Pyramid Skill Plan

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The Pyramid Skill Plan is both a plan and a way of conceptualizing training, intended for players looking to increase their knowledge and skill set beyond the E-Uni Basics Skill Plan. If you have completed the Short Skill Plan, you are ready to move on to the Pyramid Skill Plan and the diverse world of ships and abilities that New Eden offers.

The Pyramid has been designed primarily for EVE University members, but might well be useful for other pilots too.

Pyramid Skill Plan

Using the Pyramid

The first level of the Pyramid should be completed in its entirety and supports and ties together what follows. The subsequent levels aim for specialization - focusing on a particular aspect of EVE for a pilot to train into. For example, at Level 2 of the Pyramid a pilot might choose to focus on Tech 2 logistics, and then move to Level 3 to work on Tech 2 Command Bursts and relevant support skills without having completed Tech 2 EWAR. Such an approach would benefit an Incursion runner interested in logistics and boosting as well as anyone looking to provide fleet support functions in any other kind of fleet. Think carefully at each level to make sure you are training for roles in which you're interested.

Completing all specializations in each level will make a character a more complete pilot, but will mean much longer waits to travel "deeper" into any particular specialization. It is recommended that you focus on a specific role and work it through to the end and then return to a lower level of the pyramid and develop another specialization through to the end before repeating the cycle again.

Level 4 of the pyramid has no specific skill plans associated with it at present. It's assumed that pilots reaching Level 4 will have developed a fine-grained understanding of their specializations and of the advanced skills which will benefit them the most.


Please note that not all of the skills in this plan are covered under EVE University's Skillbook Reimbursement Program, especially including those encountered in Level 4. The majority of skillbooks are covered, but this is a more advanced skill plan for characters not totally new to the game; players should check individual skill book costs before assuming EVE University will reimburse them. See the Skillbook Reimbursement Program for details on what can be reimbursed, and how to receive reimbursement.

The total costs for each stage of the plan are as follows (at direct injectable prices):


Pyramid Level-1: 4.5M ISK
Pyramid Level-2: 1 or 7M ISK per focus (10M ISK to complete the entire level)
Pyramid Level-3: 1M, 1.5M, or 52M ISK per focus (54.5M ISK to complete the entire level)
Pyramid Level-4: ??? ISK

(All prices were Jita Buy at time of documentation and are subject to change with the market; pricing does not include skills previously injected for Short Skill Plan)

In-Game Corporate Skill Plans

See: EVE University Corporation Skill Plans

The Pyramid Skill Plan is available as in game skill plans. EVE University members may directly access the plans, through the Corporate Skill Plan utility. Non-members may access the plans, using the links on this page, as described below.

EVE University Members: To find these skill plans, choose "Skill Plans > Corporation Plans", on your in-game Skills interface.

Where to find the in-game Corporate Skill Plans

All Players: The skill plans shown later on this page, each have their in-game Corporate Skill plan name listed, along with text that can be copied to produce a link to the skill plan in-game. To utilize the link - copy all text listed after the "Corporate Skill Plan link" for the plan you want to generate a link for - including the leading <url> and trailing </url>. Paste this string of text into your in-game notepad, and the game will automatically convert the pasted text, into a link, which can then be used or shared.

The copy and paste link method described above, can be used by characters outside of EVE University, to access the EVE University skill plans.

A link to the Skill Plans can also be generated from the Skill Plan itself, in game.

Skill plans

Level 1: Fitting

Level-1 Pyramid Skill Plan

Pyramid Level-1 - Fitting Basic - cost 4.5M ISK (NOTE: by May 2021, the Thermodynamics skillbook costs 5.85 million ISK from the skills window or 4.5 to 5.5 million ISK from the market) This contains all the skills for Level 1 of the Pyramid Skill Plan - Fitting Basic

  • EVE University Corporate Skill Plan Name: EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L1 - Fitting
  • Corporate Skill Plan link: <url=skillPlan:e91d6af1-b393-462e-8e21-f55bea356a88:917701062>EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L1 - Fitting</url>

Alpha clone friendly This skill plan is available to all pilots, regardless of clone state.

Fitting Basic

Pyramid Skill Plan Level-1
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Completion of the above set of skills builds on Short Skill Plan and supports and ties together the higher levels of the Pyramid Skill Pan. From this point forward, choosing a specific focus and completing it should be your goal. It is not necessary to complete all focus areas in a given level before moving on to the next level. Make good decisions based on what you want to do in game. You can always return to a previous level and work on a new focus area in the future. This is not a linear skill plan, but there is a progression in ability from one level to the next.

Level 2: T2 Equipment

Level-2 Pyramid Skill Plan

Pyramid Level-2 - T2 Equipment (T2 Tank) - cost 0 ISK; 37.5 Days for Omega

Alpha clone friendly This skill plan is available to all pilots, regardless of clone state.

This contains the final skills needed for Tech 2 Tank Modules and related support skills

  • EVE University Corporate Skill Plan Name: EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L2 - T2 Tank
  • Corporate Skill Plan link: <url=skillPlan:ba52c8f3-906a-48c5-9a28-e2ab31fd80a4:917701062>EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L2 - T2 Tank</url>

T2 Tank

Pyramid Skill Plan Level-2 / T2 Tank Focus
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Pyramid Level-2 - T2 Equipment (T2 Tackle) - cost 0 ISK; 8.5 Days for Omega

Alpha clone friendly This skill plan is available to all pilots, regardless of clone state.

This contains the final skills needed for Tech 2 Tackle Modules and related support skills

  • EVE University Corporate Skill Plan Name: EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L2 - T2 Tackle
  • Corporate Skill Plan link: <url=skillPlan:cb88592d-8058-4652-826b-da9d389b057e:917701062>EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L2 - T2 Tackle</url>

T2 Tackle

Pyramid Skill Plan Level-2 / T2 Tackle Focus
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Pyramid Level-2 - T2 Equipment (T2 Logistics) - cost 1M ISK; 32 Days for Omega

Omega clone restriction This skill plan is restricted to pilots in the Omega clone state.

This contains the final skills needed for Tech 2 Logistics Modules and related support skills

  • EVE University Corporate Skill Plan Name: EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L2 - T2 Logistics
  • Corporate Skill Plan link: <url=skillPlan:14883f82-8b81-4fe5-89cc-f079dc1fc1ce:917701062>EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L2 - T2 Logistics</url>

T2 Logi

Pyramid Skill Plan Level-2 / T2 Logistics Equipment Focus
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Pyramid Level-2 - T2 Equipment (T2 EWAR) - cost 1M ISK; 24.25 Days for Omega

Omega clone restriction This skill plan is restricted to pilots in the Omega clone state.

This contains the final skills needed for Tech 2 EWAR Modules and related support skills

  • EVE University Corporate Skill Plan Name: EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L2 - T2 EWar
  • Corporate Skill Plan link: <url=skillPlan:7cbdeaf1-ff63-47c6-96c4-e0eab7003fae:917701062>EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L2 - T2 EWar</url>


Pyramid Skill Plan Level-2 / T2 EWAR Focus
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Specialization is the key to being effective in EVE. Complete at least one focus area within Level 2 before moving up to the next level. You may complete more than one focus area, but remember that each focus should be completed in order to enable its follow on counterpart in the next level. For example, if you chose to focus on T2 Logistics in Level 2 you now have the ability to utilize T2 Logistics modules. To complete the goal of flying T2 Logistics Cruisers in Level 4, your next step would be to focus on T2 Drones in Level 3, thus creating a path through the pyramid to reach your desired goal.

Level 3: T2 Weapon & Support

Level-3 Pyramid Skill Plan

Pyramid Level-3 - T2 Weapon & Support (T2 Turrets & Gunnery) - cost 0 ISK; 22.5 Days for Omega

Alpha clone friendly This skill plan is available to all pilots, regardless of clone state.

This contains the final skills needed for Tech 2 turrets, together with gunnery and related support skills

  • EVE University Corporate Skill Plan Name: EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L3 - Turret Support
  • Corporate Skill Plan link: <url=skillPlan:62e65f1a-60ea-42ce-9637-35451e5381f6:917701062>EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L3 - Turret Support</url>

T2 Turrets & Gunnery

Pyramid Skill Plan Level-3 / T2 Turrets & Gunnery Focus
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

After completing the turret support skill plan, a pilot should complete at least one Turret Specialization, where "Weapon Turret" and "Weapon Turret Specialization" are from the list below. The in-game Turret Specialization Corporation Skill Plans are separate from the Level 3 Turret Support plan, and combine the Small and Medium sized turrets of each type - a pilot need only complete one size weapon from one of the plans - including both Specialization skills of that turret type and size - to consider the Level 3 T2 Weapon & Support plan complete (though completing additional weapons is of course possible).

  • Hybrid Turrets
    • Small Hybrid Turret
      • Small Blaster Specialization
      • Small Railgun Specialization
    • Medium Hybrid Turret
      • Medium Blaster Specialization
      • Medium Railgun Specialization
  • EVE University Corporate Skill Plan Name: EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L3a - Hybrid Turrets
  • Corporate Skill Plan link: <url=skillPlan:a54ee36d-5d04-4e0b-b9d4-abfa6b6bf5a2:917701062>EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L3a - Hybrid Turrets</url>

  • Energy Turrets
    • Small Energy Turret
      • Small Pulse Laser Specialization
      • Small Beam Laser Specialization
    • Medium Energy Turret
      • Medium Pulse Laser Specialization
      • Medium Beam Laser Specialization
  • EVE University Corporate Skill Plan Name: EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L3a - Energy Turrets
  • Corporate Skill Plan link: <url=skillPlan:d8e0cbfa-3e7d-4ce2-9725-0ecd25ee737d:917701062>EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L3a - Energy Turrets</url>

  • Projectile Turrets
    • Small Projectile Turret
      • Small Autocannon Specialization
      • Small Artillery Specialization
    • Medium Projectile Turret
      • Medium Autocannon Specialization
      • Medium Artillery Specialization
  • EVE University Corporate Skill Plan Name: EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L3a -Projectile Turret
  • Corporate Skill Plan link: <url=skillPlan:eadc43eb-7cde-47b6-93d5-9d4ee9493bd5:917701062>EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L3a -Projectile Turret</url>

Pyramid Level-3 - T2 Weapon & Support (T2 Launchers & Missiles) - cost 0-3.9M ISK; 12 Days for Omega

Alpha clone friendly This skill plan is available to all pilots, regardless of clone state.

This contains the final skills needed for Tech 2 launchers and missiles and related support skills

  • EVE University Corporate Skill Plan Name: EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L3 - Missile Support
  • Corporate Skill Plan link: <url=skillPlan:efab7bf9-8e76-4aae-9164-971818974644:917701062>EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L3 - Missile Support</url>

T2 Launchers & Missiles

Pyramid Skill Plan Level-3 / T2 Launchers & Missiles Focus
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

After completing the missile support skill plan, a pilot should complete at least one Launcher Specialization, where "Weapon Launcher" and "Weapon Launcher Specialization" are from the list below. The in-game Launcher Specialization Corporation Skill Plans are separate from the Level 3 Missile Support plan, and combine the Small and Medium sized launchers of each type - a pilot need only complete one size weapon from one of the plans, to consider the Level 3 T2 Weapon & Support plan complete (though completing additional weapons is of course possible).

  • Short Range Missiles
    • Rockets
      • Rocket Specialization
    • Heavy Assault Missiles
      • Heavy Assault Missile Specialization
  • EVE University Corporate Skill Plan Name: EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L3a - SR Missiles
  • Corporate Skill Plan link: <url=skillPlan:2e740b67-3f0a-47fa-a1f7-0c14b0880515:917701062>EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L3a - SR Missiles</url>

  • Long Range Missiles
    • Light Missiles
      • Light Missile Specialization
    • Heavy Missiles
      • Heavy Missile Specialization
  • EVE University Corporate Skill Plan Name: EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L3a - LR Missiles
  • Corporate Skill Plan link: <url=skillPlan:d76bd923-b3af-46a4-88d2-7c4ccc7270d3:917701062>EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L3a - LR Missiles</url>

Pyramid Level-3 - T2 Weapon & Support (T2 Drones) - cost 52M ISK; 43 Days for Omega

Alpha clone friendly This skill plan is available to all pilots, regardless of clone state.

This contains the final skills needed for Tech 2 drones and related support skills

  • EVE University Corporate Skill Plan Name: EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L3 - T2 Drones
  • Corporate Skill Plan link: <url=skillPlan:5b8b6308-ae4b-4bf1-80e4-b619e53a0e90:917701062>EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L3 - T2 Drones</url>

T2 Drones

Pyramid Skill Plan Level-3 / T2 Drones Focus
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Given the higher price of empire-specific drone specialization skills, newer pilots may want to select one or two skills to start, based on the Tech 2 drone types they plan to use most frequently.

Omega pilots may also wish to train Medium Drone Operation V and Heavy Drone Operation V (not available on alpha accounts) to unlock Tier 2 medium and heavy drones respectively.

Pyramid Level-3 - T2 Weapon & Support (T2 Command Bursts) - cost 1M ISK; 49 Days for Omega

Omega clone restriction This skill plan is restricted to pilots in the Omega clone state.

This contains the final skills needed for Tech 2 command burst support skills

  • EVE University Corporate Skill Plan Name: EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L3 - T2 Command Bursts
  • Corporate Skill Plan link: <url=skillPlan:d7cc1480-b7cf-43ee-9eb4-72e8ae3f724c:917701062>EUni - Pyramid Skill Plan - L3 - T2 Command Bursts</url>

T2 Command Bursts

Pyramid Skill Plan Level-3 / T2 Command Bursts Focus
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

If you've made it this far in the Pyramid, give yourself a pat on the back! You now have formidable skills that can be utilized in a variety of fleet types. You can make use of T2 modules and equipment effectively on T1 hulls. At this point, you'll want to consider stepping into T2 hulls and specializations to maximize the impact of those skills. T2 hulls provide unique bonuses that can exponentially multiply your skills making you a much more valuable fleet member. The diversity represented in Level 4 is vast. Use the same focus and attention to detail you used to get this far as you consider what to focus on in Level 4. Complete all of a chosen focus before either returning to a lower Pyramid level, or selecting another area for specialization. You should have a good enough understanding at this point to make these choices on your own, although skill plans and training are always great subjects for live discussion on Mumble or Discord!

Level 4: T2 Ships and Specialization

Omega clone restriction This level of specialization is restricted to pilots in the Omega clone state.

Pyramid Level-4 - T2 Ships & Specialization - cost ??? ISK; ?? Days for Omega

Level-4 Pyramid Skill Plan

No Skill Plan is provided for this level of the pyramid, as this is where massive divergences between characters occur, and serious investments of training time begin to kick in. Instead, we simply indicate some potential "goal" ship types.

T2 Ships & Specialization

Assault Frigate
Covert Ops
Stealth Bomber
Electronic Attack Ship
Logistics Frigate

Command Destroyer
Tactical Destroyer

Heavy Assault Cruiser
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
Recon Ship
Logistics Cruiser
Strategic Cruiser


Command Ship