Covert Ops
See Stealth Bombers for the other stealthy frigate class.
Covert Ops ships are small, fast-warping, lightly armed and armored frigates with bonuses to scanning, stealth, and relic and data sites. They can fit Covert Ops Cloaks and covert cynosural field generators. Covert Ops ships are used in both pvp and pve.
Covert Ops Frigates
Each of the four major factions has a covert ops ship, differing in mid/low slot layout and Racial Frigate bonuses:
Buzzard - 5M-3L slot layout. Scan deviation bonus. Strongest pure scanner/hacker thanks to slot layout and deviation bonus.
Anathema - 4M-4L slot layout. Scan deviation bonus.
Helios - 5M-3L slot layout. Speed bonus when cloaked. Compromise between speed and scanning.
Cheetah - 4M-4L slot layout. Speed bonus when cloaked. Fastest base speed and agile.
The CONCORD Pacifier has similar bonuses to scanning and hacking, with large damage bonuses to all weapon types, a bonus to reputation gain, and 5 high slots instead of 3. It is not commonly used due to a high price.
While not technically a Covert Ops ship, the Astero is used in the same way as the true Covert Ops ships listed above. The Astero is a great choice for low SP pilots, although it is more expensive than the racial frigates.
Two limited-edition Covert Ops ships have been given out as tournament rewards:
Covert Ops ships can fill several roles outside of player combat. They are the de facto ship used for relic & data exploration, they are often used as pure scanning ships, and can be a great courier ship thanks to their high warp speed and stealth bonuses.
The Astero is competitive with and fit similarly to true Covert Ops ships. The racial frigates overtake the Astero in scanning effectiveness at level 4 Covert Ops.
Exploration fitting is a balancing act between scanning bonuses, minigame bonuses, safety, speed, and cost.
The two scan bonus levels to hit are around 85 and 100. 85 scan strength can scan level IV sites and 100 can scan V. Scan bonuses come from Probes, Probe Launchers, mid slots, and rigs. A typical exploration fit starts with Covert Ops Cloak and Core Probe Launcher I with sisters probes, and then fits the rest depending on skill and preference.
The bonuses required for the minigames are dependent on the pilot. Practiced pilots can generally get through the minigame with Data/Relic Analyzer I and level 2 Hacking/Archeology. Pilots worse will need higher skills or module bonuses from mid and rig slots.
Safety while exploring has several options. The Covert Ops cloak is always used; for safety while scanning, traveling, and waiting out suspicious activity. Interdiction Nullifiers and Warp Core Stabilizers are strong options but slow down intra-site speed due to targeting malus. A sub-2 second warp is also an option, but can be hard to take advantage of when getting jumped at a site. The racial covert ops frigates are challenging to fit for 2 second warp. They typically run no tank, or a Damage Control at best, relying on speed and stealth.
Speed options include rigs increasing warp speed for faster traveling gate-planet-gate, afterburner or microwarpdrive for faster speed inside a site, and rigs or low slots for faster align time. A survey scanner to avoid low value hack targets can also be used but is controversial in the community.
Finally, cost. Covert Ops frigates can be very effective with mostly tier 1 modules, or can be blinged to high heaven.
A pure scanning ship is very easy to fit. Core or expanded probe launcher, covert ops cloak, and some scan bonuses.
Covert Ops ships have solid cargo holds of around 190 m3 which can be further boosted to make them effective carrier ships for small cargo.
A Covert Ops ship expecting to get into fights is typically fit as a scanner/tackler with emphasis on whichever side the pilot deems important. See fitting for tackling for more information.
Covert Ops Frigates (but not stealth bombers) gained the ability to fit interdiction nullifiers when those were introduced on 2021-05-18.[1]
- ^ Patch notes and news post for the changes to nullification and Warp Core Stabilizers. This is not a bonused version, so covert ops have a long cool down between uses.