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{{Wormhole Links}}
{{related class | Wormhole Mechanics (Class) | Wormhole PVE (Class) | Wormhole PVP (Class) | Wormhole Living (Class) }}
'''Wormholes''' are rifts in space that connect two star systems. Like [[stargates]], they allow the travel of ships from one star system to another, but unlike stargates, wormholes are not permanent. They connect two systems for only a short time and collapse when either their lifespan ends or too many ships have passed through them.
The term Wormhole is used to describe both the portals to unknown space and the space itself on the other side of the portal.  Wormholes are tranisient phenomena that allow instantaneous transit across vast distances in space.  They may be found in every solarsystem in New Eden.  Wormhole Space is the lawless (0.0) solarsystems that exist apart from the known solarsystems of New Eden.  These solarsystems can at times be extremly rewarding.  Wormholes were introduced with the Apocrypha expansion and give pilots an extra 2500 solarsystems to play around in.
=== Wormholes - General Information ===
You can scan down Wormholes from anywhere within New Eden by using the System Scanner (found in the same menu as the Directional Scanner). This is done by fitting a Scan Probe Lancher and loading it with Probes.  The results of the probes' findings are read on the System Scanner.
Wormholes link Known Space (k-space) with Wormhole Space (w-space). K-space includes all the solarystems contained in the Star Map.  If you can set a destination to it, a system is k-space, even if it is deep within nullspace (0.0).
Wormholes also link separate w-space solarsystems (or pockets). 
ALL wormholes are randomly placed and are temporary.  A given wormhole allows only a certain amount of mass to go through it before it will destabilize and close forever.
=== Wormhole Space - General Information ===
There are no Stargates in w-space.  Once inside w-space, wormholes are the only way to get from one system to another.  If a wormhole closes and you are inside a pocket, there are only two ways to get out - find another WH or self-destruct your pod.  The good news is, there's always another wormhole.  The moral is, never go into w-space without a scan probe launcher and probes.
Wormhole pockets often contain [[Exploration]] sites that can be exploited.  The sites are almost always guarded by [[Sleepers]]
=== Wormhole Tactical Information ===
Any new wormhole you find in WH space may lead to ANYWHERE (even deep 0.0) in Eve. It may also lead to another pocket deeper into w-space ([[Division 6|D6]] calls this "going deeper down the rabbit hole").  There are often several wormholes into and out of the same w-space solar system, which may be a combination of low-sec, high-sec, 0.0, and other wormhole spaces.  If you're lucky, you can occasionally find a wormhole pairing that will let you go between two interesting systems in a couple of jumps. 
A wormhole's state will be determined by two factors: Time and Mass. When it spawns, it will be open for a given time, determined by the type of the wormhole, and allow a set amount of mass through. When either variable reaches zero, the wormhole collapses forever.
Every time a ship jumps through the wormhole, the mass of the ship (can be seen in the "Show Info" of the ship) will be subtracted from the remaining mass limit of the wormhole.
The type of wormhole can be looked up and will tell some basic attributes of the wormhole.
(See [[Wormholes#Wormhole.2C_Wormhole_Size_and_Stability_Information|Wormhole Size and Stability Information]].)
One side of the wormhole will always be the "exit" and is named K162. The "entrance" is the side which was first scanned down and will have the real name of the wormhole.
There are three stages or states in a wormhole's life, which you can get with a 'show info' on the wormhole:
* Not Yet Disrupted (aka Pristine)
* Disrupted But Not Critically (aka Intermediate)
* Critical.
There is a fourth relevant status, which may be displayed below the stage information:  "reaching the end of its natural lifetime".  This means the wormhole will collapse of old age within two hours or less.
You can tell the state of the wormhole you are about to enter by right-clicking and selecting "Show Info".  A pristine wormhole has not yet had 60% of its allotted mass pass through it.  An Intermediate wormhole has between 40% and 10% of its allotted mass left.  A Critical wormhole has less than 10% of its allotted mass left.  Be very sure you want to jump through any Critical wormhole.
When a wormhole spawns, the wormhole is only an entry in your scanner. The destination of that wormhole is not set. The destination is determined randomly the moment the first player lands on grid with the wormhole. When that happens, the corresponding "exit" of the wormhole is spawned in another system and the link between the two systems is established. This can be used to some advantage in gathering information.
If you find a wormhole and warp to it, and it is named K162 it means that someone else already found that wormhole from the other side.
This can be tactically important -- you know that someone else has visited a K162 wormhole.  That means some mass has probably been used, and also that you may have company.
On the other end, if you have just collapsed the last remaining wormhole in a W-Space system and want to be alone for a while, you can scan down and bookmark the newly spawned wormhole, but '''not warp to it'''. The link between the systems is never established. However be aware that this will not completely lock other players out, since a new "exit" of another wormhole can spawn at any time in your system.
There are no aggression timers on wormholes. This means that, unlike stargates, you can jump through a wormhole even if you have just initiated combat.  However, there is a time limit on sequential jumps through one wormhole.
You can make a maximum of 2 jumps through a wormhole in 4 minutes. If you try to jump a third time through a wormhole inside those 4 minutes, you will receive a message informing you how long you have to wait before you can jump again. Be extremely careful with this if you initiate combat and try to outmaneuver your opponent by jumping repeatedly through a wormhole -- you don't want to end up trapped for four minutes in an unfriendly place.
=== Wormhole Space Tactical Information ===
All W-Space solar systems are null sec (0.0), even the ones you enter from empire.  This means anyone can shoot at you at any time with no response from Concord. You're on your own. PvP is only one cloaky ship away whether you want it or not. Prepare accordingly.
Every W-Space system's difficulty is identified through the class of the Wormhole leading to it. The class can range from 1 (easy) to 6 (insanely hard). See Wormhole information sheet below.
Another way to identify the W-Space system's class is to look up the Locus Signature of the system in a system database such as: http://www.ellatha.com/eve/WormholeSystemslist.asp
The only way to enter a W-Space system is through wormholes. It is not possible to cyno ships in or out, nor is it possible to clone jump into or out of W-Space.
It is entirely possible to get stuck in W-space. If your Wormhole closes you will have to find another one via scanning. If your scanner ship isn't in W-space with you then you will be stuck and a petition to a GM will NOT get you out. You have two choices if you end up stuck and unable to scan down a Wormhole from within W-Space:
* Self destruct both your ship and your pod.
* Wait until other players come in and hope they are nice enough to gang you and let you warp to them and allow you to leave via the Wormhole they came through.  This may take some time.
Consider fitting a probe launcher to your combat ship -- there are around 2500 W-Space systems, so there is plenty of space to get lost in.
W-space can NOT be found in the EVE map, so you will not see where you are. You can however bookmark things the normal way. (''And indeed, you should. I have to remind myself that I don't need to bookmark stargates, these days.'')
Every W-Space System can spawn multiple exploration sites which can be scanned down with probes and the System Scanner.  These sites are guarded by the remnant drones of the now vanished [[Sleeper]] race, which have a much better AI then normal NPCs and can prove to be very difficult opponents.
The sites can be broken down into "cosmic anomalies" and "cosmic signatures".
Cosmic Anomalies are the equivalent of K-Space combat sites and can be found without probes via the System Scanner. Just warp to a planet and start the scan. if you don't find one, warp to another planet and repeat the process. Some cosmic anomalies can be heavily guarded, so be careful if you warp to one. 
Cosmic Signatures need to be probed down.  They come in 5 types:
*Ladar - These Sites will contain gas clouds, which can be harvested through a Gas Harvester. The gas is needed in [[Tech_3_Production|Tech 3 production]] and is lightly guarded.
*Radar - Radar Sites will contain locked containers, containing items like datacores, which can be unlocked through [[Hacking]]. Sometimes there will be a Talocan ship wreck, which can be salvaged and will drop ancient hull sections for Tech 3 Ships. The sites are heavily guarded.
*Magnetometric - Those sites will contain ancient relics in containers, which have to be opened through an Analyzer (see [[Archaeology]]). Mag Sites are heavily guarded.  Ancient relics are needed to generate T3 blueprints through [[reverse engineering]].
*Gravimetric - A grav site contains asteroids which can be mined. In higher class Wormholes the sites can contain enough ore to keep a dozen Hulks busy for days. A grav site can contain every known ore (even Mercoxit) and is lightly guarded. (''Huge, huge rocks: Once, D6 worked one asteroid in shifts for 3 days.  Ask any of us about the Spud of Doom.'')
*Unknown - A unknown site is always another Wormhole and is not guarded by [[Sleepers]] (though maybe by players).
In higher class wormholes additional [[Sleeper]] reinforcements may spawn after you have been mining, gas harvesting or salvaging for a time. So be prepared and never go AFK while at a site.
All sites have a maximum life time which seem to range from 24-72 hours after they are found. The despawn timer of a site which has not been not warped to seems to be much higher. If a site despawns, either through completion of the site or expired time, the site will randomly respawn in another system of the same constellation as the W-Space system. This can lead to extreme rich systems where 20 or more cosmic signatures or anomalies are found. The downside of this is that a W-Space system which is farmed over and over again will be nearly barren of signatures and anomalies because the sites will amass in other, unvisted systems.
Wormholes are the exception to this rule. Every W-Space system will have at least one wormhole at any time. If the last wormhole in a W-Space system despawns the "default" wormhole of the system will spawn nearly instantly. This wormhole will mostly be of the same type, i.e. the same mass and time limits, though the destination will be random.
Some W-Space systems will have a "default" wormhole which leads only to other W-Space systems. Those systems, called hubs, will rarely connect to K-Space and can be used for extended W-Space operations.
You can anchor a POS in W-Space. However, there are no ice belts in W-Space nor is ice found in the grav sites, which means you have to import all POS fuel from K-Space. A POS, correctly set up, is very hard to destroy in W-Space. In some classes (1 or 2) it would be nearly impossible since the mass limit of the wormholes does not allow enough large ships in. It is not possible to bring Motherships or Titans through a wormhole due to their high mass.
Though unconfirmed, it is rumored a POS in a class 6 system can attract a [[Sleeper]] Dreadnought which will raze the POS (even a [[DeathStar]]) to the ground and is extremely tough to defeat. (''Who starts these rumors anyway?'')  The developers have hinted that occupying wormhole space may become more dangerous in future releases.
== Exploring/Exploiting Wormholes ==
Exploring/exploiting wormholes can be a fun and profitable activity, it can also cost you a lot if not planned and executed properly.  It is also one of the few activities that Eve University members may engage in during times of war.  Since wormholes are effectively 0.0 space and have much harder rats (Sleepers), there is a generally high risk when entering them, but this risk can be mitigated in several ways.
=== War Time - Wormhole Operations Procedures ===
Wormholes can connect any two systems regardless of distance from each other, providing temporary shortcuts to areas that would otherwise take many jumps to reach. Wormholes can also connect to uncharted space, or the Anoikis galaxy (henceforth referred to as [[wormhole space]], W-Space, or J-Space); these systems are uncharted, and do not operate like normal systems.  
As previously stated, Eve University members '''''are''''' permitted to engage in wormhole operations during times of war. However, extra precautions must be taken for any/all planned wormhole operations.  Below are a list of rules governing conduct for wormhole operations during a war.
There are a few special types of wormhole: one massive wormhole system with stations, [[Thera]], and [[Shattered wormhole systems|shattered wormholes]], mysterious spaces which cannot have any residents. Furthermore, the mysterious [[Drifters]] have some connection to five [[Drifters#Drifters Wormhole Systems|Drifter wormhole]] systems that are marked from known space with a "unidentified wormhole" beacon.
'''1)''' Solo (single player) wormhole operations are strictly prohibited.
== Finding wormholes ==
*Players are only allowed to perform wormhole operations within a Uni fleet.
[[File:Wormholec3.jpg|200px|thumb|A wormhole leading to W-Space]]
*The fleet must contain at least two (2) or more damage dealing ships.
Wormholes can be found by scanning down [[cosmic signatures]]. Once a wormhole is probed down, it can be warped to and jumped through much like a stargate, though unlike gates they must be warped to and then jumped through as a two-step process.  
*All ships must be PvP-fitted.
'''2)''' Before undocking,
Refer to the [[Probe scanning]] and [[Exploration]] guides if you want to learn about finding wormholes.
*You are required to check "Local" for any possible war targets.
*If the system is clear, you may undock and warp to either a Uni-owned POS, or a safe spot.
'''3)''' All scanning must be performed from either a Uni-owned POS, or a safe spot.
'''IMPORTANT NEW PLAYER TIP:''' If you've found a wormhole, by all means see what's on the other side if you're curious, but use a cheap ship you can afford to lose, and also a [[clone]] you can afford to lose. Make sure the ship you use has core probes and a probe launcher fitted on it. When you pass through the wormhole, immediately '''right-click and bookmark your entry wormhole''' before doing anything else. The game does not automatically record your entrance's location, and if you warp away without bookmarking it, you will have to probe your entrance down. If the worst comes to the worst and you find yourself stranded in wormhole space with no probes, you can try contacting [https://evescoutrescue.com/home/ EvE-Scout Rescue], who might be able to help.
*Scanning can be done in any space that Uni members are allowed, such as Hi-sec (1.0 - 0.5), Lo-sec (0.4 - 0.1), and '''NPC''' Null-sec (0.0).
'''4)''' Covert ops or cloak-fitted ships are not required (though recommended for scanners, salvagers, and/or scouts).
== Destinations ==
Wormholes lead to many different places: some connect W-Space to mapped New Eden systems (henceforth  [[Known Space]] or K-Space), others connect from K-Space to W-Space, yet others connect W-Space to other W-Space systems, and some wormholes connect K-Space to K-Space. Wormholes occurring within a W-Space system provide the sole method of inter-system travel for residents of that wormhole: there are no stargates in W-Space.
'''Known Space to Known Space Wormholes''' are used to quickly travel throughout New Eden, they're also used to access high-sec or low-sec islands without risk of traveling through potentially dangerous space. They're commonly named for their sec status on both ends: High-to-high (H2H), low-to-null (L2N), null-to-high (N2H), etc.
'''5)''' Mining is strictly prohibited wormhole space.
'''Known Space to Wormhole Space Wormholes''' connect K-Space to W-Space. Players who do exploration use them to access W-Space to run cosmic anomalies and signatures. W-Space inhabitants use them to shop, resupply, sell loot and products and go on K-Space PvP roams. Without these wormholes, W-Space would be a desolate wasteland. Components required to build [[Strategic Cruisers]] and their subsystems are available only in W-space.
'''Wormhole Space to Wormhole Space Wormholes''' provide the sole means of interstellar transport between distinct W-Space systems, since there are no gates available. Their dynamic formation and dissolution define W-Space interactions, in the form of PvE—capsuleers killing sleeper rats—or PvP—capsuleers killing each other. W-Space to W-Space wormholes are very important, in part because high-class W-Space systems rarely get direct connections to K-Space.
'''6)''' There is no rule #6.
== Wormhole local ==
There is no automatic update to the “Local” chat channel when in W-Space, so pilots in W-Space will not automatically appear in the local member list; pilot names appear only if they speak in local chat.
This is unlike Empire space or lowsec and nullsec systems, in which Local is an up-to-date and accurate list of those present and a key information tool. This means that there is no indication of who or how many other pilots are in the same W-Space system you are in. If you are cloaked, no one will even know you’re there. If you do type in local chat, you will show up in the local member list as normal. It is not advisable to chat in local while in W-Space, as doing so reveals your presence in the system. These are the same Local mechanics as those used in [[Pochven]].
'''7)''' After Action Reports (AAR) are only necessary if hostilities were encountered during the operations.
Note that when you enter a wormhole, there is a visible brightening and a sound effect to indicate that the hole has been activated, so if someone is watching a wormhole, they will know that someone has jumped in. A large and tightly-organized wormhole group will have cloaked characters sitting on-[[grid]] with each wormhole in their home system at all times.
== Wormhole identification ==
{{main|Visual wormhole identification}}
'''8)''' It is not necessary to request clearance from either D6 or a director before, during, or after the wormhole operation
The color of a wormhole may give you an impression on where it leads. The outline will be the color of your current system and the center will be colored based on where it leads. The color also changes based on the size of the wormhole.
*However, it is at Fleet Commander's discretion as to whether this is necessary.
=== Scouting the Wormhole Space ===
Right clicking and showing info on wormhole entrances will also display a short bit of text which reveals roughly about where they lead and their stability status. This text is explained below.
Before entering w-space, and during your time in w-space, you should scout out the area for information.  This information includes information about the w-space itself (locus, anomaly, wormhole time and mass limitations) and other people that might be in the w-space pocket already. It is becoming more common these days to see POS's set up in W-Space, and this is not always an indicator that the wormhole is unsafe to enter.
Many wormhole ops have found it useful to take along a permanent covert ops (or cloaking in general) scout whose sole responsibilities are scanning for sites and exits and keeping tabs on any other players entering or moving about in the wormhole. You should always be aware of your surroundings in w-space.
By the name of the WH-system, you can determine its class, statics, possible signatures and anomalies with their NPC composition and damage from them. To do this, you can use the [https://whdb.scan-stakan.space date base of wormholes].
=== Safety ===
== Wormhole sizes and restrictions ==
Sleepers are much harder than normal rats you would find in k-space. They have been known to show up in large numbers and often use MWDs, target painters, webifiers and warp scramblers. Because of this you should take extra caution when engaging them and err on the side of caution.  Fighting aligned is suggested as getting out of combat when your tank is low should be a priority.  For anything higher than a class 1 it might be advisable to take along logistics capabilities in your fleet.
Wormholes come with [[Wormhole attributes|different restrictions]]. Wormholes not only allow certain amounts of mass through them in their lifetime, but they also have mass restrictions for each particular transfer. For example, some wormholes from K-Space to C3 wormhole space will restrict ships going through to destroyers or smaller.
=== W-Space Fleet Composition ===
Capital ships with jump drives can go through wormholes, providing the wormhole can support the ship's mass. [[Cynosural field]]s can be opened in wormhole space, but ships with jump drives cannot lock on to these fields, nor can they lock on to cynosural fields outside of wormhole space to jump out. Supercapital ships such as Titans and Supercarriers cannot go through wormholes at all, as they are far too large for even the largest wormholes. Capitals can be built in W-space, but they may not be able to take any of exits to K-space or even other W-space connections. Supercapitals cannot be built, as there is no sovereignty in [[wormhole space]].
Below are some suggestions on fleet composition based on people's experiences. Note that a rigged salvaging ship can be used to salvage with lower skills than mentioned (-1 level per rig).
==== Class 1 ====
The color of the flare around a wormhole can tell you the size of ships that can go through. Color Effects for wormholes are described in more detail in [[Visual wormhole identification]].
3-4 cruisers, 1  battlecruiser
''With good skills, solo-able in a Heavy Assault Ship''
=== Polarization ===
Jumping through wormholes introduces additional restrictions on how often in a given time a pilot may jump through a particular wormhole. You may not jump through a wormhole in the same direction twice within five minutes. For example, if you jump through a wormhole at 05:00 and then jump back through the wormhole at 05:03, you will be polarized until 05:05, five minutes after your last transit in that direction. When polarized the wormhole will prevent you from jumping through, and present you with a message informing you how much time is left on your polarization timer. Similarly, if you were to jump as soon as the timer was up, you would be polarized on the other side of the hole until 05:08, five minutes after your last transit in ''that'' direction.
==== Class 2 ====
One way to manage your polarization timer is to check local chat for time stamps (multiple wormhole jump time stamps are kept in the chat, unlike gate jumps in K-space) for your jumps and then plan accordingly.
3-5 Cruisers or 2-3 battle cruisers, logistics, scout, salvager with level 3 salvaging
''With good skills, solo-able in a Heavy Assault Ship''
Keep in mind that this restriction applies to the pilot, not the ship or the account. The same ship can be swapped by ejection and boarding by different capsuleers for immediate transit through the same wormhole. This is very useful for [[Living_in_Wormhole_Space#Unwanted_Wormholes|mass reduction operations]] without need for multiple ships of same type. This is, however, a somewhat more dangerous way to roll a wormhole, as multiple pilots jumping from ship to ship are at least momentarily extremely vulnerable.
==== Class 3 ====  
=== Aggression ===
4 or more battle cruisers / battleships, logistics, scout, salvager with level 4 salvaging
[[Timers|Weapon timers]] do not apply in [[wormhole space]]s. You still get them when you aggress capsuleers, but they don't have any effect other than delaying your disappearance from space when you log off. As long as you are not polarized you can jump through a wormhole immediately after aggressing any capsuleer in any manner. There is no CONCORD in W-Space, no stargate sentry guns, and commonly no stations. For this reason many battles in W-Space take place very near wormholes. This can provide escape options even if you are webbed, scrammed, or bubbled.
==== Class 4 ====  
== Wormhole text ==
1 Scorpion plus 5+ RR battleships. Rigged salvager. Be sure of wormhole mass limits going in.
When on grid with a wormhole entrance, right click on the entrance and click on ''show info''. This will give you information about the wormhole. There are 4 sentences in the information.
==== Class 5 ====  
=== System type ===
2 Scorpions plus 5+ RR battleships to run anomolies only. Much more for the Radar/Mag sites.  Be sure of WH mass limits -- there are some with only 1B mass.
The first sentence talks about the type of the wormhole. These will be of the following format:
* ''This wormhole seems to lead into '''<nowiki>{important part}</nowiki>''' parts of space.''
==== Class 6 ====
{| class="wikitable" style='margin-left: 2em;"
Need suggestion
! Text !! Meaning
'''These are ''recommended'' fleet compositions. You don't have to follow them, yet without these compositions and added to that the necessary support skills trained up high enough it still might not be possible to do the sites in the WH's'''
== Wormhole, Wormhole Size and Stability Information ==
Wormhole Information
More and more information is gathered by the exploring EVE Pilots over time. I try to put this information together on this page, and keep it updated.
This table shows the characteristics of a Wormhole. K162 is the generic exit name of a Wormhole, jump to the other side to get the ‘real’ type of the Wormhole. Of course, this information gives no guarantee whatsoever; the information can be more random than we anticipate and/or CCP might change it overnight !
{| class="table"
!Wormhole Type 
!Leads to
!Total Mass Allowed (Kg) 
!Max Individual Mass (Kg) 
!Mass Regeneration (Kg/day) 
!Wormhole Classification
!Max Stable Time (Hours) 
|'''Unknown''' ||C1/C2/C3
|'''Dangerous Unknown''' ||C4/C5
|'''Deadly Unknown''' ||C6
|Class 6 W-space
|'''High Security''' ||Hisec
|Class 6 W-space
|'''Low Security''' ||Lowsec
|'''Null Security''' ||Nullsec
|'''Triglavian Space''' ||Pochven
* If the wormhole is named (anything other than K162) you can look up the location using [[Wormhole attributes|this table]]. You can also identify the size of ships allowed by its color.
* If the wormhole is a K162, you can tell what type of system it leads to by color.
=== Life ===
The next sentence indicates how much life the wormhole has before it collapses. Show Info on the wormhole will list one of the following:
*  ''This wormhole has '''not yet begun''' its natural cycle of decay and should last at least another day''
*''This wormhole is '''beginning to decay''', and probably won't last another day''
* ''This wormhole is '''reaching the end''' of its natural lifetime''
{| class="wikitable" style='margin-left: 2em;"
|- style="text-align: center;"
! Text !! Meaning !! Slang
| '''not yet begun''' || more than 24 hours || Fresh
|Class 2 W-Space
|'''beginning to decay''' || between 4 and 24 hours || Fresh
|'''reaching the end''' || less than 4 hours || EOL
|Class 3 W-space
It is therefore not recommended to traverse an end of life wormhole without some alternative method of returning back home, such as a corpmate able to scan down a new entrance.
=== Mass ===
The third sentence tells you how much mass has passed through the wormhole.  
* ''This wormhole has '''not yet''' had its stability significantly disrupted by ships passing through it''
* ''This wormhole has had its stability reduced by ships passing through it, but '''not to a critical degree''' yet''
|Nullsec (0.0)
* ''This wormhole has had its '''stability critically disrupted''' by the mass of numerous ships passing through and is on the verge of collapse''
{| class="wikitable" style='margin-left: 2em;"
! Text !! Meaning !! Slang
|Class 2 W-space
|Class 2 W-space
|Class 4 W-Space
|Nullsec (0.0)
|Class 2 W-Space
| '''not yet''' || over 50% || Fresh
|Class 1 W-Space
| '''not to a critical degree''' || between 50% and 10% || Shrink
|Class 5 W-Space
| '''stability critically disrupted''' || less than 10% || Crit
|Class 5 W-Space
|Class 2 W-Space
|Nullsec (0.0)
|Nullsec (0.0)
|Class 3 W-Space
|Class 5 W-Space
|Class 3 W-Space
|Class 5 W-Space
|Class 4 W-Space
|Class 5 W-Space
|Class 5 W-Space
|Class 2 W-Space
|Class 5 W-Space
|Class 3 W-Space
|Class 4 W-Space
|Class 3 W-Space
|Class 3 W-Space
|Class 1 W-Space
|Class 1 W-Space
|Class 6 W-Space
|Class 2 W-Space
|Nullsec (0.0)
|Class 6 W-Space
|Class 4 W-Space
|Class 6 W-Space
|Class 6 W-Space
|Nullsec (0.0)
|Class 1 W-Space
|Class 6 W-Space
|Class 5 W-Space
|Class 6 W-Space
|Class 3 W-Space
|Class 4 W-Space
|Class 4 W-Space
|Class 1 W-Space
|Nullsec (0.0)
|Nullsec (0.0)
|Class 4 W-Space
|Class 1 W-Space
|Class 1 W-Space
=== Classifications of Wormholes ===
=== Ship size ===
|Class 1, 2 and 3
The last sentence tells you the size of ships that are allowed into the enter the wormhole.
|This wormhole seems to lead into unknown parts of space.
{| class="wikitable" style='margin-left: 2em;"
|Class 4 and 5
|This wormhole seems to lead into dangerous unknown parts of space.
! Text !! Meaning
|Class 6
| Very large ships can pass through this wormhole || All ships except for Titans and supercarriers can pass through this hole
|This wormhole seems to lead into deadly unknown parts of space.
|Class 7
| Larger ships can pass through this wormhole || Battleships, Orcas, and smaller ships can pass through this hole
|Highsec Wormhole
|Class 8
| Up to medium size ships can pass through this wormhole || Unplated Nestors, battlecruisers and smaller ships can pass through this hole
|Lowsec Wormhole
|Class 9
| Only the smallest ships can pass through this wormhole || Only frigates, destroyers, or specially fit HICs can pass through this hole
|Nullsec (0.0) Wormhole
=== Wormhole Space Designation ===
== Wormhole statics ==
W-Space systems will always contain one or two wormholes that are referred to as "static". These wormholes, although they disappear with time as other wormholes, are more or less persistent : once the static wormhole collapses, another will re-open somewhere in the system, leading to a different system of same class.
In wormholes of classes 2 and 4, there are usually two statics, and in 1 and 3, one each.
|Class 1
For example, a Class 4 W-Space system can have a static Class 3 wormhole. As soon as the wormhole collapses, another wormhole opens to another Class 3 system. It can be very profitable to collapse a static wormhole on purpose, because it then means another neighboring system - and maybe another K-Space exit, as well as new combat and exploration sites to run, not to mention new neighbors to kill!!
It can also be used to get rid of a connection to enemy corps or alliances inhabiting that precise system: by collapsing the wormhole you then prevent them from getting into your system, while still having another possible exit from the system.
== Wormhole environment ==
When jumping into a wormhole space, a notice may advise you that there may be changes to the natural physics within this space. For example, you may find that all ships in this W-space have improved shields, or conversely, slower recharge times on shields. There are many possibilities, but remember that they apply to both you and anyone else in the W-space, although not necessarily the Sleepers.
|Class 2
|Class 3
|Class 4
|Class 5
|Class 6
=== Known Space Designation ===
If there is an effect in play in a system, you will see the message, "Local spatial phenomena may cause strange effects on your ship systems." Look at the target system’s space background and compare with the examples below to determine which phenomena is being displayed.
To determine the strength of the effect, you'll need to know what class the system is. This may be determined from the wormhole you came through. These effects do show up in your ship and module descriptions, so you can also use that to determine what type and strength the effect is.
|Class 7 High Sec
|Class 8 Low Sec
|Class 9 Null Sec
=== Special Designation ===
For more information, see [[Wormhole space#System_Effects|W-Space system effects]].
== Example wormholes ==
[[File:B274_Example.jpg|1000px|An example B274 wormhole with show info]]
|This is the exit point of a wormhole that has been entered.
From the information popup on this wormhole we can tell quite a few things.
== Wormhole Phenomena ==
* The B274 name means that this is an entrance, not an exit (which would be a K162). The difference doesn't mean much, at least mechanically, except that an entrance gives much more information. For example, the [[Wormhole Information]] article tells us that a B274 wormhole leads to high sec K-space, has a total mass allowance of 2,000,000,000 kg ± 10%, has a per-transit ship mass limit of 375,000,000 kg, and a maximum stable time of 24 hours.
* The wormhole is beginning to decay, meaning it is more than 4 hours away from collapsing. Jumping through this hole is quite safe, timewise.
* The wormhole has had its stability reduced by a significant amount of mass pushed through it. This is generally known as '''first shrink'''. The wormhole is still safe to transit in smaller ships.
* Any ship that is Battleship size or smaller can pass through the hole (color of the flare is turquoise).
* The cyan wedge around the wormhole entrance tells us that the wormhole has been bookmarked.
=== Pulsar Phenomena ===
|'''Class 1'''
|'''Class 2'''
|'''Class 3'''
|'''Class 4'''
|'''Class 5'''
|'''Class 6'''
|'''Armor Resists'''
|'''Cap recharge'''
|'''Targeting range'''
=== Black Hole Phenomena ===
[[File:2014.|1000px|An example K162 wormhole with show info]]
Again, we can tell quite a few things.
|'''Class 1'''
|'''Class 2'''
|'''Class 3'''
|'''Class 4'''
|'''Class 5'''
|'''Class 6'''
|'''Missile velocity'''
|'''Ship velocity'''
|'''Drone control range'''
|'''Lock Range'''
=== Cataclysmic Variable Phenomena ===
* The K162 name means this is an exit. The name is generic, and we really cannot get any information about the hole - except, the color of the hole means we are going into a C2 system, and the color of the flare says large ships can pass through the wormhole.
* The wormhole is beginning to decay, meaning it is more than 4 hours away from collapsing. Jumping through this hole is quite safe, timewise.
* The wormhole has had its stability reduced by a significant amount of mass pushed through it. This is generally known as '''first shrink'''. The wormhole is still safe to transit in smaller ships.
|'''Class 1'''
* Any ship that is Battleship size or smaller can pass through the hole (color of the flare is turquoise).
|'''Class 2'''
* The cyan wedge around the wormhole entrance tells us that the wormhole has been bookmarked.
|'''Class 3'''
|'''Class 4'''
|'''Class 5'''
|'''Class 6'''
|'''Repair amount'''
|'''Shield transfer amount'''
|'''Shield repair'''
|'''Remote repair'''
|'''Capacitor capacity'''
|'''Capacitor recharge'''
=== Magnetar Phenomena ===
|'''Class 1'''
|'''Class 2'''
|'''Class 3'''
|'''Class 4'''
|'''Class 5'''
|'''Class 6'''
|'''ECM eff'''
|'''TP eff'''
|'''Damp eff'''
|'''TD eff'''
|'''AOE Velocity'''
|'''Drone Velocity'''
|'''Targeting Range'''
|'''Tracking Speed'''
=== Red Giant Phenomena ===
[[File:O477_Example.jpg|1000px|An example O477 wormhole with show info]]
Again, we can tell quite a few things.
* The O477 name means that this is an entrance. A O477 wormhole leads to C3 W-Space (this can be visually identified by the color of the wormhole), has a total mass allowance of 2,000,000,000 kg ± 10%, has a per-transit ship mass limit of 375,000,000 kg, and a maximum stable time of 16 hours.
* The wormhole is beginning to decay, meaning it is more than 4 hours away from collapsing. Jumping through this hole is quite safe, timewise.
|'''Class 1'''
* The wormhole has had its stability critically disrupted by the mass of numerous ships passing through and is on the verge of collapse. This is generally known as '''crit'''. The wormhole is unsafe to transit, as it could collapse behind you and trap you in hostile space. Specially fitted HICs are used to collapse the hole.
|'''Class 2'''
* Any ship that is Battleship size or smaller can pass through the hole (color of the flare is turquoise).
|'''Class 3'''
* The cyan wedge around the wormhole entrance tells us that the wormhole has been bookmarked.
|'''Class 4'''
|'''Class 5'''
|'''Class 6'''
|'''Heat Damage'''
|'''Overload Bonus'''
|'''Smart Bomb Range'''
|'''Smart Bomb Damage'''
=== Wolf Rayet Phenomena ===
== The death of a wormhole ==
After a certain amount of mass is transported through or after some time the wormhole will disappear, or ''collapse''. While most wormholes only last for 24 hours, there are some variations to this rule. When a static wormhole collapses a new one with the same properties will spawn somewhere else in the same system. It will have to be scanned down. When a non-static wormhole collapses it simply disappears forever. You can read more on static wormholes in the [[Wormhole space]] article. If you get a note saying, "As you pass through the wormhole you realize that it collapses behind you. Have you become trapped?" and do not have a HS static bookmarked or core probe scanner/core probes, call [https://evescoutrescue.com/copilot/911/911.php Signal Cartel 911].
You can artificially induce "premature" death of a wormhole ([[Living in Wormhole Space#Unwanted Wormholes|Unwanted Wormholes]]). This process is known as rolling.
|'''Class 1'''
|'''Class 2'''
|'''Class 3'''
|'''Class 4'''
|'''Class 5'''
|'''Class 6'''
|'''Armor Resist'''
|'''Shield Resist'''
|'''Small Weapon Damage'''
|'''Signature Size'''
== History ==
Wormholes were introduced in the [http://community.eveonline.com/news/patch-notes/patch-notes-for-apocrypha-1 Apocrypha expansion].
Thera and the shattered wormholes were added in the [https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/thera-and-the-shattered-wormholes Rhea expansion].
== Notes ==
* The fourth wormhole state, "dissipating into the ether", exists in EVE Online's shared cache only. See this article's [[Talk:Wormholes#"dissipating into the ether"|Discussion page]].

Revision as of 17:55, 28 June 2024

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Wormholes are rifts in space that connect two star systems. Like stargates, they allow the travel of ships from one star system to another, but unlike stargates, wormholes are not permanent. They connect two systems for only a short time and collapse when either their lifespan ends or too many ships have passed through them.

Wormholes can connect any two systems regardless of distance from each other, providing temporary shortcuts to areas that would otherwise take many jumps to reach. Wormholes can also connect to uncharted space, or the Anoikis galaxy (henceforth referred to as wormhole space, W-Space, or J-Space); these systems are uncharted, and do not operate like normal systems.

There are a few special types of wormhole: one massive wormhole system with stations, Thera, and shattered wormholes, mysterious spaces which cannot have any residents. Furthermore, the mysterious Drifters have some connection to five Drifter wormhole systems that are marked from known space with a "unidentified wormhole" beacon.

Finding wormholes

A wormhole leading to W-Space

Wormholes can be found by scanning down cosmic signatures. Once a wormhole is probed down, it can be warped to and jumped through much like a stargate, though unlike gates they must be warped to and then jumped through as a two-step process.

Refer to the Probe scanning and Exploration guides if you want to learn about finding wormholes.

IMPORTANT NEW PLAYER TIP: If you've found a wormhole, by all means see what's on the other side if you're curious, but use a cheap ship you can afford to lose, and also a clone you can afford to lose. Make sure the ship you use has core probes and a probe launcher fitted on it. When you pass through the wormhole, immediately right-click and bookmark your entry wormhole before doing anything else. The game does not automatically record your entrance's location, and if you warp away without bookmarking it, you will have to probe your entrance down. If the worst comes to the worst and you find yourself stranded in wormhole space with no probes, you can try contacting EvE-Scout Rescue, who might be able to help.


Wormholes lead to many different places: some connect W-Space to mapped New Eden systems (henceforth Known Space or K-Space), others connect from K-Space to W-Space, yet others connect W-Space to other W-Space systems, and some wormholes connect K-Space to K-Space. Wormholes occurring within a W-Space system provide the sole method of inter-system travel for residents of that wormhole: there are no stargates in W-Space.

Known Space to Known Space Wormholes are used to quickly travel throughout New Eden, they're also used to access high-sec or low-sec islands without risk of traveling through potentially dangerous space. They're commonly named for their sec status on both ends: High-to-high (H2H), low-to-null (L2N), null-to-high (N2H), etc.

Known Space to Wormhole Space Wormholes connect K-Space to W-Space. Players who do exploration use them to access W-Space to run cosmic anomalies and signatures. W-Space inhabitants use them to shop, resupply, sell loot and products and go on K-Space PvP roams. Without these wormholes, W-Space would be a desolate wasteland. Components required to build Strategic Cruisers and their subsystems are available only in W-space.

Wormhole Space to Wormhole Space Wormholes provide the sole means of interstellar transport between distinct W-Space systems, since there are no gates available. Their dynamic formation and dissolution define W-Space interactions, in the form of PvE—capsuleers killing sleeper rats—or PvP—capsuleers killing each other. W-Space to W-Space wormholes are very important, in part because high-class W-Space systems rarely get direct connections to K-Space.

Wormhole local

There is no automatic update to the “Local” chat channel when in W-Space, so pilots in W-Space will not automatically appear in the local member list; pilot names appear only if they speak in local chat.

This is unlike Empire space or lowsec and nullsec systems, in which Local is an up-to-date and accurate list of those present and a key information tool. This means that there is no indication of who or how many other pilots are in the same W-Space system you are in. If you are cloaked, no one will even know you’re there. If you do type in local chat, you will show up in the local member list as normal. It is not advisable to chat in local while in W-Space, as doing so reveals your presence in the system. These are the same Local mechanics as those used in Pochven.

Note that when you enter a wormhole, there is a visible brightening and a sound effect to indicate that the hole has been activated, so if someone is watching a wormhole, they will know that someone has jumped in. A large and tightly-organized wormhole group will have cloaked characters sitting on-grid with each wormhole in their home system at all times.

Wormhole identification

Main article: Visual wormhole identification

The color of a wormhole may give you an impression on where it leads. The outline will be the color of your current system and the center will be colored based on where it leads. The color also changes based on the size of the wormhole.

Right clicking and showing info on wormhole entrances will also display a short bit of text which reveals roughly about where they lead and their stability status. This text is explained below.

By the name of the WH-system, you can determine its class, statics, possible signatures and anomalies with their NPC composition and damage from them. To do this, you can use the date base of wormholes.

Wormhole sizes and restrictions

Wormholes come with different restrictions. Wormholes not only allow certain amounts of mass through them in their lifetime, but they also have mass restrictions for each particular transfer. For example, some wormholes from K-Space to C3 wormhole space will restrict ships going through to destroyers or smaller.

Capital ships with jump drives can go through wormholes, providing the wormhole can support the ship's mass. Cynosural fields can be opened in wormhole space, but ships with jump drives cannot lock on to these fields, nor can they lock on to cynosural fields outside of wormhole space to jump out. Supercapital ships such as Titans and Supercarriers cannot go through wormholes at all, as they are far too large for even the largest wormholes. Capitals can be built in W-space, but they may not be able to take any of exits to K-space or even other W-space connections. Supercapitals cannot be built, as there is no sovereignty in wormhole space.

The color of the flare around a wormhole can tell you the size of ships that can go through. Color Effects for wormholes are described in more detail in Visual wormhole identification.


Jumping through wormholes introduces additional restrictions on how often in a given time a pilot may jump through a particular wormhole. You may not jump through a wormhole in the same direction twice within five minutes. For example, if you jump through a wormhole at 05:00 and then jump back through the wormhole at 05:03, you will be polarized until 05:05, five minutes after your last transit in that direction. When polarized the wormhole will prevent you from jumping through, and present you with a message informing you how much time is left on your polarization timer. Similarly, if you were to jump as soon as the timer was up, you would be polarized on the other side of the hole until 05:08, five minutes after your last transit in that direction.

One way to manage your polarization timer is to check local chat for time stamps (multiple wormhole jump time stamps are kept in the chat, unlike gate jumps in K-space) for your jumps and then plan accordingly.

Keep in mind that this restriction applies to the pilot, not the ship or the account. The same ship can be swapped by ejection and boarding by different capsuleers for immediate transit through the same wormhole. This is very useful for mass reduction operations without need for multiple ships of same type. This is, however, a somewhat more dangerous way to roll a wormhole, as multiple pilots jumping from ship to ship are at least momentarily extremely vulnerable.


Weapon timers do not apply in wormhole spaces. You still get them when you aggress capsuleers, but they don't have any effect other than delaying your disappearance from space when you log off. As long as you are not polarized you can jump through a wormhole immediately after aggressing any capsuleer in any manner. There is no CONCORD in W-Space, no stargate sentry guns, and commonly no stations. For this reason many battles in W-Space take place very near wormholes. This can provide escape options even if you are webbed, scrammed, or bubbled.

Wormhole text

When on grid with a wormhole entrance, right click on the entrance and click on show info. This will give you information about the wormhole. There are 4 sentences in the information.

System type

The first sentence talks about the type of the wormhole. These will be of the following format:

  • This wormhole seems to lead into {important part} parts of space.
Text Meaning
Unknown C1/C2/C3
Dangerous Unknown C4/C5
Deadly Unknown C6
High Security Hisec
Low Security Lowsec
Null Security Nullsec
Triglavian Space Pochven
  • If the wormhole is named (anything other than K162) you can look up the location using this table. You can also identify the size of ships allowed by its color.
  • If the wormhole is a K162, you can tell what type of system it leads to by color.


The next sentence indicates how much life the wormhole has before it collapses. Show Info on the wormhole will list one of the following:

  • This wormhole has not yet begun its natural cycle of decay and should last at least another day
  • This wormhole is beginning to decay, and probably won't last another day
  • This wormhole is reaching the end of its natural lifetime
Text Meaning Slang
not yet begun more than 24 hours Fresh
beginning to decay between 4 and 24 hours Fresh
reaching the end less than 4 hours EOL

It is therefore not recommended to traverse an end of life wormhole without some alternative method of returning back home, such as a corpmate able to scan down a new entrance.


The third sentence tells you how much mass has passed through the wormhole.

  • This wormhole has not yet had its stability significantly disrupted by ships passing through it
  • This wormhole has had its stability reduced by ships passing through it, but not to a critical degree yet
  • This wormhole has had its stability critically disrupted by the mass of numerous ships passing through and is on the verge of collapse
Text Meaning Slang
not yet over 50% Fresh
not to a critical degree between 50% and 10% Shrink
stability critically disrupted less than 10% Crit

Ship size

The last sentence tells you the size of ships that are allowed into the enter the wormhole.

Text Meaning
Very large ships can pass through this wormhole All ships except for Titans and supercarriers can pass through this hole
Larger ships can pass through this wormhole Battleships, Orcas, and smaller ships can pass through this hole
Up to medium size ships can pass through this wormhole Unplated Nestors, battlecruisers and smaller ships can pass through this hole
Only the smallest ships can pass through this wormhole Only frigates, destroyers, or specially fit HICs can pass through this hole

Wormhole statics

W-Space systems will always contain one or two wormholes that are referred to as "static". These wormholes, although they disappear with time as other wormholes, are more or less persistent : once the static wormhole collapses, another will re-open somewhere in the system, leading to a different system of same class.

In wormholes of classes 2 and 4, there are usually two statics, and in 1 and 3, one each.

For example, a Class 4 W-Space system can have a static Class 3 wormhole. As soon as the wormhole collapses, another wormhole opens to another Class 3 system. It can be very profitable to collapse a static wormhole on purpose, because it then means another neighboring system - and maybe another K-Space exit, as well as new combat and exploration sites to run, not to mention new neighbors to kill!!

It can also be used to get rid of a connection to enemy corps or alliances inhabiting that precise system: by collapsing the wormhole you then prevent them from getting into your system, while still having another possible exit from the system.

Wormhole environment

When jumping into a wormhole space, a notice may advise you that there may be changes to the natural physics within this space. For example, you may find that all ships in this W-space have improved shields, or conversely, slower recharge times on shields. There are many possibilities, but remember that they apply to both you and anyone else in the W-space, although not necessarily the Sleepers.

If there is an effect in play in a system, you will see the message, "Local spatial phenomena may cause strange effects on your ship systems." Look at the target system’s space background and compare with the examples below to determine which phenomena is being displayed.

To determine the strength of the effect, you'll need to know what class the system is. This may be determined from the wormhole you came through. These effects do show up in your ship and module descriptions, so you can also use that to determine what type and strength the effect is.

For more information, see W-Space system effects.

Example wormholes

An example B274 wormhole with show info

From the information popup on this wormhole we can tell quite a few things.

  • The B274 name means that this is an entrance, not an exit (which would be a K162). The difference doesn't mean much, at least mechanically, except that an entrance gives much more information. For example, the Wormhole Information article tells us that a B274 wormhole leads to high sec K-space, has a total mass allowance of 2,000,000,000 kg ± 10%, has a per-transit ship mass limit of 375,000,000 kg, and a maximum stable time of 24 hours.
  • The wormhole is beginning to decay, meaning it is more than 4 hours away from collapsing. Jumping through this hole is quite safe, timewise.
  • The wormhole has had its stability reduced by a significant amount of mass pushed through it. This is generally known as first shrink. The wormhole is still safe to transit in smaller ships.
  • Any ship that is Battleship size or smaller can pass through the hole (color of the flare is turquoise).
  • The cyan wedge around the wormhole entrance tells us that the wormhole has been bookmarked.

An example K162 wormhole with show info Again, we can tell quite a few things.

  • The K162 name means this is an exit. The name is generic, and we really cannot get any information about the hole - except, the color of the hole means we are going into a C2 system, and the color of the flare says large ships can pass through the wormhole.
  • The wormhole is beginning to decay, meaning it is more than 4 hours away from collapsing. Jumping through this hole is quite safe, timewise.
  • The wormhole has had its stability reduced by a significant amount of mass pushed through it. This is generally known as first shrink. The wormhole is still safe to transit in smaller ships.
  • Any ship that is Battleship size or smaller can pass through the hole (color of the flare is turquoise).
  • The cyan wedge around the wormhole entrance tells us that the wormhole has been bookmarked.

An example O477 wormhole with show info Again, we can tell quite a few things.

  • The O477 name means that this is an entrance. A O477 wormhole leads to C3 W-Space (this can be visually identified by the color of the wormhole), has a total mass allowance of 2,000,000,000 kg ± 10%, has a per-transit ship mass limit of 375,000,000 kg, and a maximum stable time of 16 hours.
  • The wormhole is beginning to decay, meaning it is more than 4 hours away from collapsing. Jumping through this hole is quite safe, timewise.
  • The wormhole has had its stability critically disrupted by the mass of numerous ships passing through and is on the verge of collapse. This is generally known as crit. The wormhole is unsafe to transit, as it could collapse behind you and trap you in hostile space. Specially fitted HICs are used to collapse the hole.
  • Any ship that is Battleship size or smaller can pass through the hole (color of the flare is turquoise).
  • The cyan wedge around the wormhole entrance tells us that the wormhole has been bookmarked.

The death of a wormhole

After a certain amount of mass is transported through or after some time the wormhole will disappear, or collapse. While most wormholes only last for 24 hours, there are some variations to this rule. When a static wormhole collapses a new one with the same properties will spawn somewhere else in the same system. It will have to be scanned down. When a non-static wormhole collapses it simply disappears forever. You can read more on static wormholes in the Wormhole space article. If you get a note saying, "As you pass through the wormhole you realize that it collapses behind you. Have you become trapped?" and do not have a HS static bookmarked or core probe scanner/core probes, call Signal Cartel 911.

You can artificially induce "premature" death of a wormhole (Unwanted Wormholes). This process is known as rolling.


Wormholes were introduced in the Apocrypha expansion.

Thera and the shattered wormholes were added in the Rhea expansion.


  • The fourth wormhole state, "dissipating into the ether", exists in EVE Online's shared cache only. See this article's Discussion page.