Cloak trick

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The cloak trick is a maneuver that takes advantage of the secondary effects of cloaking devices to reach 75% of maximum velocity (and thus enter warp) more quickly than would normally be possible. This maneuver is primarily used to avoid being targeted after jumping through a gate by aligning whilst cloaked.

What is it?

This is a technique that enables pilots to align while cloaked after jumping through a gate. When done properly, this allows the pilot to almost instantly warp the second they break cloak. General information on cloaking can be found at the Cloaking page.

Modules required

You will need:

  • one Improved Cloaking Device II
  • one Microwarpdrive of the correct size for your ship. That is: 5MN for frigates and destroyers, 50MN for cruisers, battlecruisers and haulers, and 500MN for battleships
  • the shortcuts for these should be placed somewhere easily accessible, as you will need to hit them pretty quickly

You should not use:

  • a Prototype Cloaking Device - the speed penalty of 90% (compared to 75% for Improved Cloaking Device II) means you cannot reach the required speed to warp instantly uncloaking, so you will spend a few seconds uncloaked.
  • a smaller-sized microwarpdrive - doesn't give enough velocity bonus
  • an afterburner - for most ships, doesn't give enough velocity bonus. But there are many many exceptions. See "Can I use an Afterburner?" below.
  • an OREOrca - the Orca CAN do the cloak trick, but it requires overheating the 500MN MWD to provide enough velocity in combination with good skills. With perfect skills / fit / implants and a faction MWD, it's possible to to pull off cloak/warping in an Orca without overheating. See below)

Can I use an Afterburner?

For most ships, an afterburner doesn't give enough velocity bonus to be suitable for cloak/jumping, and using an oversized AB doesn't always work because it also increases mass, which will reduce acceleration.

However, this is not true for nimble ships, those with an align time under about 5.0 seconds. For these ships an afterburner is a fine option, and offers a few advantages. Before using an AB for cloak/jump, always test in your desired fit first before attempting in dangerous space.

The advantages are that you can achieve warp faster because of the shorter cycle time of the afterburner (as low as 7.5 seconds with Afterburners V). But this is a double-edged sword -- usually you don't want to train to Afterburners V because the shorter cycle time gives less time to achieve necessary speed. Usually Afterbuners IV is enough. Another advantage is that you can activate an afterburner before the cloak, because there is no signature radius bloom like with a MWD.

Using with Haulers

The "fast" Haulers (AmarrSigil, CaldariBadger, MinmatarWreathe, and GallenteNereus) and the MinmatarHoarder are able to easily fit 50MN MWDs and cloaking devices in addition to their tank and cargohold fittings. The OREPorpoise can also easily fit a MWD and Cloak, and with proper skills and fitting the nimble Porpoise can even cloak/warp with only an afterburner, decreasing the time to warp to by 2 seconds compared to a MWD.

The other high volume haulers ( AmarrBestower, CaldariTayra, GallenteKryos, GallenteEpithal, GallenteMiasmos, GallenteIteron Mark V and MinmatarMammoth) don't have the raw powergrid available to fit a 50MN MWD, and without extensive fitting for extra powergrid and higher skills, pilots may not be able to fit them at all. As such, don't count on being able to do the cloak trick with these ships without sacrificing cargo capacity (low slots will need powergrid modules, and even rig slots may be needed for enough powergrid) and lower engineering skills.

Warping with larger ships

Part of the requirement to make the microwarpdrive + cloak trick work is to have a size-appropriate microwarpdrive, 5MN for a frigate, 50MN for a cruiser, 500MN for a battleship etc. The OREOrca is considered by some to be a capital-class sized ship, but can only fit a 500MN microwarpdrive. This means MWD/Cloak jumping an Orca is harder, but by no means impossible. The Orca can still use the MWD trick by using ​ Overheating on a 500MN Microwarpdrive II in combination with good Navigation Skills (Spaceship Command V, Evasive Maneuvering V, Acceleration Control at least IV) and/or agility skill hardwiring implants (Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' Evasive Maneuvering and Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' Acceleration Control). Do not attempt to MWD/Cloak jump your Orca in dangerous space without testing it in safe space first.

For normal capital ships (carriers, dreadnoughts, force auxiliaries, supercarriers, titans and the ORERorqual) there are capital sized 50,000MN microwarpdrives, that can allow them to do the same microwarpdrive + cloak trick, although they have a cycle-time of 20 seconds (instead of the usual 10 seconds) and might require additional agility modules to ensure they get the speed up in time.

Some of the smaller capital ships, like carriers and dreadnoughts, can also use the undersized 500MN microwarpdrives to align in ~15 seconds by pulsing the microwarpdrive once then warp shortly after. While they are normally not agile enough to warp in 10 seconds flat, it's usually much faster than aligning normally or through the use of an appropriately sized 50,000MN microwarpdrive due to its cycle time of 20 seconds.

Freighters are unable to utilize the cloak trick due to not having any fitting slots, and thus cannot equip a cloak or MWD regardless.

See also