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Embed a list of Category Pages

Category:Precursor Destroyers

Main article: Destroyers

This is a collection of the pages containing Precursor destroyers, organized by ship.

Category:Precursor Dreadnoughts

Main article: Dreadnoughts

This is a collection of the pages containing Precursor dreadnoughts, organized by ship.

Category:Precursor Frigates

Main article: Frigates



Category:Project Solitude

Main article: Project Solitude


This category contains all articles that relate to Player vs Environment gameplay; which is defined as game elements that pit the player against server generated enemies. Generally, these encounters are created as a result of accepting missions from NPC agents, or finding enemy complexes through exploration.

Category:PvE and Category:PvP are mutually exclusive; articles are strongly related to one or to neither, and should not be assigned to both categories. Articles detailing general combat concepts or mechanics should be assigned to Category:Combat in lieu of either of these categories.

Category:PvE Doctrines

This category collects doctrines with a PvE focus as opposed to the general doctrine category which is assumed to be for PvP.


This category contains all articles that relate to Player vs Player combat gameplay. See also: Annotated Index to PvP.

Category:PvE and Category:PvP are mutually exclusive; articles are strongly related to one or to neither, and should not be assigned to both categories. Articles detailing general combat concepts or mechanics should be assigned to Category:Combat in lieu of either of these categories.

Category:R&D Missions

This category contains individual Research mission given by a R&D mission agent.

Category:Recon Ships

Main article: Recon Ships

Category:Relic and data sites

Category:Relic and data sites

Category:Relic sites

Articles related to Cosmic Signatures that require the use of Relic Analyzers.

Category:Remove ore sites

Category:Remove ore sites

Category:Removed ore sites

Category:Security missions

This category contains individual Security missions given by a security mission agent.

Category:Security reports

Category:Security reports

Category:Ship Database

Articles dedicated to recording stats/general descriptions of player-controlled ships. Any page that uses Template:ShipArticle should be placed in this category. All other articles detailing ships should be placed in Category:Ships.

This category contains numerous subcategories containing all ships available to players. These subcategories contain articles for specific ships belonging to that type, as well as articles detailing that ship type in general (such as Interceptors). These general articles are members of Category:Ships, and should be the only articles not in Category:Ship Database contained in its subcategories.
Note on sorting: The subcategories in this category are sorted on ship type i.e all frigates are under F, all assault frigates are under A, regardless of subgroup indications like "Special Edition", "EDENCOM", or "Faction" and so on.

For ease of reference, all articles in this category should be placed both in the main category as well as the appropriate subcategory.

For an overview of all ships in EVE, see {{ShipsMatrix}}.


Main article: Ships

Articles and media relating to all ships, both player- and NPC-controlled. This category specifically does not include the actual ship articles (essentially any article that uses Template:ShipArticle).

Articles detailing ship types (e.g. Interceptors) are included in this category. These articles are also grouped with ship-specific articles in the various subcategories of Category:Ship Database, and should be the only non-ship-specific articles categorized in this way.

All images of ships should be placed in this category.


Main article: Shuttles

Category:Sidebar emplates

Category:Sidebar emplates

Category:Sidebar templates

Templates that display a vertically-aligned list of links usually positioned on the right-hand side of a Page.




Pages discussing skill training, or covering specific categories of skills in detail.


Main article: Sovereignty

Articles related to claiming and maintaining sovereignty in claimable nullsec systems.

Category:Special Edition Assault Frigates

Main article: Assault Frigates

Category:Special Edition Battlecruisers

Main article: Battlecruisers

Category:Special Edition Battleships

Main article: Battleships

Category:Special Edition Black Ops

Main article: Black Ops

Category:Special Edition Corvettes

Main article: Corvettes

Category:Special Edition Covert Ops

Main article: Covert Ops

Category:Special Edition Cruisers

Main article: Cruisers

Category:Special Edition Destroyers

Main article: Destroyers

Category:Special Edition Electronic Attack Ships

Main article: Electronic Attack Ships

Category:Special Edition Flag Cruisers

Category:Special Edition Frigates

Main article: Frigates

Category:Special Edition Heavy Assault Cruisers

Main article: Heavy Assault Cruisers

Category:Special Edition Heavy Interdiction Cruisers

Main article: Heavy Interdiction Cruisers

Category:Special Edition Industrial Ships

This category contains all the ships in the market group Special Edition Industrial Ships. As of 2022, all those ships are also in the inventory group Haulers.

Category:Special Edition Interceptors

Main article: Interceptors

Category:Special Edition Logistics Cruisers

Main article: Logistics Cruisers

Category:Special Edition Recon Ships

Main article: Recon Ships

Category:Special Edition Ships

Ship Database articles(using the {{ShipArticle}} template) of Special Edition ships, regardless of class.

See also: Special Edition Ships

Category:Special Edition Shuttles

Main article: Shuttles

Category:Standard Battlecruisers

Main article: Battlecruisers

Category:Standard Battleships

Main article: Battleships

Category:Standard Cruisers

Main article: Cruisers

Category:Standard Destroyers

Main article: Destroyers

Category:Standard Frigates

Main article: Frigates

Category:Standard Industrial Ships

Category:Standard Industrial Ships

Category:Starting out

Category:Starting out