNIQ--ref-00000004-QINU`"'
MatriarchArticle still needs '"`UNIQ--nowiki-00000000-QINU`"'MissionBriefing'"`UNIQ--nowiki-00000001-QINU`"' and message(s).
Verify damage to deal/resist, they appear to be swapped when looking at the original EVE-survival import.
Medical boostersMost (all?) Cerebral Accelerators purchased from the EVE store as part of bundles etc. are now directly injected into the character when redeemed and can no longer be sold/traded
MiningMajor rewrite needed due to December 2021, Version 19.11 major changes to mining mechanics.
Need ore info about the border/A0 ores #Cosmic Anomalies.
Mining BargesReview for December 2021, Version 19.11 changes (e.g. Ship changes, Yield information needs to be looked at. Also the part about tank in the #Retriever section needs to be looked at. The distribution over shield and armor differs, but the total HP value is the same.)
Moon miningSee Moon Mining on EVE Support and in-game knowledge and update the article
Moving into Wormhole SpacePOS replacement by structures and scannable site name changes.
NPC Mining OperationsUpdate for April 2022 Version 20.04, changing class name Industrial to Hauler
Navigation structuresThe #Destruction section needs to be updated for the Ansiblex Jump Bridge damage cap and auto repair removal, and HP value changes from the Version 22.02 Release 2025-03-12.1 update
Navy Armada (Gallente Federation)Verify ship names/types
It is reported that the mission name should be "The Navy Armada"
NeocomIcon shown for "Opportunities" is now used for Aura in New Player Experience (Tutorial); Opportunities is now Activity Tracker with a new icon; People and Places is now split into Contacts and Locations
13 June 2023 Viridian: Journal removed, Opportunities back in a new form.
10 Decemer 2024: Activity Tracker disabled.
New Frontiers 1-7Need mission briefings for mission 2–3.
ORE Basic Ship and Skill OverviewReview for December 2021, Version 19.11 changes (e.g. Ship changes)
Gas Cloud Scoop/Harvester still needs to be done.
Optimizing client performanceImages should be updated to reflect new UI.
Orbital SkyhookSee: Equinox Update: Enhanced Skyhooks
OrcaReview for December 2021, Version 19.11 changes
Attributes updated. Summary and Tactics needs to be looked at
Orca GuideReview for December 2021, Version 19.11 changes.
Review for March 2022, Version 20.03 changes
POS RefiningSee note at #Refinery Output
POS StructuresInfo on POS modules is out of date, do not use this page as a guide
PYFAPYFA version updates/UI changes and possible game damage profile updates.
Pale NebulaReview quantities in clouds due to December 2021, Version 19.11 changes
Pipe NebulaReview quantities in clouds due to December 2021, Version 19.11 changes