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[[File:Neocom Whole.png|right]]
{{Update|Icon shown for "Opportunities" is now used for Aura in New Player Experience (Tutorial); Opportunities is now Activity Tracker with a new icon; People and Places is now split into Contacts and Locations<br>
13 June 2023 Viridian: Journal removed, Opportunities back in a new form.}}
The Neocom panel, by default, is located along the left side of the EVE game screen. It provides access to the tools that you’ll need to control your life within the EVE Universe. The panel housing the Neocom tools and buttons can be increased or decreased in size by holding and dragging the edge of the Neocom panel left and right.
The Neocom panel, by default, is located along the left side of the EVE game screen. It provides access to the tools that you’ll need to control your life within the EVE Universe. The panel housing the Neocom tools and buttons can be increase or decreased in size by holding and dragging the edge of the Neocom panel left and right.
== Default layout ==
The Neocom defaults to a series of 18 buttons on its main body.  Aside from the character portrait, pilots can add, remove, and rearrange buttons as desired.  Right clicking on the Neocom body provides a context menu with options to create a group, lock the Neocom, turn autohide on, align left or right, disable blink notifications, and reset buttons.
The default Neocom body layout is as follows:
* Character portrait
* Channels
* Inventory
* People & Places
* Mail
* Fitting
* Regional Market
* Industry
* Corporation
* Fleet
* Map
* Ship Tree
* Assets
* Wallet
* New Eden Store
* Opportunities Map
* Help
* Project Discovery
== EVE Menu ==
:The EVE or '''E''' menu sits above the character portrait and contains all Neocom buttons arranged under a series of submenus.  These buttons can be accessed from the EVE menu at any time regardless of whether they are currently present on the Neocom as a shortcut.
==Tools & Buttons==
=== Inventory ===
:The Inventory menu contains links to windows that allow pilots to manage and interact with their personal, corporate, and market inventories.
===EVE Menu===
==== [[Image:Inventory.png]]Inventory ====
:The EVE or '''E''' menu contains all of the standard neocom buttons arranged under a series of submenusThese buttons can be accessed from the EVE menu at any time regardless of whether they are currently present on the Neocom as a shortcut.
:The Inventory button opens the universal inventory windowIf opened while docked, pilots can access and interact with their current ship, its contents, their ship hangar and contents of all ships therein, their personal hangar, as well as any corporate hangars. If opened while in space, pilots can access their current ship's inventory, including cargo, ore bay, drone bay, etc.
====Inventory Menu====
==== [[Image:Cargo.png]]Holds & Bays ====
:The Inventory menu contains links to windows that allow pilots to manage and interact with their personal, corporate, as well as market inventories.
:The Holds & Bays button opens the active ship variation of the universal inventory window.  Unless configured otherwise, this window only displays the current ship and the contents of any and all cargo holds, drone holds, hangars and/or bays.
==== [[Image:Itemhangar.png]]Item Hangar ====
:The Inventory button opens the universal inventory window.  From here, pilots can access and interact with their current ship, it's contents, their ship hangar and contents of all ships therein, their personal hangar, as well as any corporate hangars.
:When docked, the Item Hangar button opens the item hangar variation of the universal inventory window.  Unless configured otherwise, this window only displays the contents of any personal hangars at the current station.
=====Active Ship=====
==== [[Image:Shiphangar.png]]Ship Hangar ====
:The Active Ship button opens the active ship variation of the universal inventory window.  Unless configured otherwise, this window only displays the current ship and the contents of any and all cargo holds, drone holds, hangars and/or bays.
:When docked, the Ship Hangar button opens the ship hangar variation of the universal inventory window.  Unless configured otherwise, this window only displays the contents of any ships in the current ship maintenance bay and/or station hangar.  While in station, pilots may assemble new ships and switch between them when necessary.  While in a capital ship in space, pilots may access and deploy ships from the maintenance bay into space.
==== [[Image:Corphangar.png]]Corporate Hangar ====
:When docked, the Corporate Hangar button opens the corporate hangar variation of the universal inventory window. Unless configured otherwise, this window only displays the contents of any corporate hangars at the current station.
=====Item Hangar=====
==== [[Image:Corpdeliveries.png]]Market Deliveries ====
:When docked, the Item Hangar button opens the item hangar variation of the universal inventory window. Unless configured otherwise, this window only displays the contents of any personal hangars or corporate hangars at the current station.
:The Market Deliveries button opens the corporation market delivery window. Note that you must have the Accountant, Junior Accountant, or Trader role in your corporation to utilize this feature.
=====Ship Hangar=====
==== [[File:Assets.png]]Personal Assets ====
:When docked, the Ship Hangar button opens the ship hangar variation of the universal inventory windowUnless configured otherwise, this window only displays the contents of any ships in the current ship maintenance bay and/or station hangarWhile in station, pilots may assemble new ships and switch between them when necessary. While in a capital ship in space, pilots may access and deploy ships from the maintenance bay into space.
:The Assets window displays where all of a pilot's assets are located across New Eden. Often, players have ships, items, and minerals in more than one locationThe assets window allows pilots to sort their belongings through the use of the region, constellation, system, and station tabsThere is also a search tab that allows pilots to search their assets using a variety of criteria.  Using the assets window to sort through belongings can be especially useful to traders who need to locate and pick up items for which they have placed orders. Many also find the Assets Window useful for navigation, as you can right-click and “Set destination” to configure the autopilot to create a route to that location.
=====Market Deliveries=====
==== [[File:Redeem.png]]Redeem Items ====
:The Market Deliveries button opens the corporation market delivery window.
:The Redeem Items tool allows pilots to redeem various items and gifts obtained outside of the game, such as PLEX. This mimics the functionality of the redemption menu found on the character select screen, except that it automatically redeems the selected items to the current character.
:The Assets Window displays where all of a pilots assets are located across New Eden. Often, players have ships, items, and minerals in more than one location.  The assets window allows pilots to sort their belongings through the use of the region, constellation, system, and station tabs.  There is also a search tab that allows a Minimum, Region, Security, Solar System, Station, Techlevel, and Type.  Using the assets window to sort through belongins can be especially useful to traders who need to locate and pick up items for which they have placed orders. Many also find the Assets Window useful for navigation, as you can right-click and “set destination” to configure the autopilot to create a route to that location.
=== Accessories ===
The Accessories Menu includes a number of tools and utilities that are less frequently used.
====Accessories Menu====
==== [[Image:Calculator.png]]Calculator ====
The Accessories Menu includes buttons to a number of tools and utilities that are less frequently used.
:Displays the in-game calculator.  This can be very handy for calculating all manner of things such as how much ore is needed to manufacture an item, how much profit one will make on a trade, etc.
=====Browser bookmarks=====
==== [[Image:Notepad.png]]Notepad ====
:The [[Browser Bookmarks|Browser bookmarks]] sub-menu includes links to all bookmarks made within the in-game browserThe sub-menu always includes a link to the in-game browser's default homepage. All personal bookmarks are displayed under the initial homepage bookmark in the order they were created.
:Displays the notepad windowThis window is just as it sounds. It’s a place to keep your notes. Cut and paste interesting text items that you want to remember and reference later. The notepad also has a hyperlink tool that can be useful for teachers who utilize links in their classes.
==== [[Image:Log.png]]Log and Messages ====
:The Browser button displays the in-game browser window.  This browser can be used to access [http://www.eveonline.com/ EVE Online] related websites including the [https://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Main_Page EVElopedia]. It’s also a full-featured (but not Flash® featured) web browser. It can be very useful to watch a YouTube® video tutorial on EVE while actually flying your ship!
:Displays the notifications and log window.  This window displays and stores all game messages, notifications, combat actions, etc., for reference and review. Players can look up all their stored actions until they either jump to another solar system or dock at a station. The notifications and log window will reset its contents and save the old logs to a file on your hard disk (default Windows 7 location: C:\Users\*username*\Documents\EVE\logs\Gamelogs\). When saved, they are named by date and time to be easily recognizable.
:The Calculator button displays the in-game calculator.  This can be very handy for calculating all manner of things such as how much ore is needed to manufacture an item, how much profit one will make on a trade, etc.
=== Business ===
:The Notepad button displays the notepad window.  This window is just as it sounds. It’s a place to keep your notes. Cut and paste interesting text items that you want to remember and reference later.
The Business menu includes access to a number of market, [[Trading|trade]], [[Research|research]], [[Manufacturing|manufacturing]] resources, and [[Project Discovery]].
=====Notifications and Log=====
==== [[Image:Market.png]]Regional Market ====
:The Notifications and Log button displays the notifications and log window.  This window displays and stores all game messages, notifications, combat actions, etc., for further reference. Players can look up all their stored actions until they either jump to another solar system or dock at a station. The notifications and log window will reset its contents and save the old logs to a file on your hard disk (default Windows 7 location: C:\Users\*username*\Documents\EVE\logs\Gamelogs\). When saved, they are named by date and time to be easily recognizable.
:Displays the market window, which is limited to displaying only items available for sale in the current region.  This is the commerce hub of New Eden at your fingertips. Near-anything that can be looted, manufactured, salvaged or stolen can be found for sale here. Pilots can use the market to find modules to purchase to fit a ship, or ammunition for its guns. If a pilot has excess inventory, like modules from NPCs killed in asteroid belts, they can sell them here for quick ISK.
==== [[Image:Contractsicon.png]]Contracts ====
:Displays the [[Contract|Contracts]] window.  This provides access to the player-driven mechanism for characters and corporations to formalize work agreements with each other, including auctions, item exchanges, loans, and courier contracts. Unlike the market, contracts and the items or work contained therein are visible in all regions. However, in order to bid on or claim a contract a pilot must travel to the region in which the contract is located.
====Business Menu====
==== [[Image:Wallet.png]]Wallet ====
The Business menu includes buttons to a number of market, [[Trading|trade]], [[Research|research]], [[Manufacturing|manufacturing]] resources, and [[Project Discovery]].
:The Wallet button displays the wallet window.  This window displays how much ISK and shares a pilot owns, any bills needing payment, a journal of transactions, a list of all open buy/sell orders, and a list of recent monetary transactions. Also, if the pilot is a member of a player corporation, and has the appropriate roles or permissions, the pilot can also see and manage the corporation’s finances from here, too, from the corporation tab.
==== [[Image:Industry.png]] Industry====
:The Market button displays the market window.  This is the commerce hub of New Eden at your fingertips. Near-anything that can be looted, manufactured, salvaged or stolen can be found for sale here. Pilots can use the market to find modules to purchase to fit a ship, or ammunition for its guns. If a pilot has excess inventory, like modules from NPCs killed in asteroid belts, they can sell them here for quick ISK.
:Displays the industry window.  From here a pilot can start, manage, and monitor manufacturing, research, and invention jobs. With the proper skills, a pilot can also remotely manage this process from a distance.
==== [[Image:Planets.png]]Planetary Colonies ====
:The [[Contract|contracts]] button displays the contracts window. This provides access to the player-driven mechanism for characters and corporations to formalize work agreements with each other, including auctions, item exchanges, loans, and courier contracts. Unlike the market, contracts and the items or work contained therein are visible in all regions. However, in order to bid or claim a contract a pilot must travel to the region in which the contract is located.
:Displays the planetary colonies management window. Once a pilot has at least one deployed command center, they can manage planetary industry using this tool.
==== [[Image:Agentfinder.png]]Agent Finder ====
:The Wallet button displays the wallet window.  This window displays how much ISK and shares a pilot owns, any bills needing payment, a journal of transactions, a list of all open buy/sell orders, and a list of recent monetary transactions. Also, If the pilot is a member of a player corporation, and have the appropriate rights, the pilot can also see and manage the corporation’s finances from here, too, from the corporation tab.
:Displays the [[Agent Finder]] window.  From here a pilot can filter available [[Missions#Regular Agents|mission agents]] based on agent level, corporation, faction, agent type, region, solar system, as well as system [[security status]].
=====Science & Industry=====
==== [[Image:Icon fw.png]]Factional Warfare ====
:The Science & Industry button displays the science & industry window. From here a pilot can start, manage, and monitor manufacturing, research, and invention jobs over time. With the proper skills, a pilot can also remotely manage this process from a distance.
:Displays the [[Factional Warfare|Factional Warfare]] window. From this window, pilots can check the current status of the ongoing factional wars. Each faction militia is in a state of perpetual war with its two main enemies: Amarr and Caldari are both at war with Gallente and Minmatar. Pilots in New Eden are independent of the fighting, but may wish to become allied with one of the factions. Pilots may choose to enlist just themselves in the factional warfare, or their corporation, or even their alliance.  Be warned, however, that joining enlisting puts a pilot at war with the enemies of that faction. If a pilot enlists with the Minmatar faction while in Amarr space, they are already behind enemy lines, and may be killed on sight!
=====Agent Finder=====
==== [[Image:Bountyoffice.png]]Bounty Office ====
:The [[Agent Finder|Agent Finder]] button displays the agent finder window.  From here a pilot can filter available [[Missions#Regular Agents|mission agents]] based on agent level, corporation, faction, agent type, region, solar system, as well as system [[Security Status Details|security status]].
:Displays the [[Bounty Hunting System|Bounty Office]] window.  From here, pilots can view the current lists of most wanted pilots, top bounty hunters, personal bounties, as well as search and place bounties on other pilots.
=====Factional Warfare=====
==== [[Image:Structurebrowser.png]]Structure Browser ====
:The [[Factional Warfare|Factional Warfare]] button display faction warfare window. From this window, pilots can check the current status of the ongoing factional wars. Each faction militia is in a state of perpetual war with its two main enemies – Amarr and Caldari are both at war with Gallente and Minmatar. Pilots in New Eden are independent of the fighting, but may wish to become allied with one of the factions. Pilots may choose to enlist just themselves in the factional warfare, or their corporation, or even their alliance. Be warned, however, that joining enlisting puts a pilot at war with the enemies of that faction. If a pilot enlists with the Minmatar faction while in Amarr space, they are already behind enemy lines, and may be killed on sight!
:Displays the structure browser. This can be used view structures in space, both player- and NPC-owned, located in the current system, constellation or region. Structures can be filtered in a variety of ways, including accessibility, ownership, type, and services provided.
=====Bounty Office=====
==== [[Image:Accessgroups.png]]Access Lists ====
:The [[Bounty Hunting System|bounty office]] button displays the bounty office window. From here, pilots can view current lists of most wanted bounties, top bounty hunters, personal bounties, as well as search and place bounties on other pilots.
:Displays the access lists tool. Access lists dictate who is able to utilize structures, or who receive a certain tax rate.
=====Project Discovery=====
==== [[Image:Projectdiscovery.png]]Project Discovery ====
:The [[Project Discovery]] button opens a new window to submit new responses as well as check your pilot's accuracy rating, experience earned, and Analysis Kredits.
:Displays the [[Project Discovery]] interface. Pilots can submit new responses as well as check their accuracy rating, experience earned, and Analysis Kredits.
====Social Menu====
=== Social ===
The Social menu includes buttons to a number of social and communication tools.
The Social menu includes a number of social and communication tools.
=====EVE Mail=====
==== [[Image:Evemail.png]]Mail ====
:The EVE mail button displays the EVE mail window.  From here, a pilot can send and receive EVE mail to and from other pilots and Dust 514 mercenaries. To prevent spamming, pilots can set a mailing fee of up to 1 million ISK that pilots and mercs not in their corporation must pay in order to send the pilot an EVE mail. Likewise this same pilot would have to pay any fee set by pilots not in their corporation. It is customary to drop this value to zero if a pilot plans on joining fleets, as no one wants to pay money to invite someone to a fleet. Certain game events will also place mail in your inbox, such as the insurance payout on the loss of a ship, the need to refuel a POS, etc.
:Displays the EVE mail window.  From here, a pilot can send and receive EVE mail to and from other pilots. To prevent spamming, pilots can set a mailing fee of up to 1 million ISK that pilots and mercs not in their corporation must pay in order to send the pilot an EVE mail. Likewise, this same pilot would have to pay any fee set by pilots not in their corporation. It is customary to drop this value to zero if a pilot plans on joining fleets, as no one wants to pay money to invite someone to a fleet. Certain game events will also place mail in your inbox, such as the insurance payout on the loss of a ship, the need to refuel a POS, etc.
==== [[Image:Calendaricon.png]]Calendar ====
:The Calendar button displays the in-game calendar.  From here, pilots can create, edit, share, and delete planned events using an interactive calendar.  With the right permissions, pilots can share events with their corporation and even alliance. Any events shared with the pilot will show up on its respective date.  Double-clicking the entry will open a window with further details about the event.
:The Calendar button displays the in-game calendar.  From here, pilots can create, edit, share, and delete planned events using an interactive calendar.  With the right permissions, pilots can share events with their corporation and even alliance. Any events shared with the pilot will show up on its respective date.  Double-clicking the entry will open a window with further details about the event.
==== [[Image:CorporationIcon.png]]Corporation ====
:The Corporation button displays the corporation window.  This window allows pilots with the correct permissions the ability to manage and interact with their corporation.  CEOs have access to all of this window's functionality by default.  All corporation members have access to information bulletins as well as all publicly available information about the corporation.  All pilots can also use this window to investigate recruitment opportunities, corporation standings, ongoing wars, as well as alliance statistics.
:Displays the [[Corporations|Corporation]] window.  This window allows pilots with the correct permissions the ability to manage and interact with their corporation.  CEOs have access to all of this window's functionality by default.  All corporation members have access to information bulletins as well as all publicly available information about the corporation.  All pilots can also use this window to investigate recruitment opportunities, corporation standings, ongoing wars, as well as alliance statistics.
==== [[Image:Fleet.png]]Fleet ====
:The Sovereignty button displays the sovereignty window.  From here, pilots can view the current sovereignty status of any system in New EdenPilots can also view a breakdown of recent sovereignty changes.
:Displays the [[Fleet interface|Fleet]] window.  From here, pilots can join available fleets, start a new fleet, as well as manage a current fleetThe list of available fleets include information on the fleet commander, and if shared, fleet size and current location.
==== [[Image:Twitch.png]] Twitch====
:The [[Fleet User Interface|Fleet]] button displays the fleet window.  From here, pilots can join available fleets, start a new fleet, as well as manage a current fleet.  The list of available fleets include information on the fleet commander, and if shared, fleet size and current location.
:Displays the [[Twitch Integration|Twitch integration]] tool.
=====Chat Channels=====
==== [[Image:Chatchannels.png]] Channels====
:The Chat Channels button displays the chat channels window. From here, pilots can access a list of common public chat channels.  Included in the list of channels are any and all personal or private chat channels that the pilot has entered since the client was last reset.
:Displays the chat channels menu. From here, pilots can access a list of common public chat channels, as well as join or create custom channels.  Included in the list of channels are any and all personal or private chat channels that the pilot has entered since the client was last reset.
====Main EVE Menu====
==== Main EVE Menu ====
The main body of the menu includes links to the various important and commonly used interfaces.
The main body of the menu includes links to various important and commonly used interfaces.
=====Character Sheet=====
===== [[Image:Charactersheet.png]]Character Sheet =====
:The Character Sheet button displays the character sheet window.  From here pilots can manage everything about their self including [[Skills and Learning|skill training]], attributes, [[Implants|implants]], and [[Jump Clones|jump clones]]. It also has a personal kill record of all of the ships that a pilot has killed or been killed in. The most important item in the character sheet window is the skill queue, available from a button labeled "skill queue" under the skills sub-tab.  From the skill queue, a pilot can schedule existing and new skill training.
:The Character Sheet button displays the character sheet window.  From here pilots can manage everything about their self including [[skill training]], attributes, [[implants]], and [[jump clones]]. It also has a personal kill record of all of the ships that a pilot has killed or been killed in. The most important item in the character sheet window is the skill queue, available from a button labeled "skill queue" under the skills sub-tab.  From the skill queue, a pilot can schedule existing and new skill training.
===== [[Image:Peopleandplaces.png]]People & Places =====
:The [[Certificates|Certificates]] button displays the certificates window.  From here pilots can investigate a series of certificates that are awarded after a specific progression of skills is obtained.  Pilots can start off with low level basic certificates in the major areas of skill training (ship piloting, weaponry, core systems, industry, leadership, and corporation management) and progress to the completionist accomplishment of an elite certificate.
:The People and Places button displays the people & places window.  From here, a pilot can create and organize [[bookmarks]] in space, see if other pilots are online, set personal standings, manage their watchlist, as well as search for pilots and locations. bookmarks are specifically useful because they are allowed as destinations for the autopilot system as well as points in space that are not automatically warp destinations for other pilots.
=====People & Places=====
===== [[Image:Fitting.png]]Ship Fitting =====
:The People and Places button displays the people & places window. From here, a pilot can create and organize [[Bookmarks|bookmarks]] in space, see if other pilots are online, set personal standings, manage their watchlist, as well as search for pilots and locations. [[Bookmarks|bookmarks]] are specifically useful because they are allowed as destinations for the autopilot system as well as points in space that are not automatically warp destinations for other pilots.
:The [[Fitting ships|Fitting]] button displays the fitting window. From here, a pilot can configure module, ammunition, rig, and subsystem layout of the currently piloted ship.  Pilots can also access and modify ship cargo holds and drone holds.  They can also view offensive and defensive statistics of the current fitting configuration. Finally, pilots can use it to save ship fittings for later use, sharing, as well as comparison. While in space, this tool can also be accessed through the keyboard shortcut {{button|CTRL}} + {{button|SHIFT}} + {{button|F}}. When docked, this tool may also be accessed from the station services if available.
===== [[Image:Fittingmanagement.png]]Fitting Management =====
:The [[Fitting 101|Fitting]] button displays the fitting window. From here, a pilot can configure module, ammunition, rig, and subsystem layout of the currently piloted ship.  Pilots can also access and modify ship cargo holds and drone holds. They can also view offensive and defensive statistics of the current fitting configuration. Finally, pilots can use it to save ship fittings for later use, sharing, as well as comparison. While in space, this tool can also be accessed through the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+F. When docked, this tool may also be accessed from the station services if available.
:The Fitting Management button displays the fitting management window. From here a pliot can view and manage saved fittings for ships in Peronsal Fittings and Corporate Fittings menus. At the top level it is possible to import fittings from a file or from the clipboard and export all fittings to a file. For each individual fit it is possible to; modify if it is a personal or corporate fit, manage the description, copy the fit to clipboard, buy all the items from the regional market and launch Multifit window to fit multiple ships.
=====[[Star Map|Map]]=====
===== [[Image:Map.png]]Map/Map Beta =====
:The [[Star Map|Map]] button displays the star map (also accessed via the keyboard shortcut F10).  The star map is a powerful tool no pilot can live without. It allows access to information about every system in New Eden, much of which is not available elsewhere. The map can be configured for either a 3D or 2D (flattened) view of the galaxy. In the standard galaxy view, individual solar systems are represented by individual dot.  Stargate jump routes are represented by lines, while constellations and regions are represented by large text labels.  Individual systems will pop-up context sensitive tooltips displaying celestial bodies including stations, asteroid fields, and markers.  From the solar system view, the star map will display the current solar system including celestial bodies, bookmarks, and fleet members in space.  The solar system view is also the method by which pilots utilize scanning probes to search for cosmic anomalies and signatures.  The map is a very complex tool, and more than one pilot has gotten confused with all of the colored dots and lines. It is worth the time to read about the map and understand at the basics. It can save not only a ship, but potentially an entire fleet’s existence!
:The [[Star Map|Map]] button displays the star map (also accessed via the keyboard shortcut F10).  The star map is a powerful tool no pilot can live without. It allows access to information about every system in New Eden, much of which is not available elsewhere. The map can be configured for either a 3D or 2D (flattened) view of the galaxy. In the standard galaxy view, individual solar systems are represented by individual dot.  Stargate jump routes are represented by lines, while constellations and regions are represented by large text labels.  Individual systems will pop-up context sensitive tooltips displaying celestial bodies including stations, asteroid fields, and markers.  From the solar system view, the star map will display the current solar system including celestial bodies, bookmarks, and fleet members in space.  The solar system view is also the method by which pilots utilize scanning probes to search for cosmic anomalies and signatures.  The map is a very complex tool, and more than one pilot has gotten confused with all of the colored dots and lines. It is worth the time to read about the map and understand at the basics. It can save not only a ship, but potentially an entire fleet’s existence!
===== [[Image:Shiptree.png]]Ship Tree =====
:The Journal button displays the journal window. From here, pilots can track four different areas of information: agents, expeditions, contracts, and the epic journal. The agents tab tracks missions that have been offered a pilot or that the pilot is currently completing, which agents are currently performing research for the pilot and the status of that research, and the number of loyalty points earned with each NPC Corporation.
:The [[Ship Tree]] button launches the ship tree browser. Pilots can view the ships that belong to various factions. The ships are linked according to skill requirements to form a tree where skill on a smaller ship is required to progress into training for the next ship in that link.
===== [[Image:Comparetool.png]]Compare Tool =====
:The Compare Tool button displays the compare window tool window. Items can be dragged into the window to make attribute comparisons. The attributes to compare can be selected on the left side of the window. Only 10 attributes can be compared at a time.
===== [[Image:NES.png]]New Eden Store =====
:The New Eden Store button launches the New Eden Store browser. The New Eden Store (NES) is an in-game store where you can buy various cosmetic items for both your character and your ship, as well as various account service tokens.
===== [[Image:Tutorial.png]]Opportunities Map =====
:The Opportunities Map button displays the opportunities map window. Opportunities are the new pilot's guide into the vast universe of New Eden and EVE Online. This window allow pilots to track their progress working through various activities available in EVE Online.  
===== [[Image:Helpicon.png]]Help =====
:The Help button displays the help window.  This window provides access to a variety of EVE Help tools including help channels, the petition system, EVElopedia, career agents, and the bug report system.
:The Help button displays the help window.  This window provides access to a variety of EVE help tools including the Help Center, EVE Flight Academy videos, career agents, and the bug report system.
== New Features ==
:The Tutorial button begins or continues the current tutorial. A tutorial specific window will appear and guide the pilot through the current step. Pilots can change the current tutorial from within the tutorial window using the drop down button the upper right corner.
=== Patch 118.6 ===
From the [https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/patch-notes-for-118.6-release Patch 118.6 patch notes.]
* The Scope Network is now online and can be viewed in your character select screen and Neocom.
* The "Fitting Management" window can now be added to the Neocom.
* The Opportunities window and icons have been redesigned.
=== Retribution 1.0 ===
From the [https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/patch-notes-for-retribution-1 Retribution 1.0 patch notes.]
* The Bounty Office is now accessible in the Neocom under the Business section. This can be used at any time. (No longer restriction to stations).
===Standard Buttons===
=== Inferno 1.2 ===
From the [https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/patch-notes-for-inferno-1.2 Inferno 1.2 patch notes.]
The neocom defaults to a series of fifteen buttons on its main body.  Aside from the character portrait, pilots can add, remove, and rearrange buttons as needed.  Right clicking on the neocom body provides a context menu with options to create a group, lock the neocom, turn autohide on, alight left or right, disable blink notifications, and reset buttons.
* Split icon for tutorials and help
** Aura tutorial is its own Neocom icon.
The default neocom body layout is as follows:
=== Inferno 1.0 ===
*Character portrait
From the [https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/patch-notes-for-inferno 1.0 patch notes.]
* User created groups on the Neocom can now be renamed and given a two letter abbreviation so that it is easier to distinguish between custom groups.
*People & Places
*Science & Industry
*EVE Tutorials
<div style="clear: both"></div>
==New Features==
=== Crucible 1.1 ===
===Patch 118.6===
From the [https://community.eveonline.com/news/patch-notes/patch-notes-for-118.6-release Patch 118.6 patch notes.]
*The Scope Network is now online and can be viewed in your character select screen and Neocom.
===Retribution 1.0===
From the [http://community.eveonline.com/updates/patchnotes.asp?newpatchlogID=74000 Retribution 1.0 patch notes.]
*The Bounty Office is now accessible in the Neocom under the Business section. This can be used at any time. (No longer restriction to stations).
===Inferno 1.2===
From the [http://community.eveonline.com/updates/patchnotes.asp?newpatchlogID=73093 Inferno 1.2 patch notes.]
*Split icon for tutorials and help
**Aura tutorial is its own Neocom icon.
===Inferno 1.0.10===
From the [http://community.eveonline.com/updates/patchnotes.asp?newpatchlogID=72746 Inferno 1.0.10 path notes.]
*User created groups on the Neocom can now be renamed and given a two letter abbreviation so that it is easier to distinguish between custom groups.
===Crucible 1.1===
The Neocom has been updated with the release of Crucible 1.1 in the beginning of 2012.
The Neocom has been updated with the release of Crucible 1.1 in the beginning of 2012.
From the [http://community.eveonline.com/updates/patchnotes.asp?newpatchlogID=3382 Crucible 1.1 patch notes]
*The Neocom has been updated with new and improved functionality. Navigation has been improved and a new EVE Menu has been added and users can customize the Neocom as they see fit.
From the [https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/patch-notes-for-crucible-1.1-1 Crucible 1.1 patch notes]
*Resizing the Neocom
* The Neocom has been updated with new and improved functionality. Navigation has been improved and a new EVE Menu has been added and users can customize the Neocom as they see fit.
* Resizing the Neocom
** Users can resize the Neocom by dragging the right side edge of the Neocom itself
** Users can resize the Neocom by dragging the right side edge of the Neocom itself
*Avatar thumbnail
* Avatar thumbnail
** By hovering over the avatar thumbnail, users see their character's name and click the thumbnail to open up the Character Sheet
** By hovering over the avatar thumbnail, users see their character's name and click the thumbnail to open up the Character Sheet
*Skill Queue
* Skill Queue
** Below the avatar thumbnail there is a progress bar that shows the progression of the current skill being trained. Hovering over it will show the name of the skill in a tooltip window and clicking on it opens the Skill Queue
** Below the avatar thumbnail there is a progress bar that shows the progression of the current skill being trained. Hovering over it will show the name of the skill in a tooltip window and clicking on it opens the Skill Queue
* Chat
** By default, the Chat window is available right below the skill queue progress bar in the Neocom
** By default, the Chat window is available right below the skill queue progress bar in the Neocom
** Users can click the Chat icon and get a list of active channels
** Users can click the Chat icon and get a list of active channels
*Create Group
* Create Group
** Users can create custom groups in the Neocom root by right-clicking on the EVE Menu ('E' Icon) at the top of the Neocom
** Users can create custom groups in the Neocom root by right-clicking on the EVE Menu ('E' Icon) at the top of the Neocom
** Users and put any icon from the menu root, or the EVE Menu into the custom groups
** Users and put any icon from the menu root, or the EVE Menu into the custom groups
*At the top of the Neocom there is a new EVE Menu ('E' Icon) where all menu options can be found. The root of the Neocom acts as a shortcut bar and users can move icons around, delete them from the root and add new ones from the EVE menu. No matter what is done to the root, the EVE Menu always has all the options available to users through the Neocom. Users can only remove, add and reorganize icons in the root menu, the EVE Menu index is always the same. Users can drag icons from the EVE Menu to the root of the Neocom which will create a shortcut for it.
* At the top of the Neocom there is a new EVE Menu ('E' Icon) where all menu options can be found. The root of the Neocom acts as a shortcut bar and users can move icons around, delete them from the root and add new ones from the EVE menu. No matter what is done to the root, the EVE Menu always has all the options available to users through the Neocom. Users can only remove, add and reorganize icons in the root menu, the EVE Menu index is always the same. Users can drag icons from the EVE Menu to the root of the Neocom which will create a shortcut for it.
*All active windows will be displayed in the Neocom root even if they only exist in the EVE Menu when closed. The root acts as a shortcut and overview for all windows that are open. If more icons are displayed than can be shown at once they will be moved into a 'More' Menu that shows other icons in a sub menu when opened. Icons that point to menus that are currently open will always have a certain 'Open' state to indicate they are already open. If the user clicks an icon for a window that is already open it will put that window into the front if it was behind other windows, but if it is already in front it will minimize that window. Icons that show looping highlighting effect are asking for the users attention because of an update. For example if the user gets a new message through EVE Mail. This can be turned off in the Esc Menu.
* All active windows will be displayed in the Neocom root even if they only exist in the EVE Menu when closed. The root acts as a shortcut and overview for all windows that are open. If more icons are displayed than can be shown at once they will be moved into a 'More' Menu that shows other icons in a sub menu when opened. Icons that point to menus that are currently open will always have a certain 'Open' state to indicate they are already open. If the user clicks an icon for a window that is already open it will put that window into the front if it was behind other windows, but if it is already in front it will minimize that window. Icons that show looping highlighting effect are asking for the users attention because of an update. For example if the user gets a new message through EVE Mail. This can be turned off in the Esc Menu.
===Cruicible 1.0===
=== Cruicible 1.0 ===
From the [http://community.eveonline.com/updates/patchnotes.asp?newpatchlogID=3219 Cruicible 1.0 patch notes.]
From the [https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/patch-notes-for-crucible-1 Cruicible 1.0 patch notes.]
*The new font  ‘Eve Sans Neue’ was designed and utilized everywhere in EVE which makes differentiation of letters, numbers and symbols much easier.
* The new font  ‘Eve Sans Neue’ was designed and utilized everywhere in EVE which makes differentiation of letters, numbers and symbols much easier.
*A UI Scaling option was added under the ‘Display Setup’ in the settings menu.
* A UI Scaling option was added under the ‘Display Setup’ in the settings menu.
==Deprecated Windows==
== Deprecated Buttons & Tools ==
These neocom buttons no longer exist as their functionality has been removed.
These Neocom buttons no longer exist as their functionality has been removed.
:The jukebox button opened the jukebox window used to play the soundtrack of EVE. Uses could add their own MP3s to the playlist by using any number of third party utilities. These utilities were acceptable to use, but were neither sponsored nor prohibited by EVE or CCP.
===== [[Image:Journal.png]]Journal =====
:The Journal button displays the journal window.  From here, pilots can track four different areas of information: agents, expeditions, contracts, and the epic journal. The agents tab tracks missions that have been offered a pilot or that the pilot is currently completing, which agents are currently performing research for the pilot and the status of that research, and the number of loyalty points earned with each NPC Corporation.
{{Open journal}}
=== [[Image:Jukeboxicon.png]]Jukebox ===
:The Jukebox window was used to play the soundtrack of EVE. Users could add their own MP3s to the playlist by using any number of third party utilities. These utilities were acceptable to use, but were neither sponsored nor prohibited by EVE or CCP.
[https://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Neocom_panel#Deprecated_Windows EVElopedia]
[http://community.eveonline.com/news/patch-notes/patch-notes-for Patch Notes]
=== [[Image:Browser.png]]Browser ===
:The EVE browser was a fully-functional web browser accessible in-game that was removed on October 11, 2016. Aside from its obvious uses, it was also utilized extensively by the Uni to access various Uni web tools.
=== [[Image:Browserbookmarks.png]] Browser Bookmarks===
:The Browser bookmarks sub-menu included links to all bookmarks made within the in-game browser. The sub-menu always included a link to the in-game browser's default homepage. All personal bookmarks were displayed under the initial homepage bookmark in the order they were created.
=== [[Image:Sovereignty.png]] Sovereignty ===
:Displayed the sovereignty window.  From here, pilots could view the current sovereignty status of any system in New Eden.  Pilots could also view a breakdown of recent sovereignty changes. Some of this functionality has been integrated into the Map Beta.
=== [[Image:Scopenetwork.png]]Scope Network ===
:The Scope Network button displayed the latest bulletins from the Scope Network. The window acted as an objective tracker for active events in EVE Online and was introduced with the [[Shadow of the Serpent]].
== References ==
[https://www.eveonline.com/news/t/patch-notes Patch Notes]
[[Category:User Interface]]
[[Category:User Interface]]

Revision as of 12:37, 3 February 2024

This page should be updated due to game changes.
Reason: Icon shown for "Opportunities" is now used for Aura in New Player Experience (Tutorial); Opportunities is now Activity Tracker with a new icon; People and Places is now split into Contacts and Locations

13 June 2023 Viridian: Journal removed, Opportunities back in a new form.

The Neocom panel, by default, is located along the left side of the EVE game screen. It provides access to the tools that you’ll need to control your life within the EVE Universe. The panel housing the Neocom tools and buttons can be increased or decreased in size by holding and dragging the edge of the Neocom panel left and right.

Default layout

The Neocom defaults to a series of 18 buttons on its main body. Aside from the character portrait, pilots can add, remove, and rearrange buttons as desired. Right clicking on the Neocom body provides a context menu with options to create a group, lock the Neocom, turn autohide on, align left or right, disable blink notifications, and reset buttons.

The default Neocom body layout is as follows:

  • Character portrait
  • Channels
  • Inventory
  • People & Places
  • Mail
  • Fitting
  • Regional Market
  • Industry
  • Corporation
  • Fleet
  • Map
  • Ship Tree
  • Assets
  • Wallet
  • New Eden Store
  • Opportunities Map
  • Help
  • Project Discovery

EVE Menu

The EVE or E menu sits above the character portrait and contains all Neocom buttons arranged under a series of submenus. These buttons can be accessed from the EVE menu at any time regardless of whether they are currently present on the Neocom as a shortcut.


The Inventory menu contains links to windows that allow pilots to manage and interact with their personal, corporate, and market inventories.


The Inventory button opens the universal inventory window. If opened while docked, pilots can access and interact with their current ship, its contents, their ship hangar and contents of all ships therein, their personal hangar, as well as any corporate hangars. If opened while in space, pilots can access their current ship's inventory, including cargo, ore bay, drone bay, etc.

Cargo.pngHolds & Bays

The Holds & Bays button opens the active ship variation of the universal inventory window. Unless configured otherwise, this window only displays the current ship and the contents of any and all cargo holds, drone holds, hangars and/or bays.

Itemhangar.pngItem Hangar

When docked, the Item Hangar button opens the item hangar variation of the universal inventory window. Unless configured otherwise, this window only displays the contents of any personal hangars at the current station.

Shiphangar.pngShip Hangar

When docked, the Ship Hangar button opens the ship hangar variation of the universal inventory window. Unless configured otherwise, this window only displays the contents of any ships in the current ship maintenance bay and/or station hangar. While in station, pilots may assemble new ships and switch between them when necessary. While in a capital ship in space, pilots may access and deploy ships from the maintenance bay into space.

Corphangar.pngCorporate Hangar

When docked, the Corporate Hangar button opens the corporate hangar variation of the universal inventory window. Unless configured otherwise, this window only displays the contents of any corporate hangars at the current station.

Corpdeliveries.pngMarket Deliveries

The Market Deliveries button opens the corporation market delivery window. Note that you must have the Accountant, Junior Accountant, or Trader role in your corporation to utilize this feature.

Assets.pngPersonal Assets

The Assets window displays where all of a pilot's assets are located across New Eden. Often, players have ships, items, and minerals in more than one location. The assets window allows pilots to sort their belongings through the use of the region, constellation, system, and station tabs. There is also a search tab that allows pilots to search their assets using a variety of criteria. Using the assets window to sort through belongings can be especially useful to traders who need to locate and pick up items for which they have placed orders. Many also find the Assets Window useful for navigation, as you can right-click and “Set destination” to configure the autopilot to create a route to that location.

Redeem.pngRedeem Items

The Redeem Items tool allows pilots to redeem various items and gifts obtained outside of the game, such as PLEX. This mimics the functionality of the redemption menu found on the character select screen, except that it automatically redeems the selected items to the current character.


The Accessories Menu includes a number of tools and utilities that are less frequently used.


Displays the in-game calculator. This can be very handy for calculating all manner of things such as how much ore is needed to manufacture an item, how much profit one will make on a trade, etc.


Displays the notepad window. This window is just as it sounds. It’s a place to keep your notes. Cut and paste interesting text items that you want to remember and reference later. The notepad also has a hyperlink tool that can be useful for teachers who utilize links in their classes.

Log.pngLog and Messages

Displays the notifications and log window. This window displays and stores all game messages, notifications, combat actions, etc., for reference and review. Players can look up all their stored actions until they either jump to another solar system or dock at a station. The notifications and log window will reset its contents and save the old logs to a file on your hard disk (default Windows 7 location: C:\Users\*username*\Documents\EVE\logs\Gamelogs\). When saved, they are named by date and time to be easily recognizable.


The Business menu includes access to a number of market, trade, research, manufacturing resources, and Project Discovery.

Market.pngRegional Market

Displays the market window, which is limited to displaying only items available for sale in the current region. This is the commerce hub of New Eden at your fingertips. Near-anything that can be looted, manufactured, salvaged or stolen can be found for sale here. Pilots can use the market to find modules to purchase to fit a ship, or ammunition for its guns. If a pilot has excess inventory, like modules from NPCs killed in asteroid belts, they can sell them here for quick ISK.


Displays the Contracts window. This provides access to the player-driven mechanism for characters and corporations to formalize work agreements with each other, including auctions, item exchanges, loans, and courier contracts. Unlike the market, contracts and the items or work contained therein are visible in all regions. However, in order to bid on or claim a contract a pilot must travel to the region in which the contract is located.


The Wallet button displays the wallet window. This window displays how much ISK and shares a pilot owns, any bills needing payment, a journal of transactions, a list of all open buy/sell orders, and a list of recent monetary transactions. Also, if the pilot is a member of a player corporation, and has the appropriate roles or permissions, the pilot can also see and manage the corporation’s finances from here, too, from the corporation tab.

Industry.png Industry

Displays the industry window. From here a pilot can start, manage, and monitor manufacturing, research, and invention jobs. With the proper skills, a pilot can also remotely manage this process from a distance.

Planets.pngPlanetary Colonies

Displays the planetary colonies management window. Once a pilot has at least one deployed command center, they can manage planetary industry using this tool.

Agentfinder.pngAgent Finder

Displays the Agent Finder window. From here a pilot can filter available mission agents based on agent level, corporation, faction, agent type, region, solar system, as well as system security status.

Icon fw.pngFactional Warfare

Displays the Factional Warfare window. From this window, pilots can check the current status of the ongoing factional wars. Each faction militia is in a state of perpetual war with its two main enemies: Amarr and Caldari are both at war with Gallente and Minmatar. Pilots in New Eden are independent of the fighting, but may wish to become allied with one of the factions. Pilots may choose to enlist just themselves in the factional warfare, or their corporation, or even their alliance. Be warned, however, that joining enlisting puts a pilot at war with the enemies of that faction. If a pilot enlists with the Minmatar faction while in Amarr space, they are already behind enemy lines, and may be killed on sight!

Bountyoffice.pngBounty Office

Displays the Bounty Office window. From here, pilots can view the current lists of most wanted pilots, top bounty hunters, personal bounties, as well as search and place bounties on other pilots.

Structurebrowser.pngStructure Browser

Displays the structure browser. This can be used view structures in space, both player- and NPC-owned, located in the current system, constellation or region. Structures can be filtered in a variety of ways, including accessibility, ownership, type, and services provided.

Accessgroups.pngAccess Lists

Displays the access lists tool. Access lists dictate who is able to utilize structures, or who receive a certain tax rate.

Projectdiscovery.pngProject Discovery

Displays the Project Discovery interface. Pilots can submit new responses as well as check their accuracy rating, experience earned, and Analysis Kredits.


The Social menu includes a number of social and communication tools.


Displays the EVE mail window. From here, a pilot can send and receive EVE mail to and from other pilots. To prevent spamming, pilots can set a mailing fee of up to 1 million ISK that pilots and mercs not in their corporation must pay in order to send the pilot an EVE mail. Likewise, this same pilot would have to pay any fee set by pilots not in their corporation. It is customary to drop this value to zero if a pilot plans on joining fleets, as no one wants to pay money to invite someone to a fleet. Certain game events will also place mail in your inbox, such as the insurance payout on the loss of a ship, the need to refuel a POS, etc.


The Calendar button displays the in-game calendar. From here, pilots can create, edit, share, and delete planned events using an interactive calendar. With the right permissions, pilots can share events with their corporation and even alliance. Any events shared with the pilot will show up on its respective date. Double-clicking the entry will open a window with further details about the event.


Displays the Corporation window. This window allows pilots with the correct permissions the ability to manage and interact with their corporation. CEOs have access to all of this window's functionality by default. All corporation members have access to information bulletins as well as all publicly available information about the corporation. All pilots can also use this window to investigate recruitment opportunities, corporation standings, ongoing wars, as well as alliance statistics.


Displays the Fleet window. From here, pilots can join available fleets, start a new fleet, as well as manage a current fleet. The list of available fleets include information on the fleet commander, and if shared, fleet size and current location.

Twitch.png Twitch

Displays the Twitch integration tool.

Chatchannels.png Channels

Displays the chat channels menu. From here, pilots can access a list of common public chat channels, as well as join or create custom channels. Included in the list of channels are any and all personal or private chat channels that the pilot has entered since the client was last reset.

Main EVE Menu

The main body of the menu includes links to various important and commonly used interfaces.

Charactersheet.pngCharacter Sheet
The Character Sheet button displays the character sheet window. From here pilots can manage everything about their self including skill training, attributes, implants, and jump clones. It also has a personal kill record of all of the ships that a pilot has killed or been killed in. The most important item in the character sheet window is the skill queue, available from a button labeled "skill queue" under the skills sub-tab. From the skill queue, a pilot can schedule existing and new skill training.
Peopleandplaces.pngPeople & Places
The People and Places button displays the people & places window. From here, a pilot can create and organize bookmarks in space, see if other pilots are online, set personal standings, manage their watchlist, as well as search for pilots and locations. bookmarks are specifically useful because they are allowed as destinations for the autopilot system as well as points in space that are not automatically warp destinations for other pilots.
Fitting.pngShip Fitting
The Fitting button displays the fitting window. From here, a pilot can configure module, ammunition, rig, and subsystem layout of the currently piloted ship. Pilots can also access and modify ship cargo holds and drone holds. They can also view offensive and defensive statistics of the current fitting configuration. Finally, pilots can use it to save ship fittings for later use, sharing, as well as comparison. While in space, this tool can also be accessed through the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + F. When docked, this tool may also be accessed from the station services if available.
Fittingmanagement.pngFitting Management
The Fitting Management button displays the fitting management window. From here a pliot can view and manage saved fittings for ships in Peronsal Fittings and Corporate Fittings menus. At the top level it is possible to import fittings from a file or from the clipboard and export all fittings to a file. For each individual fit it is possible to; modify if it is a personal or corporate fit, manage the description, copy the fit to clipboard, buy all the items from the regional market and launch Multifit window to fit multiple ships.
Map.pngMap/Map Beta
The Map button displays the star map (also accessed via the keyboard shortcut F10). The star map is a powerful tool no pilot can live without. It allows access to information about every system in New Eden, much of which is not available elsewhere. The map can be configured for either a 3D or 2D (flattened) view of the galaxy. In the standard galaxy view, individual solar systems are represented by individual dot. Stargate jump routes are represented by lines, while constellations and regions are represented by large text labels. Individual systems will pop-up context sensitive tooltips displaying celestial bodies including stations, asteroid fields, and markers. From the solar system view, the star map will display the current solar system including celestial bodies, bookmarks, and fleet members in space. The solar system view is also the method by which pilots utilize scanning probes to search for cosmic anomalies and signatures. The map is a very complex tool, and more than one pilot has gotten confused with all of the colored dots and lines. It is worth the time to read about the map and understand at the basics. It can save not only a ship, but potentially an entire fleet’s existence!
Shiptree.pngShip Tree
The Ship Tree button launches the ship tree browser. Pilots can view the ships that belong to various factions. The ships are linked according to skill requirements to form a tree where skill on a smaller ship is required to progress into training for the next ship in that link.
Comparetool.pngCompare Tool
The Compare Tool button displays the compare window tool window. Items can be dragged into the window to make attribute comparisons. The attributes to compare can be selected on the left side of the window. Only 10 attributes can be compared at a time.
NES.pngNew Eden Store
The New Eden Store button launches the New Eden Store browser. The New Eden Store (NES) is an in-game store where you can buy various cosmetic items for both your character and your ship, as well as various account service tokens.
Tutorial.pngOpportunities Map
The Opportunities Map button displays the opportunities map window. Opportunities are the new pilot's guide into the vast universe of New Eden and EVE Online. This window allow pilots to track their progress working through various activities available in EVE Online.
The Help button displays the help window. This window provides access to a variety of EVE help tools including the Help Center, EVE Flight Academy videos, career agents, and the bug report system.

New Features

Patch 118.6

From the Patch 118.6 patch notes.

  • The Scope Network is now online and can be viewed in your character select screen and Neocom.
  • The "Fitting Management" window can now be added to the Neocom.
  • The Opportunities window and icons have been redesigned.

Retribution 1.0

From the Retribution 1.0 patch notes.

  • The Bounty Office is now accessible in the Neocom under the Business section. This can be used at any time. (No longer restriction to stations).

Inferno 1.2

From the Inferno 1.2 patch notes.

  • Split icon for tutorials and help
    • Aura tutorial is its own Neocom icon.

Inferno 1.0

From the 1.0 patch notes.

  • User created groups on the Neocom can now be renamed and given a two letter abbreviation so that it is easier to distinguish between custom groups.

Crucible 1.1

Neocom Portrait.png

The Neocom has been updated with the release of Crucible 1.1 in the beginning of 2012.

From the Crucible 1.1 patch notes

  • The Neocom has been updated with new and improved functionality. Navigation has been improved and a new EVE Menu has been added and users can customize the Neocom as they see fit.
  • Resizing the Neocom
    • Users can resize the Neocom by dragging the right side edge of the Neocom itself
  • Avatar thumbnail
    • By hovering over the avatar thumbnail, users see their character's name and click the thumbnail to open up the Character Sheet
  • Skill Queue
    • Below the avatar thumbnail there is a progress bar that shows the progression of the current skill being trained. Hovering over it will show the name of the skill in a tooltip window and clicking on it opens the Skill Queue
  • Chat
    • By default, the Chat window is available right below the skill queue progress bar in the Neocom
    • Users can click the Chat icon and get a list of active channels
  • Create Group
    • Users can create custom groups in the Neocom root by right-clicking on the EVE Menu ('E' Icon) at the top of the Neocom
    • Users and put any icon from the menu root, or the EVE Menu into the custom groups
  • At the top of the Neocom there is a new EVE Menu ('E' Icon) where all menu options can be found. The root of the Neocom acts as a shortcut bar and users can move icons around, delete them from the root and add new ones from the EVE menu. No matter what is done to the root, the EVE Menu always has all the options available to users through the Neocom. Users can only remove, add and reorganize icons in the root menu, the EVE Menu index is always the same. Users can drag icons from the EVE Menu to the root of the Neocom which will create a shortcut for it.
  • All active windows will be displayed in the Neocom root even if they only exist in the EVE Menu when closed. The root acts as a shortcut and overview for all windows that are open. If more icons are displayed than can be shown at once they will be moved into a 'More' Menu that shows other icons in a sub menu when opened. Icons that point to menus that are currently open will always have a certain 'Open' state to indicate they are already open. If the user clicks an icon for a window that is already open it will put that window into the front if it was behind other windows, but if it is already in front it will minimize that window. Icons that show looping highlighting effect are asking for the users attention because of an update. For example if the user gets a new message through EVE Mail. This can be turned off in the Esc Menu.

Cruicible 1.0

From the Cruicible 1.0 patch notes.

  • The new font ‘Eve Sans Neue’ was designed and utilized everywhere in EVE which makes differentiation of letters, numbers and symbols much easier.
  • A UI Scaling option was added under the ‘Display Setup’ in the settings menu.

Deprecated Buttons & Tools

These Neocom buttons no longer exist as their functionality has been removed.

The Journal button displays the journal window. From here, pilots can track four different areas of information: agents, expeditions, contracts, and the epic journal. The agents tab tracks missions that have been offered a pilot or that the pilot is currently completing, which agents are currently performing research for the pilot and the status of that research, and the number of loyalty points earned with each NPC Corporation.

With the Viridian expansion the mission journal was removed from the Neocom and the short-cut settings. Its keyboard short-cut was assigned to the newly introduced opportunities window.

However, for the time being as of 9 March 2025, the mission journal can still be called using the slash command /open journal in any of the chat windows.


The Jukebox window was used to play the soundtrack of EVE. Users could add their own MP3s to the playlist by using any number of third party utilities. These utilities were acceptable to use, but were neither sponsored nor prohibited by EVE or CCP.


The EVE browser was a fully-functional web browser accessible in-game that was removed on October 11, 2016. Aside from its obvious uses, it was also utilized extensively by the Uni to access various Uni web tools.

Browserbookmarks.png Browser Bookmarks

The Browser bookmarks sub-menu included links to all bookmarks made within the in-game browser. The sub-menu always included a link to the in-game browser's default homepage. All personal bookmarks were displayed under the initial homepage bookmark in the order they were created.

Sovereignty.png Sovereignty

Displayed the sovereignty window. From here, pilots could view the current sovereignty status of any system in New Eden. Pilots could also view a breakdown of recent sovereignty changes. Some of this functionality has been integrated into the Map Beta.

Scopenetwork.pngScope Network

The Scope Network button displayed the latest bulletins from the Scope Network. The window acted as an objective tracker for active events in EVE Online and was introduced with the Shadow of the Serpent.


Patch Notes