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'''Titles''' are sets of corporation '''roles''' such as hangar access, and have specific designations within [[EVE University]]. These should be distinguised from '''vanity titles''' which do not provide any specific roles, and the specific titles of [[EVE University Management|staff]].
{{historical}}'''Progression Titles''' were used to show where members were on your journey through EVE University and to unlock corporation '''roles'''.  
{{Color box|color=#144f1d|border=#2f8f2f|'''PLEASE NOTE:''' You '''must''' ensure that your API on file in the [http://tools.eveuniversity.org/ the tool] is up to date! An out of date API '''WILL''' result in your application being rejected.}}
These were distinguished from '''vanity titles''' which do not provide any specific roles, and the specific titles of [[EVE University Management|staff]].
== Checking Your Own Titles ==
Please right-click on your name in a chat window member list and select 'show info', and your active titles will be displayed. Alternatively, visit the [http://tools.eveuniversity.org/titlecheck/ Eve University Title Check] page for a list of what titles you have and what requirements of those titles you have met so far (note that this tool needs to pull information from API and forums and may not always be accurate or up-to-date, please rely on what you see in-game from your personal 'show info'). ''Note that Titles such as 'Freshman', 'Sophomore' and 'Graduate' will not be visible on your character login screen.''
== Progression Titles ==
Progression titles charted a student's progress through the University.
Please note that the E-UNI Titles Department will usually '''not''' send any correspondence to inform you of changes to your titles. It is therefore up to you to periodically check if a requested title has been applied or not.
<span style="color:#FF0800">''Important Note: Should you find yourself with simply the title of [X] (and if you had titles and roles they will have been removed) this means there has been some issue come up.  You need to contact the Student Relations Manager, Student Relations Assistants, or a Director in order to have any titles and roles restored.''</span>
== Your API ==
API and the Titlecheck tool.  Please note that for the API point on the tool it states '''"Recent API check OK?"'''.  This will remain as a red "x" (not to be confused with the Title [X] your character may have in-game) until a Uni Titles staff member conducts an API pull on your character.  All you need to do is to ensure your API is submitted properly.  If you haven't changed your API then you have nothing to worry about.  Again, this point on the tool only gets a green checkmark once a recent API pull is made, and the Titles staff have tools that tell them when to pull an API check.  It is not necessary for you to update your API unless you changed it. 
''For any other questions '''NOT''' answered by this wiki page or any others you can contact the Titles Manager.  Any questions already answered on the wiki or other public and general announcements will go unresponded to.
== Progression Titles ==
Progression titles chart a student's progress through the University, and exist as follows:
=== No Progression Title ===
Members who have just joined EVE University and did not yet have a progression title.
: '''Provided:'''
:* Access to request reimbursement for skillbooks through the [[Skillbook_Program#Members_with_no_title|Skillbook Program]]
:* Access to the free [[Flight Deck]] beginner ship contracts (separate from the [[Corporation Hangars]] below)
:* Access to the corporate [[Buyback]] program at University staging areas and certain trade hubs
:* Access to the [[Ship Replacement Program]]
:* Access to the [[Free station containers]] program
:* Access to the [[Mining ship program]] to order discount or full-price mining ships
:* Access to the [[EVE University Corporation Skill Plans]]
:* The ability to make use of our [[Perfect Refine List|Perfect Ore Refiners]]
:* The ability to make use of our internal [[EVE University Hauling Service|Hauling Service]]
:* The ability to ask members with a [[Titles within EVE University#Freshman|Freshman]] title or higher to take items from the [[Corporation Hangars]] for you
=== Freshman ===
=== Freshman ===
A new student (or "Fresher"), with a little experience.
A new student.
: '''Requirements:'''
:* One or more messages on Discord (any channel qualifies)
:* Character had been a member of [[EVE University]] for at least 7 days
:* Character was at least 31 days old
:* Character was fully registered in the [https://auth.eveuniversity.org EVE University Alliance Auth]
: '''Provided:'''
:* Access to reimbursing yourself and other corporation members with the [[Skillbook_Program#Members_with_the_Freshman_title|Skillbook Program]]
:* Access to the [[Corporation Hangars]]
:* Access to [[The +3 Implants Program]]
<span style="color:#FF0800">''You no longer need to apply for this title as it will be awarded automatically once you meet the requirements below. 'Automatically' means a tool will check your eligibility before adding your name to the titles processing queue. A Director will then apply the title. Please note the title will not appear the 'day' you qualify. Unsolicited application for this title will not be processed at the moment.''</span>
There were no further requirements for this title; they are a simple set of criteria. If you met them all, you could apply and would be granted the title.  
: '''Requires'''
:* One or more forum posts (Hi & Bye forum included)
:* Spent at least 7 days in E-UNI
:* Positive [[Security Status|security status]]
:* Skills injected or trained which are [[Trial-Restricted Skills|not available on trial accounts]].
: '''Provides'''
:* Access to [[Skillbook Wallet]]
:* Ability to join the [[Low-Sec Camp]].
=== Sophomore ===
=== Sophomore ===
An experienced student who has attended several classes and events.
A more experienced student who was engaging with the University community in a positive, meaningful way. A Sophomore applicant needed to provide evidence of learning by doing.
<span style="color:#FF0800">''You no longer need to apply for this title as it will be awarded automatically once you meet the requirements below. 'Automatically' means a tool will check your eligibility before adding your name to the titles processing queue.  A Director will then apply the title. Please note the title will not appear the 'day' you qualify. Unsolicited application for this title will not be processed at the moment.''</span>
: '''Requirements:'''
: '''Requires'''
:* Met current requirements for Freshman, and held the Freshman title
:* '''Freshman Title'''
:* Character had been a member of [[EVE University]] for at least 6 weeks
:* Character has spent a total of four weeks in E-UNI
:* Player showed recent engagement within the community (examples are meaningful activity via the [[EVE University Forum]], [[Main Page|Wiki]] and/or [https://zkillboard.com/ ZKillboard], but does not need to be any of these)
:* Character has positive [[Security Status|security status]]
: '''Provided:'''
:* Shows evidence of participation in Classes, the [http://forum.eveuniversity.org Forums], [http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/ Wiki] or [http://killboard.eveuniversity.org/ Killboard] ([http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Member_Involvement_Index Member Involvement Index] of 2,500)
:* Access to the [[EVE_University_Corporate_Hangars#Main Hangar|Main Hangar]]
: '''Provides'''
:* Ability to post events to the [[EVE University Calendar]]
:* Everything a Freshman has (Skillbook Wallet).
:* [Α] Alpha level Hangar Access.
:* Access to post events to the [[Using the Eve University Calendar|EVE University Calendar]]
:* Research and production access at the [[Using the Uni POS for research|University POS]].
Earning this title was different from the Freshman title: it waas not a simple matter of checking the boxes. Progression officers attempted to evaluate member activity and make a decision about whether a member had ‘enough’ activity.  If we had to boil Sophomore down to one word, it would be ‘participation.’  The Sophomore applicant must demonstrate that they were actively participating in University activities.  These activities can really be in almost any aspect of the game.
=== Graduate ===
=== Graduate ===
A fully qualified pilot, ready to leave the University and forge their destiny, or stay and teach those who follow them.  '''Note:'''  This title ''takes some effort'' to earn compared to Freshman and Sophomore, as both the introductory sentence and the third bullet point below describe. 
A fully qualified pilot, recognized for their knowledge of game mechanics and their service to the University. This title took a higher degree of effort to earn compared to Sophomore.
: '''Requires'''
:* '''Sophomore Title'''
:* Minimum of twelve weeks (3 months) total in E-UNI
:* Clear evidence of understanding in Classes, the [http://forum.eveuniversity.org E-UNI Forums], [http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/ Wiki] or [http://killboard.eveuniversity.org/ Killboard] (Wiki contributions are highly valued! Learn how to contribute to the wiki [[Wiki How To Guide|here]]).
:* [[Member Involvement Index|MI Points]] are '''''not''''' a factor in qualifying for the Graduate Title.
: '''Provides'''
:* Everything a Sophomore has (Skillbook Wallet, Alpha Hangar, Research and Calendar Access).
:* [Θ] Theta level Hangar Access.
:* A [[EVE_University_Medals|Graduate Medal]].
:Medals cost 5 Million ISK to be awarded. A donation to EVE University to offset the 5M ISK cost is optional but appreciated. To donate to the master wallet simply type EVE University in game and auto link the corp. Then right-click and select "give money".
=== [X] Administrative Suspension ===
This isn't actually a "Progression" title, but it is used where there has been an issue.  While this title is applied all other progression and hangar titles have been removed, and other custom titles possibly as well.  Reasons for this occurring can be but not limited to:  losing a risk ship(s) to war targets, flying prohibited ships during wartime, improper use of Uni resources, improper conduct, not commenting on PvP kills and/or losses on the killboard, under investigation, etc.  This title may be assigned for a specified or indefinite period.  Should you find yourself with this title you should contact the [[EVE University Management#Student Relations Manager|Student Relations Manager]] if you have not already done so. Any activities or events that require a title, such as Freshman for the [[Low-Sec Camp|Low-Sec Camp]] will be prohibited to you while you have the [X] title.  You will still be able to participate in regular activities, fleets and programs.  Once the [X] title is removed you will quickly cure back to your former titles, any other issues not withstanding.
== Hangar Access Titles ==
Hangar access titles provide access to the EVE University hangars, where students can find useful items and ship fittings free of charge.
Hangar access is bundled into the progression titles, with Sophomore providing Alpha access and Graduate providing Theta access (and the ability to apply for Psi access). Alpha and Theta hangar access beyond the bundled ones requires you to meet the requirements of the automated titles application process. Please see the [http://tools.eveuniversity.org/titlecheck/ Title Check] page for the requirements.
'''Please note that all titles are a privilege, not a right, and as such may be rescinded without notice.'''
=== [Α] Alpha Hangar access ===
[Α] - Alpha provides access to the basic E-UNI hangars that contain low level skillbooks and vanilla T1 fittings for new students to fit their ships with, free of charge.
<span style="color:#FF0800">''This title is now provided automatically to all members who quality for it, and need not be requested manually. Unsolicited application for this title will not be processed.''</span>
: '''Requires'''
:* Freshman title
:* A total of 4 weeks or more in E-UNI
:* Class Attendance logged on [[Mumble]] ( [http://tools.eveuniversity.org/classlog/ Class Attendance Check] )
:* Activity in-game and on Mumble in the last week
:* Current API in the [http://tools.eveuniversity.org/api.php E-UNI Tool]
:* Must have skills injected or trained which are not available on trial accounts.
: '''Provides'''
:* Access to basic level hangars containing vanilla T1 equipment of small and some medium sizes.
=== [Θ] Theta Hangar access ===
[Θ] - Theta provides access to the mid-level E-UNI hangars, which provide skillbooks, fittings and equipment a new pilot would have no real use for.
<span style="color:#FF0800">''This title is now provided automatically to all members who quality for it, and need not be requested manually. Unsolicited application for this title will not be processed.''</span>
: '''Requires'''
:* Sophomore title.
: '''Provides'''
:* Access to mid-level level hangars containing vanilla T1 equipment of medium sizes and some large sizes.
:* Research and production access at the [[Using the Uni POS for research|University POS]].
=== [Ψ] Psi Hangar access ===
[Ψ] - Psi provides access to the top tier E-UNI hangars, which provide advanced skillbooks, fittings and equipment suitable for experienced pilots only.
<span style="color:#FF0800">'' Unsolicited application for this title will not be processed. The related hangar section is currently not in use.''</span>
: '''Requires'''
:* Graduate Title.
: '''Provides'''
:* Access to top level hangars containing vanilla T1 equipment of large sizes and some rare, expensive or specialised items.
:* Research and production access at the [[Using the Uni POS for research|University POS]].
== Other Titles ==
There are a number of other titles used, some of which are: '''Mentor''', '''Teacher''', '''Professor''', and a number of '''Officer''' titles, however these are awarded by a different process.
== Requesting a Title ==
{{Color box|color=#144f1d|border=#2f8f2f|'''PLEASE NOTE: Freshman, Sophomore and Alpha are provided automatically to all members who quality for them, and should not be requested manually. 'Automatically' means a tool will check your eligibility to one of the aforementioned titles. The titles still need to be applied manually by a director.''' If for some reason you do not have the title you expect, ensure that you meet ''all'' of the criteria required, and have not removed your own roles in order to leave the corp before deciding to stay. If this is the case, you must allow roles again before you can be granted them (right click yourself in local while in-game and select the relevant option). Finally, it may take some time for your titles to be applied, so please be patient.}}
To claim your title, ensure that you meet the requirements fully, then [http://tools.eveuniversity.org/ head to this site] and log in using your current forum username and password. Once logged in, please ensure you have an up to date API key stored in the tool via the "Update API" tab. If your API information is out of date your request will '''not''' be actioned. You can learn more about how to submit your API key [http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Applying_to_EVE_University_(step_5) here].
Please apply only for the most senior title you have yet to claim. For example, if you are eligible for Graduate but currently have no titles, please apply only for the Graduate title. This will save us a great deal of time. Also, you '''MUST''' meet the requirements for any title you apply for. If you apply for a title you are not eligible for, you create unnecessary work for titles staff and your application may be delayed or ignored as a result. PLEASE BE CAREFUL!
Please be aware that whilst it can take some time for a title to be applied due to various checks are required for each applicant, it is possible that certain elements of a title will be applied to you before the full title itself. This is done via [[Grantable Roles]]. For example, you may get access to the skillbook wallet ''before'' you have the actual Freshman title.
'''Please Note''' - If you rejoin E-UNI on a different character you will not be able to regain your previous title as they do not transfer to your new character. You would need to earn the titles again as if you are a new member.
: '''Requirements:'''
:* Met current requirements for Sophomore, and held the Sophomore title
:* Character had been a member of [[EVE University]] for at least 12 weeks
:* Player had demonstrated a mastery of a range of EVE game mechanics
:* Player was sharing their knowledge and experience with the EVE University community or giving back to the Uni in a meaningful way such as a staff position or content creation
: '''Provided:'''
:* A [[EVE_University_Medals|Graduate Medal]]
If the key to Sophomore was ‘participation,’ the main aspects of the Graduate title were ‘mastery’ and ‘giving back’. Mastery covered a wide portion of experience in New Eden, and giving back could take a variety of forms.
[[Category:EVE University]]
== Staff & Vanity Titles ==
Staff titles, such as '''Mentor''', '''Teacher''', '''Professor''', and a number of '''Officer''' titles, denote an individual's role as an EVE University staff member, officer, or director. Other titles (known as "vanity" titles) are just for fun and are tailored to the individual who holds them. Staff titles are handled by their own departments and vanity titles are awarded through a different process.

Latest revision as of 15:17, 27 December 2024

E-UNI Emblem.png This page's intent is to provide information on the the history of EVE University. The information on this page is no longer current.

Progression Titles were used to show where members were on your journey through EVE University and to unlock corporation roles.

These were distinguished from vanity titles which do not provide any specific roles, and the specific titles of staff.

Progression Titles

Progression titles charted a student's progress through the University.

No Progression Title

Members who have just joined EVE University and did not yet have a progression title.



A new student.

  • One or more messages on Discord (any channel qualifies)
  • Character had been a member of EVE University for at least 7 days
  • Character was at least 31 days old
  • Character was fully registered in the EVE University Alliance Auth

There were no further requirements for this title; they are a simple set of criteria. If you met them all, you could apply and would be granted the title.


A more experienced student who was engaging with the University community in a positive, meaningful way. A Sophomore applicant needed to provide evidence of learning by doing.

  • Met current requirements for Freshman, and held the Freshman title
  • Character had been a member of EVE University for at least 6 weeks
  • Player showed recent engagement within the community (examples are meaningful activity via the EVE University Forum, Wiki and/or ZKillboard, but does not need to be any of these)

Earning this title was different from the Freshman title: it waas not a simple matter of checking the boxes. Progression officers attempted to evaluate member activity and make a decision about whether a member had ‘enough’ activity. If we had to boil Sophomore down to one word, it would be ‘participation.’ The Sophomore applicant must demonstrate that they were actively participating in University activities. These activities can really be in almost any aspect of the game.


A fully qualified pilot, recognized for their knowledge of game mechanics and their service to the University. This title took a higher degree of effort to earn compared to Sophomore.

  • Met current requirements for Sophomore, and held the Sophomore title
  • Character had been a member of EVE University for at least 12 weeks
  • Player had demonstrated a mastery of a range of EVE game mechanics
  • Player was sharing their knowledge and experience with the EVE University community or giving back to the Uni in a meaningful way such as a staff position or content creation

If the key to Sophomore was ‘participation,’ the main aspects of the Graduate title were ‘mastery’ and ‘giving back’. Mastery covered a wide portion of experience in New Eden, and giving back could take a variety of forms.

Staff & Vanity Titles

Staff titles, such as Mentor, Teacher, Professor, and a number of Officer titles, denote an individual's role as an EVE University staff member, officer, or director. Other titles (known as "vanity" titles) are just for fun and are tailored to the individual who holds them. Staff titles are handled by their own departments and vanity titles are awarded through a different process.