Fleets (CORE class)

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Core class FLEETS.png
Summary This CORE class aims to introduce new players to the Fleet system in EVE Online.
Reading list The Rookie's Guide to Fleet Ops, Fleet Command Guide, Fleet Command Basics, Fleet interface, Fleet terminology
Slides PDF
Video YouTube

Class Overview

Introduction to Fleets teaches the basics of the Fleet system in EVE Online, what benefits Fleets can provide and how players use them to achieve a common goal.

This CORE class covers the following topics:

  • Why Fleets are useful
  • Types of Fleets
  • Joining a Fleet
  • Fleet Communications
  • Fleet Commands
  • Q&A
  • Instructions on how to plan (optional) practical exercises to follow the presentation.

Are you interested in teaching this class for others?

Feel free to reach out to our Teaching Department via EVEmail, Discord or Mumble. We are happy to help you get set up and provide assistance!

For more information on teaching classes in EVE University: Teaching Classes at EVE University