User:Devalt Yotosala/Sandbox1

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Folder name Folder purpose Desired lifetime of bookmarks
Bubbles Location of bubbles. Can be catch or drag bubbles. permanent
Exploration Locations of cosmic signatures. Can be relic-, data-, gas-, combat-sites or wormholes and safespots in wormholes. 2 days
General Anything which doesn't fit into another category. permanent
Operations Mostly tactical bookmarks for operations (like station bash/defense) and temporary safespots. permanent (will be removed after the operation)
Public Tacticals Mostly gate-tacticals, but also dock/undock bookmarks and tacticals around stations. permanent (will be reviewed and changed periodically)

Naming scheme

Bookmarks (BM) in the NSC-Folder should follow a naming scheme. This makes sure that everybody understands what a BM is for and can utilize it. The following example is a rather bad one:

NSC Bookmarks example bad.png


BBL D/C [source >> destination] distance_to_destination

Abbreviation Meaning
BBL to denote that it is a bubble BM
D/C to denote if it is a Drag- / or Catch-bubble
source >> destination bubble will work when warping from > to
distance_to_destination BM is at this distance from the DESTINATION


BBL C [III ICTP >> JH-] 120km
BBL D [X-P >> T22] 90km


Relic, Data, Gas, Combat

R/D/G/C [signature_id] signature_name

Abbreviation Meaning
R/D/G/C to denote what kind of signature was BMed, can be Relic, Data, Gas or Combat.
signature_id 3 letters of the signature id as seen in the probe scanner window.
signature_name name of the signature as seen in the probe scanner window.
G [ELX] Bright Nebula
C [LIW] Serpentis Shipyard



Everything which doesn't fit in any other category/folder.
No specific BMs or naming schemes here. Follow the naming schemes outlined in the othre sections.


type_of_bookmark [location] distance_to_location additional_info

Abbreviation Meaning
type_of_bookmark where is the BM or what is it's purpose. Can be GaTe, DOck, UnDock, STation
location identifies where the BM is located. for DO, UD and ST bookmarks use the planet/moon where the station is and the first letters of the station name
distance_to_location BM is at this distance from the LOCATION
additional_info cardinal direction (referencing the eve "north" indicator in the tactical overlay), any relevant information


GT [JH-] 120km above
ST [Hiigara] 300km north

_SS A/U/D number

Abbreviation Meaning
_SS to denote that it is a Safe-Spot BM
A/U/D can be Aligned, Unaligned or Deep
number continous numbering of the safe-spots


_SS A 01
_SS A 02
_SS U 01
_SS D 01

Public Tacticals

type_of_bookmark [location] distance_to_location additional_info

Abbreviation Meaning
type_of_bookmark where is the tactical or what is it's purpose. Can be GaTe, DOck, UnDock, STation
location identifies where the BM is located. for DO, UD and ST bookmarks use the planet/moon where the station is and the first letters of the station name
distance_to_location BM is at this distance from the LOCATION
additional_info cardinal direction (referencing the eve "north" indicator in the tactical overlay), any relevant information


GT [JH-] 300km below
UD [IV-4 CNAP] 250km
ST [VIII ICW] 450km above
ST [TS] 82km out of bubble


You can always utilize the "Notes" when creating a BM to give more detailed information.

NSC Bookmarks Notes.png


This example should look better to you:

-> NSC_Bookmarks_example_good.png