EVE University Incursion Community

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Community goals

The goal of the EVE University Incursion Community is to safely introduce new players to Incursions and help guide them into becoming effective and productive members of the community, or any of the other communities in New Eden should they decide to move on.

We strive to teach in the moment while running, a sort of "learning by doing" approach, to create a fun and profitable learning experience for our members. While running you'll learn some basic understanding of fleet operations, fleet compositions and tactics, logistics, electronic warfare, damage application, scouting and picketing to mention a few. You'll also learn the invaluable lesson of how much more efficient a fleet can be when working towards a common goal and how much more fun this game is when playing with others.

Indirectly our goal is also to help players get the needed ingame experience or ISK to try other activities in EVE.

Joining the Incursion Community

Joining our community is as simple as joining the ingame incursions.e-uni chat channel or Mumble and start talking to us. Other than that there are no title requirements nor any limitations in terms of when and where you choose to join us. You simply show up when you feel like it and stay for however long you want. Some fly with us regularly, others from time to time.


We use the following EVE University services for communication:

  • The Mumble channel Incursions.E-UNI under Special Projects & Events (need to be registered on the forum).
  • Ingame chat channel incursions.e-uni (need to be a current or ex-unista to access the channel password thread).
  • Ingame mailing list Incursions.E-UNI (current unistas can join freely, ex-unistas and alts need to ask for permission).
  • Incursion community Slack (see this post for instructions on how to set it up).
  • The Incursions section on the forum.

Open community

While we are here primarily for unistas our community is open to unistas, alumni and ex-unista alike, including their alts as long as they aren't at war and recognize that teaching comes first and that certain restrictions might be put in place, ensuring we conform with the EVE University Rules. So regardless if we fly as unistas, alumni or as alts, we all adhere both to the EVE University Rules as well as the EVE University Community Standards.


Some of the roles in incursions can be done with minimum training, like the hacker/scout and picket role. Others like damage dealers and logistics require at least a couple of months worth of training. The following pages will help prepare you for incursions.

Nomadic lifestyle

Incursions are nomadic in nature with a single focus lasting from anywhere between a day up to a week, but usually only for a few days, forcing the community to constantly move in order to continue taking part of the content. We use the mailing list to let people know where we are. See longevity for more information on how long an incursion usually lasts.

Since EVE University is often at war, this means that unistas need to take care while moving between incursions and we run with pickets to ensure that war targets can't sneak up on us. See wartime logistics for more information on how to safely move your ship between focuses, or have a look in the Valet Alts: The Master List forum post if you need help moving.

Forming fleets

Most fleets form on the fly using the ingame chat channel and by pinging Slack. When we have enough people to start running we'll continuously keep people up to date on the status of the fleet in the chat channel. Planned fleets are announced through the mailing list as well as Slack.

Community leaders

Since the community doesn't have a lot of services or anything else requiring actual managers, we have an Incursion Coordinator to help ensure that things run smoothly. If you have any concerns about the community or have an issue with any of its members, just contact the coordinator or one of the team members listed below:

669626574_128.jpg 187220470_128.jpg 94229883_128.jpg 93315605_128.jpg 95108384_128.jpg 0_128.jpg
Cassiel Seraphim
(team member)
(team member)
helioswipe moondraft
(team member)
Kale Knillington
(team member)
(team member)

The team members answer to the coordinator, who in turn answers to the Director of Special Projects (also referred to as Campus Coordinator). General complaints about the behaviour of EVE University members can also go through the Student Advocate.