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< Template:ShipArticle
Revision as of 17:04, 3 January 2023 by Evon R'al (talk | contribs) (Collecting current class/grouping combinations.)
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This article should be cleaned up or improved.
The reason is: Standardize documentation. Explain auto image fetching from CCP Servers. Arin Mara (talk) 11:33, 27 July 2022 (UTC)
This page is a work in progress.
Notes: Both the actual template and the doc page are being overhauled. The doc in situ and the template in User:Evon R'al/Sandbox template

This article or section is in the process of an expansion or major restructuring. You are welcome to assist in its construction by editing it as well.
If this article or section has not been edited in several days, please remove this template.

Last edited: 17:36, 1 January 2023 (UTC)

This template is used to create a ship page for the Ship Database.
MediaWiki:Common.css Elements identified by #ship-article.
no-image.png Default ship image when neither shipid nor shipimg are given. Default faction logo when faction is empty or unknown.
Build-in UniWiki links to
Build-in external links to
EVE Workbench
Used by
{{Ship}} Wrapper for:
{{ShipBoxLarge}} Uses part of the parameter set
{{ShipBoxTooltip}} Uses part of the parameter set
<onlyinclude>{{{{#if:{{{mode|}}}|{{#switch:{{{mode}}}|box=ShipBoxLarge|#default=ShipBoxTooltip}}|ShipArticle}} <!--  Template marker : DON'T EDIT LINE -->
* SHIP ATTRIBUTES SECTION (last update : 2022-12-10)
* on editing the attributes, please make sure that you don't
* leave/mistype any tags required. please follow the same
* format below and edit only the values (after the = sign).
| shipid= 
| shipimg= 
| shipname= 
... parameter list
}}</onlyinclude> <!-- Template marker : DON'T EDIT LINE --> 
Note: While {{ShipArticle}} on its own will work, leaving out the other parts given in the syntax will break the functioning of {{SchipBoxTooltip}} and {{ShipboxLarge}}.
shipid [Preferred]
EVE Online database ID for the ship. See How to get ID for how to find it. Used for:
* External links to zKillboard, EVE workbench, evepraisal and EVE Ref:
* Ship image from CCP image server when no local image available.
shipimg [Preferred]
Name of the local image file with extension. Used to show the image. Overrules the use of the CCP image server (see shipid)
shipname [Required]
The name of the ship. Exactly as written in-game. Must be identical to the article name. Used for:
* Breadcrumbs;
* Show ship name when hovering over the image;
* Naming of external links, (see shipid).
Not used in {{ShipArticle}} (Need to check for {{ShipBoxLarge}} and {{ShipBoxTooltip}}
class [Required]
Class the ship belongs to. This info is not directly available in-game (see table Ship classes) Used for:
* Excluding (special edition) shuttles from the external EVE Workbench link;
* Determine the (default) number of rigs (in combination with tech);
* Determine the (default) rig size;
* Determine (default) number of calibration points (in combination with grouping);
* Determine presence of Frigate Escape Bay

2022-12-28 - Be aware: the tables give the "old" values. this part of the template is being worked on.

grouping [Required]
Name of the market group the ship belongs to. Used for:
* Ship category in breadcrumbs;
* Ship category under ship image;
* Determine (default) number of calibration points (in combination with class)
Ships basic hulltype. The Tech1 shipname when there are variations i.e. The Vexor, Guardian-Vexor, Ishtar and Vexor Navy Issue all have Vexor for their hulltype. Otherwise use the shipname.
Used for: <Hull type> Class under ship image. The word Class must be included.
faction [Required]
Name of the faction the ship belongs to. Used for:
* Faction name under ship image;
* Faction logo under ship image;
* Show faction name when hovering over the logo.
Not used in {{ShipArticle}} (Need to check for {{ShipBoxLarge}} and {{ShipBoxTooltip}}
List of ship role(s). Defaults to: unspecified
Needs more info
List of ship variations. Defaults to: none
Use the template {{Ship}}. If more than one, separate by ",<space>".
The ships tech "level". Unused for Tech1 ships (2 for Tech2, 3 for Tech3 and F for faction) Used for:
* Techcorner on ship image;
* Determine the (default) number of rigs (in combination with class)
Priority in which the ship should be an ECM target (0 = none, 1 = low, 2 = normal, 3 = high, 4 = highest). Defaults to: unknown.
"Somebody's" interpretation. Used for:
* ECM priority block under ship image;
* ECM priority info on the ECM priority block "what's this?" pop-up

Amount of Powergrid the ship has. Including the unit i.e. 700 MW. Defaults to: 0 MW
Amount of CPU the ship has. Including the unit i.e. 300 tf. Defaults to: 0 tf
Capacitor capacity. Including the unit i.e. 1,450 GJ. Defaults to: 0 GJ

Number of high power slots. Defaults to: 0
Number of turret hard-points. Defaults to: 0
Number of launcher hard-points. Defaults to: 0
Number of medium power slots. Defaults to: 0
Number of low power slots. Defaults to: 0

The ship's mass. Including the unit i.e. 1,100,000 kg. Defaults to: 0 kg
The ship's volume (unpackaged). Including the unit i.e. 115,000 {{m3}}. Defaults to: 0  m3

Capacity of the standard cargo hold. Including the unit i.e. 480 {{m3}}. Defaults to: 0  m3
extraholdtype Optional
Type of an additional hold/bay (Mining, Gas, Ice, Minerals, Planetary Commodities, Command Center, Ammo, Fleet Hangar, Fuel Bay, Ship Maintenance Bay).
extrahold Optional
Capacity of an additional hold/bay.
extrahold<x>type Optional
<x> is 2 till 4. See extraholdtype
extrahold<x> Optional
<x> is 2 till 4. See extrahold

Drones. Overruled when fighterbay is used. Defaults to: "No drone bay." when neither dronebay nor fighterbay are used.
Dronebay capacity. Including the unit i.e. 125 {{m3}}.
Drone bandwidth. Including the unit i.e. 75 Mbit/sec. [Required] when dronebay is used.

Fighters. Overrules dronebay.
Fighter bay capacity. Including the unit i.e. 125 {{m3}}
Number of fighter tubes. [Required] when fighterbay is used.
Max number of light fighters. (Optional not visible when not used)
Max number of heavy fighters. (Optional not visible when not used)
Max number of support fighters. (Optional not visible when not used)

The text found on the Description tab of the in-game ship info.
List of bonuses applied to the ship (Source; Trait tab in-game ship info). Optional not visible when not used.
Needs more info about how to use

Hitpoint value of the hull. Including the unit i.e. 2,000 HP. Defaults to: 0 HP

Hitpoint value of the armor. Including the unit i.e. 2,000 HP. Defaults to: 0 HP
Armor resistance percentage for electromagnetic damage. Defaults to: 0
Armor resistance percentage for thermal damage. Defaults to: 0
Armor resistance percentage for kinetic damage. Defaults to: 0
Armor resistance percentage for explosive damage. Defaults to: 0

Hitpoint value of the shield. Including the unit i.e. 2,000 HP. Defaults to: 0 HP
Shield resistance percentage for electromagnetic damage. Defaults to: 0
Shield resistance percentage for thermal damage. Defaults to: 0
Shield resistance percentage for kinetic damage. Defaults to: 0
Shield resistance percentage for explosive damage. Defaults to: 0

Maximum velocity. Including the unit i.e. 195 m/s. Defaults to: 0 m/s
Inertia modifier. Defaults to: 0.0
Warp speed. Including the unit i.e. 4 AU/s. Defaults to: 0 AU/s
Base time to warp (manually calculated). Including the unit i.e. 8.62 s. (see Accelerating to warp)

Maximum range to lock targets. Including the unit i.e. 52.5 km. Defaults to: 0 km
Maximum number of simultaneously lockable targets. Defaults to: 0
Signature radius. Including the unit i.e. 145 m. Defaults to: 0 m
Scan Resolution. Including the unit i.e. 280 mm. Defaults to 0 mm
Type of sensor used. Defaults to: Multi. Otherwise use one of Gravimetric, LADAR, Magnetrometric or RADAR. Used for:
* Ship attributes;
* Sensor type info on the ECM priority block "what's this?" pop-up.
Sensor strength value. Including the unit i.e. 16 points. Defaults to: 0 points

List of required skills. use the template {{RequiredSkill}}. Defaults to: none
needs more info about how to use
Training time for the skills in Required Skill (manually calculated). Including the unit i.e. 19h 15m 30s. Not visible when no required skills.
forumlinks Optional
List of relevant forum links. (not visible when not used)
List of relevant UniWiki articles (Has some build-in).
List of relevant external links (zKillboard, EVE Workbench, evepraisal and EVE Ref are build in).
highlights<x> Optional
<x> is 1 till 4. highlights. (not visible when not used)

Overrides, use only when the build in results are incorrect.
Override for (default) number of rigs.
Override for (default) size of rigs.
Override for (default) number of calibration points.



An example of a proper template would be:

 <!--  Template marker : DON'T EDIT LINE -->
 * SHIP ATTRIBUTES SECTION (last update : 2022-12-10)
 * on editing the attributes, please make sure that you don't
 * leave/mistype any tags required. please follow the same
 * format below and edit only the values (after the = sign).
 | shipid= 24688
 | shipimg= Rokh.jpg
 | shipname= Rokh
 | caption= Rokh
 | class= Battleship
 | grouping= Standard Battleships
 | hulltype= Rokh Class
 | faction= Caldari State
 | race= Caldari
 | roles= 
 | variations= 
 | tech= 
 | ecmprio= 0 <!-- 0 = none, 1 = low, 2 = normal, 3 = high, 4 = highest -->

 | powergrid= 15,000 MW
 | cpu= 780 tf
 | capacitor= 6,000 GJ

 | highs= 8
 | turrets= 8
 | launchers= 4
 | mediums= 6
 | lows= 5

 | mass= 105,300,000 kg
 | volume= 486,000 m³

 | cargohold= 625 m³
 | extraholdtype=
 | extrahold=

 | dronebay= 50 m³
 | bandwidth= 50 Mbit/sec

 | info= <b>Development</b><br>Having long suffered the lack of an adequate hybrid platform, the Caldari State's capsule pilots found themselves rejoicing as the Rokh's design specs were released. A fleet vessel if ever there was one, this far-reaching and durable beast is expected to see a great deal of service on battlefields near and far.
 | bonuses=<b>Caldari Battleship bonuses (per skill level):</b><br>
10% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret optimal range<br>
4% bonus to all shield resistances

 | structurehp=7,500 HP

 | armorhp= 7,000 HP
 | armorem= 50
 | armortherm= 44.99999999999999
 | armorkin= 25
 | armorexp= 10

 | shieldhp= 8,500 HP
 | shieldem= 0
 | shieldtherm= 20
 | shieldkin= 40
 | shieldexp= 50

 | maxvelocity= 89 m/sec
 | inertia= 0.136
 | warpspeed= 2 AU/s
 | warptime= 19.85 s

 | targetrange= 90.00 km
 | maxlockedtargets= 7
 | sigradius= 500 m
 | scanres= 75 mm
 | sensortype= Gravimetric
 | sensorvalue= 24 points

 | reqskills=*{{RequiredSkill|Caldari Battleship|I}}
**{{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|IV}}
**{{RequiredSkill|Caldari Battlecruiser|III}}
***{{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|III}}
***{{RequiredSkill|Caldari Cruiser|III}}
****{{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|II}}
****{{RequiredSkill|Caldari Destroyer|III}}
*****{{RequiredSkill|Caldari Frigate|III}}
******{{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|I}}
 | totaltraintime= 3d 20h 55m 10s

 | forumlinks= 
 | wikireferences= 
 | externallinks= 
 | highlights1= 
 | highlights2= 
 | highlights3= 
 | highlights4= 