The Sisters and the Spy

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Sisters of EVE epic arc - The Blood-Stained Stars
Chapter 7 - Closing In
Previous mission: A Stranger's Face
Next mission: Sealing the Deal

Type Courier
Objective Deliver Tahaki Karin
Rewards 250,000 ISK + ~70,000 ISK (bonus)
Mission briefing
With those records replaced, our agent is Tahaki Karin.

What happened to the real one? Electronically speaking, she's a non-person. She's alive and safe, though; if she wanted better, she shouldn't have joined the Society. Now, we need to get our Karin into place. I've filed a travel request in her name, which the Society has granted. All you need to do is rendezvous with a Society transport and drop her off.

Once that's done, we just have to wait for her to tell us where Dagan is.

Deliver Tahaki Karin to the SoCT Luxury Spaceliner at the designated location in Arnon.

Another uneventful courier mission. Don't forget to load your cargo before you depart the station. After dropping off your cargo in the SoCT Luxury Spaceliner, you'll get a pop-up message from a new agent, Kitar Ang, who will tell you: "Republic intelligence tells me you might have a lead on our prodigal son, Dagan. He needs to be taken down for everyone’s good. The Republic will watch your back." Return to Sister Alitura for the next mission.

On turn in, Sister Alitura says: "Well done, capsuleer. I believe Karin has begun transmitting data already."