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Embed a list of Category Pages

Category:Game Events

Category:Game Events

Category:Game Mechanics

Category:Game Mechanics

Category:Game events

This category contains articles for limited time in-game events. These events should be placed on the Template:Limited time events.

Category:Game mechanics

Articles and media relating to the mechanics of actually playing EVE. Serves as a supercategory for a great many other categories, in particular Category:Combat and its sub-categories.

Most images depicting elements of EVE user interface would normally belong in Category:User Interface. However, some images may be used to easily show ship or item attributes as viewed via "Show Info". In these cases, Category:Game mechanics may be used.

Category:Gas sites

This category contains articles detailing locations for harvesting gas.

Category:Getting Started

New to EVE Online? New to EVE University? Start here.

This category contains articles that are particularly useful for new players. A general rule of thumb for membership in this category is that these articles should be geared toward players who have just completed the tutorial, and may be wondering what to do next.


For the purposes of the UniWiki, a guide is defined in UniWiki:Guides. Any page that does not meet this definition should not be assigned to Category:Guides.


Pages related to the EVE University Highsec Campus.


Main article: Haulers

This category consists of all ships which are in the ingame group Haulers. Be aware that more ships are used for hauling though. Prior to the April 2022 Version 20.04 update this class of ships was called Standard Industrial Ships


Main article: Hauling

Articles related to moving cargo from place to place.

Category:Heavy Assault Cruisers

Main article: Heavy Assault Cruisers

Category:Heavy Interdiction Cruisers

Main article: Heavy Interdiction Cruisers

Category:Homefront Operations

This category contains all articles that relate to Homefront operations.

Category:Homefront operation

Category:Homefront operation

Category:Ice belts

A list of all k-space or w-space ice Cosmic Anomalies.




Category:Icons should contain mostly small PNG images that can be used in a variety of contexts. This category also includes any icons that are drawn from the EVE client user interface. Item images (almost always PNGs) may be categorized here when the item image also represents its own effect (e.g. stasis webifier, target painter, energy neutralizer, etc.).

Category:Image templates

Templates that format, display and harmonize images.

Category:Imported vocabulary

Category:Imported vocabulary


Main article: Incursions

Most pages should also have the {{incursions links}}-template added to the top of the page, which adds the portal-like menu that shows relevant pages on the subject.

Category:Incursions sites

Main article: Incursion sites


Most pages should have the {{incursions sites}}-template on it, which adds the portal-like menu that shows all the different site pages.

Category:Industrial Command Ships

Main article: Industrial Command Ships


Main article: Industry

Articles related to the manufacturing and production of ships and other items.

Articles related to mining and resource harvesting should be placed in Category:Mining, while articles related to the buying and selling of items (regardless of their use) should be placed in Category:Trade.

Category:Infobox templates

Templates that display a panel, usually in the top right of an article, next to the lead section that summarize key features of the Page's subject.


Main article: Interceptors


Main article: Interdictors


All articles and media related to items as they appear in cargoholds and inventories. Images in this category should be of just items themselves. Images that are related to items, but focus on other aspects such as contextual menus, should be categorized according to the focus subject.

Item images with transparent backgrounds should be listed in Category:Icons.


Category:Jump Freighters

Main article: Jump Freighters


Pages relating to the no longer existing Low-Sec Campus.

Category:Lancer Dreadnoughts

Main article: Dreadnoughts



Category:Level 4 Agents within 5 jumps of High Sec Campus

Category:Level 4 Agents within 5 jumps of High Sec Campus

Category:Link templates

Templates that link to another Page or create an anchor.

Category:Logistics Cruisers

Main article: Logistics Cruisers

Category:Logistics Frigates

Main article: Logistics Frigate


Articles related to the offical lore of EVE Online. Player-created works should be placed in Category:Fiction.

With CCP's deployment of the EVE Fiction Portal, the UniWiki will no longer host detailed lore articles previously hosted on the EVElopedia. Short lore articles with external links to more complete sources, or lore articles related to mechanics or other in-game concepts, are permitted.

Category:Main Community

Pages related to the Main Community.


Maintenance categories are used to quickly and automatically organize articles in need of focused editor attention.

Membership in maintenance categories is the result of the use of various maintenance templates. These templates create a boilerplate notification at the top of the article in question that serves to alert both readers and editors as to the maintenance status of that article. Maintenance categories should not be applied manually via normal wiki markup; they should always be applied using maintenance templates.

Maintenance templates should not be used in sandboxes or in the User namespace unless you want your sandbox or User page to be deleted, moved or merged.

Category:Maintenance templates

Templates that display banners, flags, notices and boxes for cleanup, deletion, Page merging, splitting or other Wiki maintenance information.


Main article: Marauders

Category:Media to transcribe

Lists all media that needs to be transformed into text, table or other granular editable form and place into the article.

After the media is transformed, remove it from the article, from this category and mark it for deletion by using the template {{deletion}}.

Media that relates to the User Interface of the EVE Online client that should not be transformed belong to Category:User Interface.

Category:Member Services

Category:Member Services


Main article: Mining

Articles related to mining and resource harvesting.

Articles related to manufacturing and hauling should be placed in Category:Industry, while articles related to planetary interaction should be placed in Category:Planetary Industry.

Category:Mining Barges

Main article: Mining Barges

Category:Mining Frigates

Main article: Mining Frigate

Category:Mining Missions

This category contains individual Mining mission given by a mining mission agent.





