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{{NPCTableCSS}}'''Songs of the Past''' is the second chapter of Minmatar epic arc [[Wildfire]].
'''Songs of the Past''' is the second chapter of Minmatar epic arc [[Wildfire]].
Mission 10 - Who Art in Heaven can be blitzed in a shuttle or something. Other than that all missions are best to be done in your combat ship.
Mission 10 - Who Art in Heaven can be blitzed in a shuttle or something. Other than that all missions are best to be done in your combat ship.

Revision as of 14:59, 16 October 2020

Songs of the Past is the second chapter of Minmatar epic arc Wildfire.

Mission 10 - Who Art in Heaven can be blitzed in a shuttle or something. Other than that all missions are best to be done in your combat ship.

Mission 8 - Dead End Intercept

Level 4
Type Security
Objective Intercept the counteragent. Retrieve 1x Singed Datapad (0.1 m3)
Faction Minmatar Republic
Best damage to deal Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Rewards 5M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Extra No Minmatar Standing loss
Mission briefing
Greetings <Character>, I'm Corporal Nilf Abruskur, I'm glad to have you working with us. Now, we have much to discuss and little time in which to discuss it, so if you don't mind I'll get straight to the point.

You conducted yourself with skill and cunning for Agent Takalo. Due to this, and due to the fact that you're already involved in this delicate matter we have decided to enlist your services, if you will provide them.

As you've no doubt learned by now, it appears we have an intelligence asset in the Ammatar Consulate, and their handler – our agent – has disappeared under mysterious circumstances as well. It is a messy situation at the moment, but I have little doubt that we'll clean it up one way or another.

Our Ammatar asset is the priority for now; if we can find her, we will be able to make sense of the Wildfire Khumaak you have discovered. The tribes have their best people working on those documents you recovered as well, trying to glean her identity from something in there, but even though we don't know her identity, they have shown us who one of her enemies is.

The data you have recovered has strongly supported existing evidence that we have an Ammatar counteragent in our midst, and now we have their name. We believe this person has gathered information that may compromise our own source in the Ammatar government. This traitor is currently residing at one of our residential quarters with his family, completely unaware that the world is about to come crashing down on him.

We've dissolved his ship's FTL link without his knowledge, and for the past twelve hours we've run a dead-end intercept on every transmission he's tried to make out of the area. We know he's about to make an escape with his family sometime soon.

Your task is to ensure that ship does not escape the area intact. Local agents will stand down, they know the score.

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RSS Residential Suites
This reconfigured station houses thousands of RSS agents along with their families, and serves as just one of many secure locations for employees to settle down. Often the line of work RSS agents undertake brings with it a risk for recriminations. In order to minimize the threat to their families and keep agent's minds on the job, the RSS often heavily subsidizes the accommodation at these residential suites. For them it is just another way to approach internal security; the cost of these subsidies pales in comparison to the amounts the Amarr would pay for just one good defector, and the damage done from a high-level leak would be significant for an entity that built itself on the security of information.

There is a counter agent in Republic Security Services. Intercept and destroy them.

Go to Fredagod one jump away, wait a moment for Lomar Vujik to appear and recover the Singed Datapad from their Cargo Container.


  • Lomar Vujik deals up to 500 DPS over 80 km and uses a Microwarpdrive to approach at 1000 m/s
  • Lomar Vujik's lowest resistance is 49% Explosive, and has similar tank to a standard NPC battleship

Wave 1 (50km)

Elite Battleship 1 x Elite Battleship Lomar Vujik Singed Datapad

Mission 9 - Surfacing

Level 4
Type Security
Objective Retrieve 1x Encrypted Transmission (0.1 m3)
Faction Mercenaries
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Warp disruption Mercenary Wingmen
Ship suggestion Battleship (sniper)
Rewards 7M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Mission briefing
We've had analysts from the Krusual and Thukker tribes going over the documents you recovered from our agent's private compound. They've made one more promising discovery so far which we want you to follow up.

They found a recent communication from our source inside the Ammatar Consulate. It seems she sent a package of information on the Wildfire Khumaak to the system of Jark for pickup not long ago. Our guess is that due to the sensitivity of the information and the amount of attention it's attracting, our asset in the Consulate could only get it to the border, not across. This could play in our favor though. Due to its location in the San Matar constellation – the heartlands of Ammatar space - there's a good chance our agent didn't make it out there yet. We have to be careful where our operatives are seen sometimes.

The drop-off location inside Jark is a complex known as Tili's Red Light Palace. Initial intelligence is that it's just another merc RRdive, nothing special. Once you have arrived to the area we'll forward the exact location of the cargo.

Speaking of which, I trust I needn't remind you how important those documents could be, or indeed, how sensitive. Proceed with caution, do not take any risks.

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Ungated semi-deadspace pocket 11 jumps away in Jark. All warps will land you at the same point, but you can warp around freely.

Blitz: loot the Encrypted Transmission from Tili's Brothel with a fast ship (or ping to it in your combat ship). Warp out and bring in a combat ship. Kill all Battleships.


  • Mercenary ships spawn at 25 km range several seconds after Encrypted Transmission is removed from Tili's Brothel
  • Mercenary Cruisers deal EM/TH while the Battleships deal KIN/TH
  • Mercenary Wingmen rarely use Warp Disruptors, but always Web
  • You will be traveling another 11 jumps back to Aldrat to complete the mission, but the remaining missions there can be blitzed in a frigate (with a Data Analyzer), so you might want to leave your combat ship near Jark, since you'll be coming back through there next.


Structures (40km)

Container 1 x Tili's Brothel Spawns Wave 1 after Encrypted Transmission is removed Encrypted Transmission

Wave 1

Frigate 2 x Frigate Mercenary Wingman Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Cruiser 4 x Cruiser Mercenary Commander
Battleship 5 x Battleship Mercenary Overlord Last one killed triggers wave 2

Wave 2

Frigate 2 x Frigate Mercenary Wingman Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Cruiser 5 x Cruiser Mercenary Commander
Battleship 4 x Battleship Mercenary Overlord Last one killed triggers wave 3

Wave 3

Drone 3 x Drone Spider Drone I Stasis Webifier
Frigate 5 x Frigate Mercenary Elite Fighter
Frigate 2 x Frigate Mercenary Wingman Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Battleship 4 x Battleship Mercenary Overlord Destroy to complete the Mission

Mission 10 - Who Art in Heaven

Level 4
Type Security
Objective Protect outpost
Faction Angel Cartel
Best damage to deal Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Warp disruption Elite frigates
Ship suggestion Fast ship
Rewards 5M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Extra 9M ISK in Bounties
Mission briefing
We've gone over the essential details from the information you recovered, <Character>, good work on getting this back to us. Here's the decoded message from our Ammatar source:

"All right, my sources have traced the origins of that Khumaak and we've been able to get a little bit of information, but we're still digging. There's remarkably little mention of this stuff anywhere in official records.

"It's called a Wildfire scepter. Apparently, the Wildfires were a particular kind of Khumaak-like scepter that existed only in certain conclaves of Starkman Prime in the years while the planet was under Amarrian occupation. The physical details all match up; the holes in the shaft, the blood obsidian sun center, the slightly smaller sun spirals. Only one other has been found, ever, and has since gone missing.

“According to its previous owner, the Wildfires were all destroyed some years before the Starkmanir rebellion in 22947, and it's not even known for what purpose they were initially created or why, indeed, they were destroyed. We'll have our sources keep investigating.

“Lastly, I've cleared you for entrance to the ruins of St Arzad. I've attached the relevant security access codes. I give you my word that the people there will provide their full cooperation and discretion. I'm told that one of the historians even has a text that mentions this Khumaak of yours.”

There is nothing to suggest that our own agent ever made it out to those ruins. He did not pick up the package you recovered, and he has still not returned to base. As our temporary representative, you will be standing in for him.

Your task is to travel to an orbital forward point for an archaeological dig being conducted on a nearby planet. There's a team of historians and archaeologists there, a couple of which are supposed to have texts that reference the Wildfire Scepters. Make your way over there and await further instructions. We'll get to the bottom of this mystery yet.

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Ungated semi-deadspace pocket one jump away from Aldrat. You can warp around freely.

Blitz: warp in at 100 km or create a bookmark, warp to outpost and warp out.


  • Add Large Collidable Structure/Object to your overview to see the Outpost
  • Group 2 will warp out when you are within 20 km of the Outpost
  • A cloaked ship can approach from the underside of the structure and complete the mission without losing cloak
  • Be careful as all ships auto-aggro

Initial defenders
Group 1 (20-40 km)
Elite Frigate 7 x Elite Frigate Arch Gistii Hunter/Impaler Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Elite Cruiser 4 x Elite Cruiser Arch Gistum Breaker/Defeater
Battleship 5 x Battleship Gist Cherubim/Seraphim/Throne
Group 2 (70-90 km)
Frigate 8 x Frigate Gistii Hunter/Impaler
Elite Frigate 3 x Elite Frigate Arch Gistii Hunter Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Battlecruiser 3 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Praefectus


Structure 1 x Archaeology Outpost Destroyed when approached Two types of ore, metal scraps and mining crystals
Mission Objective Completion Dialogue
The outpost is down. We've lost this battle…and the Cartel knows it. I've just received word from one of their commanders; the terms of agreement for an exchange. Forget the base; it's a lost cause now, just come back to me.

Mission 11 - Playing All Their Cards

Level 4
Type Security
Objective Hack and recover 1x Drive Cluster EDF-285 (0.1 m3)
Faction Angel Cartel
Best damage to deal Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Warp disruption Elite frigates
Ship suggestion Hacking Ship
Rewards 7M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Extra Requires a Data Analyzer; you will not be given a Data Analyzer
Mission briefing
We dropped the ball on this one <Character>, and those putrescent, motherless Angel freaks made sure to capitalize on it. Our only consolation is that it cost them, too. We've managed to root the Angel spy within our ranks – the one who tipped the Cartel off about your visit to the historians. They're in a world of trouble right now; you can trust me on that.

From our initial interrogation of this captured Angel agent, we have learned that just before the Cartel blew up the outpost, they managed to find and make away with the data we needed on the Wildfire Khumaak. The historian that was supposed to have a text for you relating to it was tortured into handing over his research and was then killed.

They're offering us a deal. We give them back their agent, and they give us the information we want. They tried to make a bid for the Wildfire, but there wasn't a chance in hell we going to entertain that idea, especially once we discovered who their agent was. We negotiated it down to the agent, but we have no intention of making a fair deal with them, simply because when it comes to the Angels, there is no such thing. They have no desire for the safe return of this traitorous scum; in fact if they could kill him right now to shut him up, they wouldn't hesitate.

In addition to providing us intel that the historical texts on the Khumaak have been taken, our captured agent has also revealed something else: it's location. His testimony and a good deal of other intelligence we're receiving is pointing to one of the Angels' main staging outposts in Metropolis.

The defense forces posted at this place are impressive, <Character>, beyond even your capabilities. We've come up with a plan to lure some out and reduce their numbers to something you'll be more easily able to manage. We forced subversion on our Angel prisoner, made him tell his superiors that we're sending a huge ambush fleet to the meeting point. This should goad them into bringing along a bigger reserve of manpower, most of which will be drawn from that base.

While we're having the meet, you sneak in, bypass the remaining resistance, and grab the texts that were taken. Underneath the central command center, we're told there will be several data banks. The documents we're looking for will be in one of these. You'll need to deactivate the security firewalls, which means some hacking. You're looking for a drive cluster called "EDF-285." Grab it and get the hell out of there before the Angels figure out the game.

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Ungated semi-deadspace pocket one jump away from Aldrat. You can warp around freely.

Blitz: warp in, hack the Drive Cluster Archives and warp out.


  • Data Analyzer is required to open the Drive Cluster Archives
  • Warp in is 20 km off the Drive Cluster Archives
  • Ships appear when you are 5 km from the Drive Cluster Archives
  • Tech II Data Analyzer has a 6 km which means ships will never spawn
  • Enemies spawn 100 km away, so you can hack a few timeout without fear of being killed

Defenders (100 km)

Elite Frigate 11 x Elite Frigate Arch Gistii Hijacker/... Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Destroyer 6 x Destroyer Gistor Seizor/Trasher
Elite Cruiser 4 x Elite Cruiser Arch Gistum Phalanx/...
Battleship 10 x Battleship Gist Cherubim/Seraphim/Throne


Hackable Structure 1 x Drive Cluster Archives Drive Cluster EDF-285
Mission Objective Completion Dialogue
They're stalling the negotiations. Our scouts and scanners are picking up no sign of the reinforcements they were going to bring. I'm getting the feeling we've been screwed again. Get the data and get out.

Mission 12 - History In The Making

Level 4
Type Security
Objective Report to Hiva Shesha in Tanoo
Rewards 7M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Mission briefing
Our historians have pored over the information found on the drive cluster EDF-285. There's a lot on there, but not all of it is pertinent to the Wildfire Khumaak. I've also been in contact with a Krusual historian who has spent some time researching the Khumaak. The historians cross-referenced each other's work and stumbled upon a lead. I guess those nerds are good for something, eh?

I'm sending you to Hiva Shesha, the Krusual historian. She's taken her poor interns with her to the San Matar constellation – right in the heart of Ammatar space. I don't know what she's discovered, but I'm sure it's important. Best you get over there and talk with her. Let us know what you've uncovered, and keep your eyes peeled for our missing agent. I have a feeling that he went to seek out his Ammatar contact. There's no telling what he's up to, either.

Anyway, good luck.

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Report to Hiva Shesha in Tanoo thirteen jumps away at the Krusual Mobile Library Beacon.


Previous Chapter: Chapter 1 - The Passage

Next Chapter: Chapter 3 - Revelation