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{{NPCTableCSS}}{{AngelEpicArcNav|chapter 2a}}
{{main|Angel Sound}}
'''Heaven''' is the second chapter of [[Angel Sound]].
The second chapter of Angel epic arc. Three fast combat missions. At the end of this chapter you will receive a Domination target painter for your trouble.
You will be doing Missions for Abdiel Verat at K-QWHE V - Moon 4 - Archangels Assembly Plant. Be prepared to lose at least 0.2% Guristas Pirates Faction Standing.
Mission 7 will reward you with a Domination Target Painter.
==Mission 4 - Serpentis Fill-In==
==Mission 4 - Serpentis Fill-In==
{{:Serpentis Fill-In}}
{{:Serpentis Fill-In}}
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==Mission 7 - Wrath of Angels ==
==Mission 7 - Wrath of Angels ==
{{:Wrath of Angels}}
{{:Wrath of Angels}}
==Mission 8 - Dominus ==
==Mission 9 - The Lesser of Two ==
{{:The Lesser of Two}}
[[Category:Epic Arcs]]

Latest revision as of 11:31, 5 August 2023

Heaven is the second chapter of Angel Sound.

You will be doing Missions for Abdiel Verat at K-QWHE V - Moon 4 - Archangels Assembly Plant. Be prepared to lose at least 0.2% Guristas Pirates Faction Standing.

Mission 7 will reward you with a Domination Target Painter.

Mission 4 - Serpentis Fill-In

Level 3
Type Security
Objective Deliver 1x Sealed Research Cache 2 m3
Rewards 5M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Mission briefing
Perhaps it's not worth the trouble to take down the Sansha encampment. They might have already gone in and destabilized the wormhole. We play by risk and reward, and the reward here looks like it'll be too low.

There's a high-priority shipment that has been sitting around waiting for someone capable enough to move it. It's headed to the Serpentis research facilities in Fountain, but Sarpati's crew is going to handle moving it from Curse over to their Headquarters. They were supposed to take it directly from this station but we've lost contact with the research team in charge of that operation. The job is yours if you want it. All you need to do is get it to nearby Serpentis Corp. transport hub, from there they'll handle the rest.

The cargo is small so you could easily fit it inside an interceptor or covert ops and I would suggest you do just that, <Character>. I will not accept any excuses for the cargo's disappearance.

The partnership between the Angel Cartel and the Serpentis is a perfect match. The Cartel has all the things the Serpentis lack: massive manpower, a gigantic network of dealers and thugs, a cold vicious enthusiasm for crime, and the organizational skills needed to help spread the Serpentis supply of boosters to new markets. Without the Cartel, the Serpentis would never have expanded to become as powerful and pervasive as it is today, and many say, the reverse is also true.

Despite all the success the partnership has brought the Serpentis, it may be the Cartel who got the better end of the bargain. Not only do the Serpentis supply the Cartel with the most-addictive and highest quality boosters in the cluster, they also provide unparalleled research. The Cartel has long had access to dozens of ancient Jovian ruins, but previously lacked the expertise to truly take advantage of them. The Serpentis changed all that, and many think the Cartel's latest ship designs – and many other secret breakthroughs – come straight from Serpentis minds.

Ungated pocket 1 jump away. Pick up the Sealed Research Cache from the Station and deliver it to the Serpentis Transport Hub Container.


  • don't forget to pick up the Sealed Research Cache!

Complete the Mission remotely.


Structures (90 km)

Container 1 x Serpentis Transport Hub

Mission 5 - Ride to the Rescue

Level 3
Type Security
Faction Guristas
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Warp disruption Yukiro Demense
Rewards 5M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Extra 0.01% Guristas Pirates Standing Loss; 1M ISK Yukiro Demense Bounty
Mission briefing
I just discovered why that research team never arrived to pick up the goods you ferried: their labs are under siege by Guristas forces. I don't know what the hell the Guristas think they're going to achieve down here, but if we don't quickly shut them down we risk them gaining a foothold.

This attack was fierce and well-coordinated. They managed to overwhelm our defenses. All of our other forces are either too far away to assist or on other important missions they can't be diverted from. You're our best shot. I want you to save that research station from the Guristas assault.

Gang War
The Angel Cartel and Guristas have a lot in common on the surface. Both seem to be the classical thugs, engaging in all the brutish activities attributed to base criminals. But while the two do have some overlapping interests, their methods and core desires are different.

The Angel Cartel is closer to a criminal mafia, dedicated to pushing drugs, running protection rackets, taking out assassination contracts, and involving themselves in all manner of nefarious research projects. The Guristas, however, are opportunistic pirates. They prowl the space lanes and hit any target that looks half-valuable or vulnerable. They loot and plunder what they can, ransom off the valuable survivors, and then hit the bars to celebrate.

The Cartel sees the Guristas as chaotic malcontents, disrupting trade, causing economic difficulties, and generally making it more difficult for them to ply their illicit trades. The Guristas see the Cartel as dishonorable brutes, skulking in the darkness and using trickery and deception to dull the minds and sensibilities of their clients.

Accept the Mission remotely.

Gated deadspace pocket 2 jumps away.

Blitz: take the Gate and kill Yukiro Demense.

Complete the Mission remotely.


  • Yukiro Demense minimum resistance is 64% Kinetic Shields and Armour



Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate

Room 1

All the Angel and Guristas ships will be destroyed except for the Survivors.

Yukiro Demense taunt
You shouldn't have bothered, Cartel puppet. You have no hope against me.

Survivors (70 km)

Frigate 3 x Frigate Pithi Infiltrator/Invader
Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Yukiro Demense Mission objective Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Battlecruiser 1 x Battlecruiser Pithatis Executor

Mission 6 - The Best Kind of Revenge

Level 3
Type Security
Objective Eliminate all hostile targets then approach Central Database Hub
Faction Mercenaries
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinElectromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Warp disruption Mercenary Wingman
EWAR Mercenary Wingman
Rewards 8M ISK + 1M (6h)
Mission briefing
Alright, you're ready to take care of this Guristas commander? Good.

Yukiro Demense is a capsuleer. With all those clones, he'll be a tough one to break, but we have plenty of experience when it comes to dealing with this sort of problem. Our friends over at Serpentis Inquest were also more than willing to offer their expertise on this matter after the Guristas attacked their research facility. This Demense punk just made some very powerful enemies.

You'll be travelling to a local black market cloning facility, one that we've been happy to ignore until now. The facility administrator took a heavy bribe from Demense to allow one of his clones access, and so of course, they had their license and all good standings with us permanently revoked. Intelligence indicates that Demense is reliant on this facility to support his raids. With a clone backup available locally, he has been able to return to the fight without re-cloning in Venal up north.

Your first task is to storm this facility and make an example of the people there. Let nobody survive; their deaths must send a message across Curse. Once you have dealt with this indiscretion, you need to deliver a special data payload into their central database hub. As soon as you approach the hub, the data will auto-transmit a special virus engineered by our Inquest friends.

Do this and report back to me. I will have further instructions for you at that point.

Black market clones
Hundreds of small companies exist in the fringes of space that cater to those who either can't afford or are banned from the big-name cloning companies. Naturally, there is a much greater risk with these organizations. No regulations means there are no guarantees of revival, and there are many stories of capsuleers waking up in distant backup cloning facilities after their local clone never activated. For most capsuleers this represents only a minor inconvenience, since very few are foolish enough to place their lives in the hands of questionable company.

For those criminals who can pay, the clones are nearly as safe as the Empire ones, a fact that has stymied efforts to curb the proliferation of capsuleer outlaws, and allowed them to move about the cluster with the freedom capsuleers are famous for.

Accept the Mission remotely.

Gated deadspace pocket up to four jumps away. Eliminate all hostile targets, then upload the Serpentis Inquest virus by approaching the Central Database Hub Structure.

Complete the Mission remotely.


  • You do not need to kill the Cruise Missile Batteries
  • Destroying the Cruise Missile Batteries incurs an additional 3.0% Guristas Pirates Standing Loss



Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate

Room 1

Warning: Restricted Area
Listen up, whoever you are. This area is off limits to anyone who isn't just coming back from the dead. I suggest you hit the nearest stargate if you don't want to end up waking up in a cloning vat of your own.


Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Mercenary Commander
Sentry 2 x Sentry Cruise Missile Battery Aggro on landing and doesn't have to be killed
Reinforcement 1

Elite Frigate 7 x Elite Frigate Mercenary Elite Fighter
Reinforcement 2

Frigate 3 x Frigate Mercenary Rookie
Frigate 1 x Frigate Mercenary Wingman Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier


Structure 1 x Central Database Hub Approach to complete the Mission

Mission 7 - Wrath of Angels

Level 3
Type Security
Objective Kill Yukiro Demense
Faction Guristas
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Warp disruption Yukiro Demense
Rewards 1x Domination Target Painter + 1M ISK (6h)
Extra 0.01% Guristas Pirates Standing Loss; 1M ISK Yukiro Demense Bounty
Mission briefing
Demense is still in Curse. I'd say his superiors have become aware that the hammer of a thousand Angels is about to come crashing down on him and are keeping the fool out here on “deployment."

Your task is to put the insolent little maggot down. Once he reanimates into that new clone, he'll be a non-issue. As I said before, <Pilot>, the man made some powerful enemies. We have chosen our friends wisely, and if you only knew what they were capable of doing to your clone, you'd understand why we want them on our side.

Go, kill him. If you succeed, perhaps I will share the true nature of Demense's fate with you.

Mission completed:
Serpentis Inquest just confirmed the reanimation of his local clone. You've done well, <Pilot>. Loyalty and a capacity to deliver results, these are both admirable qualities that will get you far within our organization.

You've caught the attention of my superiors, in fact. It seems they have a need for a capsuleer, and one who has already proven themselves trustworthy and capable. When you want the details for your new contact, I can pass them along.

Demense's fate? Let's just say that he has contracted a disease which is going to follow him from clone to clone. Eternity is not all it's cracked up to be.

Accept the Mission remotely.

Gated deadspace pocket up to seven jumps away.

Blitz: take the gate and kill Yukiro Demense.


  • You do not need to kill the Cruise Missile Batteries
  • Yukiro Demense minimum resistance is 64% Kinetic Shields and Armour
  • Wait until Yukiro Demense is at least 40 km away from the Remote-Repair Facility Structure before attacking to avoid it repairing him; Yukiro Demense will approach you at 300 m/s
  • Destroying the Remote-Repair Facility Structure destroys the Cruise Missile Batteries but incurs an additional 3.0% Guristas Pirates Standing Loss



Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate

Room 1

Logistics Facility Detected
As your warp drive hurls you towards the last known location of Yukiro Demense, you notice a large repair station on your scanner. Clearly, he's prepared himself for you this time.
Yukiro Demense taunt
I've been waiting for you, my little Cartel pet. Time to die.

Group 1 (70 km)

Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Yukiro Demense Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Sentry 2 x Sentry Cruise Missile Battery


Structure 1 x Remote-Repair Facility Repairs nearby ships

Mission 8 - Dominus

Level 3
Type Security
Objective Report to Kadeja Dulche in K-QWHE VII - Moon 8 - Dominations Assembly Plant
Rewards 6M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Mission briefing
Ready to move on then, I take it?

You'll be working with Kadeja Dulche of the Dominations from here on out. Don't ask me what he wants of you; it's not my business to know these things.

You best get going. I'd thank you for the assistance you provided, but an invitation to a meeting with a Domination agent says more than any words of mine will.

Declining a mission from a particular agent more than once every 4 hours may result in a loss of standing with that agent, except in the case of special missions that clearly state otherwise in their description.

The Dominations
The Dominations represent the command division of the Angel Cartel. The Dominations are elusive and mysterious, preferring to shroud their agendas in secrecy and obfuscation. Many of their membership seldom venture far from their bases in the Curse region, but CONCORD agents have reported sightings of highly-placed Cartel leaders as far north as Lonetrek.

Little is known about the identities of the Angel Cartel leadership, though it is understood that – as with the rest of the organization – they come from all the races and backgrounds.

Report to Kadeja Dulche in K-QWHE VII - Moon 8 - Dominations Assembly Plant in the same System.

Mission 9 - The Lesser of Two

Type Branch
Objective Choose your path
Mission briefing
You've done well for us dealing with the Guristas and Sansha. Clashes with other frontier organizations come with the territory, however, and are never that much of a problem. The Archangels are more than capable of handling this aspect of daily operations. It is when other entities begin to stray outside their usual boundaries and establish themselves in our space that people begin to become rightly concerned. In these situations, we are called in to deal with them.

One Minmatar corporation, Boundless Creations, has made the mistake of conducting research in our space. They have come here on the misunderstanding that, just because their research is illegal, we will turn a blind eye to their presence. We've not corrected them on this false assumption. Rather, we've let them move in all of their assets and staff and slowly build themselves up. The time has now come to reveal to them where they truly stand with the Cartel.

Your mission is to destroy their research facility entirely, costing the interlopers billions. You can go about this whatever way you see fit. You can storm the facility head on, or weaken the defenses by knocking out their communications arrays first.

Either way, everyone in that place needs to die.

Situation Normal >>
Boundless Creations has a communications array keeping tabs on the research base. If you attack the base now, they'll call in reinforcements and make your life difficult.

The good news is that they've attempted to hide the array inside a gas cloud rather than protect it in the open. They expect it to be undetected, and to most people it would be. Our scouts have uncovered the area though, and have observed engineers living at the compound. They will be carrying a security code which you must recover. You will be able to use it to deactivate the array without alerting the main Boundless Creation fleet.

Data Destruction >>
Going for the straight shot? You're a pilot after my own heart.

The base is split into three sections. Each section contains a data center that houses all of Boundless Creations' illegal research. You must destroy these. Each data center serves as a redundant backup for the others, so it needs to be all or nothing.

The Cartel is putting a lot of trust in you. Make it happen.

Choose between:

Your choice has no lasting impact on the Epic Arc.