Talk:Planetary Industry at the NSC

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Revision as of 18:39, 7 June 2022 by Arin Mara (talk | contribs) (Continue in spite of Archival)
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A few thoughts

  • We might consider altering section headings to be informative statements, rather than questions.
  • The article strikes a consistent casual tone and style. While easy to read, this makes certain information hard to convey or follow.
  • Some of the information presented is overly redundant when compared to parent pages or pages dedicated to another PI-related subject.
  • Once we take a brief pass at cleanup, we will be in a better position to make further enhancements to existing content.

Thaddeus Kastelanski (talk) 03:04, 30 May 2022 (UTC)

I'll draw the attention of the current NSC Manager User:Devalt Yotosala to your suggestions and proposals. Arin Mara (talk) 19:24, 2 June 2022 (UTC)
Devalt and I had a brief exchange. I wrote that this page is categorized as a guide and must follow the definition outlined by my prepredecessor Djavin UniWiki:Guides. Additionally, the UniWiki:Manual of Style clearly states that "guides, syllabi, and articles describing PvE encounters" have relaxed rules when it comes to tone (just CTRL+F "tone" and you can see the references). Thirdly, redundancy must be set to an absolute minimum to make sure information can be easily kept up to date. I even wrote a Wiki Ideal called "Maintain A Single Source Of Truth" on UniWiki:Welcome. However, guides can be self contained, but they also must be kept up to date by their author/maintainer. If a guide is not kept up to date, it means there is too much redundant information and that the amount of redundant information should be reduced.
All in all I'd love to see you propose a rewrite of the page in a sandbox! Arin Mara (talk) 19:19, 5 June 2022 (UTC)
First off, I'd like to say the following should be taken with the tone of myself as a subject matter expert on the Nullsec Community and it's needs, and not as a manager - the role of NSC manager is soon to be retired, and thus I wouldn't make any authoritative requests for a guide that would likely be finished after the role is retired. My thoughts here
  • Of all the NSC specific pages, this one is probably the most up-to-date, if only because there haven't been any substantive changes in the way PI works at the EVE level in recent years, and no real cultural shifts in how it operates at the NSC/Uni level.
  • Notably, the Archive:Null-Sec_Campus page is already archived - what, if anything, happens with the guide tied to the NSC region of space is something that I have not been a part of the discussions on.
  • Any future rewrites should include the practical differences between doing PI at the Nullsec Community versus higher security areas of space. Many of these are written with some presumption that the reader is coming from high sec and needs to be specifically informed about the differences relevant to null sec.
  • May be worth including info about restrictions on buyback/practicalities of transporting PI
  • Personally, I'd consider the section detailing what PI materials can be made single system to be a critical part of this guide - one of the most dangerous things you can do during a PVE activity in null is take a gate, so having the information readily available in the guide is essential for planning.
  • The How To Manufacture section is largely redundant, but I think to some extent should be preserved, perhaps with some commentary about why p0>p2 is recommended. Generally, the advice given is to do p0>p2 because r0/p1 are not accepted via buyback, and p3 is not reliably profitable vs p2 in terms of opportunity cost. p4 is a lot of work, and unless you REALLY like PI, not something recommended. More emphasis on this may be desired. While the section is redundant, it's relatively safe in my opinion because PI has not seen balance passes in the way CCP has inflicted on other things.
I am happy to support any desired efforts to rework this guide, but broadly speaking I do consider it good enough for the present moment. It is not as incorrect as some of the other NSC specific guides, which is where the majority of my focus was as a wiki editor. Now that I'm soon no longer to be a manager, I'll hopefully pick back up on editing and working on wiki pages again. Devalt Yotosala (talk) 20:59, 5 June 2022 (UTC)
Thanks for the input folks, this is helpful feedback! I've had this topic swimming around my head, so this post was singled out for writing on the side. I'm happy to take the lead on any adjustments, subject to your final approvals or read-through. There will be a draft I'm happy to share before long.
I do agree that this is one of the more well-contained guides for the NSC, and given the NSC's recent folding into the Main Community, any effort on NSC-focused articles should be mindful of this change. Thaddeus Kastelanski (talk) 13:26, 7 June 2022 (UTC)
As part of the EVE University 2.0 transition I'll move all Category:EVE University Campuses pages to the Archive namespace. However, that doesn't mean their knowledge is no loner relevant. On the contrary. The most likely fate of NSC pages is that knowledge will be extracted from use by the Main Community. Arin Mara (talk) 18:39, 7 June 2022 (UTC)