User:Joha m'raadu

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John M'raadu‎

John [1] is an EVE University Graduate, currently holds Personnel Manager [2] position.

He is mostly online in the evenings (EVE time) as his timezone is GMT+1 (DTS applies every year, so in summer he is GMT+2).


File:Joha school.jpg
John's RL Uni

He has joined EVE on 25/6/2011 and E-UNI on 21/10/2011. Shortly after he joined he applied to be a Personnel Officer and was accepted on 21/11/2011 with such awesome people and friends as Sketchy McGillis [3] and Alastair Crestin.

Out of game, John is a 20 years old IT student whose dream is to become a game designer. He is from Slovakia and lives in it's metropole Bratislava. He loves chocolate muffins, snowboarding, women and PC Gaming. He is trying to start a blog, but he is genuinely too lazy to start writing properly. John is also a part-time game reviewer and critic. He is also looking for people who would be willing enough to start up a YouTube channel, focused on reviewing games and criticism.

John has been playing games since 1999. Many games have passed through his PC but hits such as Quake, Doom, Deus Ex are his favourite. From today's games he absolutely loves EVE, The Witcher games, is a big fan of The Elder Scrolls franchise (although the MMO version holds a big disgust in him) and Assassin's Creed franchise. He has also been a hardcore raider in World of Warcraft, however he left the game because of what has become of it.

Official Duty in the E-UNI

Personnel Department

John is currently holding a role of Personnel Manager ( with his assistants Sketchy McGillis, Shaina Mercelle and Rose Chanlin). While he is usually open, friendly, helpful and all out for ocassional trolling and laughs he takes his role very seriously as well as he understands the work that needs to be done in the department.

He will also vigorously defend any Personnel Officer [4], be it ordinary PO, SPO or someone from management should you have any inappropriate comments.

He can also be seen in public E-UNI channel, either casually chatting or calling for applicants, so he can interview them. His calls cannot be missed as he is using (and is known for it) a famous "Angry Interview Bunneh".

He has also been one of the first Personnel Officers who started wearing the white officer uniform, making it mandatory for those in SPO position and who are cool.

If he would give advice on being accepted into the department he'd say: "Be honest, show me you are responsible, be cool, provide cookies... and then I may consider your application."

He often describes joining the Personnel Department was the best decision he could have made during his time in E-UNI.

Should you have any questions regarding recruiting of POs into the department, do not hesitate to contact him (or any of the other APMs) via the forum PM or EVEmail.

His own business


Starting out as a newbie in poorly fitted Brutix, John has moved up and is now ocassionaly leading incursion fleets in his shield-tanked Legion. John considers incursions to be a main source of his income.

His fleets are mostly laid back and full of laughs, if done with correct people. He consideres Cassiel Seraphim [5] as his incursion buddy.

Low-Sec Camp

While his activity is trivial, John is considering a PvP to be his long-term goal and source of fun in EVE, he has yet to gain more knowledge and ISK to fund this newly found activity, he is not oftenly seen outside shooting things.

Mission Running

John can be also seen running missions at various locations, due to the security issues, you can get more info by directly contacting him either via forum PM or EVEmail. You can even try to convo him if you feel lucky. He is flying a shield tanked Omen Navy Issue [6] and is more than open to an idea of running missions together with someone as he finds them quite dull if done solo.

John has also completed Sisters of EVE Epic Arc [7], so if you need any help, again, do not hesitate to contact him.


  • John's name is commonly mispronounced as "Joha"
  • He has been seen with 80s style glasses on (it has been confirmed that they freak applicants out)
  • He is one of the cool members of Personnel Department that wears the white officer uniform
  • John has been asked by applicant if he is a bot
  • His favorite EVE joke is: "MinMatar duct tape homeless onto their ships and call them an AI."
  • He has muted Nytoxias [8] before it was cool