Wildfire/Chapter 1 - The Passage
- Main article: Wildfire
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Wildfire |
Chapter 1: The Passage |
Chapter 2: Songs of the Past |
Chapter 3: Revelation |
The Passage is the first chapter of Wildfire.
It would be helpful to have:
- a Olfei Medallion (bought from the Local Market)
Mission 1 - A Demonstration
Mission briefing |
A visitor, and a capsuleer no less. I can tell my day is about to get more interesting.
Hello <Character>. I'm guessing you flew out here because you heard I was handing out work, right? Well, I do have something for you. Nothing amazingly difficult and nothing someone without a pod could handle easily, either. If you can pull this off, we can see about maybe getting you in on some other things. Maybe. We Matari are known for our ingenuity. Civilization owes us a great debt, and the Amarr owe it twice over. Before they came, we were by far the most advanced nation; our technological achievements were regarded with envy by the rest of the cluster. You eggers know a lot, but did you know that? Well, regardless of history, and regardless of your race, you will need to demonstrate an understanding of this if you want to work with us. Prove your resourcefulness by bringing me an Olfei Medallion. You will have to explore as only a capsuleer can and find one somewhere in the Sveipar constellation, near our homeworld Pator. Of course, some other egger can milk your wallet in exchange for doing the thinking and grunt work for you. That works too. Whether you scan it down inside an Angel Cartel fortress, or buy it for 2 ISK on the market - I don't really care. Results are what matter most. You'll go far with me if you keep that in mind. |
Former Selves |
The fortunes of the Minmatar have ebbed and flowed continuously. At one time they had a flourishing empire with a level of mechanical excellence never before or since seen anywhere. Later, however, they had to endure centuries of enslavement, toiling and dying for the benefit of foreign masters. Today most of them have regained their freedom, but the legacy of their enslavement has been the diaspora of the race. |
Arsten Takalo located at the Brutor Tribe Community Area Beacon in Frarn wants you to prove your resourcefulness. Purchase or find the Olfei Medallion in the Sveipar Constellation.
A Demonstration
A Demonstration is a Combat Anomaly found in the Sveipar Constellation. Many A Demonstration Combat Anomalies exist at the same time.
Kill all ships and hack the Structure Containers with a Relic Analyzer.
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5 x Elite Frigate Arch Gistii Hunter/Impaler | ![]() |
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11 x Elite Cruiser Arch Gistum Centurion/Phalanx/Marauder | ![]() |
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3 x Structure Container | ![]() |
Mission 2 - The Cost of Preservation
Mission briefing |
Now that we're past the small talk perhaps you're ready for some proper work. I guess we'll see.
There's this Gallentean guy, a historian named Aillon Boufin…yeah, I know. The story is that he's been studying Minmatar history for years now, and as you'd expect, he's come across a whole shipload of information and documents in that time. Apparently he has one of the largest unofficial collections of documents and artifacts from our earlier days. We're talking real old here, <Character>, some of it - going back to when it was just us, alone against the Amarr. Now, I'm told that normally whenever we want to look at something of his, there aren't too many problems. Recently however, when some of our academics from the Republic University asked to see a particular document known as the Hauteker Memoirs, they were denied. Since that time, they have bent over backwards for this guy. They have even tried to buy it back - this document that Matari people wrote, this document that belongs to us. They have tried that repeatedly, raising and raising the price and yet each of these times more refusals. This is when things got ugly. Boufin recently made a statement to the University, saying he is only trying to “preserve Minmatar heritage”. After that insult, they called us in. The implication that RU staff would somehow endanger our own history by simply studying a document...it's almost like he was trying to piss us all off. Well, the insults stop here. The Brutor tribe has arrived, and with a capsuleer to back their word on the matter no less. It has been decided by the tribe that the return of this document to Matari hands represents a higher priority than staying on good terms with some overprotective historian, Gallente or not. You will see to this. And before you go jumping in, there is a 5m ISK collateral to cover associated risks. The tribe is not willing to risk our own property falling into foreign hands again. Perhaps you can see why we're looking to hire an egger? With that kind of money it's not really an option. |
Rising Tensions |
For many citizens of the Minmatar Republic, the friendship with the Gallente Federation has been a costly one. Some view the recent abandonment of the parliamentary system as the most potent symbol yet that the Federation's influence hasn't always been to their benefit. Indeed, there are some Matari who view the return to a Tribal Republic as the last necessary step out from under the shadow of foreign empires. Whatever the claims may be, few deny that the relationship still has some fundamental challenges to overcome. |
Warp in message |
Leave now, egger. I know why you've come, and I know who has sent you. If you think you can just march in and take things that took me years to find, you're sorely mistaken. I won't give you the courtesy of another warning. |
Ungated semi-deadspace pocket one jump away in Illinfrik. All warps will land you at the same point, but you can warp around freely.
Blitz: Kill Ailon Boufin then warp to a bookmark. Warp to the Cargo Container, pick up the passkey then warp to a bookmark. Warp to the Archives, insert the passkey and pick up Hauteker Memoirs from the Archives.
- When you arrive only Ailon Boufin and the Archives are present
- Ailon Boufin's lowest resistance is 72% Kinetic Shield and Armor
- Reinforcements arrive when Ailon Boufin takes shield damage and then again when they take armor damage
- Reinforcements include a large amount of Remote Repair ships
- If you are unsure if you can kill Ailon Boufin with Armor Repairers present, kill the reinforcements wave by wave first
- If you overestimate yourself, you'll spawn all ships at once and make the Mission a nightmare
- Create a Bookmark and warp to it to avoid taking damage
- Place Ailon Boufin's passkey into the Archives to spawn the Hauteker Memoirs
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1 x Elite Cruiser Ailon Boufin ![]() |
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Arsten Takalo's last words |
Well... that was interesting, eh? I doubt Boufin was carrying the Memoirs himself, but I bet he had the passkey to his archives at all times. Look amongst his wreck for anything like that and see if you can use it to access his archives. |
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5 x Elite Frigate Mercenary Wingman | ![]() |
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6 x Elite Cruiser Mercenary Corporal/Lieutenant | |||
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5 x Battleship Mercenary Overlord |
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5 x Elite Cruiser Mercenary Commander | |||
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6 x Battleship Mercenary Overlord |
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1 x Archives | ![]() |
Mission 3 - Written By The Victors
Mission briefing |
Good thing you're still about, we'll need you again for this one.
The Republic University guys had a look over the document and it has what they're after: directions. There's a mention in one of the sections of an old Nefantar bloodline, and where they buried their dead. I'm told they're important because of some old folktale about how they buried a special type of Khumaak with one of their leaders. Pretty odd stuff, but also kinda interesting. They're on a myth-busting mission, though, that's the thing. There is no actual Khumaak, just a bunch of old Ammatar bones, probably. Still, you go there, check it out, and then they can say in their report that the area was inspected by a capsuleer and turned up nothing. They put that together with the proof in this old book that you inspected the right area and, I dunno, write an essay about how clever they are. The important thing for me was just getting our own history back, and that's what you should remember too. So anyways, you feel like digging up some graves? The coordinates will be 2.5m in collateral, to cover associated risks yet again. If for some crazy reason there is actually a unique Khumaak out there, it belongs in a museum, not your cargo bay. 2.5m ISK would buy a lot of museums, you see. Whatever way it goes, our history won't lose out again. |
The Ammatar – Past and Present |
The Ammatars are descendants of Minmatar that collaborated with the Amarrians during the latter occupation of the Minmatar worlds. When the Amarrians were thrown out during the Minmatar Rebellion their collaborators fled with them. The Amarrians helped their Minmatar allies to settle in a few systems not far from the newly formed Minmatar Republic. The Ammatars regard themselves as the true rulers of the Minmatars, mainly based around the fact that a fair proportion of the old Minmatar aristocracy, or tribal leaders, were among them. In this vein they named their domain San Matar, meaning ‘true home'.
The term Ammatar was first used by the Gallenteans to distinguish between the two groups. Out of convenience even the Ammatars themselves started using it, stating that, with the help of the Amarrians, they had progressed beyond the old social structure of the Minmatar tribes. Indeed, the Ammatars have very deliberately abolished many age-old traditions of the Minmatar tribal society and embraced some Amarrian ones instead. In the months following the Elder War of YC110, the Ammatar Mandate was beset with turmoil and uncertainty. During the war, its lucrative tsula plantations -- the Mandate's largest export crop and arguably the backbone of its economy -- were systematically destroyed by Chamberlain Karsoth's forces in retaliation for the Mandate government's harboring of Starkmanir Minmatar tribesmen, a clan lineage long-since thought extinct. After Empress Jamyl I rose to power in the Amarr Empire, however, appointing Royal Heir Yonis Ardishapur as Ammatar's savior and protector, the nation has entered into something of a renaissance. Aid now flows in a steady stream from the Empire's coffers, command hierarchies are being reinforced and morale is on the rise. It appears the star of Ammatar will soon shine bright once more. |
Ungated semi-deadspace pocket within one jump of Frarn. All warps will land you at the same point, but you can warp around freely.
Blitz: warp in, then warp to bookmark. Warp to Central Burial Tomb, loot the Wildfire Khumaak and warp out.
Complete the Mission remotely.
- The Mission is done when you approach the Central Burial Tomb, but if you don't loot the Wildfire Khumaak you won't be able to complete the next mission
- Large ships like the Praxis will bump off of the structure before they get within 2500m, making it impossible to loot, and even frigates can easily get stuck on the structure. It might be safest to use a heavily-tanked frigate and MWD away after looting rather than trying to warp off immediately.
- ~500 DPS applied immediately after pinging to the structure
- Powerful Amarr Elite Battleships will arrive only if you destroy all Battlecruisers
Hautekar Burial Site |
The next morning she was borne up to the stars, to be closer to him. He had her enclosed inside a giant holy dome, a place so magnificent that we wept to see it. In the warmth of the Zaid sun she would remain, forever embracing the shared secret that had brought them together. |
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1 x Elite Frigate Arch Gistii Outlaw/... | ![]() |
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7 x Elite Cruiser Arch Gistum Centurion/... | |||
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3 x Elite Cruiser Arch Gistum Breaker/Defeater | ![]() |
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3 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Legatus/Tribunus ![]() |
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3 x Battleship Imperial Templar Martyr | |||
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3 x Elite Battleship Imperial Templar/Judgement |
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1 x Central Burial Tomb | ![]() |
Mission Completion Dialogue |
Wait, you found a Khumaak out there? What the hell is a Wildfire Khumaak? I'm dying to look at it, I admit, but we can't screw around here. We need to get this thing somewhere safe before we start trying to figure anything out. I have a bad feeling about all of this <Character>. Boufin was strangely protective, Angels were all over the burial site, and the Amarr were plenty aware of its location too. With that many people involved, I doubt nobody noticed us lifting that thing out of the tombs.
I have an idea about where to take it, but I need to make a quick holovid call first. Talk to me again in a few moments, ok? |
Mission 4 - Glowing Embers
Level | 4 |
Type | Security |
Objective | Deliver 1x Wildfire Khumaak (0.3 m3) to Defiants Base. |
Ship suggestion | Combat ship (next mission requires combat) |
Rewards | 6M ISK + 1M ISK (6h) |
Mission briefing |
Ever heard of the Defiants, <Character>? Well, either way, you're about to meet them – if you think you're ready for it. They're one of the few groups the Brutor tribe can trust these days. I once had the honor of meeting their leader, Karishal Muritor, before our own Fleet had him put down like a dog for daring to fight the Amarr. A shameful day for us all, it was.
Still, it showed us who will fight, and who can be trusted. There is no group of people I personally would want more than them to handle this. We don't know how significant this Khumaak is, but let me tell you friend, some of our people are very excited about its discovery. They think it may shed new light on our past. Me, I'm excited too I guess, but more concerned than anything. I'll relax once this is in the Defiants' hands, not any earlier. So, can we count on you to make the delivery? I think you and I are past collateral now, <Character>. I'm happy to trust you with the current location of their camp, if only because you have no chance of finding them after this meeting. The Defiants are only discovered when they want to be. |
Defiance |
The Defiants were a splinter group of the Republic Fleet commanded by Admiral Karishal Muritor, a Brutor warrior and figure of great renown within military circles. Skirting the edge of all-out conflict with the Amarr Empire, the Defiants waged constant guerilla warfare with Amarr forces in the years leading up to the Elder Fleet Invasion of YC110, despite insistent urgings from the Republic to back down. Though the good Admiral is now fallen and most of his force gone -- lost while covering the retreat of the Elder Fleet -- a small contingent lives on, scheming to stamp themselves once again into the hearts and minds of freedom-loving Minmatar. |
Defiants Camp |
This camp is reminiscent of the Thukker caravans that ply the spacelanes of the Great Wildlands – their home and sanctuary. After their defeat at the hands of a vicious Amarrian counter-attack, the Defiants were thought to have been completely destroyed. Rumors always persisted however, that a few survivors had fled with the Thukker to the safe havens of the south, outside Republic borders. Evidently, there is a kernel of truth to such tales, but the fleet here now is but a shadow of its former self. |
Accept the Mission remotely.
Deliver Wildfire Khumaak to Todeko, warp to the deadspace pocket and place Wildfire Khumaak into Defiants Storage Facility. Six jumps for delivery.
Complete the Mission remotely.
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1 x Defiants Storage Facility | ![]() |
Mission 5 - From Way Above
Mission briefing |
<Character>, you're not gonna like this. Only moments ago the Angel Cartel launched an attack on the Defiant base to recover what was taken from them. Seems they only realized now that they were sitting on something of value. Hell, we barely even know what we're sitting on right now.
The Defiants have fled the camp, which has now been converted into a base of operations for the Angel's invasion fleet. The Defiants can easily evade a bunch of Angel thugs, but they have asked that we put this chase to an end quickly and violently. Your task will be to smash the Angel's operational base. That will sever the attacking forces still chasing our brothers from their reinforcements. As soon as that happens, the Defiants can stop running and turn to meet their attackers in a fair fight. They've never lost one, <Character>. Those Angels will drop like sacks of fedo crap once they have their support pulled out from under them. You have your orders, <Character>, will you accept them? |
The Republic-Cartel Relationship |
The Minmatar Republic and the Angel Cartel have a long and checkered history of locked horns and uneasy handshakes. A century back, when the Angel Cartel was building its reputation as a ruthless mercenary organization but had not yet crossed over into out-and-out piracy, the Republic was rumored to frequently contract the Cartel for operations deemed too politically sensitive for the Republic's armed forces. While these rumors have never been confirmed by either side, certain other occurrences -- such as the Cartel's immediate and unexplained withdrawal from their Skarkon sovereignty bid in YC110 -- seem to corroborate the idea of a nebulous connection between the two giant entities' top levels. |
Accept the Mission remotely.
Ungated semi-deadspace pocket zero jumps away in Todeko. All warps will land you at the same point, but you can warp around freely.
Complete the Mission remotely.
Blitz: warp in, then warp to bookmark. Wait for 10 minutes for the final spawn to arrive and destroy the 2x Elite Battleships (Gist Domination Saint/Nephilim).
- A new spawn appears after a minute, then after 2, then after 3 and the final spawns after 4 minutes
- 2x Elite Battleships (Gist Domination Saint/Nephilim) Target Painting is effective even at 100KM
- Battleships can't hit at close range due to poor tracking
- Ships spawn around 70 km away from warp-in
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3 x Elite Frigate Arch Gistii Ambusher/... | ![]() |
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3 x Elite Cruiser Arch Gistum Phalanx/... | |||
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2 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Praefectus/Tribunus |
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3 x Elite Frigate Arch Gistii Nomad | ![]() |
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3 x Elite Cruiser Arch Gistum Marauder/Liquidator | |||
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1 x Battleship Gist Warlord/Saint |
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1 x Elite Frigate Arch Gistii Ruffian | ![]() |
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4 x Elite Cruiser Arch Gistum Breaker/Defeater | ![]() |
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3 x Battleship Gist Throne/Cherubim |
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3 x Elite Frigate Arch Gistii Ruffian | ![]() |
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4 x Destroyer Gistior Seizer/Thrasher | |||
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3 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Legatus/Tribunus |
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5 x Elite Cruiser Arch Gistum Breaker/... | ![]() |
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3 x Battleship Gistior Seraphim | |||
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2 x Elite Battleship Gist Domination Saint/Nephilim ![]() |
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Mission Completion Dialogue |
Nice flying out there <Character>. The Defiants dealt with the remains of the attacking fleet easily once you took out their support.
As for the situation with this RSS Agent, we're still discussing our options amongst the tribal leadership, but chances are that this guy was operating on his own. That means basically nobody knew what he was doing or why the Wildfire Khumaak grabbed his attention. You're probably going to have to take that guy's passkey and go in there yourself, if the RSS lets us. We're still talking with them about the situation. Some people are looking at his disappearance in an entirely different light, if you get me. RSS operative shows up and not much later so do a bunch of Angels. Yeah…still a few discussions yet to be had, I reckon. Anyways, get back to me again soon and we'll have a plan ready for you. You've more than proven yourself now, so I'd be more than happy to trust you with whatever comes next. |
Mission 6 - Friends In High Places
Level | 4 |
Type | Security |
Objective | Investigate the RSS Facility |
Ship size limit | Battleship |
Ship suggestion | Combat Ship (mission-after-next requires combat, this one is on the way there) |
Rewards | 7M ISK + 1M ISK (6h) |
Mission briefing |
Alright, we've talked it out and I was right. You're going in there. The RSS almost threatened to have you killed for attempting it, but with the accusations being leveled at them right now they're just gonna have to get over it. We needed someone independent, not tied to any one faction, and who we knew we could trust. You were the obvious answer; I didn't even have to suggest it.
The RSS has given us the location of the compound where this agent was doing his work. Your task will be to fly to Alakgur and investigate it. We're looking for anything that would give us further insight into why he was visiting the Defiants. All they could tell us was that he expressed an interest in examining the Khumaak and then suddenly showed up. The Angels followed shortly after. It's a politically delicate assignment <Character>, but a pretty easy one from your end. Just fly in there, have a poke around, and bring back anything you think may be relevant to our investigations. I'll be plugged into your camera drones for this one, along with the rest of the RSS, heh. We'll tell you what to look for too, if we see anything in there. Sorry about the invasive measures, but it was either that or a 500m ISK collateral to the RSS. You down for this? |
The Republic Security Services |
Perhaps less is known about the Republic Security Services than any other national intelligence agency in the universe of New Eden. Their numbers, their spheres of operation, the scope of their involvement in affairs national and international: all these things are hidden in a fog of silence and misdirection. In the absence of concrete recorded information, the only detectable pattern is composed of reports from those few times the agency has revealed itself. Pieced together, a picture begins to emerge: grim, humorless, determined and fierce, these men and women stalk the underworld and mingle with its demons so their brethren may live in the sunshine. |
Accept the Mission remotely.
Go to Alakgur eight jumps away, take the Acceleration Gate, approach the RSS Radio Telescope and take three items from RSS Radio Telescope (0.3 m3).
Complete the Mission remotely.
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1 x Acceleration Gate to Area RRD-XX3 |
Area RRD-XX3
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1 x RSS Radio Telescope | ![]() |
Mission Completion Dialogue |
Excellent work out there, <Character>. We're making copies of the data you recovered now. It looks like we'll have more than enough here to work from.
From first impressions, it looks like this RSS agent was working almost entirely alone on some operation involving a highly-placed Ammatar defector and the Wildfire Khumaak. The RSS people here with me are claiming they've never heard of this matter before. I'm seeing reports here to suggest that this Ammatar “sister” was a source for historical information on the Wildfire. I don't like the name of that RSS operation though, <Character>. Stillwater? That's basically the opposite of “Wildfire”. We should be careful not to trust the RSS too much on this one, I think. In fact, I have an idea. I'll speak with you again after I've made a few arrangements with the RSS. |
Mission 7 - My Little Eye
Level | 4 |
Type | Security |
Objective | Report to Nilf Abruskur (Aldrat) |
Ship suggestion | Combat Ship (next mission requires combat) |
Rewards | 5M ISK + Time Bonus |
Mission briefing |
Excellent, you're back. Firstly, I have an update on the documents you recovered. The Thukker and Krusual have flown in analysts to go over the copies. It may take some time to sift through the data and find the fresh leads, but I'm confident they'll find something useful in there.
In the meantime I have something else for you to do. I've made a few arrangements with the RSS and convinced them to let you continue to work on this Wildfire Khumaak business. Officially, you will be acting as the RSS liaison for the Brutor tribe, but in reality, you'll be on the front line working for the both of us to figure out what's going on. You're our go-to guy for this one and you got that job based on my recommendation. Don't make me look bad, alright? I've been asked to point you towards Corporal Nilf Abruskur, who you can find in the system of Aldrat, Metropolis. I don't know the guy, but I do know the RSS, and my advice is not to trust them too much. In fact, part of the reason I recommended you for this job was because I know I can rely on your judgment. That, and you know how to deliver results. I want you to keep an eye on this RSS operation. My gut still tells me that they're keeping something from us. I suppose we'll see, right? |
Accept the Mission remotely.
Go to Aldrat ten jumps away and talk to Nilf Abruskur at the RSS Liaison Headquarters Beacon.