Travelling to the NSC

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The Dangers of NullSec

When it comes to travelling through NullSec, Gates are very dangerous. Due to the mechanics of NullSec, or more accurately the lack of mechanics associated with NullSec, the majority of PvP occurs on Gates. The three main tactics that players will use to catch and kill you are Gate Camps, Bubbles and Smartbombs, likely using a combination of these. This page aims to describe these dangers in a little more depth, discuss how we can fit our ships and navigate NullSec to avoid them, and the best routes for players to make their way to the NSC.

Gate Camps

Main article: Gatecamps

Gate Camps are basically players waiting on a Gate to catch anyone who jumps through into them. There are a number of variables that determine how effective they'll be, such as the number of players involved, the types of ships they are using and the actual size of the Gate itself, but we can negate all of these. What we are concerned with is the time to warp of our own ship. Due to the way the server mechanics work, the fastest that anyone can get a point on a ship is 2 seconds. Therefore, if we can get our time to warp to be less than 2 seconds we are, theoretically, impossible to catch without the use of a bubble. We say theoretically because there can be the odd times were this doesn't work, such as if you are lagging, but 99% of the time you will uncatchable. This is also true for HiSec and LowSec.


Main article: Interdiction 101

Bubbles or to give them their proper name, Warp Disruption Fields, are unique to NullSec and WH Space. They can be created either by deployable structures or specific T2 ships and their primary function is to create a large sphere that will prevent any ship inside it from warping. They are usually placed to catch people who warp directly from Gate to Gate, although they can be placed on top of the Gate itself. For the purpose of travelling through NullSec, there really is not much else you will need to know about them. Bubbles are most dangerous if you find yourself inside one when you enter a system. If this happens, you can either burn back towards the Gate and hope that you are not killed before you get there or you can attempt to burn out of the bubble and warp off to safety. The majority of bubbles are placed off from the gate though and can be avoided by simply warping to a celestial or tactical first before warping to the Gate. The NSC has public tactical bookmarks for Unistas to use on the common routes through Syndicate, which will also allow players to avoid the majority of bubbles.


Main article: Smartbombs

Smartbombs are a high slot module, often fitted to Battleships, that deal an area of effect damage. The benefit that smartbombs provide to Gate Campers is that they do not need to lock a target to damage their target. A Gate Camper will often sit with their Battleship aligned between two Gates and use D-Scan to tell when a weaker target is in warp to them, such as a Shuttle or a Frigate. They are one of the main reasons why we do not recommend using a Shuttle to travel to the NSC as you can be killed instantly. Another benefit for Gate Campers is that Smartbombs will also kill the targets pod before they can warp out. The two main ways to avoid Smartbombing is to use tactical bookmarks so that you do not land in the area of effect, and to ensure that you have at least a little tank fitted to your ship to survive should you somehow still find yourself inside the damage area.

Travel Advisory

Please do not attempt to move to the campus unless you are already accepted into Eve University, blue to the Ivy League alliance or you understand the risk of losing your ship and your pod to pilots from the Ivy League and/or other threats in the area, as we are a Not Blue Shoot It community. It is highly recommended that you come to the campus with an Intro to the NSC fleet if you find one being run, although everyone is free to travel by themselves if they choose to. The Introduction Fleet will explain in detail, as part of the lesson, how to travel safely in NullSec. When in doubt, please ask in NSC Standing Fleet chat, the NSC.E-Uni chat channel, or in Mumble for advice or an escort. We will help you get to us.

Due to the dangers of travelling in NullSec, it is recommended that new pilots only bring themselves to the NSC initially. Without experience, players who try to move their own ships and assets to Syndicate are highly likely to lose them. The NSC offers instant reshipping contracts for new members to quickly buy a range of ships that fit within the NSC fleet Doctrines. The NSC also offers free Jump Freighter Transport to move assets from a number of different stations to Syndicate.

Ship Travel Fitting

Main article: Travel fits

Due to the dangers associated with NullSec, there are limited options for moving quickly and safely between systems. The main Travel fits page has a wealth of information regarding fitting principles and it is highly recommended that new members to NSC read it however, for the purpose of your first trip into Syndicate, we have three options.


Attack Frigates, such as the Atron below, have the ability to align in less than 2 seconds and can be fitted with just enough tank to survive a Smartbomber. This is a great, low-skill method for travelling around not only NullSec, but HiSec and LowSec too. What this ship lacks though is an immunity to Bubbles and, because we are forced to use Mid-Slots for tank, it also lacks a prop mod for burning out of any Bubbles should you be caught. It is vitally important that players using Frigates make use of the NSC Public Tactical Bookmarks to avoid Bubbles at all costs.

Atron: Runner (low skilled)
[Atron, Runner (low skilled)]

Medium Shield Extender I
Small Shield Extender I
Upgraded EM Ward Amplifier I

Type-D Restrained Inertial Stabilizers
Type-D Restrained Inertial Stabilizers
Type-D Restrained Inertial Stabilizers

Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I
Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I
Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I

Fitting template high slot label.png
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Icon hi slot.png
Icon hi slot.png
Icon hi slot.png
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Fitting template drone slots label.png
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YC118 1.0
  • Relevant information:
  • Warp speed 7,85 AU/s warp speed.
    Align time < 2 sec align time
    Effective hit points 3,670 effective hit points.
    Cargo capacity 145 m3 cargo capacity
    ISK 1 - 2 million ISK cost


Interceptors are the preferred method of fast travel through NullSec for one simple reason- Interdiction Immunity. An Interceptor is not affected by Bubbles at all. For players new to Eve, the skill requirements to fly Interceptors (Racial Frigate V and Evasive Maneuvering V) might appear long at first but the benefits gained are huge. The Raptor fit below is an excellent example of how an Interceptor can be fit to align in under 2 seconds, have enough tank to survive a Smartbomb or two, and have immunity to Bubbles, basically allowing it to move freely through any hostile space.

Raptor: Runner (tank)
[Raptor, Runner (tank)]
Improved Cloaking Device II

Medium Shield Extender II
Medium F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
EM Ward Amplifier II

Inertial Stabilizers II
Inertial Stabilizers II
Inertial Stabilizers II

Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II

Fitting template high slot label.png
Icon hi slot.png
Icon hi slot.png
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Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template charge slots label.png
Fitting template rig slots label.png
YC118 1.0
  • Relevant information:
  • Warp speed 12,17 AU/s warp speed.
    Align time < 2 sec align time
    Effective hit points 11,014 effective hit points.
    Cargo capacity 92 m3 cargo capacity
  • The Adaptive Invulnerability Field II module is there to add to your buffer landing on a gate with smartbombers on it, for travel through low and null security space.
  • The Improved Cloaking Device II is just a utility module for giving you the option to cloak up and reassess your situation if need be.

Covert Ops

For the purpose of travelling, we will classify Covert Ops as any ship that can fit the Covert Ops Cloak. This utility high-slot module allows a ship to travel completely cloaked, including inside Bubbles. A Bubble will still prevent the ship from entering warp however, so pilots will need to manually fly out of a Bubble first then warp to a Gate Tactical Bookmark. While this does offer a high level of protection, a skilled Gate Camp can de-cloak a pilot. For those who can fly it, the Travel Interceptor is considered a better option over the Covert Ops.

Buzzard Warp speed 3 - 12 AU/s warp speed.
    Cruisers warp at 3 - 3,3 AU/s
    Strategic Cruisers warp at 3 - 4,9 AU/s
    Astero warps at 5 AU/s
    Covert Ops warp at 8 AU/s

Routes to the NSC

From HQ (Slays), HSC (Amygnon), LSC (Uphallant)

Route from Slays to PC9

There are two main routes into the NSC's area of null security space from these locations:

  • Through Harroule (LowSec) and MHC-R3 (NullSec)
  • Through Reblier (LowSec) and 6-CZ49 (NullSec) Reblier is considered the more dangerous route.

Other routes should be avoided unless you know the area very well. In particular, avoid Orvolle/PF-346. Both of the low sec/null sec gates are frequently camped and for your first trip to the NSC you are strongly advised not to attempt to reach the campus unassisted.

  • Join the NSC standing fleet and Mumble channel.
  • Ask for intel on the route, and decide whether to use the Harroule or Reblier routes based on that intel.
  • Ask for a scout; in many cases, someone will be able to go to your null sec entry system (MHC-R3 or 6-CZ40) to let you know the best time to enter, and provide a guide the rest of the way.
  • Set your autopilot destination to your chosen entry system, then "add waypoint" to PC9-AY.
  • On arrival in PC9-AY, dock at the NSC home station (Intaki Commerce Trading Post) and set your jump clone.
  • Welcome to the NSC!

From Boystin (Solitude)

Route from Boystin to PC9
  • Set your autopilot destination for PC9-AY.
  • Join the NSC standing fleet and Mumble channel. Ask for intel on the route.
  • Ask for a scout; in many cases, someone will be able to go to your null sec entry system (Y9G-KS) to let you know the best time to enter, and provide a guide the rest of the way.
  • Be aware that the gates may be bubbled with mobile warp disruptors, and that every neutral in Local is probably actively trying to find and kill you. See the advice below on "Traveling Safely".
  • On arrival in PC9-AY, dock at the NSC home station (Intaki Commerce Trading Post) and set your jump clone.
  • Welcome to the NSC!

Taking the Pod Express

This can only be done once per year, and so it is recommended to use the other methods.
Pod Express

This method will cost you a new medical clone, but it's safer and faster than traveling.

  • Jump into a clean clone (you will lose your implants) and dock in any station with medical/cloning facilities.
  • Right click your ship and select Leave ship.
  • Open the Medical window from the station interface and click Change Station at the bottom.
  • A list of available stations will pop up, select PC9-AY. (This list only shows stations where E-UNI has an office as well as your starting NPC corp)
  • Self destruct by selecting the option in the station menu
  • Once the countdown is over, you'll wake up in PC9-AY.
  • Welcome to the NSC!