Mining crystals

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Mining crystals are consumables fitted to certain Tech II mining modules to increase the yield of these mining modules, with certain drawbacks depending on the type of crystal used.


Crystals are divided into the into 6 tiers of standard asteroid ore types, and the standard moon ore tiers. Within each tier, the crystals are further divided into 3 types with a Tech I and II variant for each type.

Mining crystals can only be used on modulated ore mining modules (any Tech II module with "modulated" in its name) and the ORE deep core mining laser, and increase mining yield when mining a particular kind of ore (but give no benefit when mining another kind of ore). They are loaded into the mining modules (like ammunition) and have a limited lifespan before they break and must be replaced with new crystals.

Note that the unique mission ores are considered their own type of ore by the game, and CANNOT be mined with the ore-specific crystals for their equivalent ore

Crystal compatibility

Asteroid Ores

Mining crystal Compatible ores
Ore simple crystal A I.pngOre simple crystal B I.pngOre simple crystal C I.png Simple Asteroid Mining Crystals Ore veldspar.png Veldspar [ MorduniumPure pyerite ore ]
Ore scordite.png Scordite
Ore pyroxeres.png Pyroxeres
Ore plagioclase.png Plagioclase
Ore coherent crystal A I.pngOre coherent crystal B I.pngOre coherent crystal C I.png Coherent Asteroid Mining Crystals Ore omber.png Omber [ YtiriumPure isogen ore ]
Ore kernite.png Kernite
Ore jaspet.png Jaspet
Ore hemorphite.png Hemorphite
Ore hedbergite.png Hedbergite
Ore variegated crystal A I.pngOre variegated crystal B I.pngOre variegated crystal C I.png Variegated Asteroid Mining Crystals Ore gneiss.png Gneiss
Ore dark ochre.png Dark Ochre
Ore crokite.png Crokite
Ore abyssal crystal A I.pngOre abyssal crystal B I.pngOre abyssal crystal C I.png Complex Asteroid Mining Crystals Ore bistot.png Bistot
Ore arkonor.png Arkonor [ EifyriumPure zydrine ore ]
Ore spodumain.png Spodumain [ DuciniumPure megacyte ore ]
Ore mercoxit crystal A I.pngOre mercoxit crystal B I.pngOre mercoxit crystal C I.png Mercoxit Asteroid Mining Crystals Ore mercoxit.png Mercoxit
Ore complex crystal A I.pngOre complex crystal B I.pngOre complex crystal C I.png Abyssal Asteroid Mining Crystals Ore bezdnacine.png Bezdnacine
Ore rakovene.png Rakovene
Ore talassonite.png Talassonite

Moon Ores

  • Moon ubiquitous crystal A I.pngMoon ubiquitous crystal B I.pngMoon ubiquitous crystal C I.png: Ubiquitous Moon Ore Crystals
  • Moon common crystal A I.pngMoon common crystal B I.pngMoon common crystal C I.png: Common Moon Ore Crystals
  • Moon uncommon crystal A I.pngMoon uncommon crystal B I.pngMoon uncommon crystal C I.png: Uncommon Moon Ore Crystals
  • Moon rare crystal A I.pngMoon rare crystal B I.pngMoon rare crystal C I.png: Rare Moon Ore Crystals
  • Moon exceptional crystal A I.pngMoon exceptional crystal B I.pngMoon exceptional crystal C I.png: Exceptional Moon Ore Crystals

Moon mining crystals only have a visual change to put them in sync with asteroid crystals, and are still compatible with the same tiers of moon ores (ubiquitous, common, uncommon, rare, exceptional). See moon mining for more details on specific ores.

Crystal types

Type A

Type A crystals have moderate yield and residue bonuses, and are the most balanced crystals for standard mining operations.

Crystal Tech Cycle time Volatility Residue probability Residue multiplier Yield modifier Duration Muliplier
Ore simple crystal A I.png Simple Asteroid Mining Crystal Type A I I 1x 10% +0% 0 1.5x 1.0x
Ore simple crystal A II.png Simple Asteroid Mining Crystal Type A II II 1x 12% +3.6% 0 1.8x 1.0x

Type B

Type B crystals have much improved yield bonuses, however, they also get a correspondingly high residue probability level to match. These crystals therefore will have a high mining yield but waste more ore in the process. The lower duration results in faster extraction.

Crystal Tech Cycle time Volatility Residue probability Residue multiplier Yield modifier Duration Muliplier
Ore simple crystal B I.png Simple Asteroid Mining Crystal Type B I I 0.9x 15% +20% 0 1.5x 0.9x
Ore simple crystal B II.png Simple Asteroid Mining Crystal Type B II II 0.8x 19.6% +30% 0 1.8x 0.8x

Type C

Type C crystals are not for standard mining operations. They have extremely low yields with extremely high residue, making them suitable for strategic ore removal or for offensive mining operations against hostile player space.

Crystal Tech Cycle time Volatility Residue probability Residue multiplier Yield modifier Duration Muliplier
Ore simple crystal C I.png Simple Asteroid Mining Crystal Type C I I 1x 24% +40% +18% 0.25x 1.0x
Ore simple crystal C II.png Simple Asteroid Mining Crystal Type C II II 1x 30% +59% +28% 0.2x 1.0x


All crystals require their corresponding resource processing skills to be unlocked for use. More information about skill requirements is provided in that link.

External links