Smash and Grab

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Work in progress. I am collecting information but most sources are old and some things may have changed. I am about to run this arc and will verify this information as I go along.

Warning: one of the missions half way through will require Hacking skill and a Codebreaker module (one is provided by agent) so make sure you have the skills needed beforehand.

Starter Agents

Pick any one of these agents below. Those running this arc should be well versed in the mechanics of effective standing already so all you need is 3.0 effective standing with the stating agent.

Arment Caute

  • Federal Intelligence Office - Gallente Federation
  • Mission name: Enemy of my Enemy
  • Location: Orvolle System (Beacon in space: Arment Caute's Lachesis)
  • Mission type: Report to given agent.

Atma Aulato

  • Ytiri - Caldari State
  • Mission name: Turning Coat
  • Location: Obe System (Beacon in space: Atma Aulato's [shiptype])
  • Mission type: Report to given agent.

Yada Vinjivas

  • Guristas - Guristas
  • Mission name: Recruitment Drive
  • Location: Taisy System (Beacon in space: Yada Vinjivas's [shiptype])
  • Mission type: Report to given agent.

Chapter 1 Probationary

Mission 1 - Intelligence Mining

  • Agent: Kori Latamaki - Guristas - Guristas
  • Location: H-PA29 IV - Moon 2 - Guristas Assembly Plant
  • Mission type: Encounter (Deadspace)
  • Objective: Provide 1 Minedrill – E518 Crew (3.0 m3) to agent.
  • Damage dealt: Kin/Therm
  • Recommended damage dealing: Kin (best), Therm (secondary)

First Room

no guards on initial gate, Reinforcement's spawn every 2 minutes.

Wave 1:

3x Frigate (Minedrill Expedition Frigate)

Wave 2:

2x Frigate (Minedrill Expedition Frigate)
1x Elite Frigate (Minedrill Expedition Elite Frigate)

Wave 3:

1x Cruiser (Minedrill Expedition Cruiser)
2x Frigate (Minedrill Expedition Frigate)

Wave 4:

2x Destroyer (Minedrill Expedition Destroyer)
2x Frigate (Minedrill Expedition Frigate)
1x Industrial (Minedrill E518 Industrial)

Mission 2 - Planning the Operation

  • Agent: Kori Latamaki - Guristas - Guristas
  • Location: H-PA29 IV - Moon 2 - Guristas Assembly Plant
  • Mission type: Branch Decision
  • Branch 1 Sabotage 101
  • Branch 2 Faced Bastard

Mission 3a - Sabotage 101

  • Agent: Kori Latamaki - Guristas - Guristas
  • Location: H-PA29 IV - Moon 2 - Guristas Assembly Plant
  • Mission type: Encounter

Objective: Provide 1 Capital Ship Design – “Dictator” (0.1 m3) to agent.

Deadspace entry point guards:


Deadspace stage 1 guards:

None, but will contain 44 Proximity Charge structures instead.
A Proximity Charge structure will detonate and damage anything in its vicinity if you get within 7km distance of it.

Deadspace stage 2 guards:

3 State Yumi (destroyer)
2 State Shukoro Shinai (frigate)
1 State Shukoro Shuriken (frigate)
1 Taibu State Shuriken (frigate)
1 Taibu State Suriage (frigate)

Reinforcement wave 1:

1 State Dogo (cruiser)
2 State Shukoro Choji (destroyer)

  • The Taibu State Suriage might web and warp scramble your ship.
  • Destroying all destroyer class ships from the initial group will trigger spawning of reinforcement wave 1.
  • The capital ship design blueprint is found inside the Assembly Station DC105-A structure.

Mission 3b - Brassy Faced Bastard

  • Agent: Kori Latamaki - Guristas - Guristas
  • Location: H-PA29 IV - Moon 2 - Guristas Assembly Plant
  • Mission type: Encounter
  • Gate restrictions: Yes

  • Objective: Provide 1 Capital Ship Design – “Dictator” (0.1 m3) to agent.

Deadspace stage 1 guards:

2 Caldari Cruiser Vessel (cruiser)
8 Caldari Frigate Vessel (frigate)
  • The guards are initially friendly unless fired upon. After getting within 20 km of the acceleration gate to the next stage they will all turn hostile.

Deadspace stage 2 guards:

3 State Yumi (destroyer)
2 State Shukoro Shinai (frigate)
1 State Shukoro Shuriken (frigate)
1 Taibu State Shuriken (frigate)
1 Taibu State Shirasaya (frigate)

Reinforcement wave 1:

1 State Dogo (cruiser)
2 State Shukoro Choji (destroyer)
  • The Taibu State Shirasaya might web and warp scramble your ship. Destroying all destroyer class ships from the initial group will trigger spawning of reinforcement wave 1. The capital ship design blueprint is found inside the Assembly Station DC105-A structure.

Mission 4 - Upward Momentum

  • Agent: Kori Latamaki - Guristas - Guristas
  • Location: H-PA29 IV - Moon 2 - Guristas Assembly Plant
  • Mission type: Report to given agent.

Chapter 2: For Fun and Profit

Mission 5 - Miscommunication

  • Agent: Cilis Leglise - Guristas - Guristas
  • Location: 6NJ8-V VII - Moon 2 - Guristas Logistic Support
  • Mission type: Encounter
  • Gate restrictions: Yes
  • Can be complete remotely
  • Objective: Hack the Venal Regional Comms Tower structure.

Warning: Mission requires Hacking skill and a Codebreaker module (provided by agent)

Deadspace stage 1 guards:

2 Caldari Navy Patrol Destroyer (destroyer)
10 Caldari Navy Patrol Frigate (frigate)
2 Caldari Navy Special Operations Patrol (frigate)

Reinforcement wave 1:

2 Caldari Navy Patrol Destroyer (destroyer)
2 Caldari Navy Patrol Frigate (frigate)

  • One Codebreaker module will be granted to you when accepting this mission.
  • You do not need to destroy all guards to complete the mission.
  • Upon a successful attempt using a Codebreaker module on the Venal Regional Comms Tower structure the mission will be marked as complete, reinforcement wave 1 will spawn and you will receive the a message from the agent Irichi Tsunikabda telling you to look inside the comms tower.
  • Inside the comms tower structure you will find 1 Holoreel GRS-81A (0.5 m3)

You can remotely complete this mission and remotely accept the next while still in space.

Mission 6 - Fuel Gauge

  • Agent: Cilis Leglise - Guristas - Guristas
  • Location: 6NJ8-V VII - Moon 2 - Guristas Logistic Support
  • Mission type: Encounter
  • Gate restrictions: Yes
  • Can be accepted Remotely
  • Mission briefing:

Objective: Destroy 1 Fuel Depot (Alpha, Beta or Gamma) structure.

Deadspace entry point guards:

2 Fueling Depot Guard (destroyer)
7 Fueling Depot Guard (frigate)
2 Caldari Stasis Tower (stasis tower) 35000 ISK

Deadspace stage 1 guards:

4 State Tenkyu (battleship)
6 State Utaisho (battleship)
6 State Yojimbo (battleship)
2 State Zen (battleship)
7 Fueling Depot Guard (destroyer)
7 Fueling Depot Guard (frigate)

  • Destroying any of the Fuel Depot structures (Alpha, Beta and Gamma) will make all battleship class guards near that structure explode. Frigate and destroyer classes are not harmed.
  • Some of the Fuel Depot Guard frigates might web and warp scramble your ship.

Mission 7 - Knockout Punch

  • Agent: Cilis Leglise - Guristas - Guristas
  • Location: 6NJ8-V VII - Moon 2 - Guristas Logistic Support
  • Mission type: Encounter
  • Gate restrictions: Yes (shuttles only)

Objective: Pick up the Guristas „Dirty‟ Explosive System and bring it close to the Caldari State Carrier.

  • 1 Caldari Shuttle (500.0 m3) will be granted to you when accepting this mission.

Deadspace entry point guards:

18 Guristas Battleship (battleship) 800000 ISK

  • The guards are friendly unless fired upon, so maybe get through without firing upon them?? need to confirm!

Deadspace stage 1 guards:

1 State Bushi (cruiser)
1 State Dogo (cruiser)
5 State Bo-Hi (frigate)
2 State Showato (frigate)
11 Captured Caldari State Shuttle (shuttle)

  • Shortly after entering the stage, all guards will explode upon each other. Pick up the Guristas

„Dirty‟ Explosive System from the Damaged Caldari Shuttle.

Deadspace stage 2 guards:

1 Caldari State Carrier (carrier)

  • When you get within close proximity to the carrier, both it and you will explode and the mission is marked as completed.

Chapter 3: Internal Security

Mission 8 - Culling the Weak

  • Agent: Cilis Leglise - Guristas - Guristas
  • Location: 6NJ8-V VII - Moon 2 - Guristas Logistic Support
  • Mission type: Branch Decision
  • Branch 1: Threat Assessment, Dread Pirates, Rabbit Hole, Passing the Buck
  • Branch 2: Smoke and Mirrors, Foxfire, Spy Games

Mission 9a - Threat Assessment

  • Agent: Cilis Leglise - Guristas - Guristas
  • Location: 6NJ8-V VII - Moon 2 - Guristas Logistic Support
  • Mission type: Report to given agent.

Mission 10a - Dread Pirates

  • Agent name: Irichi Tsunikabda
  • Location: PF-QHK VII - Moon 6 - Guristas Logistic Support
  • Mission type: Encounter
  • Gate restrictions: Yes
  • Can complete remotely

Objective: Deliver 1 Dread Guristas Strike Force (1.0 m3) to given destination.

  • You are granted the strike force when accepting this mission.

Deadspace stage 1 guards:

2 Ytiri Light Missile Battery (missile battery) 25000 ISK

Repeating reinforcement wave:

2-3 Ytiri Frigate (frigate)

  • Dropping off the strike force will make an instance of the repeating reinforcement wave spawn.
  • Destroying all ships in a group will make a new instance spawn. This goes on for 3 minutes at which all remaining hostile ships will explode and the mission marked as complete.

You can remotely complete this mission and remotely accept the next while still in space.

Mission 11a - Rabbit Hole

  • Agent name: Irichi Tsunikabda
  • Location: PF-QHK VII - Moon 6 - Guristas Logistic Support
  • Mission type: Encounter
  • Gate restrictions: Yes
  • Can accept remotely

Objective: Provide 1 Lieutenant Kipo “Foxfire” Tekira (1.0 m3) to agent.

Deadspace entry point guards:


Deadspace stage 1 guards:

12 Guristas Sentry Gun (sentry gun) 20000 ISK

  • Shortly after entering the stage the acceleration gate to the next stage will disappear. Destroying the sentry guns will make it reappear.

Deadspace stage 2 guards:

2 Caldari Light Missile Battery (missile battery) 25000 ISK
2 Caldari Point Defense Battery (missile battery) 10000 ISK
1 Caldari Stasis Tower (stasis tower) 35000 ISK

Reinforcement wave 1:

1 Caldari Navy Destroyer (destroyer)
3 Caldari Navy Frigate (frigate)

Reinforcement wave 2:

2 Caldari Navy Cruiser (cruiser)
3 Caldari Navy Frigate (frigate)

  • Reinforcement wave 1 will spawn a shortly after you enter the stage.
  • Reinforcement wave 2 will spawn upon destruction of the Caldari Navy Destroyer from reinforcement wave 1.
  • Destroying one of the Point Defense Batteries will make the Large EM Forcefield structure disappear and you can attack the Caldari Navy Storage Bunker structure directly instead.
  • Destroying the storage bunker will make it drop Lieutenant Kipo “Foxfire” Tekira.

Mission 12a - Passing the Buck

  • Agent name: Irichi Tsunikabda
  • Location: PF-QHK VII - Moon 6 - Guristas Logistic Support
  • Mission type: Encounter
  • Gate restrictions: Yes

Objective: Provide 1 Holoreel – Torture Log I15B (0.5 m3) to agent.

  • You are granted 1 Lieutenant Kipo “Foxfire” Tekira (1.0 m3) to agent.

Deadspace stage 1 guards:

8 Guristas Battleship Vessel (battleship) 500000 ISK
1 Caldari Cruiser Vessel (cruiser)
1 Gallente Cruiser Vessel (cruiser)
1 Minmatar Cruiser Vessel (cruiser)
5 Gallente Frigate Vessel (cruiser)
5 Minmatar Frigate Vessel (cruiser)

Reinforcement wave 1:

3 State Bushi (cruiser)
2 State Dogo (cruiser)
4 State Shukuro Shinai (frigate)
1 State Shukuro Shuriken (frigate)

  • The guards are friendly unless fired upon. After dropping of Kipo “Foxfire” Tekira at the Cilis Leglise‟s Headquarters structure the acceleration gate to the next stage will appear.
  • Moments after the agent message the Cilis Leglise‟s Headquarters structure will explode, all guards will disappear, this triggers spawning of reinforcement wave 1 which are hostile ships.

Deadspace stage 2 guards:

3 State Shukuro Shinai (frigate)
1 State Shukuro Shuriken (frigate)
1 Taibu State Shuriken (frigate)
1 Taibu State Yari (frigate)

Reinforcement wave 1:

1 State Shukuro Buke (cruiser)
2 State Shukuro Choji (destroyer)
1 State Shukuro Kamikazi (destroyer)
1 State Shukuro Shinai (frigate)
2 State Shukuro Shuriken (frigate)

Reinforcement wave 2:

1 State Kerai (battlecruiser)
2 State Shukuro Choji (destroyer)
2 State Shukuro Shinai (frigate)
1 Tabu State Tachi (frigate)

  • Destroying the Tabu State Yari frigate triggers spawning of reinforcement wave 1.
  • Destroying the State Shukuro Buke cruiser triggers spawning of reinforcement wave 2.
  • Destroying the State Kerai battlecruiser makes the Caldari Storage Warehouse structure appear in which you will find the torture log holoreel

Mission 9b - Smoke and Mirrors

  • Agent: Cilis Leglise - Guristas - Guristas
  • Location: 6NJ8-V VII - Moon 2 - Guristas Logistic Support
  • Mission type: Encounter
  • Gate restrictions: Yes
  • Complete remotely: Yes

Objective: Meet with Eroma Eralen and follow his instructions.

Deadspace stage 1 guards:


Reinforcement wave 1-3:

1 Pithoriate (cruiser)
5 Pithoriate (frigate)

  • When getting within 4 km of the Guristas Warehouse structure, it will disappear and reinforcement wave 1 will spawn in its place.
  • After destroying all ships in that group another Guristas Warehouse structure will appear.
  • Get within 4 km of that, it will disappear and reinforcement wave 2 will spawn in its place.
  • Destroying all ships in that group will make another Guristas Warehouse structure appear

  • Get within 4 km of the new Guristas Warehouse structure and it will disappear and reinforcement wave 3 will spawn in its place.
  • Destroying all ships in that group will make another Guristas Warehouse structure appear.
  • Destroy this new Guristas Warehouse structure and Eroma Eralen will spawn in person.
  • Move close to Eroma Eralen and you will receive a message and Eroma Eralen will disappear shortly after and the mission is marked as complete.

You can remotely complete this mission and remotely accept the next while still in space.

Mission 10b - Foxfire

  • Agent: Cilis Leglise - Guristas - Guristas
  • Location: 6NJ8-V VII - Moon 2 - Guristas Logistic Support
  • Mission type: Encounter
  • Gate restrictions: Yes
  • Can accept remotely

Objective: Provide 1 Lieutenant Kipo “Foxfire” Tekira (1.0 m3) to agent.

Deadspace entry point guards:


Deadspace stage 1 guards:

12 Guristas Sentry Gun (sentry gun) 20000 ISK

  • Shortly after entering the stage the acceleration gate to the next stage will disappear. Destroying the sentry guns will make it reappear.

Deadspace stage 2 guards:

2 Caldari Light Missile Battery (missile battery) 25000 ISK
2 Caldari Point Defense Battery (missile battery) 10000 ISK
1 Caldari Stasis Tower (stasis tower) 35000 ISK

Reinforcement wave 1:

1 Caldari Navy Destroyer (destroyer)
3 Caldari Navy Frigate (frigate)

Reinforcement wave 2:

2 Caldari Navy Cruiser (cruiser)
3 Caldari Navy Frigate (frigate)

  • Reinforcement wave 1 will spawn a shortly after you enter the stage.
  • Reinforcement wave 2 will spawn upon destruction of the Caldari Navy Destroyer from reinforcement wave 1.
  • Destroying one of the Point Defense Batteries will make the Large EM Forcefield structure disappear and you can attack the Caldari Navy Storage Bunker structure directly instead.
  • Destroying the storage bunker will make it drop Lieutenant Kipo “Foxfire” Tekira.

Mission 11b - Spy Games

  • Agent: Cilis Leglise - Guristas - Guristas
  • Location: 6NJ8-V VII - Moon 2 - Guristas Logistic Support
  • Mission type: Encounter
  • Gate restrictions: Yes

Objective: Provide 1 Correspondence Log KL-513 (0.5 m3) to agent.

Deadspace entry point guards:

1 Eroma Eralen (battlecruiser)

  • Eroma only turns hostile when you get closer to him.
  • Eroma will drop 1 Caldari Navy Overlay Transponder upon destruction.

Deadspace stage 1 guards:

1 Quebec Squadron (cruiser)
1 Romeo Squadron (cruiser)
1 Sierra Squadron (cruiser)
1 Tango Squadron (cruiser)
3 Alpha Squadron (frigate)
3 Bravo Squadron (frigate)
3 Charlie Squadron (frigate)
3 Delta Squadron (frigate)
3 Echo Squadron (frigate)
3 Foxtrot Squadron (frigate)
3 Golf Squadron (frigate)
3 Hotel Squadron (frigate)
3 India Squadron (frigate)
3 Juliet Squadron (frigate)
3 Kilo Squadron (frigate)
3 Lima Squadron (frigate)
3 Mike Squadron (frigate)
3 November Squadron (frigate)
3 Oscar Squadron (frigate)
3 Papa Squadron (frigate)

  • The guards are friendly unless fired upon. Dont fire on them and they will let you pass??? need to confirm this!

Deadspace stage 2 guards:


Reinforcement waves (each squadron is a wave):

1 Quebec Squadron (cruiser)
1 Romeo Squadron (cruiser)
1 Sierra Squadron (cruiser)
1 Tango Squadron (cruiser)
3 Mike Squadron (destroyer)
3 November Squadron (destroyer)
3 Oscar Squadron (destroyer)
5 Alpha Squadron (frigate)
5 Bravo Squadron (frigate)
5 Charlie Squadron (frigate)
5 Delta Squadron (frigate)
5 Echo Squadron (frigate)
5 Foxtrot Squadron (frigate)
4 Golf Squadron (frigate)
4 Hotel Squadron (frigate)
4 India Squadron (frigate)
4 Juliet Squadron (frigate)
4 Kilo Squadron (frigate)
4 Lima Squadron (frigate)

  • The many reinforcement waves will spawn one by one as you get closer and closer to the Caldari Bunker structure. You either have to take stops and destroy what waves that have spawned or try to outrun them and their damage (tricky), blow up the forcefield and the bunker, grab the evidence and get out of there. The evidence is dropped by the Caldari Bunker structure upon destruction.

Final Notes

At the end of Mission 7 you should have a nice reward:

  • Reward: 1 Dread Guristas ECM Multispectral Jammer

At the end of Mission 11b or 12a you should have your final mission reward:

  • Reward: 1 one run Gila blueprint copy + Guristas Pirates faction standing

Be careful getting your loot out. It was a lot of work to get through all this and it would be a pity to lose your =rewards on your way back to highsec.

External Links/Guides

Complete Guide on EVE Files

