Wildfire/Chapter 3 - Revelation

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Revelation is the third and final chapter of Wildfire.

It would be helpful to have:

  • a long range weapon Battleship equipped with a Micro Jump Drive
  • another Relic Anaylzer if you lose the one given to you at the start of Church Of The Obsidian

Mission 13 - Church Of The Obsidian

Level 4
Type Security
Objective Retrieve 1x Blood Obsidian Orb (0.1 m3)
Faction Ammatar
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Warp disruption Elite frigates
Ship size limit Battleship
Ship suggestion Fast ship or Strategic Cruiser, Battlecruiser or Battleship with Micro Jump Drive and Relic Analyzer
Rewards 7M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Extra Requires Archeology III; a Relic Analyzer is given to you by the Agent; Amarr Empire Standing loss (despite being Ammatar ships)
Mission briefing
Do you have any idea how tough this relic is to crack? You'd think something this simple would come with a manual. We've used the Khumaak for a long time as a symbol of our defiance. But the presence of one little rock adds a whole new level of meaning.

Oh yeah. Welcome, <Character>! I take it that Nilf sent you over? You've earned a lot of trust with the Republic, and I hope we can continue that trend.

I was one of the Republic University scholars to take a look at the Wildfire Khumaak for the Brutors. I was also sent to look over the documents you recovered from the RSS. So, essentially, I've been with you from the beginning, lurking in the shadows. That's what we historians do: Skulk about in dusty corners looking for information. It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it.

The Ammatar “sister” that was the source of all the information was based in a nearby cathedral called the Church of the Obsidian. I've contacted the church, and she's no longer there. In fact, I have no clue where she went. She did make reference to some artifact located in the church. They've denied me access to the church grounds – those bloody lapdogs – but I think you might be able to persuade them. Get inside that church and get something called the “Blood Obsidian Orb.” I don't know what to do with it after that, but I think that's our first step.

Take this analyzer with you, and use it on the church. It should help you unearth the Blood Obsidian Orb.

Minmatar epic 13.jpg
Warp in message
We know what you are here for. You are not allowed on the church grounds. Leave now or face the consequences.

Two deadspace pockets up to three jumps away from Tanoo.

Blitz: kill all Frigates, lure them away or rush through the Ancient Acceleration Gate. Rush for the Chapel of the Obsidian, hack it, loot the Blood Obsidian Orb and warp out.

Alternative Blitz: lure ships 150 km away in the second room, turn around and approach enemy at a 45-degree angle; at the enemy fleet midpoint turn towards the Chapel of the Obsidian, hack it, loot the Blood Obsidian Orb and warp out.


  • You cannot warp inside either room
  • Destroy Warp Scrambling Frigates if you cannot avoid them. They are positioned around the gate and do not aggro on warp-in, but they will still tackle you before you get to the gate unless you're cloaked
  • The frigates in the first room will instantly move back to the acceleration gate if you warp out, so you can only avoid them solo with a Micro Jump Drive or fast ship
  • Armor tanked Battlecruisers such as Prophecies, Myrmidons and Hurricanes can ignore the incoming DPS and go straight for the Chapel of the Obsidian


Ships appear when you are 15 km away from the Ancient Acceleration Gate.

Minmatar epic 13 warp in.jpg


Elite Frigate 7 x Elite Frigate Ammatar Navy Delta I/Gamma II Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Battleship 3 x Battleship Ammatar Navy Armageddon/Apocalypse

Structures (20 km)

Acceleration Gate 1 x Ancient Acceleration Gate Unlocked

Room 1

Apocalypse Battleships use short range weapons and try to approach you within 6 km.

30-49 km

Frigate 5 x Frigate Ammatar Navy Soldier
Cruiser 5 x Cruiser Ammatar Navy Maller
Battleship 10 x Battleship Ammatar Navy Armageddon/Apocalypse

Structures (30 km)

Hackable Structure 1 x Chapel of the Obsidian Blood Obsidian Orb

Mission 14 - Heresiology

Level 4
Type Security
Objective Retrieve 1x Engraved Blood Obsidian Tablet (0.1 m3)
Faction Ammatar
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Warp disruption Elite Frigates
Ship suggestion Fast ship or Strategic Cruiser, Battlecruiser or Battleship with Micro Jump Drive and Relic Analyzer
Rewards 8M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Extra Requires Archaeology III; requires a Relic Analyzer; Ammatar Faction Standing loss
Mission briefing
I'm still going to need some more time with the Blood Obsidian Orb, but I have managed to glean some information from it. My theory is that the orb acts as a protective case for something hidden inside of it. I'd hate to break open a priceless relic of the past, and I'm trying to avoid that situation as much as possible.

Something was written on the orb as well, and I want you to go find what it is. There's a tablet that goes along with the orb and supposedly tells more about its purpose. The Church of the Obsidian did not have this tablet, as far as I can tell, but I was able to decipher a code on the orb that told of the tablet's location: the ruins of an old Ammatar church.

The church is an ancient place, and a prime spot for archaeology. Use that analyzer I gave you for the Church of the Obsidian. I expect there to be a lot of stuff to gather among those ruins. Bring back whatever you can, but I'm especially looking for the Blood Obsidian Tablet. When you come back, I expect that I can crack this thing wide open…figuratively speaking, of course.

Minmatar epic 14.jpg

Ungated semi-deadspace pocket within three jumps.

Blitz: kill all Frigates, rush and hack up to six Ammatar Relics.

Alternative Blitz: lure ships 150 km away, warp to the Ammatar Relics, hack up to six of them and warp out.


  • You can Bookmark and warp inside the room
  • Keep your standing loss to a minimum by avoiding killing any Ammatar Navy Detectives
  • Hacking an Ammatar Relics can spawn another Ammatar Relics which must also be hacked
  • A maximum of 6 Ammatar Relics can spawn and the Engraved Blood Obsidian Tablet is always dropped by the final one you need to hack
  • The Relics drop cargo containers when hacked, containing lore items and the objective item
  • Kakoti Rend will briefly appear as a non-hostile NPC when the final relic is hacked
  • Destroy Warp Scrambling Frigates if you cannot avoid them, but unlike the previous mission they are easily lured away from the objective
  • Complete the hacks in one session. If you leave for a while, they'll reset and will need to be hacked again in the order they spawned in, which can be impossible to keep track of if you don't bookmark and number them.


55-70 km

Frigate 6 x Frigate Ammatar Navy Gamma II/Delta I Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Frigate 4 x Frigate Ammatar Navy Detective Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Cruiser 5 x Cruiser Ammatar Navy Maller
Battleship 4 x Battleship Ammatar Navy Armageddon/Apocalypse

Structures (50 km)

Hackable Structure 1-6 x Ammatar Relics Engraved Blood Obsidian Tablet is in the final Ammatar Relics; Hand of Arzad, The Education of the Starkmanir
Mission Completion Dialogue
I can't believe what you found among those ruins. This is a historian's dream come true. Now that we've got the Blood Obsidian Orb and the Blood Obsidian Tablet, I think we finally solve this mystery. We're very close to uncovering the secrets of the Wildfire Khumaak.

By the way: Did you notice anything strange there? I could have sworn I saw an RSS ship flying about those ruins. Weird.

Mission 15 - Wildfire

Level 4
Type Security
Objective Insert 1x Obsidian Datacore (0.1 m3) into the Chapel Container
Faction Angel Cartel
Best damage to deal Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Warp disruption Elite frigates
Ship suggestion Fast ship
Rewards 7M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Mission briefing
I've been a scholar and a historian for many years now, so I know how to handle ancient relics. I will confess, though, that I was about to cut right into the middle of the Blood Obsidian Orb to see what was inside. Yes, I was getting rather desperate for answers. Luckily, the tablet you uncovered was more than just mystical mumbo-jumbo and flowery metaphors. Rather, it was practically an instruction manual to open the orb. Spirits be praised!

I found this datacore inside the orb. According to the tablet, there's a church in this area called the Wildfire Life Chapel. Inside the chapel is something called the Book of St. Arzad. I think that was what you came across in those ruins: parts of this lost book. My, from the looks of it, this is heavy stuff. I haven't had the chance to piece it all together yet, but I have a feeling that this book goes beyond a simple relic like the Wildfire Khumaak and into much bigger territory.

This book must be recovered. I'm almost certain that it's in the chapel. Put the datacore in that chapel and see what comes of it. It's our only hope. See what happens.

Minmatar epic 15.jpg
Karkoti Rend
Even though the RSS took me off the project, I continued my search for this, the Book of St. Arzad. The RSS have been after this document for a long time now, as well as the Angel Cartel. Luckily, the Angels pay better. I wouldn't follow me, if I were you. Not unless you want this priceless relic to be destroyed.

Ungated semi-deadspace pocket up to three jumps away.

Blitz: open the Chapel Container, align for quicker warp out, place the Obsidian Datacore into the Chapel Container and warp out.

Complete the Mission remotely.


  • Ships will spawn when you place the Obsidian Datacore into the Chapel Container


Spawn 1 (25 km)

Elite Battleship 1 x Elite Battleship Karkoti Rend

Spawn 2 appears shortly after Karkoti Rend. Karkoti Rend warps out several seconds later.

Spawn 2 (40 km)

Frigate 5 x Frigate Gistii Hunter/Impaler
Elite Frigate 11 x Elite Frigate Arch Gistii Hijacker/... Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Battleship 4 x Battleship Gist Throne/Cherubim

Structures (20km)

Container 1 x Chapel Container Insert Obsidian Datacore

Mission 16 - Stillwater

Level 4
Type Security
Objective Retrieve 1x Book Of St. Arzad (0.1 m3)
Faction Angel Cartel
Best damage to deal Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Warp disruption Elite frigates
EWAR Energy Neutralizing, Web
Ship suggestion Battleship (sniper)
Rewards 8M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Extra 3% Angel Cartel Faction Standing loss; 10M ISK in Bounties (Karkoti Rend only)
Mission briefing
We need that book, and that RSS agent has it. This is my worst fear realized: Karkoti Rend was trying to get his hands on the book. The RSS claims that he was working alone, but I don't know how true that really is.

Either way, I've tracked down his location to a nearby Angel Cartel base. This compounds the urgency of this mission. I barely trust the RSS as it is, but the Angels are outright scum. Go get the book from there, but make sure it's safe. The book is of the utmost priority!

Minmatar epic 16.jpg
Karkoti Rend
I had a feeling that you would try to track me down. Not a wise decision. Not only are you outnumbered here, but I have the book. You wouldn't want anything to happen to it, would you?

Accept the Mission remotely.

Ungated semi-deadspace pocket within 2-4 jumps of the previous mission. You can warp around freely.

Blitz: kill Karkoti Rend, loot the Book Of St. Arzad and warp out.


  • Destroy the EWAR Angel Energy Neutralizer Sentry II first as it has 150 km range and drains 100 GJ/5s
  • You will lose 3% Angel Cartel Faction Standing for destroying the EWAR Angel Energy Neutralizer Sentry II (seems to not be the case anymore?)
  • Karkoti Rend's Battleship projects 500 DPS up to 150 km away (decreasing with distance) and approaches at 1000 m/s
  • Karkoti Rend has similar EHP to a Gist Seraphim (~45s to kill with a T1-ammo cruise Praxis), so it's best to focus him directly after the tackle frigates and neutralizer rather than clearing out the other battleships first
  • When you kill Karkoti Rend, other ships will warp out


30-50 km

Elite Frigate 2 x Elite Frigate Arch Gistii Rogue Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Elite Frigate 6 x Elite Frigate Arch Gistii Hunter/... Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Elite Cruiser 4 x Elite Cruiser Arch Gistum Centurian/Phalanx
Battleship 5 x Battleship Gist Cherubim/Seraphim/Throne
Elite Battleship 1 x Elite Battleship Karkoti Rend Energy Neutralizer Book Of St. Arzad
Sentry 1 x Sentry Angel Energy Neutralizer Sentry II Energy Neutralizer

Mission 17 - With Great Power

Type Branch
Objective Choose your path
Mission briefing
I have devoted much of my life to history of all sorts, from its unflappable truths to its infallible lies to the nuanced information systems found throughout the chronicles, artifacts, disputed ruins, and subjective quagmires. Despite what people think, history is a shapeless void of nonsense, akin to space's vacuum or the cold, thoughtless smattering of stars that we call home. There is no meaning besides what we make of it; we do not know truth outside of the lenses we place over this shapeless void, the teeming nothingness, the endless morass of information.

This book troubles me. I do not know what to make of it, nor do I know how to proceed. If what this book says is true, and the chances are good that at least some of it is, then the Starkmanir did not begin their rebellion out of a thirst for independence, but rather out of loyalty to their Holder, a man known to them as St. Arzad. The Wildfire Khumaak, a symbol he stole from them, is not an enduring relic of independence, nor is it a glowing tribute to the spirit of the Matari people. Rather, it is an artifact devoted to the memory of Starkmanir captivity, an heirloom of oppression, but also an endearing homage to a fallen captor.

In other words, the Wildfire Khumaak subverts the defiance of my people.

That is, of course, if this is true. All we have is the relic and this book. The story of St. Arzad is practically hidden or buried in the Amarr history: I can't find a trace of it. For all we know, this is apocryphal heresy, a rash account of history, a fever dream from some demented Starkmanir, or an outright hoax.

I don't know. I honestly don't know. I'm torn on what to do, and thus I will put the choice in your hands. I don't want the responsibility for what happens to this text. There are two places we can take it: Return it to the Defiants and reunite it with the Wildfire Khumaak, or donate it to a Gallente historian I know. The former option gives the book back its people, though I don't know how they'll approach the text (or even if they'll release it to the general public, which to me seems a shame). The latter will keep the book safe and make it available for the greater good. Even though it's a troubling account, it's still history, and it still needs to be known.

The choice is in your hands.

Retraction >> As I said, I leave the decision in your hands. This book is a remnant of the Minmatar people, and thus it probably belongs with my brethren. If you feel the same way, then take the Book of St. Arzad back to Oggur Marendei, the Defiant member you spoke with earlier. They have the Wildfire Khumaak, and they should have this book as well.

Take this book to Oggur Marendei at the Defiant base. Let them deal with it. It's out of my hands.

Revelation >> Posmon Aubenard is a friend of mine, a Gallente historian working with the University of Caille. He's a trusted academic, an astute scholar, and a respected member of the university's staff. If you take this book to him, I know that he will preserve it and keep it safe, possibly even put the book in the proper historical light with a best-selling book of his own in a few years. That might not sit well with my Minmatar brethren, but at least we won't lose the truth, or whatever part of the truth this book represents. The Defiants can keep the Wildfire Khumaak – although I'm sure Posmon would love to get his hands on it – but it's just an empty symbol without the book. Go and give the Book of St. Arzad to him, and let him keep it safe. It's the right thing to do. Isn't it?

Choose between:

Your Mission choice determines the Epic Arc reward:

  • if you chose Revelation you will get 10% Minmatar Republic Faction Standing and 25M ISK
  • if you chose Retraction you will get 5% Minmatar Republic Faction Standing and 10x RSS Core Scanner Probes

Both Revelation and Retraction are simple Distribution Missions.

Mission 18a - Revelation

Level 4
Type Security
Objective Deliver 1x Book Of St. Arzad (0.1 m3)
Rewards +10% Minmatar Republic Faction Standing + 25M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Mission briefing
Posmon Aubenard is a friend of mine, a Gallente historian working with the University of Caille. He's a trusted academic, an astute scholar, and a respected member of the university's staff. If you take this book to him, I know that he will preserve it and keep it safe, possibly even put the book in the proper historical light with a best-selling book of his own in a few years. That might not sit well with my Minmatar brethren, but at least we won't lose the truth, or whatever part of the truth this book represents. The Defiants can keep the Wildfire Khumaak – although I'm sure Posmon would love to get his hands on it – but it's just an empty symbol without the book. Go and give the Book of St. Arzad to him, and let him keep it safe. It's the right thing to do. Isn't it?
Minmatar epic 17b.jpg

Go to Avesber five jumps away.

Insert the Book Of St. Arzad into University of Caille Cargo Container.

Complete the Mission remotely.

Thank you
I think we did the right thing. Though I am deeply troubled by this situation, as a historian, I must confront it. Thank you for all your efforts in this investigation, <Character>. Though some of my people may be upset with you, the Matari people as a whole owe you their gratitude. Good luck in the future, brave pilot.



Container 1 x University of Caille Cargo Container Insert Book Of St. Arzad

Mission 18b - Retraction

Type Courier
Objective Deliver 1x Book Of St. Arzad (0.1 m3)
Rewards 10x RSS Core Scanner Probe, 5% Minmatar Republic Faction Standing
Mission briefing
As I said, I leave the decision in your hands. This book is a remnant of the Minmatar people, and thus it probably belongs with my brethren. If you feel the same way, then take the Book of St. Arzad back to Oggur Marendei, the Defiant member you spoke with earlier. They have the Wildfire Khumaak, and they should have this book as well.

Take this book to Oggur Marendei at the Defiant base. Let them deal with it. It's out of my hands.

Oggur Marendei.jpg

9 jumps away in Todeko.

Insert the Book Of St. Arzad into the Cargo Container.

Mission cannot be completed remotely.

Structures (75km)

Container 1 x Defiants Storage Facility Insert Book Of St. Arzad