User:Arin Mara/Sandbox

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#Syntax for self section linking

See User:Rayanth/FrontpageNotes. One day Rayanth, one day a new dawn will bath the Wiki... Arin Mara, IT Goblin King, encouraging his entourage of throne-bearers (including whipping gobo) to whip a poor peasant during NullbearHunt, (add EVEYEAR here), colourised

Areas in need of improvement

Personal To-Do Lists

Some Curators maintain to-do lists on their User pages as a way of keeping themselves organized. However, these lists tend to accumulate entries faster than the various tasks on them are completed. If you're looking for something specific to do that has already been identified, you may want to take a look at these pages.

Note: While anyone is welcome to edit any part of the UniWiki at any time, consider leaving a short message on a Curator's User talk page if you decide to tackle something on their to-do list. This both lets them know that someone might be working on something they're working on, and also lets them remove finished tasks from their to-do lists.

Wiki Curators (aka Wiki Officers) are recognized as experienced contributors to the UniWiki and assist in its upkeep and development in one or more of the following manners:

  • Assisting others with regards to the wiki, as needed and able, in the Discord #wiki channel, the wiki subforum, and/or in game.
  • Provide or relay feedback and input to the Wiki Manager with regards to issues experienced on the wiki, new changes after implementation, etc.
  • Assisting with testing (and, individual skills permitting, with developing) upcoming new features, extensions being added/proposed, and other large-scale changes to the Wiki.

Replace Icons with File:

{'{{icon| battleship|16|Battleship}}': '[[File:icon_target_battleship.png|16px|Battleship]]', '{{icon|armor repairer|20|Local Armor Repairer: +26.67 hp/s or 400 hp every 15 seconds}}': '[[File:icon_armor_repairer_i.png‎|20px|Local Ar
mor Repairer: +26.67 hp/s or 400 hp every 15 seconds]]', '{{icon|sig|20|Signature}}': '[[File:Icon_ship_sig.png|20px|Signature]]', '{{icon|velocity|20|Velocity}}': '[[File:Icon_velocity.png|20px|Velocity]]', '{{icon|orbit|20|Orbit}}':
'[[File:icon_orbit.png|20px|Orbit]]', '{{icon|turret new|20|Turret damage}}': '[[File:icon_gunnery_turret.png|20px|Turret damage]]', '{{icon|hull|20|90,000 effective hit points (30,001 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|90,
000 effective hit points (30,001 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|turret alpha|20|Turret alpha}}': '[[File:icon_turret_volley.png|20px|Turret alpha]]', '{{icon|range|20|Effective range (optimal range + falloff x 2)}}': '[[File:Icon_target_r
ange.png|20px|Effective range (optimal range + falloff x 2)]]', '{{icon|sig|20|Turret resolution}}': '[[File:Icon_ship_sig.png|20px|Turret resolution]]', '{{icon|tracking|20|Turret tracking}}': '[[File:Icon_tracking.png|20px|Turret tra
cking]]', '{{icon|tracking|20|Weapon Accuracy Score (tracking)}}': '[[File:Icon_tracking.png|20px|Weapon Accuracy Score (tracking)]]', '{{icon|missile new|20|Missile damage}}': '[[File:icon_missiles.png|20px|Missile damage]]', '{{icon|
missile volley|20|Missile volley}}': '[[File:icon_burst.png|20px|Missile volley]]', '{{icon|range|20|Effective range}}': '[[File:Icon_target_range.png|20px|Effective range]]', '{{icon|sig|20|Explosive radius}}': '[[File:Icon_ship_sig.p
ng|20px|Explosive radius]]', '{{icon|velocity|20|Explosive velocity}}': '[[File:Icon_velocity.png|20px|Explosive velocity]]', '{{icon|tracking|20|Weapon Accuracy Score}}': '[[File:Icon_tracking.png|20px|Weapon Accuracy Score]]', '{{ico
n|hull|20|40,285 effective hit points (18,001 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|40,285 effective hit points (18,001 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|hull|20|61,333 effective hit points (24,001 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_h
ull.png|20px|61,333 effective hit points (24,001 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|neut|20|Energy neutralizing: -8 GJ/s or 100 GJ / 10 seconds at 25 km range (80% chance)}}': '[[File:icon_energy_neutralizer_i.png|20px|Energy neutralizing: -8
 GJ/s or 100 GJ / 10 seconds at 25 km range (80% chance)]]', '{{icon|hull|20|117,763 effective hit points (37,501 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|117,763 effective hit points (37,501 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|web|20|We
bbing: 60% speed reduction at 30 km range (90% chance)}}': '[[File:icon_stasis_webifier_i.png|20px|Webbing: 60% speed reduction at 30 km range (90% chance)]]', '{{icon|armor repairer|20|Local Armor Repairer: +37.33 hp/s or 560 hp every
 15 seconds}}': '[[File:icon_armor_repairer_i.png‎|20px|Local Armor Repairer: +37.33 hp/s or 560 hp every 15 seconds]]', '{{icon|hull|20|94,000 effective hit points (42,001 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|94,000 effect
ive hit points (42,001 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|neut|20|Energy neutralizing: -9 GJ/s or 100 GJ / 10 seconds at 70 km range (90% chance)}}': '[[File:icon_energy_neutralizer_i.png|20px|Energy neutralizing: -9 GJ/s or 100 GJ / 10 secon
ds at 70 km range (90% chance)]]', '{{icon|hull|20|56,400 effective hit points (25,201 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|56,400 effective hit points (25,201 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|remote armor repairer|20|Remote Armor
 Repairer: +58.50 hp/s or 650 hp / 10 seconds below 50% at 70 km range (90% chance)}}': '[[File:icon_remote_armor_repair_i.png|20px|Remote Armor Repairer: +58.50 hp/s or 650 hp / 10 seconds below 50% at 70 km range (90% chance)]]', '{{
icon|hull|20|85,866 effective hit points (33,601 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|85,866 effective hit points (33,601 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|scram|20|Warp disrupting: 1 strength at 24 km range  (90% chance)}}': '[[Fi
le:icon_warp_scrambler_i.png|20px|Warp disrupting: 1 strength at 24 km range  (90% chance)]]', '{{icon|neut|20|Energy neutralizing: -18 GJ/s or 200 GJ / 10 seconds at 25 km range (90% chance)}}': '[[File:icon_energy_neutralizer_i.png|2
0px|Energy neutralizing: -18 GJ/s or 200 GJ / 10 seconds at 25 km range (90% chance)]]', '{{icon|hull|20|164,868 effective hit points (52,501 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|164,868 effective hit points (52,501 raw hit p
oints)]]', '{{icon|neut|20|Energy neutralizing: -18 GJ/s or 180 GJ / 10 seconds at 25 km range}}': '[[File:icon_energy_neutralizer_i.png|20px|Energy neutralizing: -18 GJ/s or 180 GJ / 10 seconds at 25 km range]]', '{{icon|web|20|Webbin
g: 60% speed reduction at 30 km range}}': '[[File:icon_stasis_webifier_i.png|20px|Webbing: 60% speed reduction at 30 km range]]', '{{icon|armor repairer|20|Local Armor Repairer: +58.67 hp/s or 880 hp every 15 seconds}}': '[[File:icon_a
rmor_repairer_i.png‎|20px|Local Armor Repairer: +58.67 hp/s or 880 hp every 15 seconds]]', '{{icon|hull|20|147,714 effective hit points (66,001 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|147,714 effective hit points (66,001 raw h
it points)]]', '{{icon|neut|20|Energy neutralizing: -12 GJ/s or 120 GJ / 10 seconds at 70 km range}}': '[[File:icon_energy_neutralizer_i.png|20px|Energy neutralizing: -12 GJ/s or 120 GJ / 10 seconds at 70 km range]]', '{{icon|hull|20|8
8,628 effective hit points (39,601 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|88,628 effective hit points (39,601 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|remote armor repairer|20|Remote Armor Repairer: +73 hp/s or 730 hp / 10 seconds below 50%
 at 77 km range}}': '[[File:icon_remote_armor_repair_i.png|20px|Remote Armor Repairer: +73 hp/s or 730 hp / 10 seconds below 50% at 77 km range]]', '{{icon|hull|20|134,933 effective hit points (52,801 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_h
ull.png|20px|134,933 effective hit points (52,801 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|scram|20|Warp disrupting: 2 strength at 40 km range }}': '[[File:icon_warp_scrambler_i.png|20px|Warp disrupting: 2 strength at 40 km range ]]', '{{icon|neut|
20|Energy neutralizing: -36 GJ/s or 360 GJ / 10 seconds at 40 km range}}': '[[File:icon_energy_neutralizer_i.png|20px|Energy neutralizing: -36 GJ/s or 360 GJ / 10 seconds at 40 km range]]', '{{icon|web|20|Webbing: 60% speed reduction a
t 40 km range}}': '[[File:icon_stasis_webifier_i.png|20px|Webbing: 60% speed reduction at 40 km range]]', '{{icon|hull|20|259,078 effective hit points (82,501 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|259,078 effective hit points
(82,501 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon| cruiser|16|Cruiser}}': '[[File:icon_target_cruiser.png|16px|Cruiser]]', '{{icon|armor repairer|20|Local Armor Repairer: +13.33 hp/s or 160 hp every 12 seconds}}': '[[File:icon_armor_repairer_i.pngâ€
Ž|20px|Local Armor Repairer: +13.33 hp/s or 160 hp every 12 seconds]]', '{{icon|hull|20|19,166 effective hit points (7,501 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|19,166 effective hit points (7,501 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|ne
ut|20|Energy neutralizing: -4.80 GJ/s or 60 GJ / 10 seconds at 40 km range (80% chance)}}': '[[File:icon_energy_neutralizer_i.png|20px|Energy neutralizing: -4.80 GJ/s or 60 GJ / 10 seconds at 40 km range (80% chance)]]', '{{icon|hull|2
0|8,750 effective hit points (5,251 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|8,750 effective hit points (5,251 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|hull|20|12,000 effective hit points (6,001 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|
12,000 effective hit points (6,001 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|armor repairer|20|Local Armor Repairer: +18.67 hp/s or 224 hp every 12 seconds}}': '[[File:icon_armor_repairer_i.png‎|20px|Local Armor Repairer: +18.67 hp/s or 224 hp eve
ry 12 seconds]]', '{{icon|hull|20|26,833 effective hit points (10,501 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|26,833 effective hit points (10,501 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|neut|20|Energy neutralizing: -5.40 GJ/s or 60 GJ / 10
seconds at 40 km range (90% chance)}}': '[[File:icon_energy_neutralizer_i.png|20px|Energy neutralizing: -5.40 GJ/s or 60 GJ / 10 seconds at 40 km range (90% chance)]]', '{{icon|web|20|Webbing: 60% speed reduction at 40 km range (90% ch
ance)}}': '[[File:icon_stasis_webifier_i.png|20px|Webbing: 60% speed reduction at 40 km range (90% chance)]]', '{{icon|hull|20|12,250 effective hit points (7,351 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|12,250 effective hit point
s (7,351 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|remote armor repairer|20|Remote Armor Repairer: +46.80 hp/s or 520 hp / 10 seconds below 50% at 50 km range (90% chance)}}': '[[File:icon_remote_armor_repair_i.png|20px|Remote Armor Repairer: +46.80
 hp/s or 520 hp / 10 seconds below 50% at 50 km range (90% chance)]]', '{{icon|hull|20|16,800 effective hit points (8,401 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|16,800 effective hit points (8,401 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|arm
or repairer|20|Local Armor Repairer: +29.33 hp/s or 352 hp every 12 seconds}}': '[[File:icon_armor_repairer_i.png‎|20px|Local Armor Repairer: +29.33 hp/s or 352 hp every 12 seconds]]', '{{icon|hull|20|42,166 effective hit points (16,
501 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|42,166 effective hit points (16,501 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|scram|20|Warp disrupting: 1 strength at 40 km range }}': '[[File:icon_warp_scrambler_i.png|20px|Warp disrupting: 1 stren
gth at 40 km range ]]', '{{icon|neut|20|Energy neutralizing: -6 GJ/s or 60 GJ / 10 seconds at 40 km range}}': '[[File:icon_energy_neutralizer_i.png|20px|Energy neutralizing: -6 GJ/s or 60 GJ / 10 seconds at 40 km range]]', '{{icon|hull
|20|19,250 effective hit points (11,551 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|19,250 effective hit points (11,551 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|remote armor repairer|20|Remote Armor Repairer: +58 hp/s or 580 hp / 10 seconds belo
w 50% at 55 km range}}': '[[File:icon_remote_armor_repair_i.png|20px|Remote Armor Repairer: +58 hp/s or 580 hp / 10 seconds below 50% at 55 km range]]', '{{icon|hull|20|26,400 effective hit points (13,201 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:ic
on_hull.png|20px|26,400 effective hit points (13,201 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon| frigate|16|Frigate}}': '[[File:icon_target_frigate.png|16px|Frigate]]', '{{icon|armor repairer|20|Local Armor Repairer: +6.67 hp/s or 40 hp every 6 secon
ds}}': '[[File:icon_armor_repairer_i.png‎|20px|Local Armor Repairer: +6.67 hp/s or 40 hp every 6 seconds]]', '{{icon|hull|20|3,000 effective hit points (1,501 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|3,000 effective hit points
(1,501 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|neut|20|Energy neutralizing: -2.40 GJ/s or 30 GJ / 10 seconds at 7 km range (80% chance)}}': '[[File:icon_energy_neutralizer_i.png|20px|Energy neutralizing: -2.40 GJ/s or 30 GJ / 10 seconds at 7 km ra
nge (80% chance)]]', '{{icon|hull|20|2,000 effective hit points (1,201 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|2,000 effective hit points (1,201 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|web|20|Webbing: 60% speed reduction at 10 km range (80%
 chance)}}': '[[File:icon_stasis_webifier_i.png|20px|Webbing: 60% speed reduction at 10 km range (80% chance)]]', '{{icon|hull|20|1,300 effective hit points (901 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|1,300 effective hit points
 (901 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|web|20|Webbing: 60% speed reduction at 10 km range (90% chance)}}': '[[File:icon_stasis_webifier_i.png|20px|Webbing: 60% speed reduction at 10 km range (90% chance)]]', '{{icon|armor repairer|20|Local
Armor Repairer: +9.33 hp/s or 56 hp every 6 seconds}}': '[[File:icon_armor_repairer_i.png‎|20px|Local Armor Repairer: +9.33 hp/s or 56 hp every 6 seconds]]', '{{icon|hull|20|4,200 effective hit points (2,101 raw hit points)}}': '[[Fi
le:icon_hull.png|20px|4,200 effective hit points (2,101 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|neut|20|Energy neutralizing: -2.70 GJ/s or 30 GJ / 10 seconds at 7 km range (90% chance)}}': '[[File:icon_energy_neutralizer_i.png|20px|Energy neutrali
zing: -2.70 GJ/s or 30 GJ / 10 seconds at 7 km range (90% chance)]]', '{{icon|remote armor repairer|20|Remote Armor Repairer: +17.10 hp/s or 190 hp / 10 seconds below 50% at 40 km range (90% chance)}}': '[[File:icon_remote_armor_repair
_i.png|20px|Remote Armor Repairer: +17.10 hp/s or 190 hp / 10 seconds below 50% at 40 km range (90% chance)]]', '{{icon|hull|20|2,800 effective hit points (1,681 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|2,800 effective hit points
 (1,681 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|hull|20|1,820 effective hit points (1,261 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|1,820 effective hit points (1,261 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|scram|20|Warp disrupting: 1 strength at 24 km ra
nge }}': '[[File:icon_warp_scrambler_i.png|20px|Warp disrupting: 1 strength at 24 km range ]]', '{{icon|web|20|Webbing: 60% speed reduction at 10 km range}}': '[[File:icon_stasis_webifier_i.png|20px|Webbing: 60% speed reduction at 10 k
m range]]', '{{icon|armor repairer|20|Local Armor Repairer: +14.67 hp/s or 88 hp every 6 seconds}}': '[[File:icon_armor_repairer_i.png‎|20px|Local Armor Repairer: +14.67 hp/s or 88 hp every 6 seconds]]', '{{icon|hull|20|6,600 effecti
ve hit points (3,301 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|6,600 effective hit points (3,301 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|neut|20|Energy neutralizing: -3 GJ/s or 30 GJ / 10 seconds at 7 km range}}': '[[File:icon_energy_neutrali
zer_i.png|20px|Energy neutralizing: -3 GJ/s or 30 GJ / 10 seconds at 7 km range]]', '{{icon|remote armor repairer|20|Remote Armor Repairer: +26 hp/s or 260 hp / 10 seconds below 50% at 44 km range}}': '[[File:icon_remote_armor_repair_i
.png|20px|Remote Armor Repairer: +26 hp/s or 260 hp / 10 seconds below 50% at 44 km range]]', '{{icon|hull|20|4,400 effective hit points (2,641 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|4,400 effective hit points (2,641 raw hit po
ints)]]', '{{icon|hull|20|2,860 effective hit points (1,981 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|2,860 effective hit points (1,981 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|sentry|16|Sentry}}': '[[File:icon_target_tower.png|16px|Sentry]]',
 '{{icon|hull|20|10,833 effective hit points (7,501 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|10,833 effective hit points (7,501 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|hull|20|15,166 effective hit points (10,501 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:i
con_hull.png|20px|15,166 effective hit points (10,501 raw hit points)]]', '{{icon|hull|20|23,833 effective hit points (16,501 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|23,833 effective hit points (16,501 raw hit points)]]', '{{ico
n|scram|20|Warp scrambling: 15 strength at 100 km range }}': '[[File:icon_warp_scrambler_i.png|20px|Warp scrambling: 15 strength at 100 km range ]]', '{{icon|neut|20|Energy neutralizing: -75 GJ/s or 1,500 GJ / 20 seconds at 100 km rang
e}}': '[[File:icon_energy_neutralizer_i.png|20px|Energy neutralizing: -75 GJ/s or 1,500 GJ / 20 seconds at 100 km range]]', '{{icon|web|20|Webbing: 50% speed reduction at 100 km range}}': '[[File:icon_stasis_webifier_i.png|20px|Webbing
: 50% speed reduction at 100 km range]]', '{{icon|armor repairer|20|Local Armor Repairer: +70 hp/s}}': '[[File:icon_armor_repairer_i.png‎|20px|Local Armor Repairer: +70 hp/s]]', '{{icon|hull|20|1,202,631 effective hit points (400,001
 raw hit points)}}': '[[File:icon_hull.png|20px|1,202,631 effective hit points (400,001 raw hit points)]]'}

Embedding videos

Borrow a video from User:Chris Halsky:

This is a video directly embedded into the Wiki


I don't care who that will be or what the conventions/standards will be so long as they are applied consistently... I'm talking about Pochven-EDENCOM-Triglavian conflict-Abyssal Deadspace But the jist of it is, there are no standards/conventions on which page should go into which category, should new categories be created, is the nav sufficient (I'd say not ), what should be done with the past content, ...


Talk with UU: So here's the incineration algortihm: login to the Wiki, go to the page, see what links here; uh oh there are lots of links; why? because it is included in the template; then go remove it from the templte; are there still many links to the page you want to incinerate? wait 5 minutes; still many links? check each page individually and replace a link or make it point to the Archive namespace; then replace {{eunispecific}} with {{historical}}, review category, preview the changes and finally, move the page to the Archive namespace. Easy!

Wiki Curator Program 2.0

Wiki Curators take formal responsibility for the editing and maintenance of the UniWiki, above and beyond other regular editors. The scope of an individual curator's involvement varies. Some curators work to organize and update the UniWiki as a whole, while others focus on specific areas of knowledge. Wiki Curators help enhance articles, review changes by others, proofread, add more links, improve style, and so on. A curator is not necessarily the top authority on a topic, but more of a coordinator for content improvement and a caretaker for existing content. Sometimes a curator and an officer/manager for a particular program may be the same person.

Becoming a Wiki Curator

Wiki Curatorship has very few requirements, so it is one of the easiest roles to obtain:


  • Interest in a topic
  • Decent editing skills (formatting, style, proficiency with English for proof reading, etc.)
  • EVE University forum account

Wiki Curators do not need to be members of EVE University. All members of the EVE community are encouraged to contribute their knowledge and expertise. While EVE University does host and administrate the UniWiki, the UniWiki serves the entire EVE community; thus, the entire EVE community should feel welcome to participate in EVE University's mission to create an accurate and comprehensive resource.

To qualify, simply start editing any page(s) in the wiki you consider relevant to a topic of your interest. Curatorships will vary in size, with some made up by a single page and others a few, such as Planetary Industry. Lots of users already have plenty of wiki edits to pages that would more than qualify them to claim official curatorship for that area.

When you feel comfortable with the topic and think you have a decent idea of which pages are involved, create a forum thread in the Web Services and Development Wiki subforum with the set of pages listed requesting feedback from the community on whether it makes sense to group those pages and if anybody else has an interest in helping out. That is a great time to also make a push to improve the pages overall, if needed.

Send a forum PM or Evemail to the Wiki Manager if they haven't noticed the thread after a couple of days so that they can chime in. After discussion has progressed to the point where it becomes apparent whether or not the area justifies the curatorship, and that a worthy candidate is available, the decision will be made and celebrations can begin.

Alternatively, you can apply to join the wiki team directly using this application. Particularly active editors who consistently produce quality contributions may also be personally invited to join the wiki team by the Wiki Manager or Director of Communications, though they are of course under no obligation to do so.

Wiki Curators receive access to the Wiki Staff subforum on the EVE University forums. Curators who are also current members of EVE University will also be invited to E-UNI Staff Slack to facilitate communication with other members of the wiki team. EVE University alumni and other non-member curators may also receive access to Staff Slack subject to Director approval on a case-by-case basis.

Some curators will eventually go inactive for one reason or another. If it isn't apparent if somebody is still active, send them a PM or contact the Wiki Manager. Don't shy away from an area of the wiki needing attention, whether it has an active curator or not. Ultimately the goal is to simply improve the wiki's content.

You never need the approval of a curator to participate in editing the UniWiki. Wiki Curators exist to help coordinate editing and improve the overall quality of the UniWiki, and do not claim "ownership" of a given section or article.

How to curate

So you have an interest and would like to become a curator for an area. Now what are you supposed to do?

  • Curators do not need to be an expert on the subject matter (although it certainly helps to at least be familiar with the topic).
  • You do not need to do all the work yourself. For larger topics covering multiple articles, help coordinate other people.
    • Note: Coordinate in-game and in the forum. The "Discussion" pages in the wiki are very rarely checked and most forget they even exist.
  • Review changes made to the relevant pages and help polish them by proofreading, adjusting grammar, adding formatting, or linking text to other pages in the wiki. Feel free to verify the actual information, or ask somebody to double-check if there is any doubt.
    • You can add wiki pages to your Watchlist, which will send an email to you when a watched page changes. You don't have to check every time the page changes, but it can help to know when they do.
  • Encourage others to contribute to the wiki. Wiki Curators are not gatekeepers controlling access, they are facilitators.

Class Library Curator

One of the most central features to EVE University is our class system, and our audio recordings are organized on this page:

Works in progress

The {{Work in progress}} template is intended to mark articles that are actively being edited by one or more contributors. Applying this template to an article means taking temporary responsibility for the improvement and expansion of that article. It is not simply a means of marking articles that need work; {{update}}, {{cleanup}}, and {{merge}} can be used to indicate that an article needs work or review without committing to that work.

This template should not be left on articles for more than a few days; its presence implies that work on that article represents a priority for its contributor. If you come across an article with this template and the article has not been edited in several days, please remove the template.