Two Steps into Hell

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Type Courier
Objective Deliver 1x S.I Formula Sheet (0.1 m3) to the Nugoeihuvi Cargo Facility in KFR-ZE (Syndicate) in Null Security
Ship suggestion Interceptor
Rewards 40,000,000 + 1,500,000 (Bonus if completed in 6H)

The mission area does not have combat. Simply drop the formula sheet in the container. The mission can be completed remotely. This courier mission takes you to null, take normal precautions in Null Sec, such as never warping directly from gate to gate to avoid bubbles. If you lose the mission item you will fail the epic arc, you can retry three months later. Interceptor is very much recommended ship to use.

A Pochven filament can be used to get back to mainland in 15 minutes. Use inbound filament to enter pochven, wait the timer, use outbound filament to return to normal space. Large numberof pochven systems are from Caldari space so if you are lucky a proximity filament will leave you in Caldari space.

If you took this mission from "The Paths That Are Hidden" your next mission will be Too Close for Comfort (Nugoeihuvi path).

If you took this mission from "Re-examining Options" your next mission will be Almost Unmasked (Hyasyoda path).