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(Amended the page to display the most recent information about the 5th can (some from our wonderful community, and some from a forum post in 2023), and cleaned some of the wording up a little. Also removed the update header :))
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[[File:GhostSite1b.jpg|thumb|right|400px|A Ghost Site in space]]
{{Exploration links}}
Ghost Sites are pirate facilities which can be hacked (like data and relic sites), but which have unique mechanics which set them apart. They were introduced in the [[Rubicon]] expansion.  
{{hatnote|This site is about the hacking site. See [[Besieged Covert Research Facility]] for info on the combat site}}
[[File:GhostSite1b.jpg|thumb|400px|A Ghost Site in space]]
'''Ghost Sites''' are pirate facilities which can be [[Hacking|hacked]] (like [[data site]]s), but which have unique mechanics which set them apart.
== Finding a Ghost Site ==
== Finding a Ghost Site ==
Ghost Sites can be found using the system scanner, without needing to [[Scanning & Probing|use probes]]. They shows up as cosmic anomalies (type: combat sites), and occur in all categories of space (hi-sec, low-sec, null-sec and wormhole). They show up in the anomaly list as "<size> <faction> Covert Research Facility". The <size> is solely dependent on the [[security status]] of the system:
[[File:GhostSite2.jpg|thumb|400px|A Lesser Ghost Site]]
Ghost Sites can be found using the probe scanner, [[Probe scanning|using probes]]. They show up as [[cosmic signatures]] (type: Data sites), and occur in all [[System security|categories of space]] (hi-sec, low-sec, null-sec and wormhole). They show up in the anomaly list as "{{co|wheat|<size> <faction> Covert Research Facility}}". The {{co|wheat|<size>}} is solely dependent on the security rating of the system:
* "Lesser" in high-sec
* "Lesser" in high-sec
* "Standard" in low-sec
* "Standard" in low-sec
Line 9: Line 13:
* "Superior" in wormholes
* "Superior" in wormholes
When a Ghost Site is entered a pop-up message shows up that warns the capsuleer that the site is dangerous. Note that there is an occasional bug with the scanner window which may cause anomalies (including Ghost Sites) to not show up. Uncheck and recheck the "show anomalies" checkbox to make sure you don't miss any.  
Note: The "Besieged Covert Research Facility" and "Contested Covert Research Facility" are not Ghost Sites. They are Combat sites with NPC battleships. Do not warp your hacking ship into a "Besieged" or "Contested" site.
As expected, more difficult Ghost Sites are more difficult to hack, have more rats appear - but have better loot. All have the same number of hackable containers (often called "cans") though.
When you enter warp to a Ghost Site, a pop-up message appears that warns the capsuleer that the site is dangerous.
== Getting loot ==
When you enter the site a two to three minute timer is started '''<span style="color:red">(unless you warp in cloaked)</span>'''. The time is random and not shown, but it seems that the more ships are in the site at once, the longer the timer (in practice, if running a site solo, you will generally have enough time to hack and loot 2 cans before the timer expires).
Since time is of the essence, it is not generally recommended to scan the containers with a cargo scanner due to the limited time that is available before the rats warp in and make the cans (i.e. containers) explode, however if you're fast and have not fitted warp core stabilizers to your ship, you can.
== Getting Loot ==
The stashes are opened by the hacking mini game known from [[data site]]s; once the hack is complete, you can loot the cans directly. The cans are normally in a square, equal distance from each other, with one having better loot than the rest. It has not been determined if the uniquely named can has the best loot.
When you enter the site a timer is started (unless you warp in cloaked). The time is random and not shown, but it seems that the more ships are in the site at once, the longer the timer (in practice, if running a site solo, you will generally have enough time to hack and loot 2 cans before the timer expires). It is NOT a good idea to scan the containers with a cargo scanner first precisely because of the limited time that is available before the cans explode. The stashes are opened by the hacking mini game known from [[Hacking 101|data and relic sites]] - however, unlike data and relic sites, once the hack is complete, you can loot the structure directly instead of having to scoop up cans. The cans are normally in a square, equal distance from each other, with one having better loot than the rest. (There are reports of the can having the best loot is named differently than the rest) The hacking difficulty is comparable to the difficulty of hacking a data or relic site in a system with the same security status. If you fail your hacking attempt, either all the containers in the site will explode immediately or just the container you were working on will explode(see also below), unlike with normal data or relic sites. If just the single can explodes rather than all of them, you can continue hacking but the hidden timer is still running.
All sites contain Shattered Villard Wheels, and Covert Research Tools. Shattered Villard Wheels are the new material required to build all of the ‘Ascendancy’ implant set
The hacking difficulty is comparable to the difficulty of hacking a data or relic site in a system with the same security status. If you fail your hacking attempt, either all the containers in the site will explode immediately or just the container you were working on will explode (see also [[#Explosions|below]]), unlike with normal data sites. If just the single can explodes rather than all of them, you can continue hacking but the hidden timer is still running. Unlike regular data sites, when these cans explode, they do damage to your ship.
Hi-Sec Loot :
The site timer varies considerably; from around 30 seconds to a few minutes. It is random.
Low-grade Ascendancy Alpha Blueprint Copy
All sites may contain Covert Research Tools. Hi-Sec and Low-Sec usually contain Shattered Villard Wheels, which are a required component to build the ‘Ascendancy’ implant set. Null-sec and Wormholes may contain materials needed to build Capital sized modules.
Low-grade Ascendancy Beta Blueprint Copy
'''Other possible Hi-Sec Loot:'''
* Mid-grade Ascendancy Alpha Blueprint Copy
* Mid-grade Ascendancy Beta Blueprint Copy
* Mid-grade Ascendancy Delta Blueprint Copy
* Mid-grade Ascendancy Epsilon Blueprint Copy
* Mid-grade Ascendancy Gamma Blueprint Copy
Low-grade Ascendancy Delta Blueprint Copy
'''Other possible Low-Sec Loot:'''
* ‘Wetu’ Mobile Depot Blueprint Copy
* 'Packrat' Mobile Tractor Unit Blueprint Copy
* High-grade Ascendancy Alpha Blueprint Copy
* High-grade Ascendancy Beta Blueprint Copy
* Mid-grade Ascendancy Delta Blueprint Copy
* Mid-grade Ascendancy Epsilon Blueprint Copy
* Mid-grade Ascendancy Gamma Blueprint Copy
* Mid-grade Ascendancy Omega Blueprint Copy
Low-grade Ascendancy Epsilon Blueprint Copy
'''Other possible Null-Sec Loot:'''
* ‘Wetu’ Mobile Depot Blueprint Copy
* ‘Yurt’ Mobile Depot Blueprint Copy
* 'Magpie' Mobile Tractor Unit Blueprint
* High-grade Ascendancy Alpha Blueprint Copy
* High-grade Ascendancy Beta Blueprint Copy
* Mid-grade Ascendancy Omega Blueprint Copy
* High-grade Ascendancy Delta Blueprint Copy
* High-grade Ascendancy Epsilon Blueprint Copy
* High-grade Ascendancy Gamma Blueprint Copy
Low-grade Ascendancy Gamma Blueprint Copy
'''Other possible Wormhole Loot:'''
* 'Magpie' Mobile Tractor Unit
* ‘Wetu’ Mobile Depot Blueprint Copy
* ‘Yurt’ Mobile Depot Blueprint Copy
* High-grade Ascendancy Delta Blueprint Copy
* High-grade Ascendancy Epsilon Blueprint Copy
* High-grade Ascendancy Gamma Blueprint Copy
* High-grade Ascendancy Omega Blueprint Copy
Source: CCP Affinity
Low-Sec Loot:
{{Note box
|In each high/low security site there is now a 5th container placed above and to the center of the 4 original ones, directly above the warp-in point. In lowsec it consistently drops 1x Electro-Neural Signaller and nothing else. In high-sec it is always empty. Furthermore, it does not get destroyed by rats and will remain after they leave. This makes it a viable and lucrative strategy, if exploring in a frigate, to drop a bookmark on the 5th container, hack 1 or 2 of the other cans and then move at least 40km away. Wait until the the rats leave, and then come back and hack the top can.
|width= 90%
|italics= no}}
Low-grade Ascendancy Delta Blueprint Copy
== Rats ==
[[File:GhostSite3.jpg|thumb|400px|A Ghost Site just as rats jump in]]
Low-grade Ascendancy Epsilon Blueprint Copy
After the timer expires (irrespective of how many containers you have hacked), rats (based on the local pirate population) will show up to destroy the cans and defend the site. Thirty seconds after the they warp in, the rats will instantly detonate every canister in the site, even those which have already been successfully hacked.
Low-grade Ascendancy Gamma Blueprint Copy
These rats have no bounties, nor any known drops, but they do a considerable amount of damage (based on the system's security status) that can reach 2000+ raw damage. Most of them do not use warp disruptors, although there is one type of each rat that will warp-disrupt you (confirmed in high sec, null sec & wormhole). As there is usually one of those warp-disrupting rats in any site, you're generally stuck there for the duration.
‘Wetu’ Mobile Depot Blueprint Copy
The rats' warp disruption range is 24 km. They do not aggress players if the player ship is more than 30 km away.
Ascendancy Alpha Blueprint Copy
{| style="background-color: #350000; border: 1px solid #333333; padding: 0;"
| style="padding: 0;" | [[File:Icon_warning.png|56px|link=]]
| style="padding: 8px;" | '''WARNING:''' DO NOT underestimate the damage from the NPCs.  In high-tier sites they can shred even a well-tanked ship.
Ascendancy Beta Blueprint Copy
These rats do warp out after some time, so they're generally not worth killing. If you don't warp off before you're warp-disrupted, your best hope is to be able to tank their damage (and the explosive damage from the cans).
Low-grade Ascendancy Omega Blueprint Copy
The rats equipped with warp disruptors vary from faction to faction.
* Serpentis, Sansha's Nation, Guristas and Blood Raiders - '''Sentry''' warp disrupts
* Angel Cartel - '''Watcher''' warp disrupts
Null Sec Loot:
== Explosions ==
[[File:GhostSite4.jpg|thumb|400px|Rats taking out containers]]
‘Wetu’ Mobile Depot Blueprint Copy
All the containers in the Ghost Site will explode if:
* The hidden timer (see [[#Getting loot|above]]) runs out, or
* You fail in a hacking attempt. (It has been known for only one of the containers to explode if failed. In cases like this you may continue hacking, but the hidden timer is still running.)
Ascendancy Alpha Blueprint Copy
If you fail in a hacking attempt, and all of the containers explode, no rats will show up, but you will take damage from the explosion.
Ascendancy Beta Blueprint Copy
If the timer runs out, the rats will appear and shoot the containers, which causes them to explode. In this case the explosion may be delayed for some reason, up to 30 seconds, which can allow you to warp out before it blows, assuming you are not warp scrambled.
Low-grade Ascendancy Omega Blueprint Copy
If you can tank the explosive damage, you can use those extra seconds to continue hacking/looting a can. After the explosion the rats might hang around for another 30 seconds and shoot at you before warping out. But they will warp out when it's their time to do so, even if you're still at the site, and alive.
‘Yurt’ Mobile Depot Blueprint Copy
This explosion damage varies: raw explosive damage appears to be based on your ship's current distance to the containers.
* Superior Ghost site (wormholes): 12,000 damage
* Improved Ghost site (nullsec): 10,000 damage
* Standard Ghost site (lowsec): 8,000 damage
* Lesser Ghost site (highsec): 6,000 damage
Ascendancy Delta Blueprint Copy
It also appears that the explosion radius is about 10 km.
Ascendancy Epsilon Blueprint Copy
== Ship fitting ==
A ship for running Ghost Sites should perform several roles:
* Hacking the containers (so at least a hacking module, and preferably a bonus to the hacking minigame)
* Quickly flying from one container to another (to be able to hack as many containers as possible before the timer runs out)
* Tank the explosion and the rats
Ascendancy Gamma Blueprint Copy
=== Recommended ships ===
* Armor-tanked T1 cruisers (e.g. a [[Vexor]] or a [[Maller]])
* [[Gnosis]] battlecruiser
* [[Stratios]]
* [[Strategic Cruisers|Strategic (T3) Cruiser]]
'''Not a regular cloaky frigate!'''
Wormhole Loot:
=== Mid slots ===
In order to hack the containers as quickly as possible, the following mid-slot modules are needed:
‘Wetu’ Mobile Depot Blueprint Copy
* Microwarpdrive (to fly as quickly as possible between containers).
* Data Analyzer (to hack the site). Sites are data only, without relics. It's always better to use the T2 version, if you can fit one, especially for ships without a bonus to the hacking minigame (T1 cruisers or certain T3 configurations).
* Cargo Scanner (to determine which can/cans are worth hacking).
** Some pilots always cargo scan and cherry-pick.
** Others feel that because of the limited time before rats arrive, that it's not worth cargo scanning if you are using warp core stabilizers or anything that causes your targeting to take longer, as you do not want to waste precious time cherry-picking.
** One option is to cargo scan other cans while hacking the first one, to choose the best can do to next.
‘Yurt’ Mobile Depot Blueprint Copy
=== Tank ===
Armor-tanked ships are recommended over shield-tanked ships, as when the three mid-slot items listed above are installed, there is generally little room left to fit a good shield tank in the midslots. Only ships with many mid slots can mount the necessary shield tank. The [[Stratios]] or a Strategic Cruiser can be excellent for running Ghost Sites, but these ships are very expensive and make for juicy targets. The [[Gnosis]] is a good choice, as it is not that expensive, and has lots of slots for required modules and tank.
Ascendancy Delta Blueprint Copy
T1 exploration frigates or covert ops frigates are ''not'' recommended for running Ghost Sites, as while these ships are fast and make for excellent hackers, they tend to be too fragile to survive the explosion and/or the rats in Ghost Sites.
Ascendancy Epsilon Blueprint Copy
This will work for all areas of hi sec space regardless of pirate faction!
Ascendancy Gamma Blueprint Copy
The recommended fitting is as follows:
Ascendancy Omega Blueprint Copy
* 1x 1600mm Armor Plate
* 1x Medium Armor Repairer
* 2x Multispectrum Energized Membranes
* 1x Explosive Armor Reinforcer I
Source: CCP Affinity
Less might do, but with this you will survive! While not critical, a Damage Control is always a good idea.
It might seem counter-intuitive to fit both a plate and a repairer, but remember that without decent buffer, the explosion might hurt you, while the repairer will keep you alive when the rats start shooting you. You might be fine with just the plate or the repairer in highsec, but when you move on to other parts of space, both will be needed (unless you have logistics). Having the repairer is also a cheap way to fix armor damage.
It is worth remembering that the explosion of the cans is ALWAYS explosive damage, but the rats will [[NPC damage types|deal damage according to their faction]], so tank accordingly.
* Guristas - Kinetic / Thermal
* Serpentis - Kinetic / Thermal
* Blood Raider - EM / Thermal
* Sansha's Nation - EM / Thermal
* Angel Cartel - Explosive / Kinetic
Note; You can comfortably tank the rats in a hi-sec Angel Cartel Ghost site with just a damage control and two explosive shield hardeners on a [[Gnosis]]. This leaves room for overdrive injectors/I-stabs in the lows and a cargo scanner, data analyzer, sensor booster, and MWD in the mids.
== Rats ==
== The Egg Thief Tactic ==
After the timer expires (irrespective of how many containers you have hacked), rats (based on the local pirate population) will show up to destroy the cans and defend the site. These rats have no bounties, nor any known drops, but they do a considerable amount of damage (based on the system's security status) that can reach 2000+ raw damage, and they may use warp scramblers (confirmed in null sec).
An alternative tactic is to Blitz the ghost site.
== Explosion ==  
=== Egg Thief fitting ===
All the containers in the Ghost Site will explode if:
Any [[corvette]]. Fit it with
* The hidden timer (see above) runs out, or
* a data analyzer
* You fail in a hacking attempt. (It has been known for only one of the containers to explode if failed. In cases like this you may continue hacking however the hidden timer is still running)
* a Micro Warp Drive (MWD)
If you fail in a hacking attempt, and all of the containers explode, no rats will show up, but you will take damage from the explosion.
An improved version uses a T1 exploration frigate (the hull bonus to hacking makes it easier to successfully hack a can, particularly in the low- or null-sec variants) fitted with a data analyzer, a MWD and a cargo scanner.
If the timer runs out the rats will appear and shoot the containers, which causes them to explode. In this case the explosion may be delayed for some reason, up to 30 seconds, which can allow you to warp out before it blows, assuming you are not warp scrambled. After the explosion the rats might hang around for another 30 seconds and shoot at you before warping out.
=== How to do it ===
Keep one thing in mind. Like an angry crocodile, the NPCs will tear you apart on sight. Be fast.
This explosion damage seems to be around 4000&ndash;6000 raw explosive damage appears to be based on your ship's current distance to the containers. It also appears that the explosion radius is about 10km
When warping into the site, spot the oddly named can and approach it as fast as possible. Target all four containers, and use the cargo scanner on them all as you approach. Usually one of the cans will have significantly more loot; approach that one to hack range.
== Ship fitting ==
Hack the can, quickly but not recklessly (you don't want to fail the hack).
A ship for running Ghost Sites should fulfil several roles:
* Hacking the containers (so at least a hacking module, and preferably a bonus to the hacking minigame)
* Quickly flying from one container to another (to be able to hack as many containers as possible before the timer runs out)
* Tank the explosion and the rats
Recommended ships:
Once you have hacked it, loot and get out as fast as possible. If you fail the first hack, consider abandoning the site as time is ticking and the NPCs are angry.
* Armor-tanked T1 cruisers (e.g. a [[Vexor]] or a [[Maller]])
* [[Gnosis]] battlecruiser
* [[Stratios]]
* [[Strategic Cruisers|Strategic (T3) Cruiser]]
In order to hack the containers as quickly as possible, the following mid-slot modules are needed:
You will not succeed every time, but your loss will be quite small while the gain is high.
* Microwarpdrive (to fly as quickly as possible between containers)
* Data or Relic Analyzer, to hack the site. Either will work, so use the one you have the best skills for. For ships without a bonus to the hacking minigame (T1 cruisers or certain T3 configurations), it can be good to use T2 versions of these modules to make up the shortfall and increase your chances of completing the hacking minigame.  
* a Cargo Scanner is not recommended because of the limited engagement time. You do not want to waste precious time cherry-picking.
=== Other ships too ===
This tactic is viable with any of the other ships/fits described on this page too. Especially if you're worried about your tank; or worried about someone else warping in on you.
Armor-tanked ships are recommended over shield-tanked ships, as when the three mid-slot items listed above are installed, there is generally little room left to fit a good shield tank in the midslots. The Stratios or a Strategic Cruiser are excellent for running Ghost Sites, but these ships are very expensive and make for juicy targets during wartime. T1 exploration frigates or covert ops frigates are not recommended for running Ghost Sites, as while these ships are fast and make for excellent hackers, they tend to be too fragile to survive the explosion and/or the rats in Ghost Sites.  
Basically: warp in, hack one container (either the oddly-named one; or the best one from a cargo scan), loot it, and then warp out.
The tank:
Depending on your skills as well as confidence, you may have time to hack more than one container before the rats spawn. As a general rule, you will not be able to hack all of the containers, but if you're very lucky with the hacks you might be able to pull two or three hacks off.
This will work for all areas of hi sec space regardless of pirate faction!
The recommended fitting is as follows:
*1x 1600mm Armor Plate
One final thing to remember is that a single hacking failure costs you your corvette/ untanked T1 explorer. If you are about to fail a hack, eject all of your cargo into space and [[bookmark]] it. That way, your cargo will not be affected by the destruction of your ship. Return later to pick up the loot after the site despawns.
*1x Medium Armor Repairer
== Ghost Raider Gang ==
You need 4 x Stratioses fitted with proper tank as described above, and covert ops cloaks.
*2x Energizes Adaptive Membranes
With one of the gang in squad command, gang aligns to Ghost site making sure they're further than 2 km apart from each other and cloak up.
Squad warp the gang into the ghost site. Assess and assign each gang member to a can; they slowboat to their respective cans.
When each member is within 5 km (Data analyzer range), pause, decloak together and begin hacking. Leave before the rats appear.
*1x Anti-Explosive Armor Pump I
== See also ==
Ghost sites were introduced in the [[Rubicon]] expansion in late 2013. [https://forums-archive.eveonline.com/topic/449199 They were tweaked in December 2015].
Less might do but with this you will survive! While not critical a Damage Control is always a good idea.
* Dev blog introducing ghost sites: https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/ghastly-hotbed-of-spaceship-trauma
* Dev blog introducing the Contested and Besieged Covert Research Facilities: https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/sweeping-death-and-chaos
* 2015 "Data Site Improvements" forum thread: https://forums-archive.eveonline.com/topic/449199
It might seem counter intuitive to fit both a plate and a repairer, but remember that without decent buffer the explosion might hurt you and the repairer will keep you alive when the rats start shooting you. You might be fine with just the plate or the reparier in hi sec but when you move on to other parts of space both will be needed (unless you have logistics). Having the repairer is also a cheap way to fix armor damage.
* [[3P38 Sleeper Nexus|Great write-up]] about Ghost Sites (and Sleeper Caches)
It is worth remembering that the explosion of the cans is ALWAYS explsosive damage, but the rats will deal damage according to their faction! So tank accordingly!
[[Category:Data sites]]
*Guristas - Kinetic / Thermal
*Serpentis - Kinetic / Thermal
*Blood Raider - EM / Thermal
*Sansha's Nation - EM / Thermal
*Angel Cartel - Explosive / Kinetic

Latest revision as of 19:21, 13 March 2025

This site is about the hacking site. See Besieged Covert Research Facility for info on the combat site
A Ghost Site in space

Ghost Sites are pirate facilities which can be hacked (like data sites), but which have unique mechanics which set them apart.

Finding a Ghost Site

A Lesser Ghost Site

Ghost Sites can be found using the probe scanner, using probes. They show up as cosmic signatures (type: Data sites), and occur in all categories of space (hi-sec, low-sec, null-sec and wormhole). They show up in the anomaly list as "<size> <faction> Covert Research Facility". The <size> is solely dependent on the security rating of the system:

  • "Lesser" in high-sec
  • "Standard" in low-sec
  • "Improved" in null-sec
  • "Superior" in wormholes

Note: The "Besieged Covert Research Facility" and "Contested Covert Research Facility" are not Ghost Sites. They are Combat sites with NPC battleships. Do not warp your hacking ship into a "Besieged" or "Contested" site.

As expected, more difficult Ghost Sites are more difficult to hack, have more rats appear - but have better loot. All have the same number of hackable containers (often called "cans") though.

When you enter warp to a Ghost Site, a pop-up message appears that warns the capsuleer that the site is dangerous.

Getting loot

When you enter the site a two to three minute timer is started (unless you warp in cloaked). The time is random and not shown, but it seems that the more ships are in the site at once, the longer the timer (in practice, if running a site solo, you will generally have enough time to hack and loot 2 cans before the timer expires).

Since time is of the essence, it is not generally recommended to scan the containers with a cargo scanner due to the limited time that is available before the rats warp in and make the cans (i.e. containers) explode, however if you're fast and have not fitted warp core stabilizers to your ship, you can.

The stashes are opened by the hacking mini game known from data sites; once the hack is complete, you can loot the cans directly. The cans are normally in a square, equal distance from each other, with one having better loot than the rest. It has not been determined if the uniquely named can has the best loot.

The hacking difficulty is comparable to the difficulty of hacking a data or relic site in a system with the same security status. If you fail your hacking attempt, either all the containers in the site will explode immediately or just the container you were working on will explode (see also below), unlike with normal data sites. If just the single can explodes rather than all of them, you can continue hacking but the hidden timer is still running. Unlike regular data sites, when these cans explode, they do damage to your ship.

The site timer varies considerably; from around 30 seconds to a few minutes. It is random.

All sites may contain Covert Research Tools. Hi-Sec and Low-Sec usually contain Shattered Villard Wheels, which are a required component to build the ‘Ascendancy’ implant set. Null-sec and Wormholes may contain materials needed to build Capital sized modules.

Other possible Hi-Sec Loot:

  • Mid-grade Ascendancy Alpha Blueprint Copy
  • Mid-grade Ascendancy Beta Blueprint Copy
  • Mid-grade Ascendancy Delta Blueprint Copy
  • Mid-grade Ascendancy Epsilon Blueprint Copy
  • Mid-grade Ascendancy Gamma Blueprint Copy

Other possible Low-Sec Loot:

  • ‘Wetu’ Mobile Depot Blueprint Copy
  • 'Packrat' Mobile Tractor Unit Blueprint Copy
  • High-grade Ascendancy Alpha Blueprint Copy
  • High-grade Ascendancy Beta Blueprint Copy
  • Mid-grade Ascendancy Delta Blueprint Copy
  • Mid-grade Ascendancy Epsilon Blueprint Copy
  • Mid-grade Ascendancy Gamma Blueprint Copy
  • Mid-grade Ascendancy Omega Blueprint Copy

Other possible Null-Sec Loot:

  • ‘Wetu’ Mobile Depot Blueprint Copy
  • ‘Yurt’ Mobile Depot Blueprint Copy
  • 'Magpie' Mobile Tractor Unit Blueprint
  • High-grade Ascendancy Alpha Blueprint Copy
  • High-grade Ascendancy Beta Blueprint Copy
  • Mid-grade Ascendancy Omega Blueprint Copy
  • High-grade Ascendancy Delta Blueprint Copy
  • High-grade Ascendancy Epsilon Blueprint Copy
  • High-grade Ascendancy Gamma Blueprint Copy

Other possible Wormhole Loot:

  • 'Magpie' Mobile Tractor Unit
  • ‘Wetu’ Mobile Depot Blueprint Copy
  • ‘Yurt’ Mobile Depot Blueprint Copy
  • High-grade Ascendancy Delta Blueprint Copy
  • High-grade Ascendancy Epsilon Blueprint Copy
  • High-grade Ascendancy Gamma Blueprint Copy
  • High-grade Ascendancy Omega Blueprint Copy

Source: CCP Affinity

In each high/low security site there is now a 5th container placed above and to the center of the 4 original ones, directly above the warp-in point. In lowsec it consistently drops 1x Electro-Neural Signaller and nothing else. In high-sec it is always empty. Furthermore, it does not get destroyed by rats and will remain after they leave. This makes it a viable and lucrative strategy, if exploring in a frigate, to drop a bookmark on the 5th container, hack 1 or 2 of the other cans and then move at least 40km away. Wait until the the rats leave, and then come back and hack the top can.


A Ghost Site just as rats jump in

After the timer expires (irrespective of how many containers you have hacked), rats (based on the local pirate population) will show up to destroy the cans and defend the site. Thirty seconds after the they warp in, the rats will instantly detonate every canister in the site, even those which have already been successfully hacked.

These rats have no bounties, nor any known drops, but they do a considerable amount of damage (based on the system's security status) that can reach 2000+ raw damage. Most of them do not use warp disruptors, although there is one type of each rat that will warp-disrupt you (confirmed in high sec, null sec & wormhole). As there is usually one of those warp-disrupting rats in any site, you're generally stuck there for the duration.

The rats' warp disruption range is 24 km. They do not aggress players if the player ship is more than 30 km away.

Icon warning.png WARNING: DO NOT underestimate the damage from the NPCs. In high-tier sites they can shred even a well-tanked ship.

These rats do warp out after some time, so they're generally not worth killing. If you don't warp off before you're warp-disrupted, your best hope is to be able to tank their damage (and the explosive damage from the cans).

The rats equipped with warp disruptors vary from faction to faction.

  • Serpentis, Sansha's Nation, Guristas and Blood Raiders - Sentry warp disrupts
  • Angel Cartel - Watcher warp disrupts


Rats taking out containers

All the containers in the Ghost Site will explode if:

  • The hidden timer (see above) runs out, or
  • You fail in a hacking attempt. (It has been known for only one of the containers to explode if failed. In cases like this you may continue hacking, but the hidden timer is still running.)

If you fail in a hacking attempt, and all of the containers explode, no rats will show up, but you will take damage from the explosion.

If the timer runs out, the rats will appear and shoot the containers, which causes them to explode. In this case the explosion may be delayed for some reason, up to 30 seconds, which can allow you to warp out before it blows, assuming you are not warp scrambled.

If you can tank the explosive damage, you can use those extra seconds to continue hacking/looting a can. After the explosion the rats might hang around for another 30 seconds and shoot at you before warping out. But they will warp out when it's their time to do so, even if you're still at the site, and alive.

This explosion damage varies: raw explosive damage appears to be based on your ship's current distance to the containers.

  • Superior Ghost site (wormholes): 12,000 damage
  • Improved Ghost site (nullsec): 10,000 damage
  • Standard Ghost site (lowsec): 8,000 damage
  • Lesser Ghost site (highsec): 6,000 damage

It also appears that the explosion radius is about 10 km.

Ship fitting

A ship for running Ghost Sites should perform several roles:

  • Hacking the containers (so at least a hacking module, and preferably a bonus to the hacking minigame)
  • Quickly flying from one container to another (to be able to hack as many containers as possible before the timer runs out)
  • Tank the explosion and the rats

Recommended ships

Not a regular cloaky frigate!

Mid slots

In order to hack the containers as quickly as possible, the following mid-slot modules are needed:

  • Microwarpdrive (to fly as quickly as possible between containers).
  • Data Analyzer (to hack the site). Sites are data only, without relics. It's always better to use the T2 version, if you can fit one, especially for ships without a bonus to the hacking minigame (T1 cruisers or certain T3 configurations).
  • Cargo Scanner (to determine which can/cans are worth hacking).
    • Some pilots always cargo scan and cherry-pick.
    • Others feel that because of the limited time before rats arrive, that it's not worth cargo scanning if you are using warp core stabilizers or anything that causes your targeting to take longer, as you do not want to waste precious time cherry-picking.
    • One option is to cargo scan other cans while hacking the first one, to choose the best can do to next.


Armor-tanked ships are recommended over shield-tanked ships, as when the three mid-slot items listed above are installed, there is generally little room left to fit a good shield tank in the midslots. Only ships with many mid slots can mount the necessary shield tank. The Stratios or a Strategic Cruiser can be excellent for running Ghost Sites, but these ships are very expensive and make for juicy targets. The Gnosis is a good choice, as it is not that expensive, and has lots of slots for required modules and tank.

T1 exploration frigates or covert ops frigates are not recommended for running Ghost Sites, as while these ships are fast and make for excellent hackers, they tend to be too fragile to survive the explosion and/or the rats in Ghost Sites.

This will work for all areas of hi sec space regardless of pirate faction!

The recommended fitting is as follows:

  • 1x 1600mm Armor Plate
  • 1x Medium Armor Repairer
  • 2x Multispectrum Energized Membranes
  • 1x Explosive Armor Reinforcer I

Less might do, but with this you will survive! While not critical, a Damage Control is always a good idea.

It might seem counter-intuitive to fit both a plate and a repairer, but remember that without decent buffer, the explosion might hurt you, while the repairer will keep you alive when the rats start shooting you. You might be fine with just the plate or the repairer in highsec, but when you move on to other parts of space, both will be needed (unless you have logistics). Having the repairer is also a cheap way to fix armor damage.

It is worth remembering that the explosion of the cans is ALWAYS explosive damage, but the rats will deal damage according to their faction, so tank accordingly.

  • Guristas - Kinetic / Thermal
  • Serpentis - Kinetic / Thermal
  • Blood Raider - EM / Thermal
  • Sansha's Nation - EM / Thermal
  • Angel Cartel - Explosive / Kinetic

Note; You can comfortably tank the rats in a hi-sec Angel Cartel Ghost site with just a damage control and two explosive shield hardeners on a Gnosis. This leaves room for overdrive injectors/I-stabs in the lows and a cargo scanner, data analyzer, sensor booster, and MWD in the mids.

The Egg Thief Tactic

An alternative tactic is to Blitz the ghost site.

Egg Thief fitting

Any corvette. Fit it with

  • a data analyzer
  • a Micro Warp Drive (MWD)

An improved version uses a T1 exploration frigate (the hull bonus to hacking makes it easier to successfully hack a can, particularly in the low- or null-sec variants) fitted with a data analyzer, a MWD and a cargo scanner.

How to do it

Keep one thing in mind. Like an angry crocodile, the NPCs will tear you apart on sight. Be fast.

When warping into the site, spot the oddly named can and approach it as fast as possible. Target all four containers, and use the cargo scanner on them all as you approach. Usually one of the cans will have significantly more loot; approach that one to hack range.

Hack the can, quickly but not recklessly (you don't want to fail the hack).

Once you have hacked it, loot and get out as fast as possible. If you fail the first hack, consider abandoning the site as time is ticking and the NPCs are angry.

You will not succeed every time, but your loss will be quite small while the gain is high.

Other ships too

This tactic is viable with any of the other ships/fits described on this page too. Especially if you're worried about your tank; or worried about someone else warping in on you.

Basically: warp in, hack one container (either the oddly-named one; or the best one from a cargo scan), loot it, and then warp out.

Depending on your skills as well as confidence, you may have time to hack more than one container before the rats spawn. As a general rule, you will not be able to hack all of the containers, but if you're very lucky with the hacks you might be able to pull two or three hacks off.

One final thing to remember is that a single hacking failure costs you your corvette/ untanked T1 explorer. If you are about to fail a hack, eject all of your cargo into space and bookmark it. That way, your cargo will not be affected by the destruction of your ship. Return later to pick up the loot after the site despawns.

Ghost Raider Gang

You need 4 x Stratioses fitted with proper tank as described above, and covert ops cloaks.

With one of the gang in squad command, gang aligns to Ghost site making sure they're further than 2 km apart from each other and cloak up. Squad warp the gang into the ghost site. Assess and assign each gang member to a can; they slowboat to their respective cans. When each member is within 5 km (Data analyzer range), pause, decloak together and begin hacking. Leave before the rats appear.

See also

Ghost sites were introduced in the Rubicon expansion in late 2013. They were tweaked in December 2015.