EWAR (CORE class)

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Core class EWAR.png
Summary This CORE class aims to introduce new players to the various forms of Electronic Warfare used in EVE Online.
Reading list Electronic warfare, Electronic Countermeasures
Slides PDF

Class Overview

Introduction to EWAR teaches the basics of the different Electronic Warfare systems (EWAR for short) in EVE Online, how they work, what skills are required to use and improve them and what ships to fly as an EWAR pilot.

This CORE class covers the following topics:

  • What is EWAR?
  • Types of EWAR
  • EWAR skills
  • How to counter EWAR
  • Beginner EWAR ships
  • EWAR Drones
  • Fleet tactics for EWAR pilots
  • Q&A

Are you interested in teaching this class for others?

Feel free to reach out to our Teaching Department via EVEmail, Forums, Discord or Mumble. We are happy to help you get set up and provide assistance!

For more information on teaching classes in EVE University: Teaching Classes at EVE University