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Angel Sound
Chapter 1: Rapture

1a The Balance of Power
1b Mistaken Identity
1c Headhunted
2 New Opportunities
3 Fight or Flight

Chapter 2a: Heaven

4 Serpentis Fill-In
5 Ride to the Rescue
6 The Best Kind of Revenge
7 Wrath of Angels
8 Dominus
9 The Lesser of Two

Chapter 2b: Utopia

4 Natural Consequences
5 Clear the Way
6 Salvage Heist
7 Rabbit Trap
8 Dominus
9 The Lesser of Two

Chapter 3: Paradise

10.1a Situation Normal
10.2a Breaking the Lock
10b Data Destruction
11 Fear of Angels

Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)

Angel Angel Sound Epic Arc, Chapter and Mission navigation panel.

{{Sidebar with collapsible lists}}
CSS class plainlist from MediaWiki:Common.css. See {{Plainlist}}.
Visit Template:AngelEpicArcNav/doc to edit this text! (How does this work?) (Refresh this text - why?)