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Revision as of 16:15, 7 January 2021 by Arin Mara (talk | contribs) (Replaced Arabic with Roman numeral in Studio 1)
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Chapter 1: Impetus

1 Impetus
2 The Tolle Scar
3 Priority One
4 The Averon Exchange
5 A Different Kind of Director
6 Assistance
7 The High or Low Road

Chapter 2a: Scoping The Scene

8 Outside The Scope
9 Hidden Camera
10 Rendezvous
11 Handoff
12 With Authority

Chapter 2b: Eagle Grip

8 Into the Black
9 Poor Man's Shakedown
10 Underground Circus
11 Intaki Chase
12 Rat in a Corner

Chapter 3: Inertia

13 Places to Hide
14a Little Fingers
14b Oldest Profession
14c Octomet Plantation
15 Carry On
16 Studio I
17 Showtime
18 Where's the Line?
19a Everybody Has a Price
19b Safe Return

Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)
Gallente Syndication Epic Arc, Chapter and Mission navigation panel.
{{Sidebar with collapsible lists}}
CSS class plainlist from MediaWiki:Common.css
controls witch list, if any, is initially expanded. possible values: chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4 or all.
Visit Template:GallenteEpicArcNav/doc to edit this text! (How does this work?) (Refresh this text - why?)