Treacherous Collapsed Conduit

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Site Details
Treacherous Collapsed Conduit
Type Combat Anomaly
Rating ?
Found in High, Low, Null
Max ship size None
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damageThermal damageKinetic damageExplosive damage Omni
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damageThermal damageKinetic damageExplosive damage Omni

The Treacherous Collapsed Conduit is a Capsuleer Day XXI combat event site. found all across K-space. You will face 3 waves, two of which consist of minor Rogue Drones and the Triglavian Collective Boss, that promptly appears after killing the first two waves.

Notably, a loot container labelled "EDENCOM Surveyor Debris" may rarely spawn within the site upon warp-in which may contain Blueforce SKINS and among other Capsuleer Day-related apparel.

You land at 0 on a non-interactable Triglavian wormhole, similar to the layout of an Emerging Conduit. All NPCs spawn roughly 15-25 km away.

Overall DPS is relatively negligible and a T1 cruiser can run the site easily. Even an Astero is able to defeat the NPCs, as long as it kites the Kikimora. Rogue Drone frigates have small signature radius and 900-1000 m/s orbit speed so larger ships may suffer tracking issues.

List of possible NPCs to face:
WD EWAR CollapseL
1st Wave
Frigate 5 x Frigate Igniting Swarmer Orbits at 8150m. Target Painter
2nd Wave
Frigate 5 x Frigate Igniting Swarmer Orbits at 8150m. Target Painter
3rd Wave
Destroyer 1 x Destroyer Impaired Blitzing Kikimora Orbits at 16km. Arrives with shields at 70%, armor at 43%, and hull at 70%(?) Event Filament-making materials, Triglavian Encrypted Conduit Data, T1 Event Filament BPCs

Possible rare spawn upon warp-in
WD EWAR CollapseL

Container 1 x EDENCOM Surveyor Debris Blueforce SKINs, Capsuler XXI fireworks, among others.